CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 330 Go prove yourself!

When Xu Beifang woke up, he looked at his phone and found that it was only seven o'clock, more than two hours before the morning training time. The bed in the hotel was very soft. Xu Beifang slept late yesterday and was not in good spirits now, but he still didn't want to continue sleeping.

Looking at the exquisite chandelier above his head, Xu Beifang put his hands behind his head, but his thoughts were mixed in his head.

The first day of the knockout round ended successfully yesterday. The eternal genius announced his retirement in the post-match interview.

The decline in strength and injuries caused this talented young man to choose to announce his retirement.

Get_right used to be the overlord of the era, but time is fair to everyone. He fell from the peak, from a phenomenal player to an ordinary first-line big brother, and now he can't even maintain the status of an ordinary player.

This is regrettable and heartbreaking.

No one can stand at the top forever - this is Xu Beifang's thoughts after retiring from Get_right.

This is also the reason why he feels pressed for time now.

Although Team A still maintains dominance on the field, they are still able to compete with major first-line teams.

But as long as there is enough time and no one else is needed to defeat them, time will defeat the Danes.

But Xu Beifang knew very well that that was not the result he wanted.

After truly embarking on the path of CSGO, Xu Beifang knew that he might have the opportunity to stand on the first-line stage in the future. He secretly made a decision in his heart. In the future, if he had the opportunity, he would definitely play against the major teams that he was familiar with before, and he would They were defeated.

Among these teams, Team A is definitely at the big BOSS level.

Due to luck and different competition regions, Xu Beifang only met Team A once at the London Major, and the game ended with a violent beating.

Because of the gap in overall strength, Xu Beifang had nothing to do about that outcome.

But after coming to Little Bee, I really wanted to meet Team A again.

This time he had teammates who were strong enough, so he naturally wanted to take revenge and pay back the grievances he had felt before.

But if they are no longer at their peak when they finally defeat Team A, what's the point?

In the classic story of the brave demon king, if the brave man did not finally defeat the demon king and the demon king died of old age, the story would not be so interesting.

Xu Beifang will not be timid because the Danes are at their peak, but it will be a pity if they defeat the Danes but the Danes are not at their peak.

Sometimes Xu Beifang is actually speechless to himself. His character is too twisted.

You want to defeat your opponent and feel the joy of victory, but you are worried that your opponent is too weak to enjoy yourself to the fullest.

But if the opponent is too strong, he may not be able to win the game, and if the opponent is too weak, he may not be able to enjoy himself.

Xu Beifang shook his head, putting aside the complicated emotions in his mind, then sat up, got dressed and got out of bed.

Opening the curtains, the autumn morning was not yet cold. Looking at the deserted streets outside the window, Xu Beifang inexplicably thought of the scene from "Rocky" in his mind, and his body already felt a little eager to try.

People who have been exercising for a long time have a problem. They feel uncomfortable if they don't exercise.

If Xu Beifang used to exercise in order to complete tasks and get rewards, now he has developed a habit.

Recalling the scene that just flashed through his mind, Xu Beifang deliberately picked out a pullover sweatshirt and sweatpants from his suitcase and put them on.

Dressed very casually, Xu Beifang glanced at Sushu, who was still sleeping, walked out of the door and went downstairs to the hotel to prepare for a run outdoors.

Taking the elevator to the downstairs of the hotel, he heard the sound of the elevator opening next to him.

He didn't pay attention to the side, but heard a slightly unfamiliar voice: "Nice??"

Xu Beifang turned around and saw a baby face, but that baby face was a little haggard at the moment.

"Get_right? Get up so early to exercise?"

"What do you mean it's early? I just didn't sleep all night. I thought I'd go downstairs and run a few laps. I'd be tired and fall asleep later." The kobold smiled bitterly.

Xu Beifang suggested: "How about together?"

The kobold nodded.

The two started running together near the hotel.

People who exercise regularly will still prefer running outdoors to enjoy the scenery and airflow compared to running in the gym.

Even if he was jogging, Xu Beifang's long legs could run relatively fast, so he deliberately slowed down to give the kobold a chance to keep up.

The two of them ran for nearly 50 minutes before the kobold called to stop out of breath.

"No, I really can't outrun Rocky." The kobold propped up his knees, looked up at Xu Beifang and said with a smile.

Xu Beifang extended his right hand to the kobold: "No way, if I had followed you in my debut, I might have become more cute now."

"Pasha is really harmful to people." The kobold suddenly remembered something, "I heard from NEO that pasha recently came to Cologne to watch a game. Why didn't he see him yesterday?"

Generally speaking, when such old players come to the scene, even if they are watching the game in the stands, they will come to the lounge to say hello.

He didn't see Pasha's shadow until the end of the game yesterday.

Hearing this, Xu Beifang patted his forehead and was speechless: "Pasha touched the police officer's house and still hasn't responded."

"what's the situation?"

"That guy Pasha got a motorcycle from somewhere. He came over in a hurry to watch the game last night and was caught by the traffic police for speeding."

Hearing this, the kobold felt his eyes darken.

"It's really like what Pasha's muscle stick can do."

After running for a while and chatting casually, the embarrassment between the two eased a little. The time also reached seven o'clock, and there were more people on the streets of Cologne. They just sat on chairs in the park, We started chatting casually.

"Why don't you keep playing? Aren't you in good condition recently?" Xu Beifang was a little curious.

Kobold's performance is much more stable than before. Even Cologne's data this time is better than REZ. There is no reason to retire directly.

The kobold tapped his right wrist with his left finger: "Because of this, it's getting more and more serious."

Speaking of which, he himself was very emotional. Since he embarked on the professional path, injuries have accompanied him almost throughout his career.

In the end, it was also because of injuries that he decided to retire from the professional circle.

Hearing this, Xu Beifang didn't know what to say.

The kobold patted him on the shoulder: "Young people, please exercise more. This can prolong the peak period of your career. I am very optimistic about you. There are not many people like you who have clear career plans."

"How about we go back to the hotel later and change into team uniforms? Then sign your name for me. My brother has always been your fan." Xu Beifang said.

"Okay, then you must play better tonight, otherwise I will be at a loss if I change out of this uniform."

Xu Beifang shook his head helplessly when he heard this. Then he took out his mobile phone and took a selfie with the kobold.

My brother may not be up yet, and if he wants to share the past, there may be no response for the time being, so Xu Beifang thought about it and decided to go to Xiaopo Station, which was his base camp.

Xu Beifang opened the Xiaopo website and found in the message column that @had a lot of people, and he also had a lot of likes and comments on previous posts.

Then he glanced at @’s message.

Mainly because of their NAVI game last night, mainly because of the second picture. Xu Beifang's performance broke ESL Cologne's record and got the highest injury record in Cologne's history.

Xu Beifang can actually accept the compliments from netizens calmly, but the compliments from some people still make him find it more interesting.

[You’re the one who’s called a born winner? You actually win! 】

[The combined data of the three people in NAVI is not as high as that of one person in the north. This is called three cobblers but one Zhuge Liang]

[Heroic defeated Little Bee, and Little Bee defeated NAVI, so it means that Heroic defeated Little Bee and also defeated NAVI]

【I'm jealous of your talent】

[The recent state of the North, the frontal marksmanship is really outrageous, and there is rarely a time when the gun is free. I think this state can really push Team A to advance to the finals]

[Beibukibetsu has started before the fight. Genius is just the threshold for meeting Team A. If you have the ability, you can smash Team A to pieces tonight]

[That is, although Team A’s game was extremely ugly, the final result must be their ugly win]

Fans from both sides disagreed on the Internet, and Xu Beifang translated these remarks to the kobold.

The kobold just smiled faintly: "It's normal. Fans of Team A want to see Team A rise again. They want to see a dynasty with increasing honors. Fans of your team also hope that you can defeat Team A. Become the real No. 1 team, so that when you argue with other fans, you will at least have more confidence."

"As for whether you can give your fans the confidence to yell at each other, you have to watch the game tonight."

Xu Beifang smiled: "You will see me with full firepower."

He hasn't played against Team A yet. Xu Beifang won't make any big talk, but he will definitely go all out to deal with this game.

This is the game he has been looking forward to for a long time.

"Then I'll cheer you up tonight."

After a brief chat after the run, Xu Beifang and the kobold returned to the hotel to exchange team uniforms.

Xu Beifang returned home satisfied, but this was just a small episode in the day.

He continued to train as usual, and before he knew it, the time came to night.

When Wang Xiaoming walked into Nice Internet Cafe with his friends, he saw Xu Nanfang who was debugging the machine. He immediately waved to Xu Nanfang: "Brother Nanfang!"

Xu Nanfang carefully identified them and found that they were his brother's two good friends. Xu Beifang had brought them to his house to sit with them during the previous vacation.

"Why are you here in Suzhou? Don't you have to go to class?"

"My brother, the university has a holiday on July 7th." Xiao Ming looked at Xu Nanfang with a look that looked like a fool.

Xu Nanfang slapped his forehead: "If you don't tell me, I've forgotten. That's how it is when you open a store by yourself. I forget the time every day when I go to work."

Then he said: "Would you and your friends want to go online? There is a room inside. I'll give you the key to play on your own."

Wang Xiaoming quickly said: "I don't want to go online. I'm traveling during the holiday. It just so happens that Team A is playing in the North today, so I came over here to join in the fun."

"I'll go, there are so many people?"

He looked at the competition area of ​​the Internet cafe. It was still some time before the competition started, but it was already full of people.

There was no place to sit, and some passers-by were watching the live broadcast on their mobile phones. The main idea was that there were so many people and it was casual.

Because of Xu Beifei and the fact that he taught his eldest brother how to play short videos, Nice Internet Cafe has now become a holy place for many CSGO players to check in, with a lot of people coming every day.

"It's not a good thing to be too popular." At this point, Xu Nanfang took a cigarette and looked sad, "It suddenly became popular. There is too much traffic, and the territory is a bit small. I'm thinking about whether to change it." The store has been expanded.”

"Normally there shouldn't be so many people. Today's competition is mainly to watch." Wang Xiaoming's classmate speculated.

Xu Nanfang nodded: "That's true. Usually, the small mazaar in the competition area is only half seated..."

While they were talking, they saw the picture in the projection appearing.

Players from both sides are now on the stage, and the camera sweeps across the venue. The venue, which can accommodate nearly 20,000 people, is almost full of people at this moment. As far as the eye can see, it is almost a Danish red - this is the color of the Astralis team uniform.

"Hey, do you have so many fans of Team A?"

Xu Nanfang replied: "E-sports strength is king. Team A has won three Major championships. They have too many championship fans in Europe. In addition, Team A is in pretty good shape in Cologne. , is expected to continue to win a championship. The little bees are also very motivated, and they are also the favorites to win, so there will naturally be many people watching."

He took out his mobile phone and showed it to Xiao Ming. It was just a live broadcast room playing with the machine. Now the barrage has become polarized.

Before the game started, both sides were arguing endlessly, and the barrage had reached the point of affecting the perception.

"Then do you think Beifang can win?" Xiao Ming asked curiously. He actually knew the answer in his heart. He just wanted to hear what brother Xu Beifang would say.

Xu Nanfang smiled: "That's for sure. I think the North will definitely win. This game will definitely kill the Danes."

Seeing what Xu Nanfang said, Xiao Ming became excited: "Since you believe in him so much, how many people do you think the North can kill today?"

"How can this be calculated? The confrontation in the game will definitely not be easy. If Team A loses 2-0, the head gap may be huge."

"You really dare to think about it." Xiao Ming was speechless.

In today's version, it is not easy to win against Team A, even by a very small score.

Still 2-0, you really think Team A’s exaggerated map pool is fake.

Xiao Ming glanced at BP.

Picture 1 is the death amusement park chosen by Little Bee.

Picture 2 is the town of Purgatory chosen by Team A.

The last picture three is the Death Building.

"Then look at picture 1. Do you think the north in picture 1 can kill more than 25 people?"

Hearing this, Xu Nanfang looked disdainful: "25? Don't look down on my brother. There will be at least 30 today. Otherwise, how can Little Bee win?"

"Brother from the South, are you so confident? You must know that the opponent is Team A, with five top 20 players! How did the North get 30 kills in this kind of confrontation?"

Xu Nanfang lay down on his rocking chair: "That is something that the North needs to consider. Anyway, I feel that unless Team A eats the food, the North will definitely get 30 heads."

"If you don't get 30 heads, I'll cover your expenses at the Internet cafe these days."

Xiao Ming raised his eyebrows: "What if the North gets it?"

"Then you, your boy, will be my network administrator for two days and let me have two days off."

"So the abacus is here."

"Ha ha."

Inside the LANXESS Arena.

Little Bee contestants.

"This game is of great significance to us. Astralis is a big mountain that weighs on everyone's heart. Before the game, except for our fans, no one was optimistic about us. I think you also saw the scene in the stadium when you just entered the venue. Denmark The red color is suffocating and puts a lot of pressure on you. This is the confrontation with the top teams. Even if the game has not started, you can feel the pressure. This is the dynasty team that is now above all the teams."

XTQZZZ was with the team members, feeling the power from the arms of the people around him, "But no one can stand at the top forever. We have been waiting for this game for a long time, we have been preparing for this for a long time, and today we finally have the opportunity to compete with They are fighting each other, are you going to tell them here that we just can’t do it and the Danes are invincible?”

"Never!" JackZ responded loudly.

Xu Beifang also echoed: "Go tell them that vitality is here! We are not only the number one in the world on paper!"

XTQZZZ glanced at Xu Beifang and knew that this child was very vindictive.

After Little Bee successfully reached the top of the world, they were happy for a long time.

But there are too many fans of Team A. In those days, Little Bee fans happily shared their emotions in the forum, but inappropriate voices always came out.

It is said that this ranking is only because team A did not play the game. If team A participated, Little Bee would be the second in the world to make similar remarks.

And now, they just want to prove it.

Those A-Team fans are wrong, they don't just want to be number one in the world on paper!

They also want to defeat the world's number one in everyone's opinion and make Little Bee's number one more worthy of the name!

Thinking of this, he looked around at everyone, and then shouted loudly: "Next, 3, 2, 1, Vitality!"

"come on, come on, come on!"

With the end of the cheers, everyone returned to their positions with high morale, ready to enter the server in Figure 1!

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