Chapter 173

"Can I borrow equipment from you?"


"And free hot water?"


"Are there any signing gifts?"

"You may have."

"Is there any ice cream! I will definitely join if there is free ice cream!"

"Can consider it."

"That's awesome, I'm going to sign!"

After Xiao Yuling browsed the terms and conditions, he continued to ask a number of questions.

In her opinion, some of the clauses are not bad.

Although the lord cannot protect the lord, it seems that signing is not a bad thing.

"Okay, I'll sign with you right away, you have to sign your name."

After Wei Sheng replied to the message, he took out the lord contract.

Use silently.


Xiao Yuling!

While thinking about it, a video dialog box popped up in the interface.

Xiao Yuling appeared in the camera.

A milky white light beam fell into Xiao Yuling's hands.

Gradually condensed into a similar contract.

"Hey, is this the contract?"

Xiao Yuling looked down at the contract.

The above lists the terms proposed by Wei Sheng, as well as the details of the contract itself.

"You check it out first."

Wei Sheng has signed his name.


Xiao Yuling looked up and down to confirm that it was correct, and slid his finger on the signature position.

The contract is complete!

The contract in her hand disappeared.

Wei Sheng has an extra 20 contract in his hand.

There are two signatures on it.

[System reminder: The lord contract is successfully used, and new functions are enabled. 】

[System reminder: Open the interface to view new functions]

at the same time.

The video dialog closes.

Wei Sheng opened the interface and found the new function button at the end——


Click the button.

Two buttons appear on the interface.

The first is [Lord], and the second is [Lord].

Wei Sheng opened up the vassals first.

Interface changes.

The top is Xiao Yuling's photo, and the bottom is the text message.

[Leader: Xiao Yuling]

[Rune Base: Perfect Level]

[Combat value: 476]


The combat value is the same as in the last update.

Wei Sheng clicked on the details.

The interface changes again.

There is a lot of content.

Contribution value, today's harvest, pets...

It's all the content of Wei Sheng's written terms.

These are obviously not in uniform format.

Subject to change according to the terms and conditions.

There is only one button on the interface: Break the contract!

The function speaks for itself.

Wei Sheng returned to the main contract interface.

Click on the Lord button.

【Affiliated Base: 1】

[Conference Hall: The third floor of the base]


There are currently only three.

Wei Sheng clicks to edit.

The content inside is more complicated, and it is all related to the content of the terms.

For example, the contribution value corresponding to the items in the public warehouse.

Another example is the editing of the conference hall, which can reset the area, set the opening time, whether it needs permission, and so on.

In short, the content of the editing page is relatively complicated, and the operational scope is all recorded in the terms.

Wei Sheng was about to try editing when a reminder popped up.

[System reminder: The minister Xiao Yuling wants to visit the conference hall, do you agree? 】


Wei Sheng got up from the massage chair.

Take big steps to the elevator.

Although there have been many conversations with Xiao Yuling and there have been videos, this is the first time we have met offline.

There is a great feeling of online dating.


The lift opens.

Wei Sheng entered.

All follow.

"Little Black and White stay here."

Wei Sheng almost forgot about it.

To show Xiao Yuling, it may be misunderstood.

the same moment.

Xiao Yuling has received feedback from the system that a black membrane appeared in his base.

Step in.

The scene in front of me changed.


"so big!"


Xiao Yuling was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Before coming, she thought it was no different from the base she saw in the video conference room last time.

"Brother Wei's base will not be upgraded again, right?"

Xiao Yuling looked around and said enviously, "This is only one floor, it looks too big, and there are these facilities..."

"Really great!"

“The bathroom has a toilet and shower!”

"The lights inside are so bright, it's almost the same as outside."

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