Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 363: One hundred and sixty-two anti-ge

  Chapter 363 One Hundred Sixty Two Anti-Ge

Song Heng saw that she was broken into a boat, and her aura was resolute, so he smiled: "Don't worry, old lady, it's not that serious." After that, he looked at Master Su San, and after a moment of silence, he said to Master Su San: "Master San, please borrow Talk one step at a time."

   Master Su San was a little surprised.

   He was actually a little scared of Song Heng. After all, Song Heng was famous for being fierce, and Song Heng's fierce look when he was facing Master Wei just now was really intimidating.

   But there is no way to do it now. He followed Song Heng a few steps to the edge of the bushes under the porch. He was thinking about what Song Heng was going to do when he heard Song Heng say, "Master Su San regrets it?"

  Master Su San suddenly raised his head and looked at Song Heng, his eyes flickering before he could speak.

  Song Heng smiled lightly: "Master Su San promised to play this scene and let Su An die, do you regret it?"

   After a moment of silence, Master Su San gritted his teeth and shook his head: "That beast, if you don't let him die, everyone in this family will die, there's nothing to regret."

   What he said was true, he could clearly see the posture of Lord Wei just now.

   As long as Su Mingqing's plan is implemented, the person who is being dragged away like a dead chicken by Jin Yiwei should be replaced by himself and the rest of the Su family.

  People always love themselves the most.

Song Heng clapped his hands, and when he saw Master Su San looking up, he said, "Then I ask Master Su San to keep this in mind in the future, Su An and Su Mingqing, they definitely didn't die in the hands of anyone in the Su family, they died in the Of their own greed, it’s just that their skills are not as good as others, and they are no different from others.”

A gust of wind blew, Master Su San raised his head and looked at Song Heng, his mind was full of thoughts for a while, he finally heard what Song Heng meant, Song Heng was repeatedly warning him not to complain after Su An's death Who.

   But who can he blame?

  Thinking like this, he looked at Su Yao, and suddenly his heart came to a realization.

   And before he could react, Song Heng had already strode up the steps and walked towards Su Yao and Mrs. Su.

  Standing in front of Su Yao, Song Henglue paused: "I still have things to do, I'll go first."

  Su invited to see Master Su San looking at him with a dazed expression, feeling a little strange in his heart, so he nodded slightly.

  The old lady Su supported Su Yao's hand and looked at Song Heng's back. After a while, she said softly, "Xu Rui's side."

   Can it go smoothly?

  If he can't catch a straight, Xu Rui can still get away with the Xu family's connections and Zhuang Wang.

   But how could they be willing to let this viper go?

  Su invites the corner of his mouth and pats old lady Su's hand to show comfort: "Don't worry, grandma, those who drown will always catch water, and he will be hooked."

The night was deep, and the liveliness of the alley near the Huangdaxian Temple had just begun. Many doors that were closed during the day were now moving. Xu Rui's face was hidden in the dark night, and his tone was cold: "Make sure you're right, people are here. head?"

He was followed by Pan Cheng, Xu Yonghong's former subordinate, who was usually a person who could not be moved easily. When he heard Xu Rui's opening, he cupped his hands and replied, "If you say Hui Shizi, you have followed all the way, you can't go wrong. After the accident came out, we followed here all the way."

  Xu Rui's face was gloomy and uncertain.

   Lai Weiqi, this bitch, almost ruined his good deeds.

Even if    kills him, this loss cannot be recovered.

   But even if he died, there would be no hidden dangers.

   He thought so, tapped his hand on the carriage, indicating that he knew it, then raised his eyebrows and said, "Do it cleanly and leave no traces."

   Pan Cheng, who was outside the carriage, agreed in a low voice.

   Xu Rui closed his eyes on the carriage.

   killed Lai Weiqi, and Mr. Wei found out the evidence. In the end, the case was still Su Jiatong, and the Su family killed Su Mingqing and Su An in order to cover up the crime.

   There is no way to escape this.

   It's just that without the words of Su Mingqing and Su An, the plans for the Song family will be slightly changed after that.

   But it shouldn't affect much

   He figured out, and carefully sorted out all the changes in his mind. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise outside the carriage. Before he could react, the carriage suddenly moved.

problem occurs!

   The hairs all over his body stood up and he almost felt creepy.

  Pan Cheng has always been prudent in his work. The carriage will definitely keep people here, but now, without his order, the carriage has moved!

Although he had not fully recovered, he had grown up on horseback in the end, and he reacted immediately, his back was firmly close to the wall of the car, one hand held the handle, the other hand opened the curtain, and then Aiming for the opportunity, he jumped out suddenly.

   And it was this time that the carriage had slipped to the alley. As soon as he jumped out of the carriage, the carriage fell over. The horse suddenly made a huge neighing noise, and then the carriage also landed heavily, with a huge movement.


   Xu Rui was startled, and subconsciously ducked back, but at this time, people poured out of the casinos, restaurants and dark prostitutes, and soon came out with lanterns to check the movement.

   Before he had time to hide, he was suddenly entangled and his arm was twisted.

   scolded the man in his heart, and Xu Rui's anger was aroused. Knowing that this was the culprit that caused the carriage to run out, he immediately grabbed the man's arm with his backhand and slammed it heavily.

   "Help!" The man suddenly shouted in a shrill voice that seemed to break through the sky.

  Xu Rui's movements froze suddenly, and the blood all over his body froze for a moment. He didn't need to rush forward to illuminate the lanterns. He also knew who the shouting was with a broken gong.

   Lai Weiqi!

  How dare he!

  How dare he!

  Xu Rui was furious at first, and then he had a thud in his heart, and quickly realized that it was not good, but in this instant, Lai Weiqi had turned his head and slowly smiled at Xu Rui.

   That smile was extremely ironic and full of malice.

  Xu Rui's heart sank straight down, seeing his crazy appearance, he just felt like falling into an ice cellar.

  People from outside rushed in to watch the fun, but they didn't have time to watch the fun, and someone had already shouted: "The official is here! The official is here!"

  Xu Rui turned his head and stared at Lai Weiqi fiercely: "You are courting death!"

Lai Weiqi fearlessly twitched the corners of his mouth, spread his hands and lay under Xu Rui's body and tutted, "It's as if I won't die if they don't come. Xu Shizi, don't you think it's better? Although I'm dead, I'm not at a loss, after all, I have a bunch of arrogant and expensive people to accompany you, don't you think?"

   (end of this chapter)

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