Not as economical as a shower, but not bad.

At least the utensils are clean and free of any oil stains.

It is not easy to achieve this level without adding detergent.

Finish the dishes and start making toilet paper!

Wei Sheng consumes 40L of snow water and 200 pieces of wood to make 6000 pieces of toilet paper.

List trading channels.

Currently only visible to regional channel members.

After the conditions are set, the link will be sent to the channel.

"Buy as soon as possible."

Wei Sheng had just sent the message, and immediately received feedback that the transaction was completed.

One by one, they have been gearing up for a long time, waiting for Wei Sheng to release the link, for fear of not being able to grab it!

Like a big sale in a supermarket, uncles and aunts swarm in.. 0

6000 pieces of toilet paper were purchased by more than [-] people in just ten minutes.

Sold out immediately!

It exceeded Wei Sheng's expectations.

I never expected everyone to be so enthusiastic about toilet paper...

Among the buyers, there are useful rune transactions and various resources.

There are also people who secretly made pictures of Wei Sheng, but they are all useless and unsightly.


In addition, there are various plants, such as cold grass, fluorescent grass, etc., have received a batch.

Only the silk that Wei Sheng needs is not available!

No way, only to the market to see.

Wei Sheng made 6000 sheets of toilet paper again.

List trading channels.


[Trading items: 50 pieces of fine toilet paper]

[Requirement: Any rune (up to 100)]

[Optional: Silk (up to 20)]

【Inventory: 120】

[Seller's message: Good things are not explained, it is necessary to go to the toilet, and it is also necessary to cast spells. 】


Not long after it was put on the shelves, people came to buy it one after another.

In the past few minutes, all 100 toilet papers that can be exchanged for runes have been sold out!

The remaining 20 stocks can only be exchanged for silk.

Many people in Wei Sheng's backstage sent private messages.

"Boss, ask for toilet paper!"

"I'm going to use the rune to exchange it, can the boss do it?"

"Pity 4.9 my daisy, I beg the boss to have mercy!"

All for toilet paper.

Wei Sheng has inadvertently triggered a wave of toilet paper buying.

Among the many private letters, Rogers also sent a private letter to Wei Sheng, asking for a copy.

For the sake of the old customer, Wei Sheng made an exception to exchange a water rune with Rogers.

"Thanks! I'm going to shit now!"

Rogers was pleasantly surprised.

World Channel has already spread the word.

Everyone is begging for toilet paper, the guys who grabbed toilet paper, and the members of the regional channel couldn't help showing off in the world channel.

"Hey, I grabbed one, be envious."

"Mr. Wei is our administrator, and we give priority to toilet paper. Now we have a few in our channel."

"Fuck, I want to share an area with the boss."

As the news of the World Channel spread, more people paid attention to toilet paper. After half an hour, someone finally exchanged silk with Wei Sheng! .

Chapter 93

【System Reminder: Fine Toilet Paper-50】

[System reminder: transaction is completed, silk +1]

Someone traded silk with Wei Sheng.

1 unit of silk has a small bundle.

"Only 1 unit, which is a pity."

Just when Wei Sheng sighed that the quantity of silk was not enough, the buyer sent a message to Wei Sheng.

"Brother, I still have 5 units of silk here, but I don't want to change the toilet paper. If you can give me water or food, I can change it with you."

The buyer's nickname is Xiao Yun.

"Five more units?"

Wei Sheng quickly replied: "Okay, I want it all. Do you want meat, or bread and rice?"

Unsurprisingly, Xiao Yun must have found silk from a treasure chest.

So far, no one else has exchanged silk, and no one has ever traded in the market.

Even Wei Sheng opened so many boxes, but not a single silk came out. I don't know if it was a matter of luck or regional distribution.

For example, gold nuggets and silver nuggets, some players can open wooden treasure chests to get resources.

Even wooden treasure chests can open runes!

It is true that the European gas is bursting.

"Can you match it with 20? Boss, you make an offer. If it's good, I can agree to exchange it."

Xiao Yun was uncertain about paying attention.

Silk is relatively scarce.

For Wei Sheng, it is equivalent to a rune.

He pondered for a moment and replied, "I will give you 5 meat, 2 bread, 2 catties of sand wheat, and 2L of water. You should know that I am the only one who wants silk, and the price is not too small."

This batch of supplies is enough for one person to last for several days.

"Okay, thank you boss, I'll find you later if there is something good!"

Xiao Yun agreed without hesitation.

The two complete the deal.

The remaining 5 silks are in hand!

Wei Sheng opened the manufacturing page for the first time.



Confirm manufacture.


[System Reminder: Rare Spellcasting Gloves are successfully crafted]

Wei Sheng had an extra pair of translucent gloves as thin as a cicada's wings.

It feels as smooth as skin.

It feels icy cold to the touch.

The overall quality is excellent, very tough and not easy to cut with a sharp knife.

Looking closely, you will find that there are silver lines under the translucent gloves, like complex palm lines!

"Is there a palm print on the front?"

Wei Sheng immediately understood.

"Try it on!"

Put one on each hand.

Casting gloves fit tightly against the skin, not like wearing gloves, but with a layer of leather!

Wei Sheng took out the electro-optical crossbow.

When held, it is about the same as without gloves.

"It won't slip? It's as smooth as silk?"

"That's fine. If it slips, it will affect my weapon handling."

Wei Sheng experienced a moment and walked out of the rune base.

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