Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 565: One hundred and sixty-four · in vain

   Chapter 565 One hundred and sixty-four · In vain

Seeing his younger brother disappearing from the corner of the street, Lei Yun just straightened the official hat on his head, instructed the guards who followed the sedan, and then dropped the sedan directly at the door of his house, slowly got out of the sedan, and stood at the door. Towards the vicious Baihu, he said, "What did this official do, and which yamen did you follow, how dare you come to surround my mansion!"

In the end, the court has not yet issued a clear order to directly remove the official of the household servant. Zhao Baihu, the gatekeeper, was a little undecided. Immediately after, a group of people blew in from the outside like a wind and a cloud, and stopped in front of Lei's house.

   Followed closely, a group of Jinyiwei wearing flying fish suits turned over and dismounted, and stood at the entrance of Lei's house with embroidered spring knives, and surrounded Leiyun's sedan chair.

At this time, the newly appointed deputy commander of Jinyiwei, Mr. Chen Dongchen, was looking at the former Minister of the Ministry with a scrutiny, and the next prisoner, word by word, word by word: "Feng Sheng Shang. Orally, Lei Yun, the servant of the household department, hides forbidden objects in private, acts daringly, colluded with the inside and outside, deceived the top and the bottom, dismissed Lei Yun from the position of the servant of the Ministry of Household, inspected the Lei House, and responded to the Lei family members, all of them were imprisoned and awaited trial !"

   Zhao Baihu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Lei Yun, who was still in an official tone before: "Lord Lei, I have been ordered by the sage, but I can't be sorry."

  Thundercloud has a face like golden paper, and his eyes are dull.

  As an official for so many years, how could he not know the weight of these few words? Concealing forbidden objects, collusion inside and outside, these two charges seem to be vague, but anyone who sticks to the side of these two words will never end well, but now, he has taken it all at once!

   What is it for? !

   At this moment, Qi Yunxi also looked at Master Tong Er with ashen face, and asked incredulously: "" What is it for! ? Leiyun is a servant!

   That is not a cat or a dog, even in the capital where there are many kings and grandchildren like dogs, that is a person who deserves to be named! How come this is so? ! How could it be so! ?

   Even if he got a golden thread and jade garment from the Shen family, with the energy of the thunder cloud, even if it were to push down the Su family, it should be effortless. Why did things get to this point! ?

Qi Yunxi couldn't care about anything else, she stared at Master Tong Er: "Where is the crux of the matter? You actually learned the secret that Lei Yun said from Master Xu, then you should know where the crime was. Is it taboo?"

  Mr. Bai has been acting as an invisible man on the side, and he had to speak at this moment. He coughed: "Madam, don't panic!"

Master Tong Er continued to sneer: "Who told the Lei family to be too arrogant! Even if they are not banned, they shouldn't show it everywhere! Prince! Do you know what that is?! It is the golden thread jade garment given to the abolished emperor by the late emperor!"

  How long has the joke caused by such a thing caused a psychological shadow on this long live Lord today?

   Whoever gets this thing is best never to see the light of day.

Take it out, and it is the face of Emperor Yuanfeng who is smashing his bows from left to right, reminding Emperor Yuanfeng of his painful past, and then laughing at Emperor Yuanfeng - look, you can't find this thing anywhere, but my children and grandchildren But you can easily show it off, and you have to bribe your son.

  It's ridiculous! Absurd!

   Qi Yunxi couldn't get angry anymore, her eyes widened, she fell back in the armchair, and the whole room was silent for a while.

   Yes, she finally knew where the problem was and how serious it was.

   But the crux of the problem is not this, but another point--is all of this, is Leiyun really pointing his back and being too ostentatious, or is someone deliberately playing with this golden jade garment?

   If it is a game.

  Then the Shen family, the Lei family and even the fifth prince were all chess pieces in this person's hands, and in the end these arrangements trapped the dragon, Leiyun.

  Su invited her to really have this ability! ?

   The one who thought of going with him was Mr. Bai, the alchemist in white. At this time, he also looked at Qi Yunxi with a solemn expression: "It's not like a coincidence."

   Although it is unbelievable to say, all of this is indeed an impeccable chain for them, who are skilled in playing with political methods.

   Then, this is probably a game that Su invites to set up.

   Qi Yunxi sucked in a breath of cold air, and finally officially called out Su Yao's name again from between his teeth.

   Of course, this time the meaning is completely different.

  In the past, when she was Su Yao, she was a target of venting, with disdain and superiority in her dissatisfaction, but now, in her resentment, she brought an unconcealed shock and anxiety.

   Don't say anything else, the allusions to the golden thread and jade clothes, even Leiyun and her don't know, where did Su Yao know about it? And it was even designed to let this golden jade garment get into Leiyun's hands!

Master Tong Er didn't have the heart to watch her gnashing her teeth, and seeing that she was only swearing at Su Yao, he said impatiently: "Elder Xu Ge said that Leiyun is different from others, and the line we set up in the capital must be comprehensive. Withdrawal, and the replacement of the Minister of the Ministry, for us, the loss is heavy, if nothing else, it cost no less than hundreds of thousands of taels to get through the line of Leiyun."

   How big is the investment?

However, such an important position, but because of Qi Yunxi's selfishness, it would be ruthless to be aggressive with a little girl, not to mention Master Tong Er's anger, even Xu Da Shi, who has always been calm, is also angry. It's not light!

  Removing this line means that the business of the Weaving Department has been completely cut off--otherwise, the Ministry of Household will check your deficit, wouldn't it be accurate? !

   Qi Yunxi's eyes were black, and he was about to vomit blood.

On the other hand, Xu Chong was also very dissatisfied with Qi Yunxi, who had always been respected: "A woman's opinion! A woman's opinion! It is clear that all the strength should be put on the section of the emperor's eldest grandson. However, he insisted on creating a branch outside the festival, and now the incident of Leiyun has shocked the government and the public, distracting everyone's attention, and it has also caused the anger of the sage!"

   In comparison, the chaos that Hu Jianbang created is really not enough to watch.

After working so hard to plan for so long, if it is used properly, this will be an excellent point to attack Xiao Heng, and it can also use strength to fight. Everyone was dizzy, and no one was paying attention to what Hu Jianbang was doing. Everyone's attention was completely attracted by this incident.

   (end of this chapter)

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