CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 315 Unreasonable Killing

The economy that Brother Art managed to obtain allowed the bandits to achieve an economic lead in the third round.

With the advantage in firearms, Brother Art took the initiative to start with outfield control, and then spread out the overall formation.

From an artist's point of view, the outfield control of this map is comparable to that of a small town's Banana Lane.

Because as long as the bandits gain control of the outfield, it is a good choice whether they play K1 silently, turn to the front gate, or control the warehouse and touch the third floor.

As long as the outfield is taken, the bandits can play very smartly and not be particularly passive.

Entering the first long-gun round, the bandits relied on their firearm advantage to successfully gain control of the outfield, and then the Panthers played a very simple front-on ace.

The tactics were relatively simple, but the Little Bee couldn't withstand the pressure of the firefight and lost one point in the long gun round.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, the Panthers also won two consecutive rounds, directly tying the score.

Moreover, the Little Bees don't have much economy left, and the score will continue to go down.

"Okay, this wave of Little Bee should be ECO directly, and the next point will be the long gun round." Masisi analyzed, "In this round, only Xu Beifang has a Famas to play, and the others All men are unarmored sand eagles.”

[What the hell is this? I lost so many points as soon as I got to the long gun round. I feel like Little Bee is going to be put in the third picture]

Seeing the doubts from the audience in the live broadcast room, Masisi responded: "Oh... why are you in such a hurry? The game has just begun. It's hard to say the outcome yet."

He actually understood that the losses in these rounds were more of a chain reaction in the second round.

Brother Art's smooth and rapid charge helped the Black Panther gain too much economy, and they instantly switched to the offensive.

But you can't blame Little Bee here. Normal people would never think that Brother Art would play like that.

The number of roads is really too wild.

Who would have thought that Brother Art would be so bold, and his movements on the down tube would be so smooth, as if he had practiced that set of movements many times.

Later, I didn’t expect that after putting down the mine bag, Art Brother would hide in the pipe without keeping the mine bag, just to shoot down the gun on the other side when the person who was waiting for the defense came back.

Everyone thought that after he laid the trap, he would find a way to win, but they didn't expect that Art's mind was all about the economy.

Round 5 begins.

Little Bee has no economy as a whole, except for a full-armor Famas that Xu Beifang saved.

However, in order to have enough money for the next round, Xu Beifang didn't spend anything except a flash bomb.

In this case, apEX did not give too specific instructions, but gave full play to their subjective initiative and allowed them to play freely.

Although Xu Beifang had no props, he still chose to play in the outfield.

When the countdown was over, he strode straight under the water tank.

Compared to exposing his position, Xu Beifang felt that the first timing was more important.

If you can catch timing, even if you knock out one in the outfield, it will be considered a bloody profit.

After all, in the long gun round next round, there is no point in saving Famas.

But except for Brother Art, the Black Panthers play very cautiously.

Xu Beifang moved to the outfield sniper position and proactively peeked to find someone.

I saw a bandit standing behind the bunker and setting up a gun. When he saw Xu Beifang peeking out, he immediately pulled back.

So stable, he doesn't look like someone from the same team as arT at all... Xu Beifang complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to continue the pursuit.

Although he really wants to replace the opponent, he still has some sense. If the top steps forward in this wave, the opponent can use the bunker to kill him. In addition, there may be someone on the third floor of the bandit, and he has no way to survive. .

So after just a little test, Xu Beifang quickly pressed against the wall of the main entrance and returned to the third floor.

"As soon as Xiao Xu left, the Black Panthers came over and directly took control of the outfield." Masisi added, "Xiao Xu stood above the glass room. His early attempts failed to make any gains, so the control of the outfield is Let them all out."

"Now Xiao Xu mainly wants to keep the third floor."

Looking at the Panthers' formation, Masisi began to analyze again: "Thunderbag is now in the infield, so the Panthers are looking for someone to kill on K1, giving the illusion that we are going to play B, but in fact we want to Playing A, in a nuclear crisis, this is a relatively common way of playing."

"I gave him a front-door cigarette, and Brother Art led his teammates back to hit A. They still want to cause trouble on the third floor. As long as they control the third floor, they basically control area A."

"Now it depends on whether the north on the glass house can catch this wave."

Xu Beifang was above the glass room. Every few seconds, he took the initiative to peek out and take a look at the information on the outfield.

Under his tireless peek, he really seized an opportunity.

A bandit at the K1 entrance in the field of vision was looking towards the main entrance.


Xu Beifang immediately positioned himself to stop and fire.

Famas fired at him.

"Da da da!"

Perhaps because he has played with this gun more, Xu Beifang has a very smooth grasp of the FAMAZ ballistics. Even in this kind of long-distance firefight, he can easily press the bullet to the area he wants.

[Nice used Famas to kill arT]

"Unexpectedly, Xiao Xu pulled out the second time and successfully caught the timing of Brother Art. He was far away and Famas directly took the head."

"But Yuurih's style of play is still very old. He didn't rush to replenish his gun, but started a fight on the spot. Could Xiao Xu have expected it?"

"Xiao Xu's preview was not on K1, he didn't expect it!"

After Xu Beifang killed Brother Art, he subconsciously thought that the outfield was safe when he saw no one was shooting.

So I was going to go directly from the main entrance to help.

He could probably guess that the other party was planning to trap A. Now that his position was exposed on the third floor, the other party would definitely be wary of him.

At this time, changing positions can be miraculous in defense.

But when he just pulled to the right, he saw a bandit holding his position at the entrance of K1.

The appearance of the other party was slightly beyond Xu Beifang's expectation.

But training in the 'Dungeon - One Man at the Gate' every day during his vacation gave Xu Beifang an almost instinctive reaction to such emergencies.

He subconsciously pulled back, then stopped to position and fire.

"Da da da!"

[Nice used Famas to kill Yuurih with a headshot]

"What a gun!" JackZ's voice came with admiration.

Xu Beifang responded quickly: "There is not much time, they are probably going to hit A in a wave. I am hanging on the third floor. If there is a firefight in the infield, I will directly pull out to replenish the gun."

apEX said: "You and JackZ can go directly to area B. The three of us have set up a package in the infield. The current position cannot control the pipeline."

Xu Beifang glanced at apEX's screen. He was standing on the edge of the third floor, in the yellow room.

shox is watching the yellow room at the package point, while Zaiwu is squatting under the yellow room in the headshot position.

This wave of crossfire is indeed full.

He also felt that this way of playing was right, or that it should be played this way.

At this point, they are all unarmored Sand Eagles, so they have to find ways to replace them.

With 35 seconds left on the clock, Xu Beifang started walking towards K1 according to apEX's instructions.

The pressure on the Panthers was already great. According to Brother Art's instructions, they originally planned to play a fake B and a real A, but the strategy had just started and the two men on the flanks were knocked out.

This put the remaining large forces in their bandit hall in a bit of a dilemma.

There is currently no information on the infield and no information on area B.

They only knew that there was Xu Beifang on the third floor, but they had no other information at all.

After thinking about it, they still chose to push forward in a group from the iron gate.

"Here we come, ableJ cooperates with KASTRATO and rushes out from the iron gate, but Little Bee has a big set meal here. apEX on the roof of the yellow room is the first to be killed, but it is loaded!!!" Masisi's tone suddenly increased, " Zaiwu Shaying shot three bullets, and he dropped two of them in seconds. Huang Fang's VINI shot came out and knocked down Zaiwu, but there must be a sixth man who survived the disaster! Shox Shaying knelt down and completed the wave with three rounds. Recharge!"

"Little Bee made a comeback!"

Xu Beifang and JackZ were still walking on the way to Area B when they heard loud gunshots above their heads, and kill messages kept floating in the upper right corner.

When I saw shox get the last kill, a chorus of shouts broke out in his voice: "NICEEEE!!!"

The comeback brought by ECO made everyone shake off their previous decadence, and everyone shouted excitedly.

"Brothers, you played well this time!"

"Damn it, I really like playing against the wind!"

"We are the gods of ECO!"

"Beifang, how do you do this Famas? Can you kill two people in the outfield?"

"If you ask me how Famas plays, you might as well ask how the Sand Eagle plays. He also killed two Sand Eagles."

Xu Beifang joked, and the atmosphere in his voice was also fiery.

apEX also added: "Don't get too excited, we just led for one round, and then we have to slowly widen the point difference."

To be honest, compared to the Black Panther who specializes in nuke, they are not as good as the Black Panther in terms of the details of this map.

However, the underlying logic of the CSGO game is still the use of marksmanship, and Little Bee is a team with players as the core.

Although they lost a few points at the beginning, the comeback in this round made the atmosphere of the team hot, and everyone gradually found the feel. Coupled with the good economic operation, the pressure on subsequent firearms was not so great.

They officially started their scoring rhythm.

It's like the advice analysts gave them - don't get into the Panthers' rhythm.

The Panthers are a fast-paced team. If they are led away by them, they will definitely lose their own style in the waves of fast breaks and be forced into a duel with replenishing shots.

Little Bee is not afraid of fighting with this kind of marksmanship, but the problem is that Xu Beifang and Zaiwu's personal abilities are somewhat unable to be used when playing with Black Panther.

Because of this kind of rapid firefight, most of them are crazy exchanges of people.

The little bees will not have the upper hand.

Swani was watching the live broadcast of the game in the backstage lounge. The exchange of fire in the first few rounds made him worried that his team would be knocked unconscious by the opponent.

But fortunately, under his watch, the Geminis gradually showed up and stabilized their rhythm.

A wave of winning streak directly pushed the score to 7:2.

But then the Panthers called a timeout and the rhythm became faster.

Quickly entered area B twice in a row and successfully helped them regain two points.

"The pace is too fast." apEX frowned and said, "We have to find a way to slow down the Panthers, otherwise we will be at a disadvantage if we are forced to react with their style of play."

Compared to the last time they met, the Panthers' offense became more wild.

They abandoned their previous change-of-speed style of play, and the only cards they had were basically fast breaks.

The only difference is playing fast and faster.

apEX wants to make the opponent slow down, even if it is more than ten seconds, they will have a chance to catch their breath.

"If we still can't hold on, we will have to take the initiative to press forward and take the initiative." apEX said helplessly.

That is really the most passive way of playing.

"Why don't you let me go to the outfield and give it a try? I'll find a way to delay the offense in the outfield." Xu Beifang explained his thoughts.

"Take it and use it. You will fight more often in the outfield." JackZ said and threw the AK he saved from the previous round.

Xu Beifang didn't refuse. In the firefight in the outfield, firearms still had a great impact.

The countdown ended and he headed straight to the outfield.

He did not provide a package for the outfield sniper position like before.

Instead, he took out the smoke bomb and threw it in the direction of the red box. When it finally exploded, it would be a front-pressure smoke bomb.

But Xu Beifang didn't want to press forward at this point. He just wanted to give the opponent an expression like "Nice outfield wants to press forward."

If the Panthers have concerns about the outfield at this point, then the role of Xu Beifang's smoke bomb has been achieved.

After being given the smoke bomb, Xu Beifang continued to dodge into the outfield and put on a full expression.

Immediately afterwards, he came to the corner of the blue box in the outfield and aimed at a fire on the water box.

Then he fired a mine at the sniper position.

When his moves spread out, the pressure on the opponent's outfield will be great.

It's easy to surmise that this is going to send someone to the outfield.

But the action is too obvious, and it will definitely make people wonder whether this wave of packages is really sent to people, or it is just a feint.

Xu Beifang is Yang Mou. As long as the other party is hesitant, the pace will definitely slow down.

However, the Black Panther was more reckless than he imagined.

Even if he blasted a mine from the sniper position, a set of props in the outfield still arrived as promised.

The meaning is also very obvious, that is, the outfield continues to push.

Xu Beifang's hand was completely empty of items, and now he could only rely on the AK in his hand to counterattack.

Before the smoke exploded at the front entrance, Xu Beifang set up his sniper position to pass the red box and quietly waited for the opportunity.

The moment the smoke bomb exploded, Xu Beifang pulled the trigger and started shooting!

The team decided to push quickly from the outfield, and ableJ, who was at the first shot position, waited for the front door smoke to explode.

The moment the smoke bomb exploded, he walked directly towards the red box.

But while walking on the road, bullets drifting from the direction of the main entrance hit him several times in a row.

ableJ couldn't bear such anger, so he immediately raised his gun and shot back.

Xu Beifang had expected this. He took a shot and pulled back to the bunker to wait.

He wanted more to lure the opponent into firing.

Seeing the location of the fire inside the smoke grenade, Xu Beifang peeked out and fired.

"Da da da!"

"The Panthers still plan to speed up in the outfield. The North has lost all the props in his hands. He seems to have nothing to limit the Panthers." Masisi frowned. "The Panthers seem to be planning to quickly play K1 and directly rely on it. Fill up the gun and play with the little bee."

"Northern can only shoot one shuttle, try to deal some damage, ableJ can penetrate one shuttle, and Northern can reverse again."

Masisi smiled and said: "No, how dare this ableJ? He actually dares to play this kind of shooting through smoke with Xiao Xu. Who is he looking down on?"

Xu Beifang's ability to pass through smoke is already the same as S1mple's ability to pass through walls. They are both unreasonable talents.

Ma Xixi felt that if she was still playing professionally, she would never dare to mess around with Xu Beifang like this.

Looking at the kill information in the upper right corner, Xu Beifang raised his eyebrows.

Now that you've got a kill, you can be a little more aggressive with your next moves.

Xu Beifang simulated the position of ableJ in his mind and knew that this guy should be taking the first shot, and there must be one or two people following him.

He quickly moved to the side of the blue box, and then roughly found the reference point of the red box's passing point behind the smoke bomb.

I roughly calculated in my mind the time it would take to get from the sniper position to the red box.

Then just pull the trigger and start shooting again.

The AK47 gunfire rang out again, and the bullets passed through the smoke at the front door and were shot in the direction of the red box.

The first shuttle made no profit, so Xu Beifang stepped back and continued to pass through another shuttle.

[Nice used AK47 to penetrate smoke and kill arT]

[Nice used AK47 to penetrate smoke and kill KASTRATO with a headshot]

"Although one member of the outfield was lost, the Panthers' offense is still going on. They are very detailed here and did not continue to be stubborn. They waited for Xiao Xu to finish a shuttle before heading towards K1, but Xiao Xu!!"

"He messed around again and killed the remaining two people in the outfield!!"

"Has this person evolved enough to ignore smoke bombs?"

Masisi was explaining crazily, and MO had returned to his original instinct: "Oh!!!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room stopped for a moment, and then started to flash across the screen:

【? ? ? 】

[Holy shit, BOSS is starting now? 】

【BOSS! ! ! 】

[Why does this BOSS have perspective? 】

[He starts again]

[How to play if there is a hook? 】

[Strict investigation, how do you play this? 】

[The Black Panthers didn’t see it, so three of them were killed, which is outrageous]

[Top China Core Technology]

Except for Xu Beifang, the six people still alive on the field looked confused when they saw three consecutive smoke-piercing kill messages in the upper right corner.

The members of Little Bee knew that Xu Beifang was very strong.

But the three smoke-piercing kills in the upper right corner also made them confused.

How the hell did you do this? Is there a line behind the smoke bomb on the other side?

Or maybe you were using one-way cigarettes, but even if you were using one-way cigarettes, you would be discovered after you hit one.

JackZ was wandering around to investigate the iron plate and couldn't help laughing.

Masisi's voice was full of exclamation: "This outfield defense is so outrageous. He didn't even see a single person, and he didn't even have a prop in his hand. He was able to defeat the opponent's attack with just an AK." Stop it."

"An incredible kill occurred. The Black Panther's offensive had just improved a bit, but it was already hammered down by Xiao Xu. apEX and JackZ had already started laughing at the brothers, and even their teammates couldn't understand."

VINI and Yuurih were in the bandit hall this round. According to Brother Art's plan, they originally used a wave of iron plates to clamp K1, and directly and quickly broke.

They serve as wings patiently waiting for their teammates to get in position.

But after waiting, the feedback information from teammates did not arrive, but I saw three kill information in the upper right corner.

Yuurih wanted to ask his teammates about the situation, but when he saw the three cigarette signs, he just fell silent.

It seems that there is really nothing to say...

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