Wei Sheng entered the planting shed, and Lilu and Yalu flew towards him.

"Why did you call the Aoki Monster too?"

He never explained that he was imprisoning the green wood monster, and he never said that he was released from the room.

"Hee hee, Xiao Wei tells you a secret, the sweat they shed can speed up the healthy growth of plants."

"Yeah, so make them work more so they can sweat more, are we geniuses? Is this idea worth an ice cream?"

Li Lu sat on the left shoulder, Ya Lu was on the right, dangling her calf, asking Wei Sheng for credit.

"Oh? How did you find out?"

Wei Sheng remembered that the green slime had a similar effect when the green wood monster was born.

It can be seen that the records of the illustrated book are not detailed.

"Stupid, of course they took the initiative to say."

The two little things spoke in unison. .

Chapter 271

Aoki's sweat can be used as fertilizer.

Wei Sheng's first reaction was to arrange more work for the Green Wood Monster.

Work more and sweat more!

After some observation, the sweat of the green wood monster is not smelly, but also has a clear scent of plants.

"In the future, hand over the work of the little silkworm girl to the green wood monster. The little silkworm girl can go to collect the sweat of the green wood monster. You two plan well, and you can tell me what you need."

Wei Sheng gave a simple instruction, how to operate it, and handed it over to Lilu and Yalu.

Their brains are not very bright, and they need to exercise their brains a lot.

Conference hall.

Wei Sheng found a chair to sit down and took out the coloring book comic he had just harvested.

"The lunar troll should also be a species of trolls, and there is no record in the incomplete picture book..."

Open the first page.

Browse the whole story.

Use reading skills!

Wei Sheng's reading efficiency has been significantly improved.

Basically, at a glance, you can record all the above content.

The whole story is based on true events.

The location of the incident was another dungeon.

The cause also involves crypt creatures with abyss blood.

It bewitched the son of the city lord Xisuo, causing chaos in the dungeon, and then the Taiyin troll led his subordinates to attack.

Eighteen noble ladies were taken away by the lunar troll, and a melee began.

The legendary Hisoka fell, and the dungeon fell into the hands of others.

In the comics, Sisso and Gandalf are introduced at a level.

"It's really full... The story, the [-] female characters are just right, and there are various types. This painter is really an artist."

Wei Sheng applauded.

"Little Black and White, help me put the book in the study."

He threw the book to Little Black and White.

"Okay, sir."

Little Black and White took the book, but didn't move, stood there, thought for a moment, and said, "Sir, do you still need additional services?"

Gaze down.

"No, go put the book."

Wei Sheng waved his hand.

Little Black and White left.

Wei Sheng calmed down for a moment and thought to himself, "Although the two books are not very serious, it is not difficult to find some commonalities."

He opened the book "Dungeon Legends" and found the corresponding biography of Hisoka.

A master of swordsmanship, almost demigod legend, and a caveman!

After him, there were no outstanding cavemen, and the entire ethnic group went into decline.

"Gandalf should also be close to a demigod..."

"So, every confusion is aimed at this level."

Wei Sheng continued to flip through the books.

With reading assistance, a heavy book can be read within half an hour.

No further clues were found.

Wei Sheng threw the book at random, made a batch of enchanted items in the meditation room, and then threw them into the regional channel.

The score will be updated tonight, you can temporarily improve the overall score of the channel, and harvest your runes and materials by the way!

In a blink of an eye, night has come.

It was nearly eight o'clock.

The four of them gathered around the big round table, waiting for the score to be updated.

Wei Sheng was discussing some trivial matters with the other three, and Rogers mentioned a special box dug up today.

"I dug it out of an abandoned castle and couldn't open it. You guys can help me see it."

Rogers returned to base and took out a metal box.

This item is not a box rewarded by the system.

When viewing the details, the system prompts the following:

[A box with a delicate mechanism, built by a master, forcibly opening it may damage the internal structure, causing all the items inside to be destroyed, it is best to find the key equipped. 】

"I rummaged through the entire castle, but I couldn't find it."

"This box is buried in the basement. If it wasn't for a metal detector, it would have missed it. I don't know what's in it. I wanted to use brute force to open it, but I didn't want to."

Rogers patted the box, and there was a thick layer of dust on it.

There are many textures on the surface of the box, the lid and the box are closely fitted, and the seam is tight, and there is only a key hole on the front.

"Go to the World Channel and ask."

Xiao Yun suggested.

"I asked, but no one answered! If only there was a master key or something."

Rogers scratched his head and said, "Brother Wei, do you have a way? If you can open it, the contents will be divided into half for you."

Since just now, Wei Sheng's eyes have never been taken away from the box.

On the box, a line of prompts appears.

[The treasure chest full of traps is not dangerous when opened, and cannot be opened with brute force, otherwise the trap will be triggered, and all the good things in it will be destroyed. 】

Tips have good stuff!

"Are you sure you want to give me half? If you offer something good, don't you regret it?"

Wei Sheng raised his head and said with a smile: "If this lock is not too complicated, I do have a way to open it."

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

The switch technique can just deal with these locks. If the difficulty of the lock is too high, the switch technique will also fail, and multiple attempts are required.

"What do you regret? I'm a more honest person. What's the difference between the box and the garbage if I can't open it in my hand?"

Rogers asked curiously, "Does Brother Wei have a key?"

"Not the key."

Since he had a good deal with Rogers, Wei Sheng was not polite and put his palm on the box.


The whole box vibrated slightly.

Wei Sheng's palm radiated a faint luster.

Switch, use it!

It didn't turn on at once, and the first attempt of the switch technique failed.

"This lock is a little complicated."

Wei Sheng tried again.

The switch technique is used again and again.

... 0

Although it fails continuously, after each failure, you can further understand the structure of the lock.


After trying for three minutes, I heard the subtle movement inside.

The treasure chest was successfully opened.

"It's really open!"

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