"Sha Er's score is fixed at 16:9!" Masisi said loudly, "In this BO3 confrontation, Little Bee finally defeated Liquid with a score of 2-1 and successfully entered the knockout rounds."

"Due to the special competition rules, after Little Bee defeats Liquid, the knockout rounds can start directly from the top four."

"And Liquid's side has not been eliminated directly. They can continue to fight back from the loser group, but if they lose another game, they will be eliminated directly!"

As the first place in this IEM group stage, Little Bee got the reward that comes with being first.

They can skip the quarterfinals and grab a spot in the semifinals.

In the knockout stage, playing one less game means more room for error.

Moreover, the extra time can also allow them to fully rest and adjust, and understand and study the playing styles of other teams.

After finishing his celebratory speech, Masisi concluded:

"In this BO3, except for the slight shortcomings of the death amusement park in Figure 2, Little Bee, the town and Sha 2 both showed quite strong strength."

MO echoed from the side: "In fact, it can be seen from Figure 2 that the state of the liquid is still a big problem today."

MO's comments during commentary are quite sharp.

These words made many Liquid fans feel a little uncomfortable, but some rational fans thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed what MO commented.

The overall performance of today's liquid is quite poor.

In the Purgatory Town in Figure 1, they have always been outscored by the Bees. Occasionally Elige or NAF found an opportunity to make a move, hoping to chase a wave of points.

Xu Beifang and Zaiwu knocked back the rhythm.

In the confrontation in Figure 1, there is no problem if the liquid is pressed down and beaten by the little bees throughout the process.

As a breakthrough player in liquids, Elige is known as the world's first shooter when SG553 rises today.

As we all know, there can be many first-rate shooters in the world.

Xu Beifang is also one of them.

So before the game, many fans were looking forward to their confrontation in the game.

But now, among the three maps of BO3, Elige only won the map, with slightly more kills than Xu Beifei by two, that's all.

It's not that Elige didn't perform well today, it's just that in the matchup, Elige's performance was not as good as Xu Beifang's.

The voice of the English commentator came from the studio, and you could hear the sound of regret for yourself in the tone.

Elige still felt a little unhappy inside, but he still tried to control his emotions and reached out to give high-fives to his teammates:

"Let's work hard to prepare for the loser's group match. Our condition today is indeed not as good as that of the Little Bee."

He actually played well today, but his overall performance did not enter that "explosive" state.

This BO3 defeat was more due to Liquid's overall poor state, and it lost too many endgames that it shouldn't have lost.

This is most obvious in Figure 2.

The level of the Little Bees in the amusement park is not high, at least not from their point of view, and they can end this confrontation very early.

It's just that the members made various mistakes, and in the end, Little Bee seized the opportunity. The opponent relied on "one breath" to chase points wildly, forcing them into a desperate situation.

Their handling of the headwind situation was terrible.

Fortunately, they are only competing for first place in the group stage.

It's a pity not to directly enter the semi-finals. The only good news is that they were not directly eliminated. They still have a chance to advance from the loser group in the future.

Masisi looked at the crowd of Little Bees celebrating happily in front of the camera, and he was also very happy.

Little Bee's victory in this game can be regarded as a little whitewashing of his poisonous milk name.

"Facts have also proved that I am a professional commentator. Don't be alarmist here with your barrage. You say that I am poisonous every day." Masisi looked at the secondary screen and said, "Those teams that were overturned actually lacked hard power. "

"You see, I gave the little bee venomous milk today, but why is there no problem with the little bee?"

"This is how powerful it is on paper, how could it be a problem of my commentary!" Masisi said happily while looking at the Little Bee player seats under the camera.

At the moment when the game was frozen, Xu Beifang took off his headphones in the player's seat and looked at his teammates with a smile on his face.

"Have we defeated Liquid now?" JackZ stood up and bumped fists at him, with a hint of surprise on his face.

apEX lightly punched JackZ, then pointed at the screen and said: "2-1, this is the record we just played. Everyone played very well. We have no reason to lose to them."

Speaking of this, apEX felt a little emotional.

He was quite grateful to the organizers of the Stars League. Although the Stars League was very rushed, it was very dramatic overall.

But in the end, they overcame all odds and won the trophy, which made the Little Bee team undergo some transformation as a whole.

At least during the game, they were very confident.

Doudou understands very well that if there is no Stars League to win the trophy and he comes to play IEM Sydney directly after the offseason, then the final result of Liquid's BO3 today is still unknown.

Everyone in Little Bee is in a good mood, having secured their place in the top four of IEM Sydney in advance.

Secondly, they successfully defeated a strong opponent, which is a gratifying thing in itself.

However, because there was no offline audience, their emotions were quite restrained. They simply joked with each other for a while, and then, under the leadership of head coach XTQZZZ, they walked towards the liquid players' bench.

Fans of Little Bee were also frantically discussing in the live broadcast room.

[This will dry up the liquid and crush it, okay! 】

[Beifang and Zaiwu are as fierce as ever, with steady bursts of C, these two buddies are outrageous]

[Starting from the offseason, this new lineup is too strong]

[There was no pressure in today’s game. I felt like I won the BO3 easily.]

[Then don’t brag, the second picture was taken down by the liquid]

[Indeed, there is still a gap in Figure 2. The problem with the Little Bee map pool is still quite big]

[Go, go, go, I feel like IEM Sydney has a chance to win the championship. The strongest liquid has been won! 】

[That’s not the case, Liquid hasn’t been eliminated yet, and besides Liquid, European teams like NIP and FNATIC have been in pretty good shape recently]

Everyone in the live broadcast room has great expectations for Little Bee's subsequent games.

The main reason is that the new lineup has performed relatively smoothly since its formation.

Except for some twists and turns in the early stages of the Stars League, they showed quite good strength later on.

Xu Beifang and Zaiwu are stable dads.

JackZ and shox don't stretch their hips too much in the game, and they can often stand up and perform.

Although apEX has always been at the bottom, as a conductor, no one will be too harsh on him.

There are indeed too few good conductors these days.

Coupled with the high level of competition shown in the Stars League finals, they have great expectations for the future of the Little Bees.

The director followed Little Bee and brought the camera to Liquid's contestants' bench.

The director found it difficult to accept the failure of this game.

Last year at the 2018 London Major, they personally sent Xu Beifang away in the Major championship group.

It was also at that time that he remembered the crazy breakthrough player who was still paralyzed even if he lost the game.

Later, Xu Beifang joined the Little Bees, and his performance was still up and down. Until the confrontation with NAVI in the Stars League, he was really shocked.

As a talented rifleman in North America, the director also has arrogance in his heart.

That game ignited his desire to win, so after meeting Xu Beifang again, he was already competing in his heart.

But in the end, I didn't expect that the gap was too big.

He was once again invisible in the game.

His performance in this BO3 was not too bad, but it was not very good by any means.

Masisi commented: "Today's Liquid wants to hit the number one spot in the world and hit the status of Team A, but there is actually a problem with the lineup."

"When their team is in good shape, they really don't lack frontal firepower. Against some first-team teams, they can also use their marksmanship to dominate."

"But they are so short of a sniper rifle with sufficient firepower. Nowadays, everyone except Chicken Brother can get the liquid sniper rifle, but in most cases it is in the hands of Jiaojiao and Sloth."

"But in this one match, between Jiaojiao and Sloth's sniper rifle, did he give Little Bee the suppressive power?"

"On the contrary, it is the sniper rifle that carries the object. In most cases, it limits the movement of the liquid. In a top team, a top sniper has a huge impact."

MO nodded, he felt the same way.

At the beginning of 2018, because XCC's sniper rifle was in a sluggish state, they lost a lot of games that they shouldn't have lost.

At that time, the evaluation of XCC on domestic forums was all "dish".

This is why later, when Tianlu achieved results at the London Major, as soon as Xcc was highlighted, all the bullet screens read "Sorry for XCC".

A top sniper has a huge impact on the game.

But where are today’s top snipers so easy to buy?

They are all hard to come by, not to mention the decline of CS talent in North America.

Now this lineup is already the strongest lineup that North American CS can put together.

The CSBOY two discussed Liquid's possible lineup. The Little Bees in the camera briefly exchanged greetings with Liquid and ended the post-game handshake session.

Leaving Liquid's player bench, Xu Beifang saw that Mouz was also fighting fiercely on the opposite side.

The eldest cousin might have been killed early, so he raised his head and met his eyes.

Xu Beifang smiled softly at his eldest cousin, then made a fist and made a 'come on' gesture.

The eldest cousin sighed, and then forced a smile. It seemed that the game was very difficult.

The two had a simple interaction, and Xu Beifang began to return to the players' bench with the rest of the group.

Little Bee did not make it back to the lounge smoothly.

Before they even arrived at the players' seats, they received a notice that shox and JackZ needed to go over for an interview.

The host pulled shox and JackZ in front of an official billboard, and then officially started the interview:

"How does it feel to experience a BO3 confrontation and defeat Liquid?"

shox said with a happy face: "I feel very satisfied. The process was indeed difficult, but we never gave up, and we won successfully in the end."

"It seems like you're very happy with your new team."

Although the new lineup has been in place for two months, it is only the second major event in which they have appeared in the public eye.

shox nodded: "I am indeed very satisfied. In a new team, everything will not go smoothly, but at least until now, I feel very good."

The host nodded. Little Bee is now in a rising stage. Everyone is in the honeymoon period. Everyone is positive and the current situation is naturally satisfactory.

He continued to ask: "Let us recall the last map of BO3. In the second half of Sha Er, in the third round, you guys threw a very fast B door cigarette. You were deliberately prepared to do so. Recruit?"

"No, no, no!" shox shook his head, "That's just a prop developed by Nice. We happened to be able to use it in that wave of tactics... You know, V Agency just gave the Xbox cigarette developed by Nice some time ago. Banned."

[Sure enough, I knew it was this B again]

[Can’t he research some simpler props? 】

[Can’t learn, can’t learn at all]

[Is this the top professional brother? 】

After the Little Bee game, many people expressed dissatisfaction, but there were still viewers who stayed in the live broadcast room, preparing to watch the subsequent games of other teams.

Most CSGO players who watch the game do not only pay attention to the confrontation between one team.

After seeing shox's interview, they also entered into a short discussion.

"Nice again?!" The host was a little surprised. After thinking about it, he asked again: "It has been nearly two months since you joined this team. Can you give a critical review of your teammates?"

"How do you evaluate my teammates?" shox glanced at JackZ, who came over to make up the numbers: "We came from G2 together, so he doesn't need to comment too much. Let's talk about the teammates of Little Bee."

"Let's talk about people I know well. apEX is my old teammate. He is very hyperthyroid. For example, after we win the end game, he will always cheer exaggeratedly." shox made a moment in front of the host Hands raised in the air.

"However, apEX is just a hyperthyroidist. He rarely puts too much pressure on us. When I first came to the Little Bees, I intended to compete for the position of command, but after more than a month, I feel that apEX is also qualified. Take command."

The struggle for the right to speak among French veterans is engraved in their bones.

Although when they first came, the players from the original Little Bee lineup rejected this proposal.

shox still has a commanding heart in his heart, but he just hasn't expressed it.

After all, he was in the role of a conductor during the G2 period. He didn't quite believe that the original breakthrough player with hyperthyroidism could successfully transform into a good conductor.

But after more than a month of running in, he found that apEX did a good job in command.

As long as the tactics are ensured, he can still achieve a rating of about 1.0.

Although the outside world always criticizes him for flying to the second floor, netizens don't know that their success rate of flying to the second floor is very high.

"Then what do you think of Nice and Zaiwu?" the host asked a question that the audience was curious about.

Among the Little Bee team, Xu Beifang and Zaiwu have a lot of fans because of their outstanding performance.

They love the house and the bird, and naturally want to hear better comments from others.

Some people also want to see how Gemini is evaluated from a professional perspective.

I don’t know how many times shox has commented on apEX, his old teammate, but this time he just said something new.

But when talking about these two guys, Xu Beifang and Zaiwu, shox got excited.

"How to evaluate Nice and Zaiwu? This is really a good question."

The audience was also excited, and they all cheered up and listened carefully to shox's comments.

shox thought for a long time before finally speaking: "Nice and Zaiwu are two very special guys. The relationship between these two young people in the team is very good, but what you don't know is that these two guys have completely different personalities. It’s two extremes.”

"Zaiwu is a very humble person. He is not arrogant at all. His attitude towards the game...how should I put it? Very pure!"

"Yes, it's very pure. He enjoys every game. That's why, when you see some lost games, he may have played 3 or 4 games, and in the end he has to comfort us."

"He doesn't have a strong desire to win or lose in life. He always thinks that as long as that time comes, everything will be fine."

"He doesn't read social media either. He doesn't pay attention to the discussions on the Internet after the game." shox organized his words. "In the game, Zaiwu's character is also a perfect teammate. He will always respect you. The idea is, even if you hit 1-10, if you ask him to give you an AK, he will still throw it to you, and then play with the Sand Eagle himself."

"He has such a great personality."

【Zaiwu has a great character! 】

[I still remember the days in the early days of Little Bee, when Zaiwu held the MP9 and pulled the gun line every day]

[The memories of the dead are attacking me again. Brother Beizi took the initiative to help Zaiwu get some resources, otherwise Zaiwu would still be in the normal state of pulling the gun line]

[Content: Those who have thunder in their chests and faces as flat as a lake can worship the general! 】

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of praise for the cargo.

Most of them have a good impression of Zaiwu. Zaiwu's performance this year is strong enough, and he doesn't act like a monster on weekdays. He is quite modest. In addition, he is quite cute. Everyone likes this kind of player.

shox continued: "And there is something outrageous. Zaiwu doesn't practice shooting. Even outside of training, he doesn't watch videos of other players at all."

"Ah?!" The host was surprised when he heard this.

This is understandable even if you don’t practice shooting, kennyS is famous in the circle for squandering his talent.

But if you don’t watch other players’ DEMOs, this would be too scary.

To know the way for an ordinary player to become stronger, he must go through watching videos of strong people and then absorbing nutrients to become stronger.

The host looked at shox suspiciously: "Are you really bragging?"

shox shrugged: "It's nothing to brag about, it's just the facts."

"Then why are Nice and Zaiwu said to be two extremes?"

"Because Nice is a training fiend." JackZ added on the side, "We have never seen Zaowu doing extra practice outside of training, but on Nice's side, we have never seen Nice not playing CSGO for a day."

shox nodded: "Zaiwu likes to enjoy pure games, but Nice's desire to win is terrifyingly powerful, and his pursuit of victory is extremely terrifying. The hard work you have to do to become stronger is unimaginable. In this way... I will give Please tell me about his training routine on rest days. If you occasionally watch Nice live broadcast, you should be able to know it."

"After getting up, he goes out for a run for half an hour every day, comes back to have breakfast, then opens 1,000 bot hot hands, and then enters the death match. He gets a certain amount of hits in various projects such as single-point shooting, strafing, gun pressure, and switching fire. Kill, after these projects are over, he will start to get points on the ladder again."

"After lunch, he would run around looking for new props, or study the quality of some gun positions. In the evening, he would dance KZ movement for about two hours. In his words, these two hours were his time to relax.”

The host's expression was that of an old man on the subway looking at his phone: "Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

He once thought that professional players were purely talented, like kennyS, and they could only work harder and play a few more rounds of FPL every day.

[What volume king? 】

[Why can he be so exaggerated? 】

[I feel tired just listening to this training process]

[Xiao Xu has achieved the results he has achieved so far, I think he deserves it]

[Everyone used to talk about C+ becoming a professional player, but who can see the efforts in this process? 】

【too crazy】

"apEX has joked that if you can't find Nice, you can go to the training room and have a look." shox said with a smile.

In the beginning, he didn't really like Xu Beifang. After all, he rejected the idea of ​​becoming a commander when he first came up.

But later Xu Beifang's strong strength, coupled with his usual hard work, gradually changed his view of this player from China.

No one hates a player who is strong but also works hard.

Although he didn't like him at first, Xu Beifang's personality charm infected him.

"If Zaiwu basically doesn't watch extra game videos, then Nice has watched all the first-line games that are frequent enough." At this point, shox smiled, "And this guy likes to read online comments. Every time After the game, I was holding my cell phone and laughing like nothing."

"How could you not like such a strong, hard-working and self-disciplined teammate?" shox said sincerely, "It's great to be able to join the Little Bees!"

Inside the Little Bee Lounge.

After the interview, shox opened the door and saw apEX and Zaiwu greeting them in a funny way.

"What are you doing!" Although shox was confused, he still completed the process very cooperatively.

Doudou patted Shox on the shoulder: "Okay, I thought you were going to interview and were going to say bad things about me behind my back."

"What words? What kind of words are these?" Shox shouted, "I immediately called the host back and said that I was coerced just now."

He then quickly eats Bean’s French Elbow.

Doudou and Lao Liu started arguing again, but Jack noticed that the number of people in the room was wrong. He looked at Zaiwu: "Where are the northerners?"

"You two were arrested for post-game interviews, and he was arrested by Betway to play a small game... He's back." Zaiwu pointed to the door.

Xu Beifang walked in from the player tunnel and was in a very good mood: "Now that everyone is here, let's go back to the hotel first. There will be a review later, so don't do it too late."

"What did Beifang do again? Why do you feel so happy?" JackZ asked casually while packing his things.

"I just played a game of "True and Fake Professional Bros" over at Betway." Xu Beifang put the cup given by Betway into his schoolbag, "I just happened to see a good buddy's game highlights and hurt him, um , I feel very good.”

JackZ nodded: "That show is quite interesting, but in the first few episodes they used too many scenes with professional brothers, making it too easy to recognize."

"In the first few episodes, we will definitely have some famous scenes with top professional guys to let everyone get familiar with this show. Today, it is quite difficult." Xu Beifang said.

"Then how many did you guess correctly?"

"you guess?"

After explaining the game between Liquid and Bees, it was already early morning in China.

The night owls still wanted Danking to continue the live broadcast, but Danking didn't want to go on. He touched his heart with one hand: "Oh, no... my stomach hurts."

He even pretended to turn his head: "Mom, my stomach hurts so much. Please accompany me to the hospital."

The kid said in confusion: "Whose mother did you call? This is a club!"

Among the questions in the live broadcast room, Tiedan took the lead and couldn't help it anymore. He forcibly suppressed the raised corners of his mouth. However, he had not received professional training, so he couldn't hold back and laughed out loud in the end.

Amidst the awkward laughter, Tiedan said: "Let's broadcast it again when we have time next time. It can't be done anymore, it can't be done anymore, I can't stand it anymore!"

Then the mouse moved at the speed of light to the download page and closed the live broadcast room.

Turning off the live broadcast cures all kinds of diseases. My waist is no longer sore, my stomach is no longer painful, and I am healed in an instant.

The kid beside him was already confused. He was shaking his head and applauding: "Tie Dan, seriously, does being a professional have wronged you?"

"You are such a live streaming genius!"

Tiedan waved his hand: "Just messing around with them."

After turning off the live broadcast, it was indeed getting late, so Tiedan called Xiaogui to have a midnight snack outside.

Then he returned to the club, washed up briefly, and then got into bed to enjoy a day of alone time.

He has calmed down recently and is preparing to settle down for a year.

There's nothing you can do about it, sometimes comparing people to each other just makes people mad.

He and Xu Beifang were both at the top of the 5E ladder. He entered the youth training early, and Xu Beifang later joined VP.

The two men took completely opposite paths.

Xu Beifang was shining brightly on the professional stage and constantly climbing to higher mountains, but he stalled on a small hill.

He is very anxious and wants to perform well, like Xu Beifang, standing on the stage of a top competition and enjoying the cheers of the audience.

But one bite cannot make him fat, and Xu Beifang has gradually pulled him apart.

At this time, if Tiantian still regards Xu Beifang as his rival, then he will live in self-doubt as a whole.

He will still regard Xu Beifang as his target, but he will let it go for the time being.

Picking up his phone, he looked at some recent news and information, and then prepared to browse the website for a while before getting ready to go to bed.

But after opening the small broken website, he saw that the mailbox representing the message in the upper right corner was already 99+.

As a well-known player in the domestic GO circle, Danking also has tens of thousands of fans on Xiaopo.com, and many people send him private messages backstage every day.

He remembered that when he got up at noon today, he had an obsessive-compulsive disorder and ordered all of them on purpose.

Why is it full again now?

Danking was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder and subconsciously clicked in.

He soon saw many people @himself in a link.

Yellow-haired Goblin: @Danking Iron Egg Here is your highlight collection

Barcelona.Danking: Someone here wants to fire your sticker!

Tiedan: This episode of Danking is really cool, right?

Although he probably knew in his heart that the water friends @were up to no good, but looking at their complimentary comments, he couldn't help but click in.

He originally thought it was some abstract and funny videos made by water friends, but he found that the content at the end of the link was to Bei Esports Video.

He has watched the content of Betway Esports. After all, there are only a few interesting programs in the CSGO circle.

This kind of meal-making program in your spare time is quite interesting.

He had bragged to the kid before, saying that he was invited up, so he would definitely guess more than half of the time.

This show is quite interesting, but water friends @why do you come here by yourself?

With doubts, Danking clicked on the video and started playing it.

"Hello everyone, I am Rob4 from Betway, and the person participating in the game with me today is Nice, the star player of Little Bee!" The host Rob4 quickly explained the content of the program towards the camera.

Xu Beifang waved towards the camera.

"Nice, this is your first time to participate in this game. Let me introduce it to you. This game is called "True and Fake Professional Brother". Next, I will show you 6 clips. You need to pass them in the video. His performance determines whether he is a professional player or a passerby player."


"Then what do you think your performance will be like?" the host asked.

Xu Beifang replied: "It should be good. I usually watch videos."

The host was still teasing: "Then you have to pay attention. We have collected a lot of materials from Chinese professionals and players this time. It would be very bad if you call the professionals amateurs."

"Then I will have to watch more DEMOs later to make up for it." Xu Beifang said with a smile.

After the chat ended, Danking also entered and began to look at the DEMO carefully.

First snippet:

A sniper shot appeared in the main perspective. Judging from the content of the field of view, it was a scene of a forklift.

The big sniper was holding the B entrance on the B1 level of the forklift, and slowly moved to the left. Then he didn't know what he felt, and pulled the crosshair to the right.

An enemy instantly appeared in the camera lens, and the sniper also pulled the trigger.

At the moment of firing, the entire perspective trembled inexplicably as if it was frightened.

Danking and Xu Beifang, who were in bed, answered at the same time: "S1mple?"

The host shouted: "I won't give you the answer now, but you can tell me the reason for this judgment."

In the clip, the B1 floor was quickly sealed with smoke bombs, and the player from the main perspective also came to the headshot position on the B side of the forklift from the B1 floor.

Then he used his big sniper to keep getting up, squatting down, and using the headshot cover to kill all the bandits who rushed into area B.

Xu Beifang explained: "Actually, I didn't include S1mple in it at first. After all, he hasn't played a forklift for a long time, but I am very familiar with the jitter of the mouse after he fires."

"Furthermore, when the B1 floor was banned, he took the initiative to step on the smoke and change positions to fight. This kind of offensiveness is rarely possessed by professional players. It should be S1mple."

The ultra-high sensitivity requires S1mple to deliberately shake after firing the sniper rifle to re-find the center of the screen and adjust the preview. This style of play is too special, not only Xu Beifang, but also many barrage viewers in the video. They also got the answer after the first kill.

The host nodded: "It's indeed S1mple. This is a highlight of NAVI's match against Team A at the Blast Miami Station."

Blast Miami Station is the last afterglow of forklift trucks. NAVI took the initiative to choose them once, and their performance was actually pretty good.

"Aren't you going to get points for this?" Danking complained, "I'm really good at this!"

The host said: "Then let's watch the second clip."

Second snippet:

This is a pistol round on a train. The main perspective is in the CT at Six Doobi. He keeps peeking around and exchanging fire with the bandits in Olaf's position.

Two precise headshots, two kills, and then he retracted the Six Paths Tail to reload.

At this time, you can see that there are teammates near the chartered car who are helping him watch and hold him up.

At this time, footsteps sounded near the chartered car. From the main perspective, a usp was pulled directly towards it, killing the opponent instantly and destroying the thunder bag.

The protagonist's overall perspective is quite stable, and his aim is not too fancy. The audience's discussion is somewhat inconsistent.

Because the main camera's aim is stable enough, and the peek is very purposeful, they can't determine whether it's a real professional or a high-level community player.

However, in the last scene, their entire team missed the timing of Lvtong, resulting in crazy shots from behind, which made many people think that this was just a high-level player.

Danking feels that there is still a possibility of a career.

After all, in professional games, mistakes such as missed points are not uncommon.

Xu Beifang judged: "It should be a community player."

"How to say?"

Tiedan was also excited. He wanted to see how Xu Beifang understood.

"First of all, his USP has no skin."

Hearing this, Tiedan almost laughed, but this was indeed a good point to judge.

The host said: "Ah, I forgot to tell you that in order to increase the difficulty, we have modified the parameters of the DEMO skin. Maybe his original skin is not like this."

"I didn't bring you to play like this! How come you are on the fifth floor?" After making a joke, Xu Beifang still replied: "Even if there is a skin in this perspective, I still think this is a community player because they work as a team. Not up to professional standards.”

"This is an obvious crossfire gun, but the CT of Baodian can actually bring people closer. This is too exaggerated. It is a very dangerous move. Plus this player, his details It’s a bit too rough. Although it seems to have a strong purpose, it’s difficult to choose positions and so on. It should be a community player.”

The host nodded: "Indeed, this is a piece of material produced by my colleague. It seems that he needs to learn some players and refine some details."

[Actually, it’s not impossible. There are quite a few players in Asia with ADHD.]

[This amateur is pretty good, his aim is very stable]

[Brother Beizi is also very meticulous. All the faults have been analyzed]

[He himself rose up from a rookie, so he must have a deep understanding of these theoretical knowledge]

Soon, two community players appeared one after another. Xu Beifang defeated them through position selection, opponent's offensive coordination, his own offensive coordination, and the player's map understanding, preview, position selection, and on-the-spot decision-making from the main perspective. They've all been selected.

The players in the video said it was outrageous.

Danking also felt a little emotional. If you ask him to explain the details of theoretical knowledge here, he may just feel that something is wrong, but he can't explain why.

Xu Beifang once said in front of him that he was an academic, and Danking was very dismissive at the time.

But looking at it now, Xu Beifang is indeed an academic guy.

Next, a screen appears again.

The screen came to the long tube of the Death Amusement Park, with props spread out around it. It was obvious that the protagonist's team launched a round of explosive bombs in Area B.

The protagonist of POV knocked out the CT that was close to him with one stroke, and the crosshair was accurately positioned on the opposite head.

Then he did not stop, but quickly peeked to the right, searching for oil barrels, on the right side of the pillar and on the left side of the pillar.

After searching around, he did not continue to peek to the right, but adjusted his preview behind the wall and made a preparatory action.

Many viewers of the barrage guessed that this should be a profession, while Tiedan was thinking about which professional's playing style this was.

Xu Beifang has already given the answer: "This should be Xantares...but it's not the latest one, because his playing style is still relatively rough. It should be the earlier Xantares."

The host raised his eyebrows, "Can you tell me the reason?"

"Because of the Turkish ruthless perspective, his overall aim is relatively fast, but his preview is very solid, and he can even make pre-prepared movements. The style of play here is still relatively rough, but he already has the prototype of his current aim. ”

The host also quickly gave the answer: "Yes, it's Xantares. This is a video of his game during his SS period. It's amazing!"

For players with particularly obvious styles like S1mple, NIKO, and kennyS, being able to guess correctly is no big deal.

But Nice was able to guess even a less famous player like Xantares from early game videos, which is really a bit exaggerated.

Xu Beifang smiled and said nothing. He had obtained Xantares' preview understanding before and had a deep understanding of this guy's playing style.

Now that he has thoroughly understood Xantares's aiming method and incorporated his excellence into his own aiming method, he is naturally familiar with this scene.

"Then let's look at the last clip. If you can guess correctly in this clip, then you may be the first professional brother among the real and fake professional brothers who are all correct."

The sixth clip appears.

The camera appears on the A2 floor of the town.

The player from the main perspective was holding a sniper. Perhaps he got the information in advance. He opened the camera the moment he peeked out and knocked out the bandits in Building A2.

Then he did a spin jump and returned to A1. There were teammates setting up guns up and down the stable.

But his big sniper is still pointing outwards, and at the A1 corner, he still uses the method of peek, opening the scope, and fine-tuning the fire in a small range.

Someone in the boiler room came out to replenish the gun. The player from the main perspective shrank back, then pulled out horizontally, and shot directly to the boiler room.

[This sniper’s information gun is very powerful! 】

[However, the fight was too aggressive. Even when teammates were around, they were still actively looking for people to fight.]

[The response to these shots is fast enough]

The smile on Tiedan's mouth was harder to suppress than AK's at the moment.

Others don’t understand, so why doesn’t he understand?

This is a highlight that Tianlu made when he beat Little Bee at IEM Katowice.

He is very grateful to his water friends. This time he finally did not deceive himself, and his highlights were actually posted on Betway Video!

So many people are watching his highlights, it’s so exciting!

He has finally changed his views on his idan, and those guys are finally no longer making bad jokes in the live broadcast room every day.

Xu Beifang, you don’t understand this, do you?

Xu Beifang soon showed a confident smile: "I am very familiar with this clip. He is Danking, Tianlu's sniper, who played a match with us."

Danking clenched his fists excitedly.

Sure enough, North, you did not disappoint me!

The host said with some surprise: "Do you remember it so clearly? Was that competition very intense?"

"That's not true. The main reason is that Danking and I have a very good personal relationship. His current career has only gone back and forth for a few episodes."

Danking:? ? ?

Xu Beifang, you deserve to die! ! !

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