CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 305 “He didn’t even enter the second stage!” (15,000 words long chapter)

Xu Beifang's computer configuration is very good. This is a computer he was equipped with after the 2018 London Major. At that time, he still had a little money on hand, so he basically filled up the configuration.

While live broadcasting CSGO, the game can also maintain a stable 400 frames without any impact on the game.

Coupled with good internet speed, he was the first to enter the game's server.

‘I have a tactic’ join the server…

Seeing Ma Xixi join the room, Xu Beifang immediately turned on the mic and shouted: "Mr. Ma, what's going on? I'm secretly playing games alone without starting the broadcast?"

"The main thing is to sneak in some points and let the audience take a breath when they appear again," Masisi said.

[I’ve already taken a breath, Xixi’s idea is too bad]

[I sucked in a mouthful of Liangpi immediately]

【It means you are full】

Looking at the barrage on the right, Xu Beifang couldn't help laughing.

Teammates entered the server one after another, and the voice of Wanshen sounded with a charming voice: "Northern, your recent actions in XX have put a lot of pressure on Mr. Ma, and seriously threatened Mr. Ma's XX CSGO team. Brother’s status.”

"I'll give you a helmet." Masisi laughed and scolded, "From the moment the news of the signing was released, the first brother of a certain Ya CSGO has been replaced. I don't know what Xiaopo is standing here. This is to let a Come here monster.”

Xu Beifang smiled and said nothing.

But looking at the matched lineup, he asked a little strangely: "Are you all playing in solo queue?"

"The first time I got up, I met Eggplant on the other side in solo queue, so I dragged him along." Masisi got angry when she mentioned it, "Seriously, are you playing me as Eggplant? I'll give you a piece of it." , I lost two games in double queue with you, and I also lost one game."


Eggplant is a person with a true temperament, and he speaks with the quintessence of Chinese culture: "At least you lost one game. I lost three games in a row. Did I say anything?"

"NMMDW." As soon as Leonkai's voice came out, it seemed to have a kind of magic power, and Xu Beifang almost closed his eyes.

"I also lost three times in a row. Who is winning this game?"

Listening to the wails of his teammates, Xu Beifang was the first to not hold back and laughed out loud in the live broadcast room.

[Really carrying a heavy load and moving forward]

[New fans are still sighing, old fans have already sat down, this scene is too familiar]

[Xiao Xu can still laugh now, he has such a big heart]

[I admire Xiao Xu’s mentality, if I see this lineup, it’s already open]

[The pressure is already high at the beginning. Should I send the first one after the premiere? 】

Xu Beifang glanced at the secondary screen. The friends in the live broadcast room kept making sarcastic remarks.

Feeling that the team's atmosphere was a little disappointed, Xu Beifang immediately shouted: "Brothers, don't be downcast. The game hasn't started yet. How can you not be confident?"

"Come on, let this buddy help you win."

The remaining genius boy Sanye has not yet entered the game, and he can hear the opponent's voice during the CSGO warm-up stage.

The kid on the other side heard Xu Beifang's arrogant words clearly and said directly: "Beifang is very rampant, but I'm not putting pressure on you. How can you win with that lineup of yours?"

The kid's tone was quite expectant: "Brother, I'm going to stop showing off now. I'm on full fire. If I win, I can use my record to make fun of Danking for a month."

"I'm very lucky. I watched the premiere of Beishen today and came here specially to bump into us. We actually bumped into each other." Advant, also known as 259, also said excitedly, "Today I will feel the level of a champion breakthrough player."

Xu Beifang still wanted to respond. Sanye officially entered the server and the game officially began.

The map is a death amusement park.

The sword-fighting side selection process is very fast.

Although the anchor team may be a little inferior in marksmanship, there are still quite a lot of bells and whistles. Maoming Whetstone became the Maoming Sword Master today. One person got three sword kills, which helped them get the right to choose sides.

Naturally, they opened first on the defensive side.

"Northern, what should I do if I'm under a lot of pressure?" Masisi looked at the professional brother running across the way and could already imagine the painful situation.

Xu Beifang consoled him and said, "Don't worry, the game hasn't started yet, and I'm here."

"Usually I can get points even with Danking, so I shouldn't have any problem today."

Playing Machine smiled and said: "I just think you are praising us for our Danking level."

Except for Leon Kai, the rest of them are men who have only half a foot in the professional circle, so they naturally know how exaggerated the level of the current profession is.

In an ordinary ladder game, these professional guys all carry the whole game.

But in the opponent's game, except for Sanye, a young genius, the others were all professionals, which put a lot of pressure on them.

Several of them had lost several games in a row, and their fighting spirit was relatively low. Seeing this lineup, their hearts were filled with pressure.

Fortunately, looking at Xu Beifang in the team, they also gained some confidence.

The pistol round officially began, and Leonkai followed Masisi and Wanmai toward Area B.

The default defensive position on the Death Park map is 3B2A.

The three people's heavy defense made all three CSGO commentators feel a sense of security.

Leonkai stood under the water and kept swaying to investigate the construction site.

Masisi leaned over the oil drum to read the information on the long tube.

The playing machine is set up at the construction site on the B2 floor, ready to support area A at any time.

"No one was seen at point A in the first place, please pay attention at point B." Xu Beifang's voice sounded, making Leonkai alert.

The next second, the sound of Glock's gunfire came from the long tube, followed by a violent flash bomb explosion, and Leonkai's vision went completely white.

An oil barrel fire also flew towards Masisi.

In an instant, the bandits from the construction site and the long pipes pushed forward crazily.

"Bombs exploded at point B, there are a lot of people!" Leonkai used his communication skills for the first time, and then began to express his emotions, "This pressure, is this what professional buddies feel like when they get serious?"

They had no big problem defending this wave of 3B, but they were instantly melted by the bandits.

I tried my best to click one on the B2 floor while playing the machine, but I was still caught and died because I was greedy for guns.

For this kind of long-distance gun confrontation, professional-level accuracy is much higher than his.

Xu Beifang was stunned for a moment when he looked at the killing information that kept flooding the screen in the upper right corner.

This started the game into a 2 versus 4 endgame, which was really annoying.

As soon as Xu Beifang had this idea, he heard the familiar Maoming accent in his voice:

"WGNMD!! Just hit me for real."

[Somebody used a Glock to kill a young man with a headshot.douyutvqz]

"Well, it's a 1V4 endgame. It seems that the situation is not very optimistic." Xu Beifang joked.

In the frontal 1V4 endgame, the distance was too far, and he had no desire to return to defense.

Good professional habits made him immediately consider the option of protecting his gun.

The 1V4 endgame is too difficult. If you save a half-armor, you can still have a half-armor Famas to use in the next round, and have some comeback capabilities.

The kid opened the TAB and took a look at the personnel information: "There is only one Xiao Xu left? Hand him over!"

When the others heard this, they started to move forward after being stuck for a few seconds.

As a commander, 259 is relatively stable. He did not join the army of people looking for people, but leisurely guarded the package at the package point.

After a while, gunfire exchanges came from the toilet in Area A, and kill messages began to appear in the upper right corner.

[Mai Sakurajima used usp to kill VG.Kaze with a headshot]

[Mai Sakurajima used usp to kill a certain scientific Fuxiao Randen with a headshot]

"Forget it, kid!" 259 reminded him quickly as he looked at the messages on the screen.

At this point in time, if Xu Beifang wants to fight back, he still has a slight chance.

The kid looked at the kill information that appeared almost at the speed of light. He was also stuck in time. He was sure that Xu Beifang couldn't win this pistol round, so he came out of the toilet to peek and shoot with Xu Beifang.

He and Xu Beifang had exchanged fire before, and both sides determined the other's location.

So the kid took a very cautious peek first, and at first sight he saw Xu Beifang confronting him in the middle toilet.

His maneuver was very successful and he successfully deceived Xu Beifang's gun position.

He was about to fire the gun and pull out, but when he pulled out, he found that Xu Beifang had retracted.

He wanted to chase forward again, but Xu Beifang suddenly leaned out of the bunker again.


[Mai Sakurajima used usp to kill someone with a headshot]

"What kind of timing is this!" the kid complained a little.

In fact, he also understood that both sides were showing up in this wave, and it was not a matter of timing.

It was more because Xu Beifang had a good grasp of the details. Although he was fooled into taking the position at the first moment, he quickly took the initiative again.

And the kid has to admit that Xu Beifang's reaction speed is really fast!

With just one peeking movement, he was instantly dropped.

While Xu Beifang killed the kid, he even had room to explain to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Many gun-fighting logics in CSGO are actually the same. You have to seize the initiative... Look at this wave, The kid shook me, and I knew he wanted to come to me."

"Now that I know this idea, it's not me who is anxious, but the kid who is more anxious. When he sees me retreating, he will definitely grab forward. At this time, I have cover and he doesn't, so he will be very uncomfortable."

[Nice took off his mask and it turned out that he was Teacher Jame! 】

[I feel like I’m going to transform into a gun-protecting god today]

[Ah, so there are so many details? 】

[I saw Xiao Xu pull out and kill the person with a shot]

[Xiao Xu, you must be trying to make it up for yourself to open the lock, right (crying loudly)]

[I feel like my head is about to be filled with knowledge again]

No one stays in the introductory stage forever, but there are always people who do.

Most new players just think that CSGO is a pure marksmanship game, and marksmanship can solve everything.

But more often than not, theoretical knowledge is more important than marksmanship.

After defeating the imp, even though it was just a 1V1 endgame and Xu Beifang still had half of his health, there was not much time left for him to operate, and Xu Beifang had no intention of looking for the opponent.

Although he is playing on the ladder, there are some professional habits that he has carved into his habits.

The three kills in the upper right corner had already made 259 a little scared. He didn't get sick and won the pistol round safely.

"Beishen's reaction is so fast!" The genius boy Sanye said in the voice, "I feel that I recharged Kaze quickly enough. After he died, I pulled out immediately, but he was killed in an instant."

Although he is just a passerby, his overall strength has actually reached a professional level.

During this wave of handgun searches for Xu Beifang's location, he almost followed Kaze closely.

As soon as there was a gunshot from the front, he immediately followed and pulled horizontally. As a result, he only fired a bullet with the advance gun and was killed instantly.

It's so terrifying...

"That's how it is in the north." Xiao Gui lamented, "He's just a pure pervert."

Xu Beifang and Danking have a very good relationship, and they have frequent contact, so they have a clear understanding of Xu Beifang's personal abilities, so they are not as exaggerated as Sanye.

259 saw that his teammates were all praising the opponent and comforted him: "It's okay. At least we successfully won the pistol round. Let's move directly to A for this point. I feel like they might bet a little bit for fun."

Others have no objections. In the passer-by game, if there is a professional-level commander, then they can play with their brains free.

Moreover, they agreed with 259's approach. The opposite anchor team lost the pistol round, and the compensation for this defeat was 2,000 yuan, so it was destined to be a short shot.

They all have full-armor AK or full-armor Galil, so they must play to their strengths and use their firearm advantage to crush the opponent.

If this point is forced to be graded as B, the final result may be disastrous.

"If you replace the three on the opposite side, you won't lose in the pistol round." Masisi's rope twisting is still very professional. After all, marksmanship is not his strong point.

Playing with the machine also became more active: "What do you think of this one? Mr. Ma, do you have any top tactics?"

"My tactic is to save money to shoot Xiao Xu and let him carry the whole crowd."

[What's the tactic of breaking Xiao Xu's thigh? 】

[Don’t tell me, this seems to be the most likely way for the anchor team to win the game]

[Little Bee has proven to us that hugging the thigh is really useful]

[Compared to firing a gun at Xiao Xu, it is better economically than having an eggplant staring at you]


There was a lot of laughter in the voice. Although it was a ladder match, but luck was better. They were all acquaintances who bumped into each other, just like a ladder match.

Of these four teammates, Eggplant Xu Beifang was a little unfamiliar with them.

But Qingzi is also quite familiar, and the atmosphere is very lively.

The final choice in this point was to play a 2A3B position. Everyone was strong and the economy was spent.

Eggplant took a bird sniper and went to A to investigate, while Xu Beifang took out a half-armor Famas.

After throwing a bullet in the beginning, Xu Beifang hurried to the toilet entrance, wanting to hear first-hand information.

But the four professional brothers on the opposite side became serious, and the details were still in place. Xu Beifang basically didn't hear any useful information.

Xu Beifang was not very good at firearms, and he didn't have many props. After failing to get the information, he had no choice but to retreat to Small A to set up the gun.

But after fighting for a while, he heard a firefight broke out in University A.

[DD used AK47 to kill a young man with a headshot.douyutvqz]

"The bird sniper shot him in the leg but he didn't die, so DD just bullied his brother for not sleeping well last night, otherwise this shot would definitely hit his head." Eggplant announced the point in the voice.

Hearing Eggplant's announcement, Xu Beifang couldn't help but laugh and said, "Is this considered a righteous act of annihilation?"

Eggplant and DD are brothers, and this time the younger brother beats up the older brother.

However, once Eggplant died in University A, Xu Beifang couldn't continue to stand at University A and fight. Otherwise, when University A came in from the opposite side, he would be released directly to DD with a huge back body, and he would be killed instantly.

"Do you want us to cover up the defense?" Leonkai asked immediately. His main skill is to "make a fool of himself".

Xu Beifang glanced at the small map and quickly analyzed it in his mind: "It's better to stay still for now. I still have a cigarette, so I'll start scouting at the package point."

On the map of Death Amusement Park, both the bandits and the CT can turn points very quickly, so the position when the bandits attack is extremely important.

Although University A had just lost someone, the overall pressure on the opponent had not yet increased, so Xu Beifang felt that they could wait a little longer.

Xu Beifang's defensive investigation on platform A is still the same old style of play.

After about 5 seconds, he glanced at the general direction A, and then spent most of the time jumping and swaying in the direction to detect information about the toilet and small A.

He mentally anticipated the next wave of firefights.

He originally thought that the bandit would make a wave of silent contact, touching all the way from A small or A large, and increase his speed the moment he exchanged fire with him.

After all, domestic ladders and professions are all based on pull tactics.

But what he didn't expect was that the information he got immediately was two props from Xiaofei A.

A trash can cigarette, a bank cigarette, the bandits made a wave of actions that seemed to be unfolding.

But looking at these two smoke bombs, Xu Beifang was still a little suspicious.

Because after the smoke bomb was given, he did not get any "accurate information".

Although these two smoke bombs were exploded from Child A, it means that there are two people in Child A, but this may also be a fake attack tactic.

After all, it only takes less than 10 seconds to go from primary school A to the construction site.

But the next second, Xu Beifang took the initiative to peek towards A, but saw DD who was walking forward with amplified steps.

"Da da da!"

[Mai Sakurajima + young man.douyutvqz used Famas to kill DD with a headshot]

Xu Beifang's peek to the right was his advantage in dealing with the gun. In addition, DD was in a state of residual health. DD was killed by him without even firing his gun.

"Xiao Xu is packing a big box, a handful of Famas!" DD quickly reported in the voice.

259 had just finished throwing away supermarket cigarettes at the back point. After listening to DD's announcement, he immediately gave an instruction: "Hold forward and kill him. There shouldn't be many people at Point A, so be sure to take a look at the parking space. "

Listening to 259's idea, Sanye and Kaze set up a bag store near the large box, and then quickly went to the bag store.

But while they were still moving to the booth from the audience, Sanye saw a CT shaking out from the right side of the booth.

"Da da da!"

Sanye's reaction was already very fast, and the crosshair was placed nearby at the first moment, so he fired quickly.

But compared to Xu Beifang, he is just a genius boy.

Nowadays, the genius boy is just the threshold to meet Xu Beifang.

Xu Beifang was not in a hurry to peek out. The moment he turned around to confirm the position of Sanye, he immediately made preparations behind the bunker, found a good angle to the right and pulled wide.

This big pull directly deceived Sanye's gun position, and Xu Beifang controlled his position very well, so that after the big pull, he simply appeared in Sanye's field of vision.

The young man's reaction was very fast. He fired at Xu Beifang as soon as he pulled the gun, but he still couldn't defeat him.

[Mai Sakurajima used Famas to kill a certain scientific Fuxiao Randen with a headshot]

"What a gun!!" Eggplant looked at Xu Beifang's operation and praised in his voice: "Xiao Xu, don't be anxious, wait for a while, they will be back on defense soon."

Looking at the two kill messages in the upper right corner, the trio in Area B were also on their way back to defense quickly.

Xu Beifang was indeed not in a hurry. After knocking out Sanye, he used his only smoke bomb and threw it closer to the pack point to expand his field of vision.

Glancing at the position of his teammates, he suddenly thought and hid in the smoke bomb he threw.

Kaze and Mitsuha moved forward together, expecting the two of them to shoot quickly, but Mitsuye died instantly, and he didn't even see anyone.

I originally wanted to make a time difference by packing some boxes and grab some timing.

Xu Beifei threw a smoke bomb, and he was instantly numb.

This wave of information was almost complete. Just as 259 had judged, CT did not place anyone at the A package point. It was just Xu Beifang and Famas standing here.

But the problem now is that Xu Beifang took a Famas at the bunker and killed two of them.

The teammates didn't even report much damage, so the pressure was huge.

At this moment, the kill message came from the upper right corner.

[Headshot machine Leonkai SHYEARK used the Desert Eagle to kill someone with a headshot]

The kid who was behind the break was shot in the head by Leon Kai who came back to defend from the toilet. Their 5-on-4 dominant endgame turned into a 2-on-4 in an instant, leaving only their VG duo.

"I'll grab a flash bomb for you, you go directly to the bunker point and operate it." 259 still wanted to destroy Xu Beifang, the bunker point first.

But before Kaze could respond, a flash bomb went off and his screen turned completely white.

Xu Beifei took advantage of the machine's flash bomb and rushed out to seize an opportunity.

"Da da da!"

[Mai Sakurajima + Shourd from C9 team used Famas to kill VG.Kaze]

Xu Beifang went out with smoke and knocked Kaze out instantly.

259 finally stopped being obsessed with his props and immediately pulled it out to replenish his gun.

But almost as soon as he saw Xu Beifang, he heard a thumping in his head.

[Mai Sakurajima used Famas to kill VG.advent with a headshot]

[MVP of this game: Mai Sakurajima used precise aiming to kill 80% of the enemies, and is playing his MVP song for all members! ]



"Is this the gold content of the world's No. 1 Farmas? I'll give you a steel helmet. What an exaggeration!"

"Xiao Xu did it!!"

"What is the world's best Farmas? One step in the world!"

The voice was full of rainbow farts, and everyone's enthusiasm was quite high.

From their perspective, this wave was holding a half-armored sand eagle hanging in area B, and a frenzied exchange of fire began in area A. Xu Beifang's ID kept swiping on the right side of the screen.

He scored this point so easily.

Masisi said, "Don't be too happy with this feeling of winning. Is this the difference between us and the professional guys?"

"It's still a challenge on the opposite side, and the flash of the machine is very good. It's worthy of being a professional commentator. The props come in sets." Xu Beifang smiled. In fact, he didn't play particularly rigorously this time.

But perhaps because he has been training in the 'Dungeon - Ichifu Dangguan' recently, his ability to defend one person locally has become stronger. Now facing similar situations like this, he can deal with it much more concisely than before.

After all, in the past, we only had to face this kind of situation sometimes in the game. When a single player faced a wave of attacks from the opponent, he would inevitably become nervous, and sometimes his operations would not be so rational.

But after recent deliberate training, Xu Beifang has become very comfortable facing similar scenarios. Sometimes he even has several different operating methods in his mind.

He can even quickly think about the different benefits brought by several different decisions to choose the one he is better at, rather than relying on instinct.

Of course, the big reason is that the other party didn't put enough pressure on him.

If the pressure he feels is great enough, he won't be able to handle it so easily.

From his point of view, this wave of bandits' attack was too problematic. It was as if there was no communication between the members responsible for the props at the back and the members preparing for the attack at the front.

Before the front-point team members were in place, the back-point props had already been thrown out. This made him alert in advance, and he also thought about some follow-up processing in his mind, so he naturally seemed very comfortable.

He was also a little speechless about the bandits. They were already the strongest people in the country, but they would make such low-level mistakes where the props and people couldn't connect.

You must know that in FPL, there are too many such low-level operations, and you will be deprived of FPL qualifications.

When he played in the Stars League in early April, he discovered that two domestic teams had this problem.

It's okay in the third map, but in some unpopular maps, props and people seem to be two modules that don't work together.

When playing VG in the Stars League, it was also the map of Death Playground. Xu Beifang even caught the loose timing of VG's bomb formation and got a quadruple kill on them.

He thought that they would pay attention to correcting these problems in the future.

But now it seems that their problem with props has not changed much.

Nowadays, there are generally two types of explosive bombs in CSGO.

One is to use props to achieve tactical purposes. Fake fighting, testing, and exchanging props all belong to this type of play. Tianlu also used five-ring smoke once in Lost City in the Desert. The tactical concept is the same. They used smoke bombs to achieve this. They want the purpose of subcontracting.

The second type is the mainstream style of play in today's competition, using props to suppress opponents and achieve the purpose of cooperating with the offense.

Combining anti-clearance with flash bombs, counting incendiary bombs, and blocking vision with smoke bombs all belong to this action. Most of the liquid explosive bombs are played in this way.

Nowadays, for the two domestic teams, explosions and offense are often like two links forcibly pieced together.

The effect of props on offense is quite limited, and sometimes their effect is not as effective as directly pulling the gun.

He feels that domestic CS nowadays is a bit out of touch with the general environment.

His exaggerated performance not only made his teammates become the atmosphere group, but his opponents also raised doubts on the public screen.

somebody: Is it open?

DD: I showed this video to my Famas and he said it was staged.

Xu Beifang also smiled and typed in response.

Mai Sakurajima: You guys are good at acting, and your salary will be raised to 1 yuan later.

Mai Sakurajima: But don’t be too harsh, the audience here has already begun to question.

somebody: I ​​really didn’t release the water, it was full.

After talking and laughing, both sides returned their attention to the game.

The fierce collision at the beginning made everyone focus on the game.

The water friends in various live broadcast rooms originally thought that this game would be a more enjoyable crushing game, but after a few rounds of the game, they discovered that the situation was much more intense than they imagined.

After the first half of the attack, the professional team only got 6 rounds.

259 wiped the sweat from his head: "This pressure, why does it feel like playing a game, brothers are sweating profusely."

After seeing the lineups of both teams before the game, they had such grandiose words.

Although there is Xu Beifang in the opponent's lineup, the level of the other guys is not particularly high.

In addition to Leon Kai, there are three PL bonus horses.

And what about them? A combination of four active professions + one talented boy.

In terms of paper strength, no matter how you look at it, they are already crushed.

The pistol round started very smoothly. Under the command of 259, their attack was picturesque and they successfully scored the first point.

But in the strong start, Xu Beifang used his strength to show them what it means to be the world's number one Farmas user.

The usage rate of Famas in professional competitions is not high, because this long gun has the lowest damage among all long guns. Many people compare Famas to Ashe, and it is like scratching people.

But Xu Beifang's use of Famas is like a unique skill in the League of Legends, always able to break through the limitations of the version.

In that round, they used a Famas to directly kill four people on platform A, and they felt the pressure.

After saving money and coming to the long gun round, they decisively adjusted their play style and chose a top-notch idea - the north avoidance tactic.

Their early play style was mainly probing. As long as they got Xu Beifang's location information, they decisively put their attack direction in another area.

There are rewards from this style of play, but not much.

Avoiding Xu Beifang's style of play, the pressure on them from the front is not great. After all, there is still a big gap between professional and amateur marksmanship, not to mention gift horses like Ma Xixi and Wanyimai.

Most of the rounds they had a head-on numerical advantage.

But the problem is, having the numerical advantage ≠ can win.

Often after entering the advantageous endgame, when they are in the defensive stage, Xu Beifang looks like a terrifying dump truck in front of them. They just take a look at it and it explodes in an instant.

The beating made all of them sweat.

Several endgames were won by Xu Beifang, and they got what they wanted, feeling the strength of the top professional's gun battle.

When Sanye found out that Xu Beifang was live broadcasting, he opened it curiously and took a look, and then said in a dumbfounded way:

"Are all the top professionals so high? I feel like this one is full, but he hasn't even entered the second stage!"

In the picture, Xu Beifang was still chatting with friends, but he looked like a cosplayer. He visually estimated that the distance between Xu Beifang and the screen was close to one meter. He was very different from the nice guy in front of him, who was close to his face and widened. Big.

As a fan of Xu Beifei, he understands that when Xu Beifei enters the second stage, he is truly at full strength.

Now this distance from the screen is even just a warm-up stage.

Sanye pressed TAB and glanced at the scoreboard.

Mai Sakurajima: 26/3/9

Can one die in the second dimension?

Why are you beating so hard?

Mitsuha, who wears a two-dimensional avatar, wants to put pressure on Mai Sakurajima.

259 comforted him: "It's not a big problem. This is a police picture. Let's fight back slowly."

The kid also nodded: "That's right, let's all fight well this time. It would be really embarrassing if we can't win even if the other side pulls four."

Xu Beifang's terrifying bulldozer-like fighting power made him a little scared, but the kid still didn't want to lose this game.

First, it’s the competitiveness of professional players.

Secondly, if this lineup really loses to Xu Beifang, he can imagine Danking talking crazily in his ears in the next month.

Thinking of Tiedan's face, Xiaogui felt that he was full of confidence in victory.

【What's going on? I haven’t watched it for half an hour. Why is Xiao Xu still in the lead? 】

[It’s really strange that the first breakthrough point in North America has not been breached]

[Your machine was not broken through when you were stunned? It’s 4/13, it’s all down to Xiao Xu.]

[In times of crisis, there is only responsibility!]

[As Xiao Xu said in the interview, he has become accustomed to this kind of scene of carrying weights and now focuses on one-handed weight-bearing training]


The water friends were discussing the first half of the confrontation in the live broadcast room. Xu Beifang looked at these rainbow farts and ignored them.

In the first half, although the exchange of fire on the frontal battlefield was not very good, even the three players except Xu Beifang and Leon Kai lost KD.

But the atmosphere of the whole team is still very good. Anyway, they scored 9 points in the first half, which relieved them from too much burden.

Although Xu Beifang has been holding kills, this confrontation really didn't put too much pressure on him.

Although he hasn't trained much recently, the time spent traveling in the dungeon is not short at all. Xu Beifang has not lost his competitive mindset.

So even though he was always playing in the end game, it really didn't put too much pressure on him head-on.

The people on the opposite side, Tianlu and VG, were all good at shooting, but just shooting was not enough to suppress him. Xu Beifang even had time to chat with the audience, which was proof.

After changing sides, the second half of the pistol round began quickly.

The professional team thought that by switching to the defensive side, they would be able to score better points. However, after changing sides, Xu Beifang had more of the initiative.

At the beginning of the pistol round, the anchor team launched a wave of speed increase in Area B.

In this wave of speed increase in Area B, the props may not be as eye-catching as the professional team's pistol round in the first half, but Xu Beifang's P250 blasted three people in a row, directly pushing Area B flat, and cooperated with the subsequent performance of his teammates. , successfully won the pistol round in the second half.

Masisi and others also knew the importance of the pistol round. After winning, they played very rigorously for several rounds without giving CT any chance, and successfully took advantage of the pistol round's bonus.

The anchor team is highly motivated, thinking of scoring consecutively to directly reach the match point or even win the game directly.

However, there is still a gap in the overall level of the players on both sides. In the next two spear rounds, they were always defeated by the opponent using some small tricks and coordination.

Xu Beifang was also killed twice in a row by Kaze's big sniper due to timing issues.

The score came to 12:8.

"It's okay, it's okay, we're still 4 rounds ahead." Xu Beifang said to comfort his teammates, "After we save money, we won't play the default control map with them. When we find the opportunity, we will just use a wave of explosive bombs to attack them." Make up for it with a shot."

The default map control style of play has high requirements on the personal abilities of a team's players.

Team A is the team that controls the map the best by default among the first-tier teams today.

This is not because they have the strongest players in their team, but because their team’s individual ability limit is very high.

By analogy to this ladder confrontation, the upper limit of Xu Beifang's personal ability is his, but the lower limit is not high. It is easy for the opponent to defeat him one by one, so he is not suitable for playing the default control map.

A wave of direct explosive bombs followed by flat push and supplementary shots may be a more suitable offensive method for them.

"Then let's just play half-up for this one. We'll just play with the spear in the next point." The playing machine began to transform into a formulaic command. "They know that our economy is not good, so they may not push forward. We can try to go to A together." Take a walk.”

There is indeed nothing wrong with this. In the pistol round, it is not a good choice to go to area B when starting something like a half-armored Sand Eagle.

Because whether it is a short or long tube, it is more troublesome to rush out when the opponent is consciously on guard.

Area A is different. Pushing all the way forward, you can preview it very comfortably.

Xu Beifang immediately followed Brother Kaizi and rushed to the bandit's mouth. A flash bomb exploded in the middle of the opponent's lane. He took good aim and peeked to the right.

Kaze didn't dare to come over with a big sniper to trouble him immediately, which made him feel a bit regretful.

There was also a little bit of pressure in their hearts. Kaze's approach proved that they were still rational and were not overwhelmed by the little pressure in the first half.

Xu Beifang went all the way to the balloon, and then searched Primary A and the toilet through previews.

"I haven't seen you, A."

The smoke cleared from the middle of the road where CT was thrown, and the large troops also pushed up silently. Xu Beifang glanced at the small map, roughly analyzed the opponent's possible positioning in his mind, and commanded: "No one should be released from the front point on the opposite side. Okay, let’s mute it directly to the toilet area under the stage, and then I’ll find a chance.”

Xu Beifang had already previewed the Death Amusement Park countless times. His preview of the gun position for the attack was as simple as eating and drinking.

The teammates had no other ideas, and they all followed Xu Beifang and started pushing forward from A grade.

When we got closer to the small toilet A, the words he played with the machine highlighted his self-sacrifice: "Xiao Xu, don't worry, I'll jump out and follow you."

Xu Beifang had already made preparations, but he still didn't expect the jump of playing with the machine.

Playing with the machine jumped and pulled out.

Xu Beifang also peeked at the regular position on the left side of the package point.

He didn't see anyone at first. Xu Beifang then looked at the right side of the bag spot and the headshot position of the trash can.

Seeing that the offensive had been launched, Masisi and Leonkai hurriedly took out their props and started exploding bombs.

Trash cans and bank cigarettes were provided directly, and a few flash bombs were randomly added.

Although Masisi's two flash bombs were casual, he completely blinded the Kaze at the front of the car. The sniper could only fire one shot with his eyes blank, and quickly jumped in the direction of the trash can with his body skills.

Sanye, who was in the bank, immediately held up A. The attacker spread out the props. He planned to suddenly go to the box at point A, when he heard the voice of 259 in the voice:

"Don't worry, they should be half off this point. You can let them pack. We'll go back to the packing point as soon as possible."

When Sanye thought about it, there was indeed nothing wrong with it.

The gunshot just revealed by the opponent was indeed the gunshot of Sand Eagle, so there would definitely not be many props at this point.

They used flash bombs to counterattack and press out the second time, and their chances of winning were even greater.

If this wave of confrontation at Baodian accidentally fails and Xu Beifang gets the spear, the pressure behind it will be too great.

CT released the bag point. Xu Beifang made sure that his teammates had set up the gun position, looked in the direction A, and went directly to the bag point to put the bag.


Gunshots were heard from the direction of the toilet. Leon Kai was in very good condition today and once again ate the kid.

Masisi looked at the number of people on both sides and said excitedly: "Do you have any explanation? It's 5 on 4. Can this one point lead to a comeback?"

Almost as a subconscious reaction, Playing Machine shouted: "Mr. Ma, please don't give in! Don't forget your ability to follow your words!"

Masisi: "..."

There was a low laughter in the voice, and Xu Beifang was also happy.

This is the joy of ladder play. Although the overall competitiveness is not that high, having three or two friends can always make you happy.

The two smoke bombs at point A gradually dissipated, and the way back was safe, so Xu Beifang didn't care about A.

He stood on the packing box and peeked around the banks and trash cans. While controlling his position, he kept peeking around.

After seeing no one for the first time, he stopped taking action for the time being: "I can't move at the security point. When they come out, I will refill your guns."

He originally wanted to take advantage of the moment when the smoke cleared to help his teammates.

But the other party never missed it. If he wavered again, it would be more dangerous.

C4 was ticking on the package point. Xu Beifang soon heard the sound of a prop and immediately turned his head to dodge.


The flash bomb exploded, and Xu Beifang turned around to see a CT rushing out from the direction of the trash can, furiously firing at Masisi in the direction of the car.

Xu Beifang opened fire with a sand eagle in his hand, but the first shot did not hit the opponent's head.

After gaining insights into NIKO's sand eagle, Xu Beifang has always played with peek.

Basically, the Sand Eagle fires one shot, then pulls back immediately after firing, then peeks out and fires the second shot, and then pulls back again.

When the first shot was fired, Xu Beifang had already habitually retracted it. When he saw that he missed the opponent's head, he peeked out and fired again.


[Mai Sakurajima + I have a tactic to kill VG.advent using the Desert Eagle]

The moment he was shot down by a supplementary shot, 259 quickly reported in the voice: "The front of the car is dead, there are still some packing boxes!"

The two people who came up immediately looked at the package point box. This wave of personnel had already spread out, and they had to take down the package point in a short time.

"Good tonic!"

Looking at the kill information in the upper right corner, Masisi admired.

Xu Beifang's expression did not change at all. He shot down 259 and then retreated to avoid the possibility of being shot down by the opponent in advance.

But the moment he retracted, he pulled out to the right again, and soon saw a CT looking at him with a long gun in his field of vision.


[Mai Sakurajima used the Desert Eagle to kill a certain scientific Fuxiao Randen with a headshot]

"Ah?" Ma Xixi didn't expect Xu Beifang's shot to be so fast.

When DD saw his teammate dying suddenly in front of him, he immediately let go and headed toward the front of the car, hoping to shoot Xu Beifei out.

DD's anxious move also allowed Xu Beifang to determine his position, and Sha Ying peeked to the right again.


[Mai Sakurajima used the Desert Eagle to kill DD with a headshot]

"Huh??" Masisi and Leonkai made surprised sounds at the same time.

The sound of a sniper's gunfire rang out from the dark side of Baodian, and the playing machine in the bank on the big bank was killed with one shot.

Xu Beifang glanced at the time above his head and peeked out unhurriedly.

Seeing Kaze turning his head to run away, he flicked his crosshair upwards.


[Mai Sakurajima used the Desert Eagle to kill Kaze with a headshot]

"Ah????" Masisi's expression was already that of an old man on the subway playing with his mobile phone, "Is this true? Xiao Xu, you wouldn't just open it just to help us win, right?"

"WDNMD, I didn't even see anyone, why did you kill them all??" Eggplant also said in confusion.

As teammates, they just watched the kill information in the upper right corner floating by, and their mood was actually normal.

Xu Beifang's live broadcast room was filled with barrages like snowflakes at this moment.

[This is not a shame. You can just scold me! 】

【Gift crab? ? 】

[Four bullets hit four? 】

[All sideways, but shot to death]

【Pinch? What is this? 】

[Seeing that his first shot missed, I thought I could finally laugh at Xiao Xu, but it turned out that I laughed too early]

[I really like the CSGO player’s phrase “Huh??”]


The live broadcast room has gone completely crazy, with barrages and gifts constantly floating around.

Xu Beifang's opponent was already a little delirious after this round.

The kid was the first to attack.

somebody: .report!

somebody: I'll just start reporting! !

The kid covered his forehead with his right hand and groaned alone in his position.

As the first CT to be killed in this round, Xiaogui watched the whole process from the perspective of his teammates.

After they were killed, they chose to use flash bombs to clear out after the smoke cleared.

There was no big problem with the selection, and I successfully got the kill in the first wave.

But the problem is, after the Sand Eagle that Bao ordered started firing, the kid saw Xu Beifei follow the ghost, float out and shoot, killing one of them.

A shot floated out and another one was shot down.

His perspective seemed to be directed by Zhao Qian himself, seeing everyone die.

And from his perspective, none of his teammates had a chance to fire. The moment they saw it, the Sand Eagle had already knocked them out.

There was silence in the voice.

By this point, they probably understood the final answer to this battle.

In the next game, although the professional team struggled a bit, in the end, as expected, they lost this stressful ladder game.

Looking at the final score of 16:10, 259 breathed a sigh of relief.

For him as a commander, this ladder gave him a really bad feeling.

Whether on the offensive or defensive side, his instructions and mid-term decisions can crush the opponent.

But the opponent used his personal ability to regain the distance.

This is equivalent to saying in disguise that the role of the conductor in the team is not as great as that of star players.

In addition, when facing a gun head-on, Xu Beifang always killed him instantly, which gave him great negative feedback.

Kaze on the side was not so stressed. He turned around and asked: "Are you still playing 259?"

"I'm a little tired. I'll rest for a while and come back."

Kaze nodded and ran over to practice shooting. Since his teammates were unwilling to fight, he didn't want to continue solo queue alone.

"Take it!!"

Xu Beifang looked at the final results panel and stretched.

"38/6/14, rating 2.87, this data is not bad."

Looking at the final settlement screen, the audience in the live broadcast room was a little confused at this moment, even if they had expectations:

[38 heads in 26 rounds? ? Are you really lying? ? 】

[Don’t be too ridiculous! 】

[Actually, this was originally a prison sentence, but the warden, who had already broken out of the siege, forcibly broke through his prison]

[One green belt and four red belts can win, I really didn’t expect it]

[He killed 259 people in a BO3]

[The opponent doesn’t want to lose, but there is a Superman in the server! 】

[Being able to drive these gift horses to win a round, I feel, is more difficult than winning a round in the finals. Xiao Xu is so powerful]

【Hard Clam】

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was quite hot, and the first broadcast had a lot of traffic.

I was also matched with this "acquaintance game".

The four professional guys on the opposite side, plus a talented boy, are full of strength on paper.

On Xu Beifang's side, there are several gift-giving Mada anchors, and viewers who like to watch CSGO live broadcasts all know what kind of strength they are.

But in such a match with such a huge disparity in strength, Xu Beifang managed to win the ladder match by dragging four of them.

This exaggerated strength even attracted many viewers from other anchors' live broadcast rooms to watch, and they immediately paid attention to it.

There are even some quick editors who have cut out the highlights of Xu Beifang's scene and titled it "Ma Xixi competes with the machine to be the last, Xiao Xu's premiere premiere...", which attracted a lot of attention. Few people pay attention.

Some people want to watch it for fun, some people want the show effect, and some people want to learn something.

But they all watched and stayed in the live broadcast room.

The atmosphere in the entire live broadcast room was heated. The audience really saw Xu Beifang's terrifying strength in the first scene he premiered.

Know how big the gap is between top professionals and average high-scoring players.

After the first game, Xu Beifang wanted to express his gratitude for the gift, but the secondary screen displayed the gift column, and the screen was scrolling like crazy. The gift scrolled too fast, and he couldn't even read the ID, so he had to give up in the end.

There are too many people. If I wanted to thank you for the gift, I might have read it here all night.

Xu Beifang went to the side to get a glass of water and prepared to open two more shots, thus successfully ending today's premiere.

When I came back from fetching water, I saw a message from a friend on the right.

somebody: Come and brag.

Xu Beifang didn't know what Xiaogui was up to, but he had Xiaogui's voice channel and quickly entered it.

"Hey Hey hey!"

As soon as he entered, Xu Beifang started the wheat trial state.

"Stop it, Xiao Xu, you are so cruel!" The kid complained in his voice, "I smashed the head with this hammer. It's already as big as one head or two."

"No, I obviously feel that you are a little out of touch." Xu Beifang said about the game just now, "You know, I'm under a lot of pressure. Although Danking is not around to play me, it's hard to match the level of Ma's machine. .”

The kid seemed to have grasped the handle, he chuckled and said: "I will go to Jijizi and the others to complain later."

"You really bow your head." Xu Beifang said disdainfully, but he didn't care. The kid was also exposed to constant time. Although he bowed his head, he still couldn't do such a disgusting thing.

Besides, he didn't say anything bad about Play Machine and Masisi.

These two commentators are not as good as the professionals opposite them. This is just a fact.

"I was beaten to pieces by you today, and I will probably be beaten to pieces by Tie Danzui for a month." The kid sighed.

"It's okay. If he talks about you, just go check his record. He and I played in double queue before, and he scored 4-17 in one game. You print it out and put it on the table." Xu Beifang thoughtfully helped the kid to give him the answer.

[My heart is so poisonous! 】

[4-17, Tiedan is also a real actor]

[I watched that scene, and Tiedan was able to snipe the bird, which made Xiao Xu so angry that I almost bought a plane ticket to go there and beat him up]

[4-17 also took him to play, Xiao Xu is really nice to Tiedan]

[After all, Plastic Brothers CS]

"I feel relieved to hear you say that." The kid said with a smile.

Xu Beifang cleared his throat and asked, "Then we want to double queue together?"

He was idle anyway. The crazy killing in the last game made him feel very energetic, and he was ready to start the second game quickly.

The kid refused: "No, I'll pull you in just to tell you that we are ready to snipe you, come and have a chance!"

Xiao Gui and DD were beaten violently for the first time, which attracted the attention of several people from the current Tianlu home team.

When they saw the kid being beaten like this, they naturally laughed at him kindly, and then prepared to have a try with Xu Beifang.

As the number one player in CNCS today, Xu Beifang has been in France all year round and is also the number one player in FPL.

They still really want to see what Xu Beifang looks like in the ladder, although Xu Beifang has always been called an instructor in FPL.

They also have some psychological expectations, but people are always like this. Without specific experience, they always think they can do it.

"Okay, okay, let's play like this, right?" Xu Beifang didn't care. He has a very strong character. "Then let's have a collision today, let's have a head-on collision!"

After a brief exchange between the two, Xu Beifang quit the voice chat and continued to play solo queue.

Originally, the scores were almost the same. Even if you deliberately wanted to crash, the probability of a successful match was still very high.

Next, Xu Beifang played a total of 5 games, and in 4 of them he was matched with members of Tianlu.

Xu Beifang was also on full fire. Except for one scene where two college students in a double-row dormitory were disconnected from the Internet, the other four games were generally quite normal.

He met Tianlu and won three of the four games. Xu Beifang played the worst one, with a rating of 1.31. His main skill was exaggerated.

On almost every map, Xu Beifang contributed amazing operations.

Many people watched Xu Beifang's live broadcast operations and expressed their excitement, and then ran to compete on the ladder excitedly.

The result is that no one makes a sound.

These few crashes directly silenced the Tianlu players. The kid who crashed into Xu Beifang and lost twice even said harsh words "Come back next time" and hastily logged off. Xu Beifang saw After a while, it was almost ready to be broadcast.

He glanced at the secondary screen on the right:

[If my marksmanship was one-tenth of Xiao Xu’s, I wouldn’t have to worry about getting higher marks]

【one tenth? One percent! 】

[I just came from Xiaogui. I originally wanted to fuck Xiao Xu today, but I just lost my mind.]

[The kid was killed by Northern Hunyan several times, and everyone was confused haha]

[I feel like Tianlu is very lazy. At least his marksmanship was excellent before, but now he is not even good at marksmanship]

[Can Xiao Xu torture Tianlu and put pressure on Tianlu? 】

"Can we torture Tianlu?" Xu Beifang read out the last barrage and immediately shouted, "Then it's decided, we'll torture Tianlu tomorrow and let the broadcast begin!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Beifang turned off the push stream in the live broadcast room from OBS.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all confused. What the hell was going on all of a sudden?

They didn't even have time to say "One more billion", and they didn't even appreciate the "strong team DEMO", so they just canceled it?

They originally thought that Xu Beifang was a purely technical anchor, but they did not expect that Xu Beifang was also a live broadcast genius that is rare in a century.

The effect of the program is straight forward.

After turning off the live broadcast, Xu Beifang looked at the prompts in the system.

[I received a suggestion to torture Tianlu. The recommended difficulty is 5 stars. After completion, you can get a C-level treasure chest]

In fact, I got a lot of suggestions tonight, but most of them didn't have much effect.

This suggestion, although the reward is not particularly good, is at least useful.

Directly downloading the broadcast on the spot, on the one hand, he is trying to improve the live broadcast effect.

On the other hand, he really planned to torture Tianlu.

Mainly because before returning to China, Danking clamored for Xu Beifang to come back to play with him.

Now that he has been back home for more than ten days, Xu Beifang has become the younger brother in the family again, and his mother has begun to dislike him no matter what he does.

So he planned to travel and visit various places.

Go to Tianlu Base, stress pressure iron egg, have a meal with the richest man in Hangzhou, and go to Hangzhou's attractions when you have time.

When I went to Tianlu for a trial last year, Xu Beifang and Danking walked around in downtown Hangzhou, but they still didn't visit any specific attractions.

As soon as he thought of it, Xu Beifang immediately booked tomorrow's high-speed rail tickets in the APP on his mobile phone.

Prepare to rush directly to Tianlu Base tomorrow morning.

Download art?

snort! My main focus is to listen to advice!

What you are playing is real!

Xu Beifang took a sip of water. He suddenly wanted to see what the water friends would look like when they found out that they had run into Tianlu Base tomorrow.

It’s really exciting~

The plot is right here. I will return the remaining 2,000 words tomorrow. I feel that the content of this premiere is still a little too long.

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