Therefore, there is no need to worry about the crypt creatures entering here through Xiao Yuling's base.

Silent all night.

Wei Sheng got up from the big bed the next day, still being served by Little Black and White.

As usual, the morning starts to get busy.

This breakfast is handled by Little Black and White.

Simple bread, milk, and some fruit.

Little Black and White was stable throughout the whole process, and there were no more accidents.

Just when pouring milk, I accidentally splashed a few more drops on my face and neckline.

Had breakfast.

Wei Sheng came to the conference hall.

Xiao Yuling just got up, wearing a light pajamas, stretching her slender waist, showing a good curve.

"Good morning, Brother Wei."

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and said, "You guys get up so early!"

"Well, I'm preparing for today's excavation, and you may need to leave."

"oh oh."

Xiao Yuling came to the black membrane passage in the hall, suddenly stopped, blinked, and asked, "Brother Wei, the nicknames of your two pets are a bit ugly, have you thought about changing them?"

"I thought about it, but..."

Wei Sheng frowned slightly: "I don't know what to name it, it's a little difficult for me."

"I can help you think of two!"

Xiao Yuling waved his hand and said with a smile, "I'll go back first, goodbye."

The figure passed through the black membrane and disappeared.

"Close the passage of the conference hall."

Wei Sheng thought.

With a beep, the black film also disappeared.

Wei Sheng put away the base.

Start today's first stop -

Weird wooden house!Where.

Chapter 177

[Continue to dig to the right and you will see a strange wooden house. Don’t try to ignite it with flames. As long as you don’t get close to the wooden house, nothing will happen. Search carefully to find a purple treasure chest. 】

Before digging, Wei Sheng checked the prompt again.

Checked it last night and it hasn't changed from today.

"It's a careful search again, don't have to go inside the wooden house to find it!"

Wei Sheng suspected that the treasure chest was located in the wooden house again.

Every time a similar prompt appears, there is always something similar.

Even if not, every time the treasure chest appears, it will always be next to the monster.

"Go ahead and talk about it."

"As long as it's not close to the wooden house, everything can be said."

Wei Sheng buried his head in digging the passage.

After traveling for more than thirty meters, the black film appeared.

Wei Sheng entered with two pets.

The one hundred and six burrows!

This place is seven or eighty meters long and wide.

The terrain is flat.

There are some weeds on the ground.

The cabin is in the middle.

The weeds spread only three meters away from the hut.

Wei Sheng walked around the wooden house.

It was found that with the wooden house as the center, it was indeed bare within three meters.

"Is the safe area within three meters?"

Wei Sheng made a simple judgment.

The cabin is not small.

It doesn't look unique.

It was flat, with a gray surface and only a half-open wooden door.

It was pitch black inside, so I couldn't see clearly.

"You guys are waiting for me here."

Wei Sheng was afraid that the two little things would be too aggressive.

The little fox is fine. He has added a holy charm to it before.

Xiaofeng did not.

According to the map marked by Merlin, after his ancestors and companions left, they died one after another, and there is a high probability that they were cursed.

Merlin's ancestors are safe and sound, indicating that, like Merlin, he also has the ability to restrain curses.

Wei Sheng approached step by step.

Keep staring at the hut.

A line of gold letters jumped above the wooden house.

[There is no danger at this distance. 】

When Wei Sheng walked to the edge of the grass, the prompt changed.

[Going further will be cursed. 】

Wei Sheng bowed his head.

The boundary line is indeed three meters away from the wooden house.

"I don't know what's in it?"

Wei Sheng just looked around, and there was no purple treasure chest outside.

To get the treasure chest, you must enter the house!

Stare at the cabin for a moment.

There is a change to the prompt.

[This is a wooden house polluted by the magic mirror of seeking knowledge. It cannot be ignited by flames, nor can it be destroyed. After entering, be careful to be attacked by creatures that have been polluted.If you encounter the magic mirror of knowledge, don't answer any of its questions, and don't attack it, it will make you insane and distorted.Dealing with it with mad eyes can make it stop asking questions. 】

There is a way to deal with it!

Wei Sheng was shocked.

Open the Pokédex to search for the Magic Mirror of Knowledge.

Results appear.


[Magic Mirror of Knowledge: A special species born in places with severe pollution. It looks like a strange mirror, with a fleshy surface. It has a long lifespan and is born with a lot of knowledge.If it encounters an intelligent race, it will ask questions. Once it cannot answer, or if it does not answer, it will distort the target's will, pollute the target's body, and turn it into a puppet.There is often a small-scale curse restricted area where it is located]

[Ability: Double Pollution]

[Weaknesses: I think I know everything from the past to the present. Once I encounter a problem that is difficult to answer, I will fall into self-entanglement, which may cause a breakdown of my will. 】

[Danger factor: 128]

Ability to view.

[Double pollution: The spirit and will of the target are polluted and become a twisted puppet. 】


"This danger factor!"

Wei Sheng was shocked.

Actually over a hundred.

The last time the highest risk factor was compared with the magic mirror, the gap was a bit big.

"It can be dealt with with mad eyes, and it can also take the initiative to ask questions."

Wei Sheng thought again and again, took a deep breath, and walked towards the door of the wooden house.

Step out.

A cold air was clearly felt.


Warm currents flowed through Wei Sheng's body.

Body surface shines.

The Holy Enchantment works again!

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