puff puff...

Storm giants and skeletal trolls collapsed.

The battle is set! .

Chapter 360

Storm giants and skeletal trolls fell battered and bruised.

Before dying, they had only one feeling—


For example, the hands and feet were tied, and they were imprisoned in a closed space. The oxygen gradually decreased, and they slowly suffocated to death.

The whole process is full of helplessness.

The arrogance from earlier has also vanished.

Wei Sheng took their souls and put their bodies back into the Rune Base.

After decomposing, it really got the blood of the giant and the blood of the troll.

And it's full of considerable blood!

"Bloodlines are not only in them..."

Wei Sheng glanced at the rest of the enemies.

Such as golden giants, silver giants, Tianzhu trolls, etc., their corpses also have a probability of decomposing blood vessels.

Wei Sheng wished that such creatures would attack.

It's almost like sending supplements, one by one rushing to cut leeks for him.

There was chaos on the field.

When the storm giant and the bone troll fell, the enemy camp panicked.


"Run for your life, the boss is gone!"

"What a terrible caveman! Run!"

Giants, trolls, goblins, etc., have no intention of fighting, and all flee in the direction they come and go.

However, they soon found that there was no way to escape.

Wei Sheng has blocked their 637 back road!

"Come on, let's save your lives."

Under the front and back attack, the remaining stinky fish and rotten shrimp will collapse faster.

Only a few creatures, because they are good at drilling the earth, find an opportunity to escape in the chaos.

All the enemy troops who came to attack the city died outside Snow City.

The thick snow in front of the city gate was sprinkled with colorful blood.

The air was filled with the smell of blood.

"Win! Haha, we won!"

"Storm giants and bone trolls are all dead, and our Syracuse has two less scourges!"

"I... I'm so tired, I've never participated in a battle of this intensity, I just thought I was going to die..."

"Huh, I didn't think we could win!"

After the full of enthusiasm faded, each city citizen realized how dangerous it was before.

If Wei Sheng fell first, they would be the ones lying down now.

The key to winning this battle lies in the new city lord!

"Long live the city master!"

"The city master is invincible!"

I don't know who took the lead first, followed by cheers in unison.

Cheers spread from outside into the city.

In the snow city, there are still some old and weak women and children, mostly standing on high places, or on the top of the city, nervously watching the battle outside the city.

At this moment, they are also hugging in twos and threes, celebrating this hard-won victory.

After the celebration, all complicated eyes fell on Wei Sheng.

At this moment, no one thought that Bai Chi could take revenge at will.

This mayor...

The strength is unfathomable!

With the strength of one person, he took down the storm giant and the bone troll alone, and it seemed that he still had the power to spare.

Anyway, everyone can't see that Wei Sheng is injured.

Wei Sheng had already taken away all the souls on the battlefield.

His eyes swept across the soldiers at the scene, as well as the creatures in the city...

Suddenly, he raised his hand and made a mute gesture.

From outside to inside, gradually quiet.

Only the wind blows.

Only snowflakes are drifting.

"The glory of victory also belongs to you."

Wei Sheng made a loud noise that spread throughout the entire cave.

In an instant, all the townspeople cheered loudly, and it took a long time to stop.

A quarter of an hour later.

Wei Sheng returned to Syracuse.

The bodies have all been taken away by him.

There are many blood vessels decomposed.

Busy again next time!

Wei Sheng did not fly into Xuecheng, but from the main gate, walking side by side with a group of soldiers.

When you come to the street, the townspeople welcome you.

"Ah, ah, City Lord, I love you!"

"The city master is mighty!"

"The city lord is so handsome, I want to give you a tauren!!!"

Both sides of the road are full of townspeople.

Women, in particular, are already holding flowers, weaving garlands, and welcoming them.

At this moment, Wei Sheng was truly recognized by Xuecheng.

Wherever they go, they pay tribute or salute, and they all express their respect.

If you say kill Moss, let the whole city feel relieved.

Then this battle is the heart!

At the same time, it has also greatly improved people's hearts and stabilized morale.

If Hundred Feet comes to take revenge...

Even if the news is known in advance, not many city residents will leave, and it is more likely that they will follow Wei Sheng to fight together.

The situation is very different!

After the war, the whole city celebrated.

Wei Sheng also took the opportunity to introduce Kaiser's set of rules and regulations.

At this time, Wei Sheng's reputation was unprecedentedly high, and he no longer needed to worry about the large-scale escape of residents in the area under his control.

In the afternoon, Syracuse returned to calm.

Wei Sheng continued to hide in the training room to absorb blood.

This time, a total of fifteen giant bloodlines and twelve middle troll bloodlines were harvested.

There are only two kinds of blood vessels, and the rest are all weak blood vessels.

Wei Sheng was busy until the evening before absorbing some of it.

The rest will take a day or two to absorb.

Tonight, Syracuse is going to hold a celebration feast. It is very likely that he will be drunk, but he will not be able to find time.

At the same time, players' scores will also be updated tonight!

In the blink of an eye, it was past seven o'clock in the evening.

In the square, singing and dancing, all kinds of food are constantly brought out.

There is no shortage of wine, songs, dances, and acrobatics.

Wei Sheng was invited by a caveman to dance just now.

The cavemen are indeed similar to humans.

They also come in many skin tones.

White, black, yellow, blue, green...

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