Crystalline Universe: Team Fortress 2/ Overwatch

Chapter 5 - CRYSTAL POWER SYSTEM (not a chapter) --- [updated]


Crystals are a new element found 24 years before the current event of the story. They have the capability to move, separate or assemble molecules and use direct energy attack under a heavy power source. Crystals are almost invulnerable against all kind of harm. Crystals are connected to the brain. A small number of compatible people will gain one to three abilities depending on their mindset after being connected to the crystal. For a few rare exceptions, people can possess more than 3 abilities.

Crystals also have some rule about them:

- Crystals are unable to inflict damage or affect other crystals in any way (there can be exceptions).

- Crystals will be damaged or even be broken down to pieces if two crystal users get in a fight and one overpower the other.

- A user of the crystal can have a different power level than another user depending on their mindset, ability, power core, stamina and the crystal's purity percentage in its content.

- Energy attack from a crystal will ignore any surfaces not targeted by the user, only dealing the deed when the target is reached. (Exceptions)

- A crystal user can control his attack's damage output as he sees fit.

I will be using a power system to represent the strength of a crystal user or a specific ability possessed by a character using crystal in my series. The system is divided into eight categories:

-POWER (destructive power of a user's ability or his crystal's general power)

S: Able to destroy a continent or even a planet.

A: Able to cause massive destruction that can reach up to a nuke's damage. (can have exception)

B: Able to inflicting heavy damage to a large or concentrated area.

C: Average destructive power, capable of causing damage to a small area or inflict damage similar to what can do an explosive to a determined area.

D: Enough damage to hurt or even kill a man or a big animal.

E: Under an average man's strength.

None: No offensive capability.

-SPEED (A user's ability speed or his reaction speed)

S: Faster than light.

B: Fast as a bullet (370m/s - 460m/s) or sound (343m/s).

C: Average human speed or a bit faster than a human.

D: Slow speed but still mobile.

E: Hard to move

None: motionless

-SUB. SPEED (Speed granted to the user by the crystal)

S: Allows the user to move faster than light.

A: Allows the user to move at a very fast speed or move almost as fast as light.

B: Allows the user to travel as fast as a bullet or at sound speed.

D: Do not grants the user any mobility but allows free movement without restraint.

E: Makes it hard for the user to move. (restrains the user's mobility)

None: Immobilize the user.

-RANGE (The reach of a user's ability or his eyesight)

S: Global range or infinite range.

A: Continental range or can reach up to a whole country.

B: Can reach up to a whole city or can reach up to a few kilometres away.

C: Average human reach (1m) or metres away (5m) or human eyesight. (Around 3miles)

D: Can only reach under one metre.

None: Require body contact.

-DURABILITY (The duration of time an ability can be kept active or the persistence of an ability under direct confrontation against an enemy user)

S: Can be used forever without rest and can hold against other users for an undetermined period of time.

A: Can hold against other users for a very long period of time and can be used without rest.

B: Can hold against other users for a long period of time but needs rest after a certain period of time.

C: Can hold against other users for a normal period of time and needs a rest after a short period of time.

D: Can hold against other users for a short period of time and rest is often needed.

E: Can barely hold against other users and need rest after every use.

None: Cannot hold against other users and the ability can be only used once.

S: Can withstand global destruction or can create an unbreakable shield. (Also includes damage deflexion)

A: Can withstand continental destruction or disastrous natural disasters. (Also includes damage diversion)

B: Can withstand multiple nukes, battlecruiser bombardment or heavy attacks. (Diversion shield)

C: Can withstand bullet, bombe or a fall from a tall building. (Body shield or absorption shield)

D: Can help divide the damage taken by the user. (Base shield)

E: Makes the user feel uncomfortable but still granting minimal protection. (Materialistic shield)

None: Cannot protect the user in any way or can hurt the user. (No shield)

-PRECISION (The precision of a user when using his ability or the precision of an attack)

S: Precise enough to move precisely a single molecule.

B: Sniper precision.

C: Average precision.

D: Low precision.

E: Will mostly miss the target.

None: Cannot hit a target or the user has no control over his ability.

-POTENTIAL (The potential of a user to develop in his current ability or in gaining a new ability)

S: An all compatible user like Mike or Sniper who, in their case, imagination is the only limit to their ability. (The action must have a link with molecule or energy)

A: Lots of potentials

B: Can easily develop.

C: Can develop if training and effort are applied.

D: Hard to develop.

E: Extremely hard to develop.

None: Impossible to develop.

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