Compare mental power to countless strands of hair, starting from controlling one strand of hair.

With deep practice, even a fluff on other people's body floats and the muscles change, and you can feel it.

When Avalon and Wei Sheng were fighting, the reason why Wei Sheng's resistance ring of fire didn't hit Avalon was because Avalon noticed it in advance.


Wei Sheng took down the inheritance jade slips.

To be honest, it's kind of frustrating.

"Fantasy kendo is really good, and Avalon is also a kendo genius."

Although Wei Sheng realized it for the second time, he couldn't help but admire it.

Every time you experience the inheritance of jade slips, you can always have new insights.

"Go to the shooting range and try the swordsmanship."

Wei Sheng got up and moved his muscles and bones.

Since mastering the spell, the melee ability has also fallen, and it is rarely practiced.

Fantasy kendo rekindled his interest.

Wei Sheng came to the shooting range.

The other three stopped.

"Xiao Yun, let's try it out."

Wei Sheng looked at Xiao Yun.

The other two are all spellcasters, unable to demonstrate close combat abilities.

"Brother Wei, I'm not your opponent, aren't you making fun of me?"

Xiao Yun shook his head.

"I don't use spells, I just rely on this sword."

Wei Sheng took out the wind and fire knife.

Although it is not a sword, it can be used as a sword.

What's more, fantasy kendo is not limited to form, swords and guns can be.

"you sure?"

Xiao Yun held the spirit bone sword and said, "Brother Wei, are you underestimating me too~"?"

"That's not true, it's just that I got a swordsmanship today, and my hands are itchy for a while."

Wei Sheng took off each piece of equipment.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun also took off his equipment.

With only one physical body, he would definitely be better than Wei Sheng, and if he wore equipment, it would be too cheap.

"Brother Wei, you have to be careful."

Xiao Yun held the spirit bone sword and explained one last sentence.


Wei Sheng closed his eyes, and after a while, he entered the state.

The whole person is refreshed!

Xiao Yun's best intuitive feeling.

In an instant, Wei Sheng was like a sharp sword unsheathed!

Xiao Yuling and Rogers also noticed this.

Originally purely watching the play, his expression gradually became serious.


Xiao Yun snorted and sprinted forward.

Wei Sheng used a knife as a sword.

Gaze straight ahead.

At this moment, there seems to be a phantom of Avalon, which is integrated with it.


Xiao Yun's menacing sword move was blocked by Wei Sheng's attacking posture.


Xiao Yun's mouth was shocked.

Immediately put away contempt.

When he swung the sword again, he had gone all out.

You come and go on both sides.

Swords flashed and jingled in the training ground.

Xiao Yun has also used combat skills to learn scrolls, but when making moves, it relies more on strength, speed and reaction.

Wei Sheng is not.

The Fenghuo Knife in his hand, like a flying butterfly, shuttled among the flowers, easily responding to Xiao Yun's every move.

In terms of strength and speed, Xiao Yun has the advantage.

But every time he uses his sword, Wei Sheng can always predict that the enemy will come first, predict Xiao Yun's move, and then use offense instead of defense, forcing Xiao Yun to defend.


Three in a row.

The sharp blade landed on Xiao Yun's throat.

Xiao Yun stopped.

He closed his eyes.

Think back to the last few tricks.

It finally turned into a sigh.

"Thank you Brother Wei for the pointer."

"Great swordsmanship!"

Xiao Yun was convinced.

Obviously in terms of physique, it is enough to suppress Wei Sheng, but unable to win, it is really aggrieved.

"Brother Wei, what kind of swordsmanship is this?"

Xiao Yuling asked.

"Fantasy Kendo."

Wei Sheng smiled slightly: "From Avalon, a kobold swordsman master."

"Fantasy Kendo?"


The three were surprised.

Even if I haven't encountered it, I've heard others talk about it. Among the information sold in the market, kobolds are the most thoroughly studied.

Cowardly, greedy, despicable...

Good adjectives never belong to kobolds.

Wei Sheng didn't explain much.

Pick up the wind and fire knife and practice alone.

Xiao Yun stood aside and observed with wide eyes.

Even if you learn a trick and a half, you can improve your strength.

A quarter of an hour passed.

All four stopped.

Sitting around a large round table and chatting.

"Brother Wei doesn't know how many ratings can be scored this time."

"I'm curious too."

"Last time, Big Brother Wei's comprehensive score was over [-], and his combat strength was [-]. This time..."

The three mainly talked about the scores soon after.

Everyone can only guess, the specific score cannot be estimated.

In addition, they also talked about the relationship between combat power and combat experience.

Combat value not only includes equipment, skills, etc., but also is affected by actual combat ability and intelligence.

"¨'Hey, the score seems to have moved!"

Rogers whispered.

The other three turned on the regional channels one after another to check their scores.

Wei Sheng saw that he was still occupying the first place on the channel.

There have also been some changes in ranking within the channel.

Wei Sheng (52119, 12528, 140)

Xiao Yuling (6969, 2492, 92)

Chen Chen (6328, 1572, 108)

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