Wei Sheng's eyes fell in five directions.

[Continue to dig down, there is a silver treasure chest, be careful to avoid the thunder fog, there is lightning and thunder inside, once you fall into it, you may be seriously injured. 】

[In the burrow ahead, the forest troll is very hungry, don't get caught, or you will explode behind you. 】

[In the burrow at the back, there are two silver treasure chests, and the salamanders that have transformed eighteen times are guarding nearby, so they are not too provocative. 】

[Dig to the right, you can find a crystal treasure chest, you will enter the village where the corpse is still alive, don't believe any of their nonsense, even if it is a beauty trick, you must hold back! 】

[Dig to the left, there are several graves, dig well, you can find good things. 】

Choose right!

Wei Sheng opened the illustrated book and inquired about the information.

The result jumps out.


[Revived corpse: After any crypt creature dies, it may be transformed into a revived corpse.Once the transformation is successful, the consciousness is polluted, and the evil hidden in the body breaks out. They have only one goal, and they continue to transform more creatures into their own kind. 】

[Ability: performance, soul-returning corpse poison, other abilities]


[Danger factor: strength during his lifetime]

View capabilities.

[Performance: Not only can he perform camouflage changes in appearance, but he can also have superb acting skills. 】

[Resurrection Corpse Poison: Once the target is infected and dies, it will be revived and become a member of the Resurrection Corpse. 】


The first two abilities are unique abilities that are generated after being converted into a revived corpse.

Other abilities are the abilities that the revived corpse had before it was alive!

"The risk factor is also not fixed."

"If a dragon becomes a revived corpse, the risk factor is as high as a dragon."

Wei Sheng analyzed in his heart.

Since there is no warning in the prompt, it means that the revived corpse inside is not difficult.

Flash casts out evil.

The holy rays of light issued by the lucky bag today can also restrain evil!

 287 Wei Sheng is ready.

Dig out a lengthy passage.


The one hundred and sixteenth burrow!

It's gloomy here.

Some scattered houses can be seen.

The area is not small, at a glance, it can be two hundred meters horizontally and vertically.


A gust of wind came.

Wei Sheng felt the cold air.

Xiaohu and Xiaofeng looked around.

Their noses are more sensitive, and with a hard inhalation, they smell the wind and whimper softly.

"I know there's a problem."

Wei Sheng muttered.

Haven't seen a corpse yet.

He silently used the detect technique.

A wave swept across.

Expanded to the village, and gradually swept some figures.

Not only in the house, but also under the soil!

"There are more than fifty of this number."

Wei Sheng walked forward.

Find crystal treasure chests along the way.

Not on the periphery.


In the wooden house in front, the head of Charming Monster sticks out.

The face is delicate, with a bit of embarrassment.

Wei Sheng looked over with a smile.

Another charmer!

This time, however, it appears to be a disguise.

More doors opened, and figures appeared one after another.

Charm, female dwarf, female goblin, female troll...

No matter what the main body is, they all dress up as women.

"Oh, I have a heart."

Wei Sheng sighed.

These corpses are smart enough.

For women of so many races, there is always one that will be favored. .

Chapter 189

"Yeah, a lucky passerby came."

"There are very few outsiders in our female tribe!"

"This passerby is so handsome, he seems to have a taste."

"Look at your anxious heart, don't scare outsiders."


The revived corpse talks a lot.

Dress up women of all shapes and sizes, either shy, hot, or cold as icebergs.

Any style is available!

They stood in a row, with a strong hint of Wei Sheng's choice.

"Outsiders, we only welcome women here on weekdays. You are a man, and you are not allowed to stay here for too long, unless..."

The charmed monster said with a smile.

A frown and a smile, really charming.


Wei Sheng had seen the real Charming Monster.

It is certain that this guy is not a Charming Monster.

Because of Charming Monster's charismatic aura, its power is not bad, but any man who sees it will at least be in a trance for a short time.

The revived corpse in front of him will not.

Empty has its own table.

No magic powers.

"Unless what?"

Wei Sheng looked indifferent.

I would like to see what tricks these revived corpses play!

"Unless, you can serve our sisters, hee hee."

Charming Monster grinned, twisted her waist, and approached step by step.


Wei Sheng sighed: "It's just a coincidence, I just took a pill, one of the effects is that the flag doesn't fall. It's more than enough to deal with everyone present."


Charm is amazed.

Stick out a snake-like flexible tongue.


Wei Sheng sighed again: "Unfortunately, all of you are just reviving the corpse, pretending to be a woman."

Charming Monster's smile froze.

All the reincarnated corpses stopped.

"Hey hey, it turns out that we have been discovered."

"court death!"

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