[Continue to dig to the right, and you will enter Coil Snake Town. This place has been occupied by the army led by the blue-eyed demon and the earth dragon. Unless you have a helper, it is not recommended to enter.There are golden treasure chests, purple treasure chests and colorful treasure chests, which can only be found by searching carefully. 】


Wei Sheng sat up straight.

Three big treasure chests!

The golden treasure chest and the purple treasure chest are nothing more than that.

There is also an unopened colorful treasure chest!

This looks like a higher level.

The purple treasure chest can produce epic equipment, should the colorful treasure chest be legendary? !

Wei Sheng was instantly refreshed.

We must take Coil Snake Town!

In the crypt ahead, he was miserable about missing a golden treasure chest.

If it wasn't for the thought that Coil Snake Town was close at hand, it might have changed its route.

Now that I learned that there are three large treasure chests in Coil Snake Town, I am secretly glad that I did not change my mind temporarily.

"And there's an earth dragon, isn't it a coincidence?"

Wei Sheng laughed.

Just missing a dragon skin, the earth dragon will be delivered to the door obediently.

However, the intelligence of the United Corps seems to be wrong.

May be Shaman Yin one-handed! .

Chapter 246

"I didn't encounter an ambush along the way. It's not that Shaman is stupid, but that he has mastered the backhand and wants to use the earth dragon to wipe out the United Legion in one fell swoop."

Wei Sheng returned to the back of the giant beast.

The dragon in the cave, referred to as the earth dragon.

Among the many crypt creatures, the earth dragon family belongs to the top group of the biological chain.

With a tyrannical body, the means of attack are changeable, the risk factor exceeds [-], and the upper limit of growth is also high.

As for how powerful, the earth dragons are not the same.

"Shan Piao obviously has an eyeliner on Shaman's side. The Earth Dragon is huge, and after it can't appear, there is no news. It must be some kind of method."

So would if he were Sharman.

Otherwise, how can it be overcast to the United Army~ regiment.

The next burrow is Coil Snake Town.

How the huge combined army entered the catacombs is worth thinking about -.

The offense is far inferior - the defense has an advantage.

The defender can set traps in front of the dirt wall.

You can also ambush good troops, come in and fight one by one, and form a situation of more and less fighting in the short term.

Wei Sheng thought about this last night.

After the army set off today, I carefully observed the practice of the United Army. Among the vanguard, heavy chariots took the lead.

Each chariot was huge and heavy, and deep marks were pressed into the ground.

Wei Sheng asked the patriarch of the dog and dwarf, and the other party told them that these chariots were specially built for war, and Shan Piao borrowed them from elsewhere.

The chariot has super defensive capabilities, and even if it encounters a dragon, it cannot be destroyed at once.

There will be some soldiers hidden inside, and the chariots are often used as the vanguard of the front army.

However, the mobility of the chariot is extremely poor, and it is placed in the front army mainly to guard against ambush and traps in the next burrow.

The United Corps is working hard to dig the channel.

The whole excavation process is relatively long.

Takes half an hour.

As long as the black membrane is touched, the channel will slowly heal.

The United Legion also has a geomagnetic cone——

A metal instrument in the shape of an awl, inserted into excavated channels and connected to each other, simulates the properties of geomagnetic pulses, keeping the channels from healing for a period of time.

After the rear army leaves, they will take away the geomagnetic cone and pass it to the vanguard army in the next burrow.

"Rest in place."

Shan Piao gave an order.

Digging the soil takes some energy, and the Legion needs to make final adjustments.

Another half an hour passed, Shan Piao gave an order, and the army marched in an orderly manner.

Wei Sheng sees everything in his eyes, the disadvantage of the attackers in the underground cave is too great!

There are too many factors to consider.

Digging pits, traps, poison gas, fire attacks...

All kinds of, very complicated.

For example, before entering the black mask, a terrain detector must be activated to determine the terrain that the next burrow may face, and then deal with it.

"It may be related to the army. If it is a giant dragon army, or a spell warrior army, you can go directly."

Wei Sheng saw that they had tossed back and forth for a long time before entering the black film.

Better preparation in advance.

Boom boom boom...

The Central Army where Wei Sheng is located also successfully entered the black film.

The scene in front of you changes.

The first impression is that the burrow is too huge!

Looking left and right, there are many traces of battle on the chariot in front.

One of the chariots collapsed in half.

It can be seen that the vanguard army suffered the impact of the enemy just now, and it did not lose much by relying on the chariot.

Not far from the queue, there was a big pit with a depth of seven or eight meters, but it didn't reach the vanguard.

Before entering, I specifically checked the terrain and deliberately avoided it.

In addition to these, there are also woods and the like erected nearby, the flames have been extinguished, and white smoke is rising.

In general, the United Legion has already stood firm in the early days, and only a few dozen soldiers have been sacrificed.

This is already a very good result.

Not only did it fail to hit the main force and morale, it even made the United Legion angry!

"Coiling Snake Town is really big enough."

Wei Sheng didn't fly into the air, only a high wall in front of him was more than a kilometer long.

Coiled Snake Town is not a square.

The temporary heightened wall is already ten meters.

Looking from a distance, you can vaguely see some buildings in Coil Snake Town. The black tower in the middle stands tall and is the most conspicuous.

On the wall, one after another figure stood.

All under the command of Sharman.


The giant beasts on both sides, separated by the fence, let out a dull roar and demonstrated each other.

Wei Sheng jumped off the back of the giant beast and came to the ground.

Xiaohu and Xiaofeng followed him closely, slightly nervous and excited.

Shan Piao rode an elegant unicorn and walked in front of the United Army. With his loud pre-war mobilization, the United Army's morale rose and shouted loudly.

Wei Sheng remained silent as always.

As if this war had nothing to do with him.

After Shan Piao mobilized, a giant beast came to the front.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?


The body is huge, five or six meters high, with thick limbs, rough skin and thick flesh, and a tail like a big spoon.

According to the pictorial records, their ancestors did not look like this. After generations of selection and cultivation, they gradually became siege machines.

As the name suggests, it is specially used for throwing heavy objects.

The United Legion put boulders one by one on the big spoon tail of the catapult.

The boulders have been specially modified.

Light up the flame.

It suddenly became a big fireball.

The catapult's tail was burned by the flames, and it didn't feel anything, and its fire-resistant properties were extremely high.

One command.

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