Therefore, let me know in advance that Donglin City has taken precautions. Once the hundred feet arrive, Wei Sheng can be notified as soon as possible.

At that time, Wei Sheng will rely on the wormhole shuttle to come to support.

Wei Sheng did not leave a wormhole shuttle in Donglin City, but Donglin City had set up an anchor point, and that shuttle was in Xiao Yuling's hands.

Kaiser City is like a transit station, Wei Sheng can go from Syracuse to Kaiser first, and then from Kaiser to Donglin City.

If you want the three dungeons to travel easily, the best way to do it is to ask the player to serve as the deputy city lord.

"The city lord takes the Snow City!"

The news spread quickly throughout Donglin City as if it had grown wings.

The calm Donglin City suddenly made waves.

The matter became a hot topic in the city.

Those business travelers from Xuecheng were stunned when they heard the news.

When they came to Donglin City, they didn't take it seriously when they learned that Donglin City had changed hands.

It's nothing to do with hanging up high.

This time it is different, they are also included in Wei Sheng's jurisdiction!

Among these business trips, many are worried about the future of Syracuse.

They had never seen Wei Sheng's strength, and were in awe of the famous Bai Chi.

If Syracuse had an energy tower, everything was easy to say, but it didn't, which would be very bad.

In contrast, the citizens of Donglin City were hardly worried about this.

When they talked with the business traveler, they seemed optimistic. That day, Wei Sheng slaughtered the arquebusier believers in the officialdom, which left a deep impression on everyone.

What's more, Kaiser continued to send back news that Wei Sheng had killed the Dark Dragon!

No matter how strong the Hundred Feet is, I am afraid it will be on the same level as the Dark Dragon.

Donglin City and Kaiser City are in a carnival.

Wei Sheng, who is far away in Xuecheng, is in the training room, dedicated to unlocking!

Wei Sheng sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

A large disc hangs high above it.

The bright silver light shone down and gathered on Wei Sheng.

Like wearing a silver cassock!

The light of the lunar disk can move at will.

The benefits of such aggregation can multiply the effect.

"There's only one lock left to open the secret tower~'!"

Wei Sheng raised his eyelids excitedly.

The secret tower suspended in front of him trembled slightly and fell into Wei Sheng's hands.

After several hours of hard work, and then relying on the effect of the lunar disc, the last three layers of chain locks finally broke through two layers.

The last layer seems to be the strongest and will probably consume more time.


At least there is hope!

Without the Taiyin disc to assist in mobilizing the blood vessels, the chain chains on the back three layers were as immobile as a mountain.

Wei Sheng put away the Taiyin disk and got up to move his muscles and bones.

Unlocking for a long time is a bit boring.

Rest for half an hour and fill up again.

Wei Sheng continued to sit down to unlock.

The lunar disc continued to hang high.

This time, Wei Sheng injected soul power into the Taiyin disc to increase the horsepower.

In a blink of an eye, a few hours passed.

It's dark now.

Wei Sheng frowned slightly.

The last lock is really troublesome.

"A little bit more..."

"Calm down..."

"I don't believe it can't be opened!"

Wei Sheng continued to perform the opening and closing technique.

After each failure, you must start all over again, that is, start from the first lock and continue to spread to the last one.

If there is a little mistake in the middle, it will be interrupted.

It's like placing hundreds of dominoes, and none of them can fall down.

Once it falls, it needs to be repositioned.

The cycle goes back and forth, which is a great test of a person's patience.

Be a little bit irritable, get crazy long ago, or even give up.

One after another.

Before you know it, the night has come.


Suddenly, the secret tower shook violently.

"It's done!"

Wei Sheng opened his eyes excitedly, sweat on his forehead.

This is much more tiring than [-] rounds of war.

call out!

There are two rays of light in the secret tower.

A golden light, a silver light.

The silver light escaped into the void and disappeared with a puff.

"Breaking news?"

Wei Sheng raised his brows, already seeing Yin Guang's intentions.

I wanted to grab it, but the silver light slipped away and I couldn't catch it at all.

The remaining golden light flew straight.

Wei Sheng's eyes narrowed.

The golden light spun around in the air and finally turned into a golden pill.

Wei Sheng grabbed it with his hand, and the golden projectile spun around in his palm.

Looking closely, I saw that there was a stream of light in the pill pill, like a snake like a dragon.

[System Reminder: Legendary Pure Pill +1]

[Legendary Pure Pure Pill: A very rare pill, it is difficult to find in the entire underground world, and it is extremely difficult to refine, and few pharmacists can refine it.After taking it, it can make the blood vessels more pure and greatly enhance the ability of the blood vessels. 】

"It's actually a legendary pill."

"Is this the surprise in the secret tower?"

At this point, Wei Sheng also guessed the reason why Gandalf set the shackles in the secret tower.

It's almost the same as what he guessed before!

Gandalf was probably able to untie the shackles of blood.

If a living being can unlock the secret tower, it also means that it can unlock the shackles of blood.

The unlocker must be proficient in switch art, and the strength must be strong enough.

Strong enough to be promoted to demigod with only one chance!

Pure Pure Pill may be that opportunity.

".'Now is not the time to take it, I have to touch all the blood shackles on my hand first, and then absorb them one by one, and then take the Pure Pure Pill..."

Wei Sheng suppressed his excited guilty conscience and stared at Jingchun Pill.

The golden word prompts appear.

[This is a pure and pure pill, non-toxic and harmless, the refiner is Gandalf.It is not recommended to take it now, you are not ready yet! 】

Even the hints coincided with Wei Sheng's thoughts.

"Gandalf refining..."

"Most of the silver light that disappeared just now is to inform Gandalf, and I don't know whether it is an enemy or a friend."

Although Wei Sheng got the benefit, he really couldn't be [-]% sure. Maybe Gandalf had other thoughts.

"There are also three crystal treasure chests in the secret tower..."

Wei Sheng's consciousness sank, and he took out all the treasure chests inside.

The secret tower is a bit like a rune backpack, but it doesn't have much space inside.

All three crystal treasure chests are opened.


With these materials in hand, Wei Sheng wants to create an immortal barrier, only the breath of wind and water is lacking!

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