It has now been assembled.

However, whether or not to build it depends on the actual situation.

The other legendary immortal barrier that was released last time, if the materials are collected, the priority of creation should be above the big sun disk.

What's more, when I opened the colorful treasure chest this time, another legendary equipment manufacturing map appeared!

In the four treasure chests, there are not many special items that can enter Wei Sheng's magic eye, only two manufacturing drawings.

First crafting drawing: Epic's Wormhole Shuttle.

This item does not need to be repeated. The last time I captured one, it provided Wei Sheng with a great deal of room for manipulation.

This time, the manufacturing drawing is drawn, as long as the material is sufficient, it can be manufactured in batches.

The second manufacturing map: Soul Capture Mirror.

There are positive and negative sides, and each has a role.

A frontal photo can suck away souls and kill people.

A photo of the reverse side can release the soul and replace the body for the soul!towel.

Chapter 347

There are also conditions for the soul-absorbing mirror to absorb souls.

The necessary condition is that the target is not dead, and there is only one breath left.

The absorption effect is closely related to the user.

If the user's mental power is weaker than the target, it may fail.


it is possible!

Not one hundred percent.

The judgment conditions are related to mental power and infusion of soul power.

But the weight of mental power is relatively large.

In addition, in addition to mental power and soul power, other factors will also affect the effect.

For example, if the target's mental state is unstable, like being frightened by a terrified guard, then casting the Soul Capture Mirror on it will make it easier to absorb the soul.

After the soul-absorbing mirror has absorbed the soul, it can be preserved for a long time, but to ensure that the soul is intact, it needs to be fed with soul power every day.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause confusion and faults in the soul's memory.

When the Soul Destroyer Mirror releases the soul, there are two options.

The first is to let it arise and die and transform into a soul.

The second is to consume soul power and send the soul into a new body.

The new body must maintain a certain level of activity.

It can't be resurrected after being sent to a decomposed corpse.

It is best to choose a living body, suck the soul out of it, and put it in another soul.

If the soul is not sucked out and put in, the two souls are in the same body, it is easy to repel each other, and thus perish.

Unless you have a secret!

The deformed strong orc that Wei Sheng met at the time, because Shaman cast a secret technique, the two souls can coexist.

Wei Sheng has yet to find a similar spell technique, and it is difficult to create a similar spell technique by himself.

"Use all."

Wei Sheng used all the manufacturing drawings on hand.

Not only the wormhole shuttle machine and the soul-absorbing mirror, but also several other inconspicuous manufacturing drawings.

After learning, check out the synthetic formula.

Among the synthetic materials of the wormhole shuttle machine, there is no material that Wei Sheng has not seen before. Needless to say, the four-element rune, in addition, requires purple gold, mithril, aurora, and memory gems.

Among the materials for the soul-defying mirror, there is one I have never seen before, it is called the soul gem, and it requires 10 units.

Wei Sheng scanned the trading channel, but couldn't find it.

Go to the chat channel to search again, and there is no relevant record.

There is a high probability that no one has, or even items that require soul gems to synthesize.

"The soul-defying mirror cannot be synthesized temporarily..."

"In this way, the priority of the big Japanese disk can be raised."

Wei Sheng sank into his mind and scanned the entire dungeon.

The last time I won Kaiser, I harvested thousands of various materials.

Donglin City is richer than Kaiser.

Materials should be more!

The entire scan lasts less than a minute.

Wei Sheng has already counted all the scarce materials.

"Sure enough resources are more abundant than Kaiser..."

"Zijin exceeds [-]!"

"More than seven thousand moonlight sand!"

"The Mithril exceeds [-]!"

"More than [-] geomagnetic crystals!"

"The aurora is more than [-]!"


The number of rune bases in Kaiser is also relatively large.

Mainly concentrated in the hands of major forces.

There must be some materials in those rune bases.

"You can eat all you can eat again!"

Wei Sheng raised his eyelids and licked his lips.

"I have enough materials on hand to make the big Japanese disc, do you want to make it now?"

Wei Sheng thought for a moment and decided to start working immediately.

Last time I was in Kaiser City, because of the vision brought by two pieces of legendary equipment, it indirectly raised the awe in the hearts of the city residents.

Nothing is more effective than the vision of legendary equipment!

"First lower the hood above the City Lord's Mansion."

Wei Sheng has further integrated the core, and has been able to control the buildings and terrain of Donglin City.

Don't look at the fact that the City Lord's Mansion is a hemispherical fortress, but the cover above can be stowed away.

Wei Sheng came outside, and his thoughts moved.

With a wave of shaking, the upper cover slowly closed.

Light enters from outside.

This is done.

Wei Sheng opened the manufacturing list.

Choose the large Japanese disc.

Confirmed work!

A large amount of materials flew out and merged together in the air.

The Sun Essence that had just been obtained rushed out at the last moment, bursting with powerful heat.

In the blink of an eye, all the materials were fused together.


A beam of light shot straight into the sky.

Wei Sheng looked up.

The system reminder has been successfully created, and then we will see what kind of vision the big Japanese disk will bring!

The beam of light burst out of the shield.

It exploded above Donglin City.

The dazzling light shone all over the place.

When the strong light dissipated, a huge golden sphere appeared on the spot.

Inside the fireball, there appears to be a black crow. 0

With a chirping, the black crow inside flapped its wings, and fire erupted from it, and quickly spread around the golden sphere...


The surface of the golden sphere was also wrapped in flames and burned.

The temperature of the entire burrow rose rapidly.

As soon as Wei Sheng thought about it, the temperature dropped.

But the brilliance shed by the big sun disc shines on his body, not only warm, but also seems to make the soul power run more smoothly.

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