With a puff, it turned into a bucket of water.

It's waste use.

Wei Sheng returned to the base and first went to the planting shed to plant the powdered fruit seeds.

In the planting shed, most of the fruits are already ripe.

White juice fruit, red heart fruit, sweet peach fruit, hot fruit...

Colorful and full of fruity scents in the air.

Wei Sheng and Hua Elf worked for ten minutes, harvesting several large baskets of fruit.

Here are some ready to be made into simple jams, some to be juiced as a drink, and some to be used as a condiment.

Wei Sheng finished the batches one by one, and it was already an hour later.

Some time before dinner time.. 0

Wei Sheng opened the trading channel and searched for spells.

No one for sale.

Search for Zijin again.

Only two players are listed for sale.

Looking at the price, all only charge runes.

A total of 3 units of purple gold cost 9 runes.

Wei Sheng put the scroll up for sale again.


[Trade Item: Elemental Missile Learning Scroll]

[Requirement: 100 Purple Gold]

【Inventory: 1】

[Seller's message: A practical spell technique, you must have a spell bloodline to learn it. You can combine missiles according to different elements, or you can use single-element missiles. The power is related to soul power.In addition, if you have Zijin, you can privately message me! 】


Most of the price no one can pay.

If someone comes to bargain, the price can be as low as [-]% off.

Wei Sheng went to the World Channel to simply check today's information.

More people find low-level rune base upgrade scrolls.

Rune eggs and spell bloodlines were also found one after another.

As soon as Wei Sheng hung up the elemental missile, there was someone talking about it in the channel.

"Go and see, Big Brother Wei is selling spells, brand new spells!"

"Looking at the seller's message, I feel that Wei Sheng also has a spell bloodline, and may have learned elemental missiles, the boss is still unfathomable!"

"What is this purple gold used to synthesize?"

"I've seen before that 1 purple gold requires 3 runes on the market. If this is scaled, it will only be 300 runes? I don't think there are as many fireballs as last time!"

"There are 4.9 piles of runes now. Who can give Zijin so much? It's impossible to compare like this. Believe it or not, the price of Zijin will increase."

"A lot of money is collected, some are private to me, the price is not a problem!"

Those players who have the bloodline of the spell, have already started to take action and buy funds in the world channel, and they all want the elemental missile learning scroll.

Wei Sheng waited and watched for a few minutes, then switched to the regional channel.

Everyone is talking about the benefits of the translator.

Players have already completed transactions with the Wisdom Group and gained some friendships.

Wei Sheng edited a few messages and clicked send.

"I hung a spell scroll on the trading channel. If you need it, you can go and see it. Buy it in the group, and the price is more favorable."

"In addition, I will put two low-level rune base upgrade scrolls on the shelves later. The price is the same as the last time. Members who need it can make a little preparation."

As soon as the news came out, everyone's attention was drawn to him. .

Chapter 158

Wei Sheng has four rune base upgrade scrolls on hand.

Two low-level, one intermediate and one high-level.

Low-level upgrade scrolls can be sold at will.

The intermediate upgrade scroll must be kept first. If you want to sign a vassal, this scroll will become one of the powerful attraction conditions.

"Elemental missiles? Talismans?"

"It's possible that Big Brother Wei in the group has a spell bloodline, others don't."

"I want to upgrade the scroll!"

"As expected of Mr. Wei, two more upgrade scrolls came out today!"

"can it be cheaper?"

Most people focus on the upgrade scrolls.

Because it can be bought and used.

Everyone has learned about the benefits of the base upgrade from different sources, and the upgrade conditions are not too harsh.

If you have a little bit of money, you want to get one.

Wei Sheng looked at everyone's enthusiastic response, and replied, "The price is still 120 runes, it can also be 30 purple gold, or 12 rune paper. Earth marrow is not needed for the time being."

Rune paper is also an extremely rare material.

If you charge a little more, you can also create a book of spells, not too much 20!

three minutes later.

Wei Sheng sent the link to the group.

Don't know how many people are staring at the chat channel.

As soon as the link went out, about tenths of a second, the two upgrade scrolls were robbed.

Wei Sheng obtained a total of: 220 runes, 2 rune papers.

"Which two dogs have such fast hands?"

"I'm done! Just click on it, no!"

"6666, you can't practice this speed without being single for [-] years!"

"I'm crying, I can only wait for Big Brother Wei's next wave~"

In the face of everyone's condemnation, the two players who grabbed the upgrade scroll did not dare to take the lead and silently went to upgrade the base.

Wei Sheng briefly chatted with everyone in the channel, and then went to the training hall to meditate.

When all the soul power is recovered, he takes out the book of spells and uses all the soul power to inject a detection technique.

When the soul power is exhausted, meditate to recover.

This cycle is repeated many times.

When the sky was getting dark, 6 different spells had been injected into the book of spells.

All is to consume all the soul power injection.

There are offensive and defensive types.

"Huh, stop first, and fill up after dinner."

Wei Sheng put away the book of spells and stretched his waist.

With such a high-intensity filling spell, the whole person was dizzy.

"Little black and white, make a cup of coffee."

Wei Sheng casually instructed the puppet maid who stood aside for a few hours.

"Okay, sir."

Little Black and White twisted his slender waist, came to the water dispenser in front, and pressed the heating button.

Then he bent down to pick up the cup on the chair and put a few black leaves in it.

Those are the mature leaves of the coffee tree. Just rinse the water and you can come out with a cup of coffee that can refresh your mind!

"Tsk, not bad."

Wei Sheng sat on the futon, raised his eyes slightly, and praised.

I don't know if it is to praise the steps of Xiaobai and Black to make coffee, or to praise the absolute field.

After all, when the little black and white bends over, the maid skirt always has to be lifted up a little.

Often looming, it is more attractive than picking clean.

"Sir, the coffee is ready."

Little Black and White came back with coffee steadily.

"Well, you are walking more and more steadily now, and you are more comfortable with high heels than at noon."

Wei Sheng thought for a while and said, "It should be a little hot to the touch, so blow it for me."

Little Black and White stood there for a few seconds.

The response is not generally slow!

"Okay, sir."

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