They all rolled down.


When the lizardmen below saw this, some lizardmen had already fled in a hurry, and they seemed to be returning to the camp to rescue soldiers.

Wei Sheng took a step forward.

suspended in the air.

Some of the shackled slaves had already grabbed the weapons on the ground, filled with resentment, and killed the lizardmen beside them.

Most of them stood there dumbfounded, while others squatted on the ground holding their heads and didn't dare to do anything.

Wei Sheng's indifferent gaze swept over, and the fire element missiles kept falling.

Under the constant bombardment, none of the lizardmen were still alive, and they all turned into souls.

As for slaves, there are dozens of them.

Some of the slaves who dared not resist were used by the lizardmen as physical shields, but Wei Sheng still did not keep his hands and killed them together with the hostages.

The original purpose was not to save slaves, so naturally he would not be tied down by this.

Wei Sheng floated to the place where the ore was piled up.

Collect all the ore that is stacked like a small hill.

[System reminder: Iron +2]

[System Reminder: Copper Block +4]

[System reminder: Silver +1]


[System reminder: Zijin +1]

Various metals are doped in one piece.

I don't know how this metal mine was born!

"The total quantity of copper, iron, gold and silver exceeds 2000 units, how come there is only 1 unit of Zijin?"

Wei Sheng looked at the location of the metal mine and muttered: "However, since there is Zijin, it means that there is still there. After all of them are dug, how can you get a few more units."

Again, something is better than nothing!

The lizardmen and slave corpses on the ground were all taken away by Wei Sheng and decomposed.

The slaves gathered together and looked at Wei Sheng curiously, with gratitude in their eyes.

They are not of a single race.

There are goatmen, tauren, kobolds, goblins...

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for saving us."

The dwarf goblin, covered in bruises and bruises, had just unshackled and spoke on behalf of the rest of the slaves.

Wei Sheng ignored them and continued to do his own business.

"Your Excellency, please leave as soon as possible, the powerful dragon blood lizardman Camplisco will come soon, and we are willing to delay his footsteps for Your Excellency."

The goblin said sincerely.

There was some weakness in his tone.

Wei Sheng stopped in his footsteps, turned his head slightly, and said, "It's just easy to save you, my goal is to mine metal. Do you still want to help me delay and not run away?"

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

"We don't have much energy to escape. It's better to die in battle than to be slaves and deserters. It's satisfying to see Your Excellency kill these abominable lizardmen with your own eyes."

The goblin's expression was as usual, and it seemed that he could face death indifferently.

Wei Sheng glanced at the faces.

Most were skinny and listless.

There are still injuries.

There is no right to escape.

The resistance just now almost exhausted their last strength.

They have confessed.

"Please go, Your Excellency."

The goblin urged feebly.


Wei Sheng walked to the metal mine and said, "I said that the purpose of this trip is to make a metal mine. It has not been mined yet, and I have no plans to leave. You guys like to leave or not."



The goblin sighed.

At this time, there were many shouts not far away.

A group of enemies approached.

"It's Camplisco!"

One of the slaves screamed in panic.

The slaves picked up their weapons from the ground and stood ready.

Wei Sheng turned around, narrowed his eyes, and saw a figure approaching rapidly.

Dragonblood Lizardman!

This guy was red and tall, with two large double-edged axes in his hands, which did not affect his running speed at all.


"Where is the bastard, dare to ruin the good deeds of our lizardmen, do you think the life is too long?"

The dragon-blooded lizardmen hadn't approached yet, and they shouted loudly, like thunder.

Wei Sheng took out his ears and said lazily, "Noisy."

No nonsense either.

Spread your palms.

The mad eyes are facing the dragon blood lizardmen.

The guy's speed immediately slowed down, and his eyes were attracted by the crazy eyes.

However, just for a moment, the Dragonblood Lizardman shook his head heavily, but he didn't get hit!


Wei Sheng was surprised.

It seems that the will of the Dragonblood Lizardmen is not weak.

In other words, his bloodline is rather special!

"Hmph, you dare to play with me, courting death!"

The Dragonblood Lizardman was furious, brandishing a big axe, and dashing forward.


Jump five meters high.

The shiny big axe shone brightly in the light.

call out!

A frost ray hits.

The surface of the Dragonblood Lizardman's body gradually froze.

But in the blink of an eye, the ice cubes burst.

The Dragonblood Lizardman laughed proudly.

The big axe fell!Where.

Chapter 167

A ring of fire rapidly expanded.

Surrounded by Wei Sheng and pushed the Dragonblood Lizardman away.

"Not only has the willpower to resist the mad eyes, but also the frost rays."

Wei Sheng frowned.

The ability of the dragon blood lizardmen is beyond expectations.

There is no detailed information on the dragon blood lizardmen in the illustrated book, only one sentence is mentioned in the information on the lizardmen.

"The best among them is the Dragonblood Lizardman, who activates the ancient bloodline, possesses the power of a giant dragon, and an incredible physique."

At this point in Camplisco's perfect embodiment.

The axe just now, the wind shield inspired by the hand shield, was actually smashed, and the strength is evident!

So far, I am afraid that only the yellow wind monster can do it.

The yellow wind monster relies on the effect of lightning to grab, to break the face, unlike the dragon blood lizardmen who rely solely on brute force.

"The physique is extremely outstanding, with excellent jumping ability, I am afraid that even the gargoyle is not an opponent."

"It's a stark contrast to other lizardmen."

"Weakness and strength depend only on whether the dragon's bloodline is activated."

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