CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 307 Advice to Tianlu

"How about we go back to the Tianlu base canteen." Danking sat in the car and shook his head and sighed, "I've been here in Hangzhou for so long, and the thing I eat the most is the braised chicken downstairs in the club. There are too few delicacies in this place. "

It’s not that Hangzhou doesn’t have delicious food, it’s just that there aren’t that many specialties in comparison, and the level of catering fluctuates greatly, which actually makes other cuisines stand out.

The kid glanced at Tiedan with disgust: "You don't believe it even if you say you don't understand. Although this place has few specialties, there are still real things."

He felt that Danking was just following the wind and taking things on the Internet seriously.

He thought about it and changed the final destination on his phone.

I lost the duel before, and I agreed to treat Xu Beifang to dinner, and he agreed.

But at the beginning, Xiaogui didn't plan to go to a genuine store like that, and was just going to find some hot pot or something to eat.

He is not a person who is short of money, but if the place he goes to is too expensive, it will be bad for his teammates to feel the pressure.

But after hearing what Tiedan said, he had to protect the face of the locals in Hangzhou.

Xu Beifang answered: "It looks like there is a good meal to eat today."

Tiedan immediately said: "No, Beibei, don't you love me anymore? I'll take care of you on a Maverick electric scooter!"

"I would rather laugh in the passenger seat of the kid's Porsche 911 than cry in your Maverick electric car." Xu Beifang decisively refused.

When Xu Beifang saw Xiao Gui's Porsche 911 in the parking lot, he couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect that there are so many of us, but you are the one who hides it the most. How can you get such a high salary?"

"This car isn't expensive either." Xiao Gui smiled, "I remember it cost around 2.3 million when it was all sold out?"

"Good guy, isn't it expensive?" Xu Beifang said, "I can sell Tiedan for 1,000 Mavericks."

Xu Beifang has been playing professionally for one year, and his results are already very good. Excluding the huge income from the live broadcast contract, other income from bonuses, wages, sticker sharing, etc., add up to just over 3 million but less than 4 million.

He finally understood why everyone teased the kid for being the richest man in Hangzhou.

"I have no choice but to rely on my father with all my strength." Xiao Gui explained, "I have never spent a penny of my own money after working for so many years."

Xu Beifang almost couldn't hold his nerve.

"Here, let me order a song!"

Xu Beifang clicked on the song "I love it" on the car display.

The exciting music made the kid excited: "Hey guys, Need for Speed ​​17, right? I'm getting nervous when I hear it."

The kid put down the convertible and quickly drove out of the underground garage. However, they couldn't drive too fast in the city, so they still couldn't achieve the speed and passion they wanted.

As the vehicle drove along, Xu Beifang also leaned on his headrest, gently feeling the gentle wind blowing by.

His attention was focused on the treasure chest in the system space.

Just now, he got a C-level treasure box and a D-level treasure box because of taking the initiative to rehabilitate and torture Tianlu.

He was in a good mood and was going to open a treasure chest to add to the fun.

Forget it about the D-level treasure chest, Xu Beifang thought.

[Do you want to open the C-level treasure chest? 】


[C-level treasure chest is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for listening to the advice and getting a value of +1120. 】

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the ability to make intermediate maps. Description: With this ability, you can make your own creative workshop map. PS: Even if you don’t play professionally anymore, you still have the opportunity to join a vacation club and start a vacation chapter. 】

Map making ability?

Xu Beifang has already passed the time when he would be fussing because his newly emerged abilities appeared on him.

When he acquired language learning skills, Xu Beifang was dismissive, thinking that it would not play any role in his life.

But at the beginning of his career, he quickly learned Polish and French, which played a big role in his future.

At this stage, he gets along well with most foreign players, and he can speak most languages ​​on the market.

People are always closer to people who speak the same language as themselves.

Xu Beifang is able to get along well with most of the players, partly because he is a social tough guy. He is not shy about making friends and can create some interesting things without going too far.

Personality is one thing. He is good at the native language of most players and it is easy for others to accept him.

Moreover, even the 'multitasking' skill that Xu Beifang always thought was unusable was used today, and the response was pretty good.

So Xu Beifang doesn't think this skill is useless, but he hasn't found its exact usage yet.


After arriving at the place, Xu Beifang raised his eyebrows when he looked at the sign above his head.

"As a local in Hangzhou, outsiders say that Hangzhou is a food desert. I really can't reply. There really aren't many delicious things here." Xiaogui said, "But if you want to say that Hangzhou doesn't have special food, That would be embarrassing."

"But the price of delicious food is that there are too many people and you have to queue up."

I waited for nearly an hour before their number was called.

As a big dog owner, Xiaogui was responsible for the content of this lunch and ordered everything on the menu.

The service in the restaurant is very fast, and all the dishes are served in a short time.

Xu Beifang was already hungry, so he started to eat nearby.

The first dish was 'Steamed Duck with Aged Ham'. Xu Beifang made some soup with a spoon, then put in a few slices of ham and duck and started eating.

Xu Beifang took a bite of duck meat and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The outside of the duck meat is very crispy. The first bite is like eating tiger skin and chicken feet. The duck skin on the outside is sucked in directly. However, after the duck meat is crispy, the duck meat inside is still firm, and the whole duck is The human taste is also very good.

Xu Beifang took another sip of the soup. The overall taste was fresh and salty, which whetted his appetite.

Xu Beifang gave the kid a thumbs up: "As expected of the rich young man in Hangzhou, he really knows how to eat."

Tiedan didn't say anything, and he started to eat.

Everyone found that the food here tastes really good, and there are no major drawbacks except that it is expensive.

After eating something to calm our stomachs, everyone sat and chatted.

"Xiao Xu, I actually envy you." Xiao Gui leaned on the back of his chair and talked to Xu Beifang, "In one year, you have already made a name for yourself abroad."

He lit a cigarette, and the drifting smoke covered his confused eyes: "We don't know what will happen next."

Most professional players have a basic understanding of themselves and their team's strengths.

At last year's London Major, they felt like they had touched the edge of a first-tier team.

Major Legend Group, ranked 10th in the world by HLTV, this is their best answer.

However, MO's condition declined and he chose to quit. DD and XCC also chose to leave one after another.

Of last year's lineup, only Xiaogui and Big Brother are left. The other members, Cy1 and Baicai, are also familiar with each other, and he also knows their specific strengths.

Danking officially became Tianlu's sniper as a newcomer.

This new lineup, judging from its strength on paper, actually has no problems.

Xiaogui can clearly feel that the team is not as strong as before. Even in the Stars League at the end of March, they achieved a score of 2-3 and won two games.

But he was still able to give the answer that their current strength is not as good as last year.

Growing up in a wealthy family, he has always been an idealist.

Xiaogui really wants to make a name for himself in the world of CSGO, but some recent problems in the team have made him a little confused.

Xu Beifang came over to play with them today. Even if it was just a one-on-one duel, it would be a huge blow to them.

In the past, when Tianlu lost a game, everyone would always give them the evaluation that it was an honor even though they lost.

It is said that they just haven't kept up with the big army in terms of tactics. Their tactics and system play are a bit worse, but their overall marksmanship is still very strong.

But today, in a duel with Xu Beifang, the huge difference revealed the fig leaf of their "good marksmanship".

Everyone in the Tianlu room was silent.

Xu Beifang didn't feel comfortable hearing this: "Weren't the results last year pretty good? It was just some small ups and downs in the first half, and you were already thinking about it?"

As an 'outsider', he didn't know the specific situation of Tianlu, but he could make some guesses.

Little Bee actually had a similar situation. When NBK and RPK were in the team, they had several quarrels over performance issues and performance issues.

Later, it was because Xu Beifang still had enough strength and his performance was on an upward trend that he covered up the team's problems.

Tianlu's results are not as impressive as before.

Internal running-in issues and external pressure brought by the rise of VG.

If there are external channels at this time and there are several official big games in front of them, they may be able to hold their breath and perform well in the game like last year.

"It's a new lineup. We haven't achieved results yet. Domestic audiences are watching us. How can we not feel pressured?" Cy1 picked up a chopstick of duck meat. Due to the worries, even his appetite dropped a bit. .

Tiedan is still relatively young, so he doesn't really understand the anxious mood of his teammates.

Although he occasionally feels a sense of disparity when he sees Xu Beifang shining in top competitions, he feels that as long as he perseveres, he will definitely be able to stand on that stage one day in the future.

But looking at the terrible expressions of his teammates, Tiedan smiled and said to Xu Beifang: "What do you say, Beifang? You let others give you advice every day, why don't you give us some advice today?"

【drop! 】

[Suggested task: Give Tianlu advice to help them get out of their confusion. The recommended difficulty is 6 stars. After completion, you can get a B-level treasure chest]

Although everyone in Tianlu didn't speak, they all looked at Xu Beifang.

In their eyes, Xu Beifang is no longer the old passerby he once was, but the top genius rifleman in Europe!

He is a very top figure in the entire circle!

When Xu Beifei goes to Europe, his horizons may be very broad, and the things he may come into contact with may be different from them. He may be able to give them some advice from some special angles to help them get out of this period of confusion.

Xu Beifang smiled. He still wanted to refuse this kind of thing. Even if the reward was good, it would be thankless.

"What advice can I give, I'm still trying to grow."

As Xu Beifang's good friend, Tiedan saw Xu Beifang's worries at a glance and immediately said: "We are serious. Don't be afraid of gaining something or not. What do you think we should do now? Just tell us directly Just tell us and we will refer to it.”

When Tiedan said this, Xu Beifang no longer had any reason to refuse.

When they were in the ladder group, Xu Beifang and Tiedan agreed to play Brothers CS together, but due to various reasons, they failed to form a team in the end.

He still wanted to help his brother.

But there were some things that Xu Beifang wouldn't have been able to give them advice on if Tiedan hadn't brought it up on his own initiative.

Although he has a good relationship with Tianlu, he is not a member of the team after all.

Only Tianlu himself can speak about this, and Xu Beifang has a chance to help them.

"Think about it carefully, why are you confused now?"

Xu Haowen spread his hands: "The results are not as good as before. Tianlu has more fans. We are under a lot of pressure. There are even many fans. It is very heartbreaking to compare us with you. And because of the playing style and so on The problem is, we often have quarrels in our team, which has made it very annoying recently."

"Then improve your grades and resolve the friction." Xu Beifang gave the answer.

Baicai smiled helplessly and said, "What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say."

Danking, a fool but a wise man, heard the clues: "Let Xiao Xu continue talking."

"Why are the results so bad? Is it a matter of marksmanship or tactics?" Xu Beifang asked his second question.

The kid said with some embarrassment: "I thought it was a tactical issue before, but after playing one-on-one with you today, I think it's about half and half."

"Since there are problems with marksmanship and tactics, just find a way to train them and that's it." Xu Beifang was guiding Tianlu towards the core issue.

Cy1 took a sip and said: "In terms of training, we still can't make appointments with training opponents. In China, because we often play against each other, VG will not make appointments with us for training matches."

Teams in the same division and on similar maps compete very frequently in games. At such times, no one would want to expose their tactics and playstyle to their opponents.

After all, your tactics and playing style have been exposed, and you may be sweating when you are targeted in the next game.

And if you hide some established tactics, then training is not necessary.

"Isn't there any team in Southeast Asia willing to train with you?"

"Yes, and there are quite a few." CY1 continued, "The most important thing is that the level of the teams in Southeast Asia is not enough, and they cannot put pressure on us at all, so the training will be ineffective."

Tianlu's ranking on HLTV is still very good, at least it is one of the best in Asia. The professional teams in Southeast Asia are all rushing to find Tianlu for training.

In that kind of training group, Tianlu can choose a team to fight.

But the Southeast Asian teams couldn't put pressure on Tianlu.

Without pressure, there is no way to become stronger, and their training is meaningless. At most, it serves the purpose of practicing tactics.

Xu Beifang smiled and asked: "Then why not train with a European team?"

"We are in Asia," Baicai explained. "It's too troublesome to train with European teams. We only train with European teams every year when we train or go abroad to play games."

Xu Beifang clapped his hands, then looked at Tianlu and others with a smile: "Look, the results have already come out."

"You actually know the answer. Training with European teams is very effective, but you are mainly afraid of trouble. This shows that your desire to become stronger is not enough."

Xu Beifang's words made Tianlu and others a little angry.

Xiao Gui said seriously: "Isn't the desire to become stronger enough? In addition to eating and sleeping, I spend the rest of the time training in the base. Doesn't this mean that I don't have the desire to become stronger?"

"Last year when you were away, I also had a trial training with Tianlu. I couldn't stay that time, and no domestic team was willing to find me later." Xu Beifang talked about his past, "I was forced to set my goal When I was abroad, I worked hard to learn English, started using accelerators, and played Faceit with more than 100 pins. This was all the hard work I put in to get a spot in the trial training."

"And what about you now? It's just a training match with a high pin, you can't do it, and you still want to talk about getting stronger? Whose efforts are you looking down on?" Xu Beifang also became serious.

"I tell you very seriously that the CSGO playing style in China and even in Asia is out of touch."

Baicai interjected: "But VG obviously played very well in several games. In the Star League, they even defeated FNC."

"FNC is just a first-line goalkeeper. Don't think he is very strong." Xu Beifang laughed. "And VG's success is more because foreign teams have not seen this style of play, and they have developed a Zhang Death Amusement Park used unpopular pictures to catch several teams off guard in the Stars League group stage."

"After the next three games, everyone understood their strength. Look at IEM Sydney this time, VG was eliminated from last place."

Tianlu couldn't refute this, because it really spoke to their hearts.

"The changes in the playing style brought about by Team A are much more outrageous than you think. After these six months of adjustments, European teams have learned the playing style of Team A and modified it according to their own characteristics. And you even You haven't started yet, but you are already a big step behind, and I am worried for you."

Xu Beifang took a sip of water and moistened his throat: "You said before that you wanted me to give you advice, okay, let me tell you now, whether you are determined to go abroad for training for a period of time, or you are braving high delays, you have to find a way Integrating with the European style of play and playing against strong teams is the only way to become stronger."

"Otherwise, I doubt whether Tianlu will still be able to appear in major competitions in a year's time."

Everyone in the room was silent for a long time.

If what Xu Beifang said was wrong, they could argue for a while.

But Xu Beifang did give them very real and feasible suggestions.

What should I do if the training matches here in Asia don’t work?

Going to play against European teams, does this training method have any effect?

They also know very well that there is!

The Cowboys made up their mind to put their base in North America, which was the beginning of their take-off.

Taking themselves as an example, Xiaogui, as an old man in the team, can clearly feel that the gap has become more and more obvious after going to foreign countries for training camps and playing training matches with European teams several times.

The opponent's playing style is becoming more and more formulaic and systematic, but their understanding of Team A's system is still relatively superficial, making every training very uncomfortable.

But every time they practice, they can indeed learn something. It's not like they are playing a training match with Asia, where they just suck.

Because the opponent can't put any pressure on them at all, they will play a predetermined strategy, and it will be launched smoothly because the opponent's level is too low.

Often when we get into a game again and encounter those capable European teams, they are often cracked, and many times the tactics cannot even be developed.

But training with the European team,

The kid sighed, then turned to look at his teammates.

Xu Beifang has pointed out a way for them to become stronger.

Once you decide to take this path, various problems may arise.

If they don't take this path, they will definitely stay in the same place or even regress horizontally.

Now that the road is in front of them, where should they go?

Take a short break and write more tomorrow.

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