The eyes of the puppet maid gradually brightened, as if there was light.

She looked up at Wei Sheng first, then bowed and said emotionlessly, "Master."

Wei Sheng went to measure his body temperature at this time, and it was already getting warmer.

"Call me Mr. from now on, and you'll call me..."

"Well, it's called Little Black and White."

Wei Sheng was named directly after the clothes he wore.

If you make puppet maids later, you can have small color, small purple, and small red.

"Okay, master."

The puppet maid continued.

"...It's really stupid."

The order 250 that Wei Sheng had just ordered seemed to have not been received.

"Just something to test you."

He couldn't help laughing and said, "With you, I can relax tonight."

"Sir, please order."

Little Black and White still responded mechanically.

The first command took effect, and the response was half a beat!


Wei Sheng smiled maliciously, pointed to the socks in the tub, and said, "Clean the socks with water and wash them outside the Rune Base."

I left a pair of socks on purpose just now to try out the puppet maid's ability to do housework.

"Okay, sir."

Little Black and White took off her long legs and came to the side of the washbasin.

Squat down, pick up the washbasin, and fill the side with water.

Twisting his waist, he walked out of the rune base steadily.

On the way, know how to avoid obstacles and know how to open the door.

Little Black and White walked all the way to the outside of the Rune Base, then squatted down and started cleaning the smelly socks.

Wei Sheng followed all the way, like some kind of creature.

Little Black and White rubbed the smelly socks attentively and hard.

again and again.

until the socks are completely clean.

"The waterproof effect should be good."

"Although the intelligence is not very good, it should not be a problem to do ordinary housework."

"I don't know if I can cook?"

Wei Sheng watched for a long time and nodded secretly.

If you have the ability to learn...

You can teach her to cook and make Cai.

That way, he can save some time to practice. .

Chapter 139

The two-hour meditation is over.

Wei Sheng walked out of the training hall and returned to the fifth floor.

Tonight is rather long.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, he saw Xiaohu and Xiaoheihui lying on the bed.

They were huddled together.

The little fox hides under the quilt every day.

Little Black and White means that there is a command to warm the bed in the program, and it will make some responses independently according to the temperature change.

"Little Black and White, go outside and sleep on the sofa."

Wei Sheng gave the order indifferently.

"Okay, sir."

Little Black and White got out of the quilt obediently.

"and many more……"

Wei Sheng thought for a while, and said, "Forget it, you'd better stay and get some sleep."

"Okay, sir."

Little Black and White moved to the edge.

Wei Sheng lay down in his original position.

Open the trading channel for the first time.

First, modify the trading conditions of the previously listed items, remove the Horcrux, and only trade the essence or rune paper.

These two things are currently lacking.

Today, he gave out the pith and rune paper, and maybe others may also have it.

Simply searched for deals and auction channels and didn't see it at all.

Then go to the private message in the background, and search for the essence and rune paper in the same way.

"Have the marrow?"

"It's Xiao Yun again?"

After Wei Sheng searched, out of the limited dozens, he found a private message that was actually trading the essence of the earth.

From the old customer Xiao Yun.

The last time Wei Sheng bought silk, it was also Xiao Yun who used silk for toilet paper.

This time it's him!

"It seems that this guy is not very lucky."

"Earth marrow actually opened four, which are still copper treasure chests."

Wei Sheng was speechless.

Compared with Xiao Yun, today Wei Sheng has a blessing buff, several golden treasure chests have been opened, but few earth essence.

Xiao Yun hopes to exchange four piths for the perfect rune crossbow.

There was no big opening from the lion, and it was a smarter way to ask for that sophisticated rune crossbow manufacturing drawing.

Wei Sheng made a perfect rune crossbow, and after putting it on the shelves, he threw the link to Xiao Yun.

In just a moment, Xiao Yun completed the transaction.

"Thank you, boss! I just saw that the boss also received rune paper. I have three here, do you want it? I want to exchange the aircraft, I heard that the boss has it! If the rune paper is not enough, you can add another rune~”. "

Xiao Yun replied.

"And rune paper?"

Wei Sheng secretly thought that this guy is really lucky, and immediately replied: "Okay, I want it, wait a moment."

Make the perfect aerodynamic thruster again.

Transaction complete.

Wei Sheng gets 3 rune paper and 1 wind rune.

"Hey, thank you boss, it's convenient to trade with the boss, you don't need to bargain, others are always digging search, and a rune will cost half a day."

"If you want good things, you can give me priority. The price is not a problem."

"it is good!"

Wei Sheng closed the chat box.

There are a lot of private messages in the background.

Wei Sheng casually glanced at it as usual.

"Too many ads."

"And a bunch of small videos..."

Wei Sheng just clicked on a few.

Well, it's all pretty crazy.

What's more, it is already a co-production of men and women.

Most only give a small fragment.

"The free content is as above, if you want to watch paid content, water, food, or rune trading yo~"

Just like the little tricks on the Internet.

Although Wei Sheng was not interested, he still watched the free video.

Inside, there are many familiar faces.

Celebrities, internet celebrities, celebrities...

To survive, one by one.

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