CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 279 The championship documentary

This afternoon, Xu Beifang, the college student and Danking played a total of 4 games, winning 3 games and losing 1 game.

There was nothing I could do about the loss. To put it mildly, the opponent's timing was very good.

To put it harshly, the other side has begun to open up the world, and the parameters are all full.

Although Xu Beifang and Danking worked hard, they ultimately lost the ladder.

"I'm sorry, I didn't help you win this game." Xu Beifang said with some regret. He didn't expect that he would encounter such a cheat when he was just taking water friends to play on the ladder.

The college student laughed and said, "It's okay. I won so many games today. I've been lying down quite a lot."

Xu Beifang glanced at the time. In the small group of little bees, there was only half an hour left before the bald man's scheduled dinner time.

If he fires another shot, he will have to make his teammates wait for him.

This is slightly not good.

So Xu Beifang said: "Then let's get together next time we have a chance. I'm going to have dinner later, and I have to train in the evening."

"Okay, okay, you train hard." At this time, the voice came from the shouts from the college dormitory, "Brother Beizi, come on, I want to see you win the championship in the future, I want to see you win the Major championship !”

"Thank you, Brother Beizi, for helping me score points. I hope Brother Beizi will get better and better in the competition!"

As an ordinary CSGO player, I couldn’t be too excited or happy to see Xu Beifang win the cup in the Stars League two days ago!

Therefore, they will naturally have expectations for some future events. They expect Xu Beifang to stand on the trophy stage again, win the trophy, and deepen his honor.

【drop! 】

[Receive suggestions and become a Major champion with a difficulty level of 8 stars. After completion, you will receive an S+ level treasure chest...]

Major championship, that is the goal that all CSGO players strive for.

Even twice a year is extremely difficult.

However, having just won a championship, Xu Beifang still has some confidence in his heart.

At this moment, hearing the praise from his water friends, a happy smile appeared on Xu Beifang's face.

"Thank you, I will definitely work hard towards that goal."

After the college student quit the voice chat, Xu Beifang said to Danking: "Tiedan, this is the emotional value I enjoy from my fans. Have you ever enjoyed this kind of emotional value? It's really pricey and worth it!"

Emotional value?

Danking turned to face his screen and shouted:

"Idan, can you do it? What about your emotional value?"

Then he glanced at his screen:

[I announce my withdrawal from Idan membership today]

[Can’t give any emotional value, the anchor is too stupid]

[How to evaluate the anchor Danking? 】

【Any individual...】

【Danking is going to drop little pearls】

[Don’t cry too loudly, otherwise no one will stand with you if you fall off the gaming chair]

[Why did Danking still lose the record in the end? 】

[The anchor is so powerful, what kind of champion are you?]

"There's no emotional value, but my blood pressure has gone up." Danking replied.

All the people in his live broadcast room are fun-loving people, and they can turn into pressure boys at any time.

It has no emotional value at all. If you let them pressure you for the whole life, then they will be very enthusiastic.

Xu Beifang was quite happy at first, but then he saw the final settlement screen: "No, why did I kill 45, and you killed 15 in the end? I said, why is this one so difficult to beat?"

Xu Beifang decisively chose to check the household registration book.

Then at a glance, Danking's record is all green.

The only times I got a red rating were all in duo queue with him.

"You kid, are you really acting like me?" Xu Beifang said through gritted teeth.

The yellow-haired goblin replied: "No way, it just feels bad."

"Do you feel bad every time you fight me?"

"What can be done about this? I don't want to either." Tiedan was still arrogant, but his tone was a little weak.

The main reason is that Xu Beifang is too bad.

If he were lining up alone, he would think about killing a few more in each round. Don't die too early. You have to survive to win the endgame.

Playing in a queue with Xu Beifei, he just thought, oh, I'm going to die. It's okay. Xu Beifei is here anyway, so he can just relax his mind and enjoy this pure CSGO.

This evolved into a double queue with Xu Beifang, and he was crazy for nothing. As soon as Xu Beifang left, Tiedan would activate the blood C state.

"You are Tianlu's number one breakthrough!!" Xu Beifang gritted his teeth and said, "I will really increase your intensity in the next competition."

After hanging up the phone, Tiedan smiled secretly in his heart.

In the next competition, Little Bee and Tianlu will not be in the same competition area. Even if they participate in all international competitions, sometimes they will face each other once a year. Will this have to wait until the Year of the Monkey?

But then I thought about it, Xu Beifang led the little bee to improve the strength in the European area.

I followed Tian Lu in the Asian area and pecked each other with fish and chickens every day.

Why are you so happy?

After bidding farewell to Tiedan, there was still half an hour left before the evening dinner. Xu Beifang showed everyone a video of trimming cow hooves, while he recalled an inspiration he had just had with Danking on the ladder.

In that ladder, the props of the college student who claims to be the best prop master in Asia are very unsatisfactory, especially in Sha Er's gun fight picture.

The props used by college students to learn on the spot are of ridiculously low quality.

When they rushed B again, they had already rushed in from the front, but the smoke at door B had not yet exploded.

Tiedan complained at that time: "Your B-type cigarette is too slow."

The speaker has no intention and the listener has the intention.

Strictly speaking, the speed of the B-door cigarette thrown by the college student is not slow, it is just not as fast as the iron egg.

The Xbox cigarettes at Sha Er's birth point and the VIP cigarettes at Lost City's birth point gave Xu Beifang a taste of the sweetness, so he was thinking about it.

Can you research a B-door cigarette that is thrown out from the birth point?

But Xu Beifang thought about it briefly and felt that it was not feasible.

It is not impossible to research.

But relatively speaking, it has little effect.

After all, the B door smoke tactics are basically used in conjunction with speed increase.

If it is a fake shot in the mid-term, there will be better options in other positions.

Even if the B door smoke at the birth point is researched, it has no tactical significance.

For example, if you drop a birth point smoke at the beginning, the smoke bomb will explode before anyone reaches area B.

The other party would definitely be prepared in advance, but this prop had the opposite effect.

So Xu Beifang was thinking about whether there was a smoke bomb that could perfectly fit the development of the rush in Area B.

In the state of rushing to speed up for the first time, he can reach Gate B one step ahead of the bandits in Pass B.

Sha Er's area B is very difficult to attack, but once you successfully gain control of area B, the benefits will be huge.

Xu Beifang fell into deep thought and planned to enter the running map server and try running the running map at will.

At this moment, he saw Zaiwu who was playing Dota and shouted: "Beifang, look at the official account of Little Bee. The documentary about our championship has been released."

"So fast??" Xu Beifang said in surprise.

"It was sent out two hours ago." Zaiwu added.

It's quite sad to say that every time they participate in a major event, the team's publicity staff will take pictures of the entire team's game process, schedule status, etc.

But after half a year of forming the team, this is the only time we actually released a video.

Because this is the only time I got results!

Xu Beifang picked up his phone and soon saw the official account of Little Bee @him on Twitter.

"Is it over with you, Zaiwu?" Xu Beifang turned around and asked, "Let's watch it together?"

"Okay." Zaiwu agreed, "Just waiting for them to come over."

Zaiwu was too lazy to walk, so he sat directly on the gaming chair and slid to Xu Beifang's side.

Xu Beifang cut the screen and turned off the video of trimming cow hooves.

【do not! 】

[This is very exciting to watch, why did you turn it off?]

[I’m testing, Xiao Xu, please quickly reopen it and let me read that one, don’t make me kneel down to beg you]

[I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Can you finish trimming that cow's hoof? 】

Trimming cow hooves, like washing a car, is the best video to pass the time and decompress.

But if it disappears halfway through cultivation, then it is forcing you to suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"Let's watch something else, for no other reason than to let you feel the dangers of society!" Xu Beifang said with a smile.

Then during the condemnation in the live broadcast room, he clicked on the video link sent by the official account of Little Bee.

Although he has won the Stars League championship, Xu Beifang still finds it quite interesting when looking back at the events on the road to winning the championship.

Memories are always beautified and can always bring people expectations for the future.

The title is very simple and clear:

[A last-ditch battle! Vitality 2019 Star League S7 season championship documentary]

"A last-ditch fight." Zaiwu thought for a moment, "It seems very appropriate."

Xu Beifang also nodded. In this Stars League, in most cases, they are on the verge of danger and are always close to being eliminated.

It seems that there is no problem in saying that it is a last-ditch battle.

The dark scene gradually lights up, and the Little Bee logo appears on the screen, announcing the official start of the documentary.

The next moment, the color of the screen lit up, and a bright trophy appeared in the screen.

The voice-over is the voice of ApEX:

"The start of this game is not ideal, but we still have to work hard to play every game."

The scene turned and the camera came to the lounge.

JackZ's face appeared in front of the camera. He was still smiling as usual, but his pale face could not hide his haggardness.

"Talk about your feelings about the last two games." The Little Bee photographer asked apEX with a microphone.

apEX shook his head: "The feeling is not very good. We did not make any preparations for this event, and in the rush, everyone's status went wrong. This is not a good start."

Head coach XTQZZZ is still enjoying the misery: "At least we are not 1-2..."

The scene turned, and the screen reminded the audience of the timeline - on April 2, 2019, the Bees had a record of 1-2.

In the first scene, the head coach was glad that he was not 1-2, and in the next scene, it jumped directly to the little bee being 1-2. This joyful scene caused the number of barrages to soar instantly.

It has only been two hours since the documentary was released, but the number of times it has been played has already been extremely exaggerated. At this moment, viewers in the video barrage are also expressing their own opinions.

[Laughing to death, the coach is really a bitch]

[At least there is no 1-2 fun]

[The program is full of effects]

[At that time, everyone thought that the new lineup of Little Bees was going to be eliminated in the first round]

[No one expected that this was Little Bee’s last-ditch battle in advance! 】

The camera showed Xu Beifei, which was the training room of Little Bee. Xu Beifei responded to the original scene.

"At that time, everyone was actually quite pessimistic. No one expected that we would reach the end. We just tried our best to play every game well."

Zaiwu added next to him: "My performance in this game was not very good. If I look back with some thoughts, I can actually perform better."

Xu Beifang was also impressed. This was a view expressed by Zaiwu after the review of the final.

He believed that his playing style in this game was too conservative, resulting in an overall lack of initiative.

Sometimes he thinks too much, and the players on the opposite side think their play style is too simple, so he is defeated by the masters.

So after thinking about it, Zaiwu plans to adjust his playing style in subsequent matches.

The voiceover began to ask: "You had a very bad start in this tournament. When did you start actively trying to compete?"

Xu Beifang, who was in the camera, pondered for a while: "Maybe... it was when he came from Tianlu to visit the class."

The camera changed again and came to the lounge on April 2.

Danking and Xiaogui knocked on the door and came in, asking about Xu Beifang's recent physical condition.

Xu Beifang, whose condition had improved, responded to them very easily at that time.

Then when Danking asked what to do with such a record.

Xu Beifang in the camera said in a very neutral tone: "Then start the Northern Expedition, start by killing VG and start climbing up!"

A barrage instantly floated above the video:

[The gears of fate begin to turn! 】

[The Cyber ​​Northern Expedition officially begins! 】

[I really didn’t expect that there was something about Tianlu here]

【Northern Expedition! Northern Expedition! 】

The documentary continues to be filmed, and the pace is very fast.

At a double-speed angle, several key rounds of firefights are quickly played.

"Nice is standing at a very dangerous angle. This position is very embarrassing. Once VG deploys explosive bombs, he may knock out one at most and be replaced!"

"VG's explosive shells unfolded, and Ah Zhong was instantly killed. In the toilet, 259 tried to recharge, but was shot down by Nice, Nice!! What kind of god-level positioning is this!"

"The little bandit A kept trying to replenish his guns. The bullets in Nice's rifle had been used up, but he still had the Sand Eagle! He cut out the Sand Eagle and killed another one. His teammates also completed the refills. This wave of VG's offensive was completely Being evaporated by Nice, he disintegrated VG's offensive all by himself!"

Xu Beifang also recalled that game.

His condition has just recovered, and the map is also a death amusement park that VG has been preparing for a long time. Even if he plays well later, it is not easy to win this map.

And if he remembered correctly, he also played a very eye-catching 1V4 on this map.

Although VG has good discipline, its mid- to late-game handling and refilling of shots are a bit poor.

After entering the Purgatory Town and entering Little Bee's comfort zone, VG was completely beaten and easily won this BO3.

Zaiwu added from the side: "It was at this moment that I thought we could still save him."

After winning against VG, the big score in the group stage has reached 2-2.

Next came the life and death situation.

Win one more game and enter the knockout round, lose another one and leave immediately.

Little Bee's fighting spirit has been inspired by the anticipation of the knockout rounds.

The documentary time officially entered the game between the Bees and NRG.

The map is Shaer.

This time it is presented in the form of team voice.

As the attacker, Little Bee's attempt at the beginning was not smooth. In the end, only Xu Beifang and Zaiwu survived and had to face this 2V5 endgame.

apEX's voice sounded: "The endgame of 302, there is a big endgame at point B."

shox said tentatively: "In this case, you should be able to save your gun."

Viewers who are watching the documentary feel that saving their guns is a reasonable move, after all, it is 2V5.

But apEX said: "Believe them and let them give it a try."

Immediately afterwards, the screen appeared. Xu Beifang and Zaiwu cooperated with each other and successfully completed this amazing wave of 2 on 5.

The time Xu Beifang pulled the gun at a 90-degree angle to two people in Area B of Shah 2 made the documentary screen full of question marks.

[What the hell is this positioning, muscle memory preview outside the field of view, it’s too scary]

[Isn’t he really a humanoid plug-in? 】

[This is the professional guy’s first perspective??]

[Did this guy adjust his parameters so much? 】

[This wave of performance directly shattered NRG’s mentality]

Zaiwu looked at Xu Beifang, "I don't even understand how you performed this time."

Different from Xu Beifang's open and close style of play, Zaiwu relies more on consciousness to operate.

Aim unpretentiously and fire.

This kind of momentary drawing of the gun at a large angle rarely appears in his operating ideas.

"It really looks like a lock." JackZ walked into the training room at some point and couldn't help but sigh.

In the documentary, under the leadership of Xu Beifang, this confrontation was undoubtedly won.

But just when they were planning to win NRG directly in one go and enter the knockout rounds smoothly.

After entering the desert city in Figure 2, the initial confrontation was still orderly. The two sides fought back and forth to reach 3:2. The mood of Little Bee was very normal.

But as they entered the long gun round, NRG's linkage and rhythm in the long gun round made them feel great pressure.

The numbers on the screen are constantly changing:





As a defender, Little Bee was read by NRG like a book.

During the intermission, everyone seemed very silent.

Looking at this depressing atmosphere, water friends who watched the documentary also knew that the turning point of everything was about to begin!

【Come on! 】

【The reversal officially begins from here! 】

【Let’s go Vitality! 】

[The place where the scene of 20,000 horses was born]

[Haha, Masisi knows CSGO, I cry to death! 】

The viewers in the live broadcast room are looking forward to it because this is the first time they really understand what kind of conductor apEX is.

before this game.

Some cloud players think apEX is a stress monster.

Players who know a little bit about CSGO think that apEX will only rely on the limelight of their teammates. When their teammates perform well, they will stand up and yell.

But with a smooth attack in Zone B, they successfully scored the first score of the second half.

As the captain of the little bees, apEX, who was behind by a big score and in an oppressive atmosphere, issued his own battle cry:


Even in the headwind, he still tried hard to convey the little bee's thoughts!

He takes the initiative to promote the atmosphere of the team.

Officially after this round, the Bee's attack in the next round went very smoothly.

Even if the score at the top of the screen is 4:15 at this moment!

The numbers at the top of the screen start flashing again:






The Bees completed this epic comeback and successfully reached the knockout round.

The voiceover begins to ask:

"When did you think you could win the championship?"

The camera began to switch quickly, and at an extremely fast speed, the scene flashed across the scene of the five Little Bees sitting in the room.

The voices of the five contestants were intertwined, and they gave the same answer at different times:

"After defeating NRG!"

Xu Beifang turned to look at Zaiwu and JackZ, very surprised:

"You think so too?"

"Well, I think we have already entered the knockout rounds. The next teams are all very similar. They must continue to press forward and compete for the championship of this competition." Zaiwu still had a calm expression on his face.

JackZ replied: "We have solved problems at that level. I had an idea at the time that I was in the right place. This is a group of reliable teammates, so I definitely have expectations for the championship."

After defeating NRG and successfully completing the comeback, Xu Beifang had an idea in his mind. We have won this difficult game, what game is there that we can't win?

[Indeed, this confrontation with NRG gave Little Bee a boost of confidence]

[I watched the entire Stars League all the way through. I feel that after this game, the overall rhythm of the Little Bees is completely different]

[The second channel of Ren and Du was directly opened by NRG]

[Say thank you NRG for taking a look~]

[It sounds like revenge, Xiao Xu was eliminated by NRG last year]

A dense barrage of comments entered the discussion.

The picture showed the game again.

"Zaiwu knocked down one, but ENCE was still rushing forward and wanted to take a shot at him, but Zaiwu found an angle. Shaying killed Xiao Li with one shot. The remaining Aerial tried to make up for it, but Zaiwu Sha The eagle killed him instantly with another one!"

"This Sand Eagle is all about headshots. It's outrageous! A fully automatic sniper priced at 700 yuan can fire even faster than a large sniper!"

"...ENCE's offensive at point A has begun. Now there is only a big sniper from Bao Point Nice defending in area A. But the problem is that this big sniper has already started to rotate. A wave of bow operations have already been launched. Kill, ENCE’s offensive has been disrupted!”

When the last kill came to an end, Xu Beifang stood up and looked at shox with murderous eyes.

The French male model on the other side of the contestants' bench was holding a bear with his hands spread out, looking innocent.

In the documentary, Xu Beifang was heard gnashing his teeth and shouting: "You are the sixth child."

The barrage in the video is also full of hahaha.

They all also discovered that it seems that since defeating NRG, everyone in Little Bee has become more harmonious.

You must know that when getting along with boys, you need to be quite familiar with this kind of despicable behavior. Generally speaking, you will not be able to do this kind of despicable behavior when dealing with people with whom you are not familiar with.

The voiceover sounded again: "This is the first time that the new lineup has reached the semi-finals. The best result of the Bees is also the semi-finals. Do you feel a lot of pressure?"

JackZ was still very happy in front of the camera. He wanted to say that he was not nervous, but in the end he admitted everything frankly.

"The mood is actually very complicated. This is my first time participating in a first-line offline competition. My teammates are all great. You know, Nice and Zaiwu are very special players I have met. Their strength is stronger than I imagined. Too much, almost unhuman.”

[Wonderful compliments from teammates]

[JackZ: Two teammates failed, it’s hard to evaluate]

[There are also gaps between professional players]

JackZ is actually quite confused here.

He went through a long period of struggle.

Before joining the Little Bees, he had always played as a breakthrough player, and he had always targeted players in the big brother position.

However, after joining Little Bee, the team had sufficient frontal firepower and did not have much demand for his own firepower. Although he won the game very easily, he had always been a little uneasy.

"I am definitely happy to be able to successfully enter the semi-finals in the first major event after the change of formation." JackZ continued to answer, "Of course there is pressure. I am worried that my performance will not be able to help my teammates and will drag the team back. leg."

This is what JackZ is worried about.

He is not worried about his status within the team, but worried that his ability cannot provide effective help to the team.

Xu Beifang raised his head and said to JakcZ: "Now it seems that there is an answer to all this."

They are the final champions of the Star League. No one among these five can make it to the final step.

In the first half of 2019, when NBK and RPK were still there, even though he and Zaiwu were online, they were still struggling.

However, the formation has just changed. The addition of JackZ and shox has brought subtle changes to them. On the offensive end, Xu Beifang is still driving the rhythm.

And because JackZ's firepower is more stable than NBK, Little Bee's frontal firepower is not lacking, and even apEX has begun to act as the boss to fill in the firepower.

Of course, apEX has not completely transformed into that role.

Now he is more responsible for collecting information for Xu Beifang and Zaiwu.

Although as a free agent, there are very few rounds where I can achieve success with shox.

But Xu Beifang's powerful breakthrough ability basically means that the Little Bees don't need free agents to open up the situation.

He only needs to stand up and perform one or two waves of spirituality when facing a stalemate, and that is enough.

Today's Little Bees are not the strongest lineup on paper, but they are already a lineup that can compete for the championship.

This is why Xu Beifang said that there is already an answer to all this.

Because they have already won a championship with this lineup!

JackZ smiled, just like Xu Beifang said, he already had the answer in his heart.

He looked at the computer screen again.

The pace of the documentary begins to pick up, and the music becomes tense.

However, it was more about exaggerating the shots of his own players. Xu Beifang's competitive status continued to improve, and several others also slowly found their own form.

"The clock strikes midnight, and the Australian cowboy has fallen into the hands of the little bee. This venue will be packed again tomorrow!!"

The voice of the commentator was extremely passionate, and everyone realized at this time that without even knowing it, Little Bee had won every game and was already on the stage of the finals.

Voice-over sounds:

"Nice, can you talk about your thoughts on entering the finals? Are you nervous?"

Xu Beifang in the lounge pondered for a long time before speaking: "This is my first time entering an S-level offline event. Logically speaking, I should be nervous."

"But you may be disappointed." Xu Beifang smiled. "Pasha passed on his experience to me in the Zotac Cup very early. He taught me how to deal with these situations."

"I miss the scene very much, and I also want to repeat the process of the finals again on my home court."

In the Zotac Cup competition, Xu Beifang stepped onto the stage of the finals, and finally successfully won the trophy with his VP brothers.

While talking, Xu Beifang, who was in the camera, waved to the camera and motioned for him to come over and shoot.

The cameraman was also curious and came over with a lens. Soon he saw a photo in Xu Beifang's album that was at the bottom of the box.

Under the sky full of fireworks and bright lights, Xu Beifang, wearing a VP uniform and surrounded by Pasha and others, lifted his first trophy.

[Damn it, old VP! 】

[Brothers shed tears, My friend only remains in memory]

[This is the seed left by the golden VP! 】

[It’s been a year in a flash]

"Do you still have photos of the old VP?" The camera guy was a little surprised, "I thought it was just a team you transitioned to."

Xu Beifang, who was in the lounge, did not blame the cameraman for his sharp words, and said slowly: "The original idea may be to rely on VP to help me transition. You must also know that VP is the first stop of my career. "

Most netizens who are watching the documentary also understand this matter.

Xu Beifang's experience of becoming a professional player is quite interesting.

From a big silver player, he suddenly had an epiphany, started working hard to become stronger, and finally entered the realm of gods.

All they can say is outrageous.

However, this experience also inspired many ordinary players.

Xu Beifang continued: "I played in VP for a few months. Pasha, Byali, NEO, and MICHU all left a deep impression on me. Now we all chat when we have nothing to do."

"Especially Pasha. If he hadn't stood up to all the odds, I would probably be a streamer now. You know, it's very difficult for a 22-year-old player to play professionally."

JackZ also understands this very well.

He couldn't help but wonder if everything would have been smoother if he had a leader like Pasha in the beginning.

Xu Beifang continued: "After taking me on this path, Pasha is not just a colleague, he is more of a family member and a big brother in my life."

"Even if they have to retire later, they are still trying to help me communicate with other teams about trial training and help me choose the most suitable team."

"Even back then, because I was relatively thin, Pasha took me to exercise every day... Of course, he didn't care whether I could stand it or not." As he spoke, Xu Beifei rolled up his sleeves and showed off his fitness results.

Looking at Xu Beifang's exaggerated arm muscles under his short sleeves, the top of the video was instantly filled with barrage.

[As expected of a food seller]

[Are all old VPs so awesome? 】

[That’s not true, the demon boy whipped them to death, and in the end the demon boy was abandoned by the team, but they still ran over to comfort the demon boy]

[I burst into tears. If the old VP could still play, I would probably still be VP. Nice now]

[There is nothing I can do, the glory of the old VP has passed]

If the old VP still had the strength to fight, with Xu Beifang's temperament, he would indeed stay in the old VP and try to play for a few years.

Because the feeling in the old VP was really good.

As the youngest player in the team, everyone does not have high requirements for Xu Beifang.

And all his ideas will be taken seriously by Big Brother.

There is no pressure and you can speak freely. Don’t be too comfortable.

Although the team atmosphere of the Little Bees is now very good, he has a high status in the team.

But now he is the core of a team, everyone has high demands on him, and there is pressure on him.

For example, if he performs slightly worse in a game, it will be very difficult to win the game.

And his current idea has a huge impact on the entire team.

There are many times when you have to be cautious and think about whether it will be counterproductive to the team.

Of course, this is also the only way to become stronger.

When you reach a certain level, the execution of various playing styles and ideas will definitely not be as free as before.

Just like in VP, NEO can implement four guarantees and one, in order to protect Xu Beifang's front top, directly arrange the 5A gambling point.

But now Little Bee has to pursue more stability and efficiency.

They have to give up some too dangerous plays for the sake of higher goals.

There is one final question in the documentary:

"Why would you set a flag in advance before the finals?"

A photo appeared in the next scene, which was an official screenshot of Xu Beifang's dynamic - "The plan has changed, prepare to win the championship!"

This question has actually been answered once in the post-match interview after winning the cup.

But in the documentary, Xu Beifang's answer is different.

"Because I feel that standing on that stage, I can't think about losing." Xu Beifang looked at the camera with a confident smile on his face, "Although Little Bee was temporarily pulled over to make up the numbers this time, it has already Reaching the finals shows that we have the ability to win the championship.”

"In my memory, I have defeated NAVI twice, even in two BO1 games, so I think NAVI should be more pressured."

【mad! 】

[If I think about it carefully, it seems that Xiao Xu’s record against NAVI is really 2-0, and he has never lost a game]

[It should be 3-0 now! 】

"Besides, the competition venue is in Shanghai. I can feel everyone's expectations for me. I have the home court advantage. Why can't I beat NAVI?"

As if to confirm Xu Beifang's words, the finals began to enter the next scene. Many objects holding the Little Bee logo in the camera came to the venue to prepare to watch the game.

The music becomes tense, and the scene begins to enter the competition in Figure 1.

The two sides are constantly fighting over the nuclear crisis, and NAVI puts great pressure on them from the front.

Even though Xu Beifang and Zaiwu stepped up and played a lot of good games, Figure 1 still failed.

The music is a little downbeat, like the mood of a little bee.

But after entering the purgatory town in Figure 2, everything returned to its normal rhythm.

"Nice's touch really heated up on this map. At first Zeus didn't intend to sit still and wait for death. A wave of counter-clearance in the middle was very fatal. In an instant, Nice was left alone."

"CT in area B took the initiative to clear out and collect information, but Nice seized the opportunity and defeated the hot man in seconds! 1V5 has come to 1V4, and the situation is still not optimistic."

"Nice jumped into the VIP room and killed Edward. He deceived Zeus with the sound of changing bullets. Is there any chance of this ending?"

"S1mple's big sniper is in the boiler room. You have to fight and react this time. But what's going on with Nice? He jumped from the VIP and didn't plan to fight? But S1mple didn't hear it! This wave is very deadly!"

"S1mple was killed directly, and only Electronic Brother was left... He was still searching for points, but Nice pulled out and fired! We are witnessing the birth of an epic scene in CSGO!"

After this 1V5, the mood of the documentary continued to rise.

The members of NAVI were very uncomfortable when they appeared on camera. Everyone understood that Little Bee was scoring points like crazy.

In the end, there was a firefight in Zone A in Lost City.

S1mple in the camera is already red and warm, covering his face helplessly.

The audience in the audience burst into amazing shouts, and the audience in the venue were shouting wildly: "Vitality!!!"

When the game ended, Xu Beifang stood on the player's bench and roared ferociously in the camera.

The audience in the audience waved objects with little bee elements in their hands, and the excited people even shouted in Chinese: "Champion! Brother Beizi wins the championship!!"

Xu Beifang has always viewed this game from the perspective of a player, and he really felt his heart surge at that time.

At this moment, from the audience's perspective, he also felt his blood boiling.

In the eyes of the water friends in the audience, he actually felt the water friends' expectations for him.

They want to see Xu Beifang win the cup, and they want to see Xu Beifang defeat NAVI, which is the favorite to win the championship.

Finally, under the cheers from the sky, the members of Little Bee hugged each other.

Xu Beifang in the picture also led the team to the trophy stand.

Then, surrounded by his teammates, as if he was still in his VP days, he lifted the trophy with one hand.

Under the golden ribbon, the trophy was raised.

At this moment, all the pictures have changed:

【we are the champion! ! 】

Everyone seemed to have re-experienced the Little Bee's journey to win the championship.

The next scene shows the members of Little Bee shaking hands with the fans at the scene and signing some brief autographs.

The music slowly came to an end, and everyone on the bus happily sang their own victory song.

Amidst the singing, the documentary comes to an end.

apEX's voice came from behind: "This documentary is really well done."

Zaiwu added: "It just made me look a little fatter."

"Do you think that was a problem with the filming?"

"Follow the north and get up early and run. You can have a double chin in a month."

JackZ complained: "I still wish the documentary could be longer. It feels like it's over before I even watch it."

Xu Beifang turned off the live broadcast room amid the audience's reluctance: "Whether the documentary can be longer depends on everyone's performance. I don't want it to end in three minutes next time."

"So we have to work hard for the next game!"

Everyone in the room was full of longing for the future.

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