CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 323 “Never bet against VP players!”

"The game is over!" Wanmai shouted excitedly in the live broadcast room, "Little Bee didn't give Heroic any chance and successfully won this BO3 victory 2-0!"

"In this battle that started with taunting, Heroic didn't even have a map and got a double-digit score, but was crushed by Little Bee and ended the game."

The sound of playing the machine is full of joy. Today's game is the last round of the group stage. The winners advance and the losers are eliminated, but it is quite cruel.

If you fall in the first few days of the group stage, it is naturally because you are not strong enough, and you will end it with a few words of complaint after the game.

But it would be a real pity if we lost the last confrontation.

This is basically the same as "the biggest loser in e-sports is the runner-up".

It would be really infuriating to be just one step away from entering the big offline stage.

The pilot footage shows the Heroic battle room.

After losing the game, the legendary Swedish player Friberg's face was still calm, but he inadvertently showed a disappointed expression, which made him feel a little sad when playing with the machine.

For players of their age, they may retire at any time, and every game they play is one less game.

Playing Machine hopes to see Friberg perform brilliantly at the end of his career and end it with flowers and applause.

After all, this is a player he likes very much.

But whether it was the prediction before the game or the expectation in his heart, he still hoped that Xu Beifang could win.

In the end, as expected, the Little Bees showed their strong strength in this BO3 and even fooled Heroic.

The "upset" expected by a small number of viewers in the pre-match forum did not appear.

The moment he won the game, apEX dropped his headphones and cheered with his hands raised high.

"Get it!!!" He said excitedly to the teammates next to him, "Let them mock us in Picture 1, and now keep shouting!"

Doudou's voice warmed Xu Beifang's heart.

In Figure 1, although blameF made fun of him, it was more aimed at himself and had nothing to do with his teammates.

But Doudou still remembered this, and he kept thinking about giving this tone.

It feels really comfortable.

Xu Beifang hugged apEX: "Thank you Doudou. It seems that I can't say that you are the team leader in today's post-game interview."

apEX's face turned dark when he heard that, and he punched him directly: "You think about smearing me outside every day, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The room burst into laughter.

JackZ went over to find Zaowu and gave him a high-five, and then asked with eyes filled with wonder: "How did you win that endgame, Suchi? Is it just a simple shot?"

The endgame agent was shot to death with a sniper rifle without any information, and they were all stunned at the time.

In that 1V1 bullfight, the opponent's calmness made them think they were about to be overturned.

I even felt a little guilty in my heart for not playing well and letting down Xu Beifang's good game with three kills in Banana Road.

As a result, Zaiwu fired a shot into the smoke when time was running out, directly piercing blameF to death.

At that time, I was just in awe during the competition, and I was very curious about how the load was done. Now that the competition is over, I finally have time to explore it.

After all, blameF didn't miss any information. There was no logic in Zaiwu's shot.

Of course, it's possible that he was deceived.

But based on his understanding of his teammates, this is likely to be a well-thought-out decision.

shox also came over and praised: "Yes, tell me how you adjusted these parameters. I almost worshiped you at that time."

"Actually, it's quite simple." Zaiwu smiled modestly, and then explained, "In the beginning, I was a police officer. I only had a cigarette and a thunder clamp in my hand. His movements were quite fast. So I chose to block one side, and Didi Bao wanted to wait for him to make a mistake."

"But blameF is too calm. He figured out that you wouldn't actually dismantle it." Xu Beifang agreed, "So you took the initiative to clear that part of the coffin."

Zaiwu nodded and continued: "Then I was not in a hurry. I even pulled back at an angle to confirm that he had no intention of coming to the coffin."

"There is a high probability that the opponent knows that I have a thunder clamp. He can bet on the first time, but he will definitely not be able to bet on the second time, so he must be in a position where he can make up for the gun within 4 seconds. If there is no one at the coffin, then only It might be the police. When there is smoke, only the right side of the police smoke can fire and recharge as soon as the smoke dissipates, so I shot a mixed shot at that place."

Listening to Zaiwu smashing his thoughts into pieces, both shox and JackZ were a little confused.

At this moment, they seemed to have returned to their student days, feeling the knowledge floating through their cerebral cortex.

"How can you think of so many things in an endgame?"

"Are we really playing the same game?"

"Are you sure this guy isn't cheating?"

"Should we two report him?"

shox and JackZ gathered together to talk.

Zaiwu's thinking in this endgame was a huge blow to them.

You must know that shox is also a top endgame master, but being powerful in the endgame is just an idea, and he can probably guess the opponent's position.

The loadable object can not only determine the location of the other party through information, but also avoid various possibilities. What is the difference between this and perspective?

Xu Beifang put his hand on Zaiwu's shoulder and scratched Sushu's Thousand Layer neck with his hand: "V Agency will send out a message tomorrow: Keep talking, I'm listening."

"Let's go and shake hands with the other team." After his teammates shared their emotions, apEX took the initiative to lead the team and get down to business.

He had a smile on his face, and blameF's taunts during the game were very targeted. If he was defeated by them after the game, he would have to bear the price.

Just like apEX, if he taunts his opponent during the game and is eventually defeated, he will have nothing to say.

Now it depends on whether the opponent can afford to lose or not.

apEX quickened his pace, he couldn't wait any longer.

When Little Bee walked out of the battle room, she saw a group of professional players surrounding the studio not far away, and saw Xu Beifang casting a glance at them.

A group of people waved to him, and Huo Man even gave him a thumbs up.

For today's confrontation, the show was full of people and made them very happy to watch.

While walking on the road, he also heard the voice of the commentator coming from the studio:

"In today's BO3 confrontation, the Bees once again proved the strength of their town, and Nice's performance in Banana Lane showed us that he can not only play aggressively, but also defend conservatively. He can also play well. , Heroic can’t handle this.”

Heroic's purpose is very strong, and the English-language commentator clearly saw it during the game.

Heroic is not a team that likes to play A very much, but today's confrontation in the town completely avoided area B.

In this case, it is one thing for Zaiwu to withstand the pressure. It is also very important for Xu Beifang B to be able to return to defense with ease every time.

The English stream commentator looked at the Heroic player seat and found that except for Friberg, the other members of Heroic were crestfallen, and he also offered a few words of comfort.

"Actually, to be honest, Heroic's performance in today's BO3 was quite good. In the early stage of Death Amusement Park, as well as the town's handling of several rounds, it was very impressive."

Playing Machine believes that Heroic’s targeted play style today actually played a big role.

Just like the way the amusement park gives props to the little bees at the beginning of the game.

As well as several times of speed increase in the town, one punch hit the weak defense area of ​​​​Little Bee.

But some netizens laughed in the live broadcast room after hearing the comments about playing with the machine.

[Very eye-catching, meaning that no map score exceeds double digits]

[I didn’t expect Heroic to avoid the north in Picture 2. They don’t think they are very smart]

[Heroic still doesn’t see enough games. It’s not that the North cannot be restricted, but if you restrict the North, you have to face the uploaded objects]

[Is the load very strong? Heroic is already full of things]

Xu Beifang's strong personal brilliance often suppressed the brilliance of Zaiwu.

Even because he plays so well head-on, he often makes the load less noticeable.

But the old fans of Little Bee understand that the current results of Little Bee are all due to the complementary performance of Zaiwu and Beifang. Even if one of them is missing, they will be in a situation where the star player is one of four.

Today's Little Bee is mainly a dual-core game, and even three-core in many cases.

It's just that the last core is not very stable, and it generally depends on the status of the remaining three.

These netizens think that Heroic's idea of ​​​​avoiding Xu Beifang to play A is completely looking down on their cute potato.

Under the director's lens, although the expressions of both parties are somewhat controlled, the difference in mood can still be seen in their expressions.

Xu Beifang reached out to Friberg first.

"We played well and look forward to playing against each other next time." He was not very familiar with Friberg, or in other words, he was not very familiar with most Danes, so he could only speak in this formula.

Friberg heard his opponent's compliments and responded with a smile: "You played very well too. I can't even beat you on the Banana Road today."

In fact, it was not just Banana Road, but his performance on both maps was relatively poor.

But as the former king of Banana Road, he still has some obsession with Banana Road.

The task assigned to him by the team today was just to make it impossible for Xu Beifang to get out of it.

He also tried to operate it.

Although he was able to restrain Xu Beifang for a while with some tricks, but after several games, he still never played against Xu Beifang.

He couldn't help feeling that today's young people are too perverted, and he can no longer keep up with the rhythm of gunfighting.

Time was limited, so the two of them didn't communicate much.

Xu Beifang took two steps forward and saw Da Zhuang's face that was speechless.

"Aren't you happy that you won the group stage last time? What's going on now!"

Xu Beifang raised his eyebrows and teased blameF directly.

He and Da Zhuang had played against each other several times in FPL, and they were at least friends.

Hearing Xu Beifang's teasing, Da Zhuang's face turned even darker: "If you keep talking, I will really let you see the effect of my muscle training!"

Picture 1: Death Amusement Park, he also got interested, and mocked Xu Beifang, wanting to interact.

This is not a big problem. Who would have thought that they would not get a single point in the follow-up.

They had defeated the Bees once in the group stage. Even though they knew that the BO3 confrontation was not at the same level, they were still very motivated.

But they didn't expect to be taken away by the Little Bees with a score of 2-0. They couldn't even win a map, which was a pity.

I thought that this time ESL Cologne would be Heroic, and it would be his first event to break into the public eye.

In the end, he fell in front of the offline stage, which hardly put him in a good mood.

"I hope we can play against each other again in the Major." Xu Beifang said with a smile.

Although he is very good at dealing with people, the other party made fun of him, and he naturally became very sinister after the game.

Xu Beifang continued to shake hands with several other people, and saw shox chatting with Friberg. They were veterans of the same era. Friberg appeared in their field of vision less and less. There was always something to talk about when old friends met.

After saying goodbye to Heroic, Xu Beifang and his teammates couldn't help but walk in the direction of the studio.

People always like to join in the fun, and they are also curious about what a bunch of professional guys are doing standing there.

"Just watching the excitement?" Xu Beifang said in surprise after receiving the answer.

The Demon Man shrugged: "What else do you think? Our game is over."

Xu Beifang turned to look at NAVI, and S1mple also had a natural expression on his face.

At this point, they already knew the opponents they might encounter next.

These two teams survived, which was actually quite in line with their expectations.

Although Team A was in poor shape in the last tournament, Xu Beifang always felt that they were acting.

Since the start of the ESL Cologne group stage, Team A has also been in amazing form, passing all the way and in very strong form.

Although NAVI has a new lineup, there is still a difference between their lineup change and Faze's lineup change.

FAZE is in an unstable state and doesn't understand what his problem is.

It's very obvious on NAVI's side. S1mple and Electronic Brother have been in C all year round, Huo Man is considered a stable person, and Zeus and Edward are in terrible shape.

At this time, a commander was left behind and Edward was replaced. The frontal firepower was indeed improved a lot.

Except for the second day of the group stage, when they were beaten by the liquid that found their form, they won the other days of confrontation smoothly.

NAVI's new lineup is slowly getting into shape, and the first honeymoon period of their lineup seems to be coming.

apEX was invited to interview after the game. The other members of Little Bee had nothing to do for a while, so they stood nearby and started chatting together.

"Nice, you are really exaggerating about Area A of the amusement park today. You managed to secure Area A by yourself. Heroic had absolutely nothing to do against you." Huo Man praised him sincerely, but there was still a hint of envy in his words.

He used to be this type of big brother. In the past two years, because of the ketogenic diet, his temper became very bad, and his overall condition declined very seriously.

He himself is not that kind of thinking player. When the gun man's frontal shooting skills are not good, many of his playing methods will not be so powerful.

So when he sees this kind of gun man performing, he can't help but recall the past.

"The main thing is that Heroic gave me a chance." Xu Beifang smiled, "They have a lot of tricks, but they also make a lot of mistakes."

Danish CS are all trying to learn from Team A, trying to keep up with Big Brother.

Heroic is a rising star after all, and they do well on certain maps, with default and established tactics.

But when exploding bombs, some problems often occur.

For example, the positioning when attacking, the connection of the supplementary gun, the order of searching points, and some points that need to be given up actively.

A lot of it can only be made up for by experience.

Except for a few monsters, you have to rely on constant game review to slowly increase this experience.

This is why in some competitions, even against some second-tier teams, various tactical routines are more eye-catching.

The first team's tactics seem to only have a few sets, and they are even very formulaic, but in the game, even if the big brother in the team doesn't perform, he can still win.

This is the on-the-spot processing gap brought about by game experience.

"I really hate how humble you are." S1mple said disdainfully, "Heroic is good at beating people. This group of people can't beat you alone. What are you not good at?"

Xu Beifang shook his head and did not respond to the topic. S1mple always thought that what he knew, most professional players should know.

But he found it difficult to understand that there were differences between professional players.

When the top professionals started their tea party, the live broadcast room where they played with the machines also came to the audience’s favorite post-match data viewing session.

"Let's take a look at the post-match data. Picture 1: Death Amusement Park. Nice's final rating was 1.47, and his apEX was also 1.18. Shox was a bit sleepy, but he won several key rounds, and his overall effect was quite significant. Yes, JackZ is quite satisfactory."

After praising Little Bee, he played with the machine and then looked at Heroic.

"The problem on Heroic's side is huge. In the first half, it was actually okay. The two sides played back and forth. But at the beginning of the second half, Heroic's defense failed to score a single point. This is too abnormal."

"BlameF will definitely take the blame today. After all, as the leader of the team, he has an inaccurate grasp of the direction of the Little Bees' attack, and his tactical adjustments are not good enough."

"In fact, there were many rounds later, and Heroic couldn't find many people on the front, and they collapsed. There were too many rounds, and they couldn't even try to return to defense."

"For example, in the first 30 seconds, the little bees took over area B, or only one person was replaced. How do you let them play this kind of 2 versus 4 or 2 versus 5?"

[Da Zhuang is pretending to be a professional conductor today]

[I can only say that the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, and I like to scream! 】

[It’s okay, Da Zhuang has data, and it’s pretty good]

[Da Zhuang’s command is just a bunch of defense. I don’t understand that I didn’t get a single point for defense. I just bet that I can get one point for 10 B’s.]

[It feels like it’s better to let the machine command]

Looking at the ridicule on the sub-screen, Playing Machine said: "But the main reason is that Xiao Xu played well in the second half. Everyone can see it all the way. Xiao Xu's charge in the second half was nothing like that. He just made up for it."

I clicked on the T-square data of Death Amusement Park while playing the machine.

"The rating of the northern attacker is 1.64. There is really no solution. The front is completely destroyed."

"Director Da Zhuang actually sought changes in the second half, but when the barrage knew that changes were coming, they started to change. Then it was already too late."

It still feels like a pity to play with a machine. As a commentator, he is looking forward to the emergence of more new playing methods and styles in professional games, so that his commentary can be more exciting.

"Okay, let's vote for Xiao Xu's MVP, and then see what foreign audiences think of this game."

Playing Machine actually somewhat anticipated what HLTV said in the comment section.

But when I saw the first article, I still didn’t stop.

[Disband quickly and become like this, it is better to retire where you are]

Read on:

[Even in this situation, blameF can still maintain excellent data, this is simply a talented player]

"It's okay for this guy to be weird and eccentric!" Playing Machine couldn't help but laugh.

Da Zhuang himself is a leader, and this style of play has been criticized by many people. Now he has been overturned because of ridicule, and he has received a lot of ridicule in an instant.

"There are still people here who are cursing Da Zhuang for going out. HLTV's comments are all scolding. Da Zhuang's recent move has really aroused public outrage."

When he was about to leave, he saw a comment that shocked him.

Playing the machine translated to the audience in the live broadcast room: "This guy said you should never bet against VP players."

"Then someone asked where there were VP players, and the guy replied that Nice used to be a VP, and he said this would be a good opportunity for him to quit gambling."

"The guy below asked him how much he had bet, and here comes the heavyweight."

"This guy just can't do it anymore. This comeback has silenced this Russian gambling dog hahaha."

VP and dog betting have always been connected.

But they didn't expect that after Xu Beifang left VP, he could be mentioned in such a far-fetched way.

It can only be said that betting on dogs is indeed betting on dogs.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all laughing.

As for those who didn’t smile, we can only guess why they didn’t smile.

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