This burrow is also not rich in resources. There is only a copper treasure chest, and when I encounter a yellow wind monster, I get 6 souls again.


No manufacturing drawings, no scrolls!

"I hope the next burrow will have better luck."

"There is only one last chance to dig today!"

Wei Sheng sighed secretly.

Check five directions one after another.

Among them, the cave below attracted Wei Sheng's attention.

However, you have to dive under the lava to gain anything! .

Chapter 156

[Continue to dig forward, there is a lot of cold air floating, and it will be frozen into ice cubes after entering. 】

[In the burrow on the left, there is an iron treasure chest, pay attention to switching the sunglasses mode, and be careful of the observer beholder. 】

[In the burrow on the right, the gargoyle is entrenched here, and if you search carefully, you will find a silver treasure chest. 】

[Dig up, nothing. 】

[Dig down, there is a magma well, the golden treasure chest can only be found at the bottom, be careful of some creeping claws entrenched nearby. 】

Among the five direction prompts, dig down to get the most rewards.

But to dive under the lava.

Wei Sheng has bubble beads, you can try it.

However, compared to being on the ground, going under the magma would be somewhat lacking in a sense of security.

Wei Sheng hesitated again and again, and decided to dig down.

Before departure, check the picture book as usual.


[Crawling Claws: They are shaped like a severed palm or claws. According to legend, they were cut off by a murderer and cursed, and continued to exist only for killing.It uses five fingers when crawling, can move flexibly, and can also wriggle in the sand.They do not feel pain and rely on sound to identify locations.They have hard bodies and tenacious vitality. 】

[Ability: Super Regeneration]

[Weaknesses: No vision, position identification purely by sound. 】

[Danger factor: 45]

View capabilities.

[Super regeneration: Even if there is only one finger left, it can still recover quickly. 】


The risk factor is not high.

ability is special.

The super resilience means that the crawling claws must be smashed into slag!

After two minutes.

Accompanied by a burst of wind blowing sound.

Wei Sheng was suspended in the air, holding a small object in each of his left and right hands.

This is the last burrow of the day.

The length, width and height are suitable for expanding the rune base.

Looking down, you can indeed find a magma well.

The wellhead is about two meters in diameter, bubbling with hot gas, similar to the magma well that Sol had originally.

Except for the magma well, it was surrounded by sand and soil, and there was not even a single plant in sight.

Wei Sheng fell to the ground.

Xiaohu and Xiaofeng jumped down.


There were some subtle movements in my ears.

It seemed that something had crawled under the soft sand.

Wei Sheng followed the reputation.

I saw traces on the sand.

There can be dozens of them!

"So, at least a dozen creeping claws."

Wei Sheng quickly released the detection technique.

The ripples swept across.

The creatures lurking under the sand are unobstructed.

Fifteen creeping claws in total.

The shape of the broken hand, the overall skinny.

The tail is raised high, and at first glance, it is easy to think of a scorpion.

With long and sharp fingernails, it is not very fast to squirm in the ground.

Wei Sheng didn't say a word, calculating their movement trajectories and distances.

A frost ray fell.


The ground froze instantly.

The two creeping claws were frozen.

All the remaining crawling claws jumped out of the sand and revealed their true bodies!

They come to the ground faster and more nimble.

Easily bypass the spreading frost, split into two, and attack from the left and right.

"Kill them."

Wei Sheng gave an order, and Xiaohu and Xiaofeng started at the same time.

The crawling claw is small in size and flexible in movement. It jumps and runs on the ground, and burrows into the soil from time to time. Wei Sheng shoots frost rays in succession, only two hits, and the rest are dodged!

Wei Sheng also has a way to deal with it,

Mark them one by one using the Arcane Sigil.

Even if it is drilled into the soil layer, it can still be locked.

At this time, the tremor electric shock was used to forcibly lock the crawling claws before they were shot down one by one.

Tremor Shock has a different trajectory than Frost Ray.

Frost rays come and go straight and require aiming.

The tremor shock is almost equivalent to a directional skill. It is launched after locking on the target, and the trajectory changes in many ways, and the final landing point must be the target.

With the secret seal, it is equivalent to a powerful alliance.

Moreover, the crawling claws are densely arranged, and the conductivity of the tremor shock can be perfectly exerted.

If one hits, the others around you will be electrocuted!

However, the body of the Crawling Claw is hard and cannot be electrocuted at one time.

Xiaohu and Xiaofeng are also unable to kill Creeping Claw.

Even if it is split in two, half of the body can still recover.

The fire element ring in Wei Sheng's hand flashed.

A flaming hammer condenses.

"Kill you to death!"

Wei Sheng saw that the distance was only a few meters, picked up the flaming sledgehammer, and hammered it hard.


A creeping claw shatters.

More than a dozen hammers in a row, all were smashed into flesh.

The system has no feedback about killing information!

Wei Sheng knew the ability of the Crawling Claw, and then activated the Void Hand, grabbed one forcibly, and threw it into the magma well.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

[System reminder: Soul +4]


Wei Sheng's spirit was shaken, he grabbed the crawling claws that were recovering quickly and had no ability to move for the time being, and threw them all into the magma well.

Even frost rays can't freeze them to death, they can only be melted by magma.

During this period.

There have been creeping claws back.

Even if they are smashed into flesh, they can still be restored to their original appearance in a few seconds.

Tenacious vitality, as disgusting as cockroaches!

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