clap clap clap!

There was thunderous applause.

Wei Sheng squeezed outside.

"Hey, all the upgrades are completed."

Noah has a pile of equipment in his arms.

At a glance, Wei Sheng could see some shadows of the original equipment.

Overall, there are some changes.

Wei Sheng checked one by one.

Each piece becomes a rare rune equipment!

Needless to say, the performance is all improved.

And, like the Fire Elemental Ring, three of them have new active skills.

They are Sage Necklace, Frozen Ring and Leap Boots! .

Chapter 135

[Rare Sage Necklace: It belongs to the combat rune device, which significantly improves the casting speed and effect of four-element spells. Actively releasing skills can speed up the recovery of soul power. It lasts for 1 minute and has a cooldown of 60 minutes. 】

[Rare Frozen Ring: It belongs to the combat rune device. Wearing the Frozen Ring can release an imperceptible cold air when attacking, which will gradually freeze the opponent. You can actively release skills and emit a cold air that lasts for 3 seconds and cools down. Time 120 minutes. 】

[Rare leaping boots: Put on it, feel the feeling of flying, you can speed up your running speed, you can jump up to a height of more than ten meters at will, you can actively release skills, and advance instantly, the duration is 0.5 seconds, and the cooldown time is 120 minutes. 】

After the Sage's Necklace is upgraded, get the ability to quickly restore the blue bar.

Leaping Boots have more skills to increase displacement.

The new skill of the Frozen Ring does not require an attack and can still be released.

Wei Sheng was quite satisfied with the result.

Skills are not the key.

Performance improvement is the core.

Wei Sheng put on his clothes again.

The experience with all gear has not deteriorated, as always.

"How about it?"

Noah couldn't wait to ask.

Wei Sheng jumped on the spot, tried for a while, and said with a smile: "Your craft is good, the food and water are not free for you."

"Hey, is there any equipment to upgrade?"

Noah has already tasted the sweetness.

That water can be used to make wine for 250, and it must taste good!


Wei Sheng smiled and said, "Also, I'm ready to leave."

"Ah, what a pity."

Noah came back to his senses: "Leave so late? Uh, at night, the underground world is more dangerous, are you sure?"

He has a low voice.

As soon as he opened his mouth, many dwarves heard it.

All surrounded.

"Wei Sheng, do you want to leave?"

"Hey, Wei Sheng, can you stay for the night?"

"Unfortunately, Wei Sheng's three songs just now were good, I only learned part of it!"

"Leave so late?"

The fire dwarves were warm and hospitable and kept them all.

Sol also has a lot of advice, hoping that Wei Sheng will leave tomorrow.

"Everyone, thank you for your hospitality. I still have something to do, so I won't stay here for too long."

Wei Sheng swept across the rough faces, clasped his fists and said, "This is the end of the night, the green mountains will not change and the green water will flow forever, maybe we will meet again in the future."

There are few green hills in the burrows, let alone water.

Most fire dwarves do not understand the inner meaning of the words.

But after chewing it repeatedly, I can still feel a little bit of artistic conception and the meaning of Wei Sheng's words.

Last time, Wei Sheng also told the magma mermaid that he might meet in the future, but he just said it casually and didn't take it seriously.

Today, the route function is turned on, and the words are more sincere.

"Hey, take care on the road, you are our eternal friend of the fire dwarves."

Sol stepped forward and opened his arms.

Dirty all over, beard covered with drinks and barbecue sauce.

"it is good."

Wei Sheng didn't dislike it this time, he squatted down and gave Sol a light hug.

With Thor taking the lead, more fire dwarves stepped forward to embrace.

Including several female dwarves.

Wei Sheng hugged them all.

Even the children stepped forward to give hugs.

"This bottle of magma wine that our fire dwarves can brew is here for you!"

"Drink it, even in a cold environment, it will warm up."

"Some minor illnesses can be cured by drinking magma wine."

Some fire dwarves put together a bottle of specially made spirits and sent it to Wei Sheng.

Estimated to have two or three liters.

There was also a group of fire dwarves who sent flatbreads, sauces, etc.

Wei Sheng did not accept it in vain.

Give back a batch of meat, basmati rice, noodles and fruit.

Although they have not been together for a long time, Wei Sheng really experienced the hospitality of the fire dwarves after accepting them.

All the fire dwarves sent Wei Sheng to the earth wall.

[Continue to dig forward, there is a golden treasure chest, some materials can be collected, a Nightmare is lurking in the dark, seems to be considering going to the next burrow. 】

Not quite the same as before dark.

Dire had apparently just arrived.

Come out at night.

If the Dire comes to the Horde, it will scourge a group of fire dwarves tonight.

Wei Sheng took out a shovel to dig.

The last time I encountered Dire, I couldn't deal with it.

Now that you've mastered detection, it's time to give it a try!

Dig quickly.

Forty meters later, the black film appeared.

The fire dwarf's farewell song came from the rear.

Melodious, vigorous.


Wei Sheng turned back and roared.

The first to enter the black film.

Xiaohu and Xiaofeng reluctantly followed.

The eighty-third burrow!

Can't see five fingers.

Wei Sheng took out the rune lamp.

Under the light, the surroundings gradually brightened.

No Dire figure was found.

But that guy must be hiding in the dark and peeping!

It will wait until Wei Sheng falls asleep, and then come out to harvest life.

Wei Sheng buried his head and walked forward.

Check the cave environment along the way to find the location of the treasure chest.

About thirty meters away, Wei Sheng stopped.


Wei Sheng input part of his soul power.


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