Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 780: One hundred and seventy-nine news

   Chapter 780 One Hundred and Seventy Nine News

   When Su Yao mentioned the third master Cui, his tone was very disgusting, and Chen Dong turned his head to look at her strangely: "You seem to have identified the third master's identity?"

  Su Yao sneered.

  Even if you didn't know it before, you can know it now, who would be so deliberate to plot against Fourth Master Cui and prevent Cui Yuandao from going to Yunnan with him, but who else could be from the Cui family of Princess Fenyang?

   Seeing Su Yao's determination, Chen Dong asked with a dignified expression, "What does the county owner plan to do?"

   He sometimes called Su Yao girl Su, and sometimes called the county owner. There was no rule, and Su Yao didn't care about it, but after hearing Chen Dong's question, there was a cold smile in her eyes.

  Like an icy cheetah, she now sees the entangled Fenyang Palace including the Cui family, but only thinks that they are an eyesore.

The movement next door gradually subsided, and after a while, only the rustling sound of cleaning up was heard, she regained her senses, and said coldly: "For this kind of bug that keeps lying on you and sucking blood, naturally You have to pull it out and throw it on the ground and trample it to death, otherwise, you can only be prepared to be sucked for a lifetime."

   Chen Dong noticed that Su Yao seemed to be particularly tough this time, more impetuous than before. And this is actually not difficult to understand - Su Rong and the others are going to Yunnan now, and she was worried about them at first, and now Princess Fenyang has to choose to make trouble at this time, and she really hit the iron plate.

   In fact, he has the same mentality now. After thinking for a while, he said: "If the county owner needs my help, feel free to speak."

   She laughed: "Yes, of course I want your help. Send me a message to Li Shoude."

  The Li family is shrouded in a shadow. The Li family has been a generation of farmers, and it has finally reached the generation of Li Shoude. The ancestral graves are smoked, and they have become jinshi and become officials.

   Coupled with the fact that the children are getting married well, the Li family is no longer the same as it was back then.

But only Mrs. Li knows how difficult it is to be in this family. The imperial family is expensive, and although it is expensive, it is also poor. The reason why the family has been able to marry a daughter-in-law and do red and white affairs in recent years, and look at the scenery in face, is all because Daughter Li married Fourth Master Cui,

  Li has been the eldest sister since she was a child. She is very strong at home. Her younger brothers and sisters obey her discipline.

After getting married, Mrs. Li is also accustomed to controlling the overall situation. The house should be arranged as she likes. She likes to eat light meals, and there should be no seasonings in the meals. The fourth master was not her younger siblings, and the relationship between the two husbands and wives was very cold until they gave birth to Kuro.

   After Cui Jiulang was born, the relationship between their husband and wife finally eased for a while, but as they raised their children, the conflicts between them began to accumulate again.

Cui Jiulang was ill, and the Li family refused to listen to the doctor's words, and insisted on using the local recipes that he treated his younger brother and sister when he was a child to help him heal. Friends, I don't like Kuro giving things away. If Kuro is not obedient, her nagging will continue from morning to night.

   As time goes by, the relationship between husband and wife is not as good as that of strangers.

Li Shoude knows all these problems, including the fact that Li's family always takes out a large sum of money every time he goes back to his parents' home. He also understands that this is what Li's housekeeper picked from everywhere. Over the years, he has not noticed anything wrong, and he has become accustomed to his daughter's behavior. Subsidies, people in the world are changing from frugality to luxury, and from luxury to frugality is difficult. The inkstone he uses, the books he reads, and the cost of food and clothing at home are all money.

   That's why Mrs. Lee died, and their whole family was like a mourner.

What is the use of    Qinggui? You have to have money first, to be able to live first, and then to have the confidence to be noble.

  No one spoke at home, and everyone below knew that the master was in a bad mood, so he didn't move forward, and the silence in the yard was depressing for a while.

  Everyone was waiting for Mrs. Li to speak, and they all knew in their hearts that the only one who could get rid of it in the family was the mother.

  Father is not good, he is a scholar after all and needs face.

   Mrs. Li herself was in a state of disarray. It was not that she was not distressed by the death of her daughter, but then came the problem--how long could the family last without the hens that lay golden eggs? This is also the reason why she would bring people to the Cui family to make trouble.

In fact, my daughter wanted to reconcile with Fourth Master Cui for a long time. Fourth Master Cui did not understand style, and she had a discordant temperament with her daughter. The two quarreled all day long. As the handle, I plan to negotiate with the fourth master Cui and ask for a large sum of money from the fourth master Cui.

In the end, she was a girl who grew up in the country, and Li was not brought up like those real ladies. In her heart, it was not a shame to have a bad life and get married again. After all, life is still long. Half a lifetime and half a lifetime.

   But now everything is gone.

   Mrs. Li recalled this incident repeatedly in her heart, and she couldn't tell whether she was more saddened by her daughter's death or more regretful.

   A room was filled with gloomy clouds, and suddenly a servant girl ran in outside, and she stammered nervously and reported, "Master, ma'am, someone outside said she wanted to see you."

  Li Shoude was in a bad mood, and was about to say no, but the servant girl winked at Mrs. Li: "Madam, she said it was a friend of our aunt's old acquaintance."

   Lee's friend?

   Mrs. Li thought for a moment in her heart and broke the silence: "Then please come in."

   After she said that, she sent the children away: "Go back to rest first, everyone is tired after the trouble for so long, and the rest will be discussed tomorrow."

  What is the use of yamen trial alone? Even if Fourth Master Cui had to sacrifice his life for the Li family, what would happen? Li's family can't come back, and he also fell out with the Cui family. How will the family live in the future? Relying on Li Shoude's salary alone, everyone in the family had to drink the northwest wind.

Most of the people in the family are still uneasy, and want to ask what the regulations are, but Mrs. Li is the housekeeper at home, and she has always said that she is in such a bad mood now. The reprimands really didn't pay off, so they all dispersed.

   The remaining Li Shoude looked at Mrs. Li and sighed: "What should I do?"

   Mrs. Li was not in a good mood. Her husband was very good at reading, so many people in the county were only one of them, but he could only read.

   (end of this chapter)

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