If the number of excavations has been exhausted today, Wei Sheng will choose to fill a spell with all his soul power.

This is the real power of spells!

Just imagine, twelve spells, each of which consumes all the soul power.

Once cast, it is equivalent to twelve Wei Sheng, using twelve spells to strike with all one's power, how exaggerated the lethality should be.

"It's done, it's time to go to the next burrow."

Wei Sheng put away the spell book and left the base with two pets.

call out!

The huge rune base turned into thousands of beams and merged into the hands.

Wei Sheng checked the five directions.

Among them, the cave in front is the location of the crystal mine in the Tauren population.

"The four directions are normal, look at the direction of the crystal ore."

Wei Sheng looked towards the cave ahead.

[In the burrow in front, there is a crystal treasure chest, but it is not easy to get it. There is also an open-air crystal mine that can mine abundant resources. When digging, be careful with the old red-haired monster wrapped in the crystal. Once it wakes up, Dispel it with Holy Light. 】

There are not only open-air crystal mines, but also crystal treasure chests!

"What is the red-haired monster in this old age, is it hidden in the crystal mine?"

"Whether it is mined or not, the crystal treasure chest must always be obtained."

Wei Sheng picked up the shovel and dug forward.

At the same time, open the illustrated book to view the information about the red-haired monster.


[Red-haired monster: A race born to be cursed. It is said that the ancestors were once bards in the underground world. Because of the curse, they had red hair all over their body. They liked to shrink in the spar to resist the erosion of the curse on the body.With dexterous hands and sharp claws, the enemy often does not respond, and the neck has been cut.Once in his old age, he hates the day, fears strong light, and only likes to act in the dark. 】

[Ability: Curse of Red Hair]

[Weaknesses: Unknown in his later years, his strength has declined, and he cannot be exposed to bright light for a long time. 】

[Danger factor: 85]

View capabilities.

[Red Hair Curse: The target will be covered with red hair, stuffing ears, nostrils, internal organs, etc., until the target is completely dead. 】


It belongs to the same way as the green hag.

Abilities are mainly related to curses.

Compared with the green hag, the red-haired monster has considerable melee ability, and will not become a weak chicken after the curse is broken.

The risk factor is not as good as the green hag.

Wei Sheng guessed why the red-haired monster didn't move during the day.

Or the red-haired monster has been hiding in the crystal mine for a long time, not as free as the green hag.

The ninety-second burrow!

After Wei Sheng came in, he didn't see the location of the crystal treasure chest.

The size of the cave here is OK.

There are hundreds of meters horizontally and vertically.

There are a few raised little dirt bags.

Wei Sheng flew into the air.

Look down.

The location of the crystal ore has been found, in a depression between two small earthbags.

Part of the crystal ore is exposed, and most of it is covered by rocks.

"Where is the crystal treasure chest?"

Wei Sheng searched carefully, but he didn't see it.

"Hidden under the sand?"

He focused his eyes and swept the small dirt bag first.

[There are some stones in it that can be mined. 】

[There is nothing but sand. 】


Scanned all of them and still couldn't find them.

When the eyes fall on the crystal ore position.

[This is a rich crystal mine, which can mine a lot of materials. There is a red-haired monster below. Be careful when digging. The crystal treasure chest is below.. 0]

Wei Sheng fell.

Seems to have to dig.

Wei Sheng took out the iron pick.

Just when I was about to wave, I thought that if the red-haired monster was disturbed, Xiaohu and Xiaofeng would easily be caught.

He possesses holy talismans and is not afraid of most curses.

Xiaofeng and Xiaohu can't.

"You stand farther away."

"Xiaofeng, go over there and get underground."

"Little fox, hide behind the stone over there."

Wei Sheng arranged two small things in the distance.

If there is a sudden intrusion of a crypt creature, two small things can also remind.

Without any worries, Wei Sheng waved his pickaxe and dug up!


Just like the last mining, every time you swing, there will always be resource income.

Crystal, gemstone, jade, black yaojing...

[System reminder: Earth marrow +2]

[System reminder: Earth marrow +1]

Wei Sheng paused.

Jump out of the pith continuously.

I'm afraid there are many more below!

Wei Sheng worked harder.

The exposed crystal ore has been mined.

Need to break the hard stone.

"This red-haired monster hides below, won't it be suffocated? It's not convenient to go up and down."

Wei Sheng muttered, found the right angle, and knocked open the stone wall piece by piece.

The mouth gradually gets bigger.

Continue mining.

As Wei Sheng had expected, there are quite a few quintessence of crystal ore here!

Digging down two meters, 32 pith has jumped out.

If all the crystal mines are dug up, the upgrade scroll may lack some purple gold!

Crystal mines are constantly being dug and dug deep.

From the original small hole, a large pit with a diameter of four meters has appeared.

 4.9 The depth is already more than three meters.


Wei Sheng knocked on the next piece and suddenly stopped.

In the crystal below, there is a face covered with red hair.

Its eyes were closed, and its hands were crossed on its shoulders.

Red-haired monster!

Wei Sheng could vaguely distinguish this guy's face.

Like an old ape.

"That is……"

"Crystal treasure chest?"

Wei Sheng noticed a faint luster behind the red-haired monster.

Squat down lightly and look closely.

Sure enough, it's a crystal treasure chest!


Wei Sheng noticed that there were a pair of eyes looking at him.

He suddenly turned his eyes.

The red-haired monster in the crystal really opened his eyes.

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