Crying That Scum Attack

Vol 2 Chapter 140: You are just a stepping stone (13)

Raising his eyebrows, Liang Chen looked around, but no one around noticed that something was wrong with her.

She then turned her attention to the light curtain in front of her.

Do you want to know everything that happened in the past?

There was only a short sentence on the light curtain.

Liang Chen frowned, thinking to himself how could this thing suddenly say such a thing.

Was this watch always used as a monitor?

She narrowed her eyes.

She thought about it a lot for a moment, but this thing didn't seem to explain it. Only this sentence was there on the light curtain, occupying her line of sight.

"My choice?"

Is it so human?

The corner of Liang Chen's mouth inexplicably evoked an arc, a mocking arc. This thing is monitoring her thoughts, can she still believe that this thing is kind to help herself?

The taunts come and go quickly.

She is just a mortal, and there is nothing worth noting. If there is a plot, it is obviously impossible to be against her.

"My choice is... think!"

After blinking for a while, Liang Chen made a choice that made her very curious.

The light curtain retracted and nothing happened.

Liang Chen waited for a while and saw that nothing happened, then frowned and tapped the unreliable watch with his fingers. She knocked the watch twice, and the blue electric arc jumped on it, startling Liang Chen, and almost wanted to throw the thing that couldn't be taken off.

After being knocked twice by her, the thing seemed to suddenly return to normal, and then a beam of light shot out from it and sank between her eyebrows.

What kind of goods!

The last thought flashed through his mind, and Liang Chen fell into a unconscious coma for the second time.

Liang Chen suddenly fell into a coma, causing a lot of chaos in this small coffee shop, but was soon sent to the hospital again by the shop owner.


Scene after scene shot through her brain.

Different world, different faces.

Nothing is the same, only two names remain the same.

Liang Chen was dragged into his past memories and walked through those pasts again.

From the perspective of a bystander, walk through everything in the past once again.

When everything came to an end, Liang Chen stood in a dark place with a gloomy expression.

If she didn't know that Xie Qiuli was different, she would have a hole in her head.

In every world, she will meet a woman named Xie Qiuli and fall in love with her.

Xie Qiuli...

Thinking of the world he was in, Liang Chen's face gradually became ugly. What is the man behind the scene trying to do?

Without getting anything extra, she was kicked back to her body and woke up in a daze.

"woke up?"

With someone else pulling his hand, Liang Chen opened his eyes and saw someone standing beside him with a surprised look on his face.

"Is there any discomfort? Why did you suddenly faint?"

Liang Chen didn't answer her question immediately, but looked at her with a very complicated, somewhat unfamiliar look.

Xie Qiuli was stunned and asked carefully, "What's wrong with you? Why do you suddenly look at me like this?"

Liang Chen regained his senses, sat up, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's alright."

"Your expression doesn't look like you're okay at all." Xie Qiuli grabbed her hand and said, "Did something happen to you recently? Or did someone tell you something?"

Liang Chen watched as she grabbed his hand.

"Chen Chen?"


"If you have any questions, say it!" Xie Qiuli tightened his grip and said, "I didn't hide it from you, why are you hesitating?"

"I'm so tired, Miss Li."

Liang Chen lowered his eyes and said these words weakly.

Xie Qiuli was slightly taken aback when he heard her name.

Liang Chen lowered his head: "I want to go home."


Nothing was found in the hospital. Although the doctor strongly advocated that she should stay in the hospital for observation and observation, and thought that it was probably the sequelae of the last car accident, Xie Qiuli knew very well that she was not injured, so she took her back.

Along the way, Liang Chen kept his head down, unable to lift his spirits due to illness, and Xie Qiu, who was watching, thought more in his heart.

After sending Liang Chen home, Xie Qiuli couldn't hold back what he was about to say, but saw that Liang Chen suddenly hugged her waist and buried his head in her arms.

"……What's wrong with you?"

"Head hurts."

"Headache?" Xie Qiuli frowned, put one hand on her head, and said, "Let go first."

"I want to rest for a while."



Xie Qiuli was silent for a while, and said, "Well, then you rest first."

"Don't go."

I don't go?

Xie Qiuli was stunned.

Liang Chen said, "I want you to accompany me."


In the end, nothing happened, Liang Chen just hugged her for a sleep, Xie Qiuli was also upset and didn't think much about it.

Suddenly fainted, and after waking up, he behaved so strangely, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that something was wrong. Xie Qiuli thought that someone might have found her again.

Am I still going too lightly?

Xie Qiuli closed his eyes.

"...Why do you like me?" Liang Chen, who was supposed to be asleep, opened his mouth

Xie Qiuli opened his eyes and looked at her sideways: "Did someone say something to you?"

"answer my question."

Liang Chen was very calm, a bit terrifyingly calm.

Xie Qiuli frowned, but still smiled: "Didn't you ask?"

"I want to hear the truth." Liang Chen looked at her with no expression on his face, and said, "You tell the truth. No matter how bizarre or unreliable the answer you give, I will listen to it."

"I didn't lie to you."

Liang Chen was dissatisfied with her answer and just looked at her.

"...I don't quite understand what you want me to say."

Liang Chen lowered his eyes and said, "Do you think I'm a little familiar? I mean, after coming out of the bar."

Xie Qiuli was stunned for a moment when he heard the words.

"Do you think I'm familiar? Just as I think you're familiar, we should know each other."

Liang Chen grabbed Xie Qiuli's arm and said excitedly, "Think about it carefully, why on earth!"

"Why is it really important?" Xie Qiuli frowned and said, "Does it matter if you are familiar with it?"

"Important!" Liang Chen said out of control, "Very important!"

"Are you crazy? What did others say to you! Why, familiarity or not, why is it important? I like you! No matter what the reason is, I still like you now!"

Liang Chen was momentarily absent-minded.

"What happened to you?"

Xie Qiuli put a hand on Liang Chen's forehead, and a faint feeling enveloped her.

"I want to… know the answer."

Want to know the answer?

But I didn't hide anything from you!

Xie Qiuli's eyes were complicated, but he calmed down and thought about the question that Liang Chen just asked.

"I think you're a little familiar..."

Liang Chen grabbed Xie Qiuli's hand and squeezed it tightly, and said, "Do you remember? Do you remember anything? Remember me?"

Remember her?

What do you remember?

Listening to this, do I really know and meet her a long time ago?

When talking about copyright before, I didn't feel that way. She also doesn't remember what memory she has lost, and she doesn't remember seeing her.

She said calmly: "I have a little impression."

Liang Chen got excited and said, "What do you remember? Do you remember that voice? Who is that voice? What does he want to do?"


Liang Chen was stunned for a moment, and said, "You don't know?"

If Xie Qiuli wanted to disguise, few people could see that she was disguising. She said calmly: "I don't remember very clearly."

"Then I won't mention Him. I have a question I've always wanted to ask you, but I want to know how much you remember."

How much do you remember?

After thinking for a moment, Xie Qiuli said: "Not many, bits and pieces, all I remember are fragments, I'm not sure if you can get the answer from me."


Liang Chen pondered for a moment and said, "What kind of existence are we...?"

What kind of existence?

This sentence has a lot of weight.

Covering the shock, Xie Qiuli knew very well that Liang Chen was not a superpower, so she was talking about another identity.

Not sure, she decided to play stupid: "What?"

Seeing her doubts, Liang Chen thought she didn't remember, and said disappointedly, "It seems that you don't know about this."

"...Liang Chen, you can talk to me slowly, maybe I will remember it slowly."


But after so many worlds have passed, you still don't see anything in your mind, what's wrong.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when you remember, go to sleep."

Knowing that she couldn't get anything about him from Xie Qiuli, and knowing that Xie Qiuli was the person she knew, not the existence with the same name, she didn't bother anymore.

Halfway through speaking, this made Xie Qiuli uncomfortable.

Actively ask?

That is to take the initiative to tell her that he has just deceived her.

How to get an answer from her?

Xie Qiuli was even more troubled.

She vaguely felt that things were completely out of control, and they were driving in an unknown direction.

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