Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 841: forty

   Chapter 841 Forty Chapters · Big Joy

When the court was arguing about whether to kill Shen Hai or recruit security, Bai Qiye, who was far away in Quanzhou, also received news. He was relieved and looked at Qin Feng from the tiredness and worry of the past few days. : "Is it all set up in the capital? There won't be any more accidents, right?"

   Nothing has been going well recently, so Bai Qiye is inevitably a little nervous about the situation.

Qin Feng also understood his godfather's concerns, and said hurriedly: "No one thought that Shen Hai would suddenly attack Zhangzhou this time. There were more than 3,000 people killed and injured in Zhangzhou and missing people. It is conceivable that the news spread. What an uproar should be caused by entering the capital. Originally everyone paid attention to Mrs. Chen, and this case would progress so quickly. Now that the news has spread to the capital, who would care about Mrs. Chen's life and death? Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mrs. Chen felt that the case was going on for a long time. There is no progress, and there are times when you can’t think about it for a while.”

   Killing someone has long been familiar to them without any sense of burden.

   If killing Mrs. Chen can solve the current predicament, there is no need for any hesitation in this decision.

   Bai Qiye thought the same way.

   He snorted, squinted his eyes, and asked Qin Feng, "Is there still no news over there, young master?"

   Young Master Xiao said that he was going out for fun, and he has not shown up for several days.

   Bai Qiye knew Master Xiao's temper, so he was clearly venting his dissatisfaction on purpose, but at this moment, when Master Xiao went out alone, he was really worried.

   Qin Feng nodded in embarrassment: "Godfather also knows that if the young master is determined to do something, how can the people under him stop him? Moreover, the young master deliberately forbids them to disclose news to us"

   It is even more impossible to find Master Xiao.

   Bai Qiye couldn't help but feel a little irritable, feeling that Young Master Xiao was too self-willed.

"Then go and ask to find out. If there is any news, you will report it immediately. You can't let the young master continue to mess around like this." Bai Qiye rubbed his eyebrows, and when he heard the knock on the door, he raised his eyebrows: "Come in. "

   Qin Chong hurried to the door and said softly, "Godfather, the skinny is back."

  Skinny, Deng Shoucheng, his confidant in the dog farm in the suburbs of Beijing.

   Bai Qiye immediately said: "Let him come in!"

   Qin Chong should be, and he brought Deng Shoucheng in shortly after.

   "Seventh Master!" As soon as he saw Bai Qiye, Deng Shoucheng flew to Bai Qiye, knelt down and kowtowed without any pause: "Seventh Master, I have seen you!"

  Although it is a bit exaggerated, but this head kowtow is sincere and sincere, Bai Qiye's complexion softened, and he let him get up with a hum: "Why are you back?"

Deng Shoucheng kowtowed again, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said to Bai Qiye, "Master Wang asked me to come back to avoid the limelight, Qiye, luckily we didn't humiliate our lives and gave them to the girls." He wiped his neck. action.

   Mrs. Chen is dead? !

   Bai Qiye stood up immediately, changed his calmness from before, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Really?!"

Let Lord Wang seize the opportunity to get rid of Mrs. Chen. Bai Qiye did instruct him, but he did not expect it to be so easy to achieve. After all, there is no fool in the capital. Mrs. Chen is so important. Naturally, she should be protected. That's right.

   Qin Feng and Qin Chong couldn't help but be overjoyed.

  If Mrs. Chen really died, the predicament in front of her would be solved, which is indeed the greatest good news.

Deng Shoucheng grinned proudly: "It's the real seventh master! That Mrs. Chen pretended to be arrogant and refused to go to the post house, so she rented a room by herself." He lowered his voice: "It's still near the Huangdaxian Temple. "

  The vicinity of the Huangdaxian Temple is the gathering place of the three religions and nine streams, and the people of Juhaizhuang are naturally there to follow and do things.

  Bai Qiye thought of Chen Chong's behavior, and felt that it was reasonable for Mrs. Chen to do such a thing.

"Scar and I have followed her for a few days. We were sure that no one was following her to protect her, so we took an opportunity and dragged her to the abandoned ancient well in the back mountain." Deng Shoucheng said with a beaming expression: " She is completely dead, don't worry, Seventh Master!"

   "Okay!" Bai Qiye took a deep look at Deng Shoucheng and immediately laughed loudly: "You are clever, I guess I'm not mistaken about you! Then it's over there in the capital."

"Master Wang said to let me come out to avoid the limelight, and Scar also ran away. I thought that he came to the dog farm halfway to work, and didn't dare to bring him to Quanzhou, so I found an excuse to let him go. He is home, and if you still need him, I know where to find him." Deng Shoucheng smiled and said, "Seventh Master, that mother-in-law is dead, we have nothing to be afraid of. Lord Wang said, Princess Wang I'm urging you to go back, saying that they have been looking for you for a long time."

   Bai Qiye snorted, noncommittal, just asked Qin Feng to take Deng Shoucheng down to rest.

   When Deng Shoucheng happily followed Qin Feng, Bai Qiye immediately asked Qin Chong: "Go to the post house and wait. If there is news from the capital, come and report it to me immediately."

   Qin Chong agreed immediately.

   Two days later, Bai Qiye was holding the letter from the capital, and he smiled complacently, and the suffocation in his heart finally dissipated.

The letter from Lord Wang revealed that Mrs. Chen is indeed dead, and the Ministry of Punishment is now without a bitter master, so naturally it can no longer investigate the root cause. Xu Fengqing also insisted that the boss of Juhaizhuang is the Huizhou merchant. The reason why he condone the kidnappers The girl sent it to Juhaizhuang because the Hui merchant gave him a huge sum of money.

   Bai Qiye slapped the letter on the table heavily and couldn't help laughing.

   Yes, he said that he had already managed up and down, and there should be no more mistakes. Now it seems that there are no more mistakes.


   He called Qin Feng and Qin Chong: "Pack up, let's go back to the capital."

   Qin Feng was a little surprised: "Godfather, don't you wait any longer?"

  Although it seems that this case will no longer be involved, but to be on the safe side, we should wait a little longer.

   Bai Qiye shook his head firmly, he couldn't wait.

   Young Master Xiao's attitude, the loss of more than a dozen merchant ships, these things told him that he couldn't wait any longer.

   Besides, there are still important things in the capital waiting for him to go back to deal with - Sir Yuan, he still needs to contact him.

   There are also transactions with several merchants in the Western Regions that have been negotiated before, and we also need to go back to discuss further.

   These things are imminent. If it didn't happen, these things should have been done long ago, and we can't delay it any longer.

   Seeing that he had already decided, Qin Feng and Qin Chong couldn't say anything else. They turned around and went back to pack their things. Bai Qiye specially sent someone to send a letter to Master Xiao's house.

   (end of this chapter)

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