CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 332 The ancient Greek god in charge of Famas

After Xu Beifang used his personal ability to defeat the offensive rhythm, gla1ve started to make a fuss around the hero AK saved by xyp9x.

Team A conducted a fast-paced synchronized speed increase against Area B in the second moment.

"Simple flash bombs coupled with synchronized attacks, Team A's style of play is more like a liquid attack. The devil man holding the hero AK came up and dropped the all-white bean in seconds, and shox was pulled out from behind the bunker. The replenishment was completed, but the cobalt blue prison and Adu were replenished by shox."

"Beifang and JackZ rushed from the sewer to area B, but now the front of the B package point can only rely on the load! He has to withstand the pressure alone, otherwise it will be difficult for the two buddies to continue to the A package point. "

The voice of playing the machine is a bit low. Team A's attack timing is too good, and there is a kind of power that ignores the economic gap, making him feel that the Bees may be overturned every round.

"Zaiwu jumped down from the B2 building and was already under the water. There were people in the long tube and the construction site. The long tube came over first. Zaiwu took one away. When he heard the footsteps, he retreated and took another one and two. !”


The audience at the scene burst into cheers, and those holding the potato lanterns were waving the lanterns in their hands even more excitedly, and their hearts were filled with excitement.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the details of Team A's attack, the synchronization of props and members are very good, and as soon as several waves of attacks are launched, they can always gain a numerical advantage.

The Little Bees don't have such overall team details, but they have unrivaled individual abilities!

Listening to the sounds coming from the scene, the mood of playing with the machine is very complicated. As a ten-year-old fan of Team A, he hopes to see familiar scenes, but the shouts coming from the scene also make him extremely excited.

He chose to follow his inner feelings.

"He also started carrying things. This wave of single-player partial 1V4 is quite difficult even if there are several Tec-9s on the opposite side."

"His wave also told the world what it means to be a world-class player. With Brother Beizi's solid backing, you can always trust Zaiwu's performance."

Playing the Machine said with a smile: "The north has been bright enough in the past few rounds, making everyone forget that Little Bee has such a big brother. He almost spins underwater by himself, taking away all the things that appear in the field of vision. The bandits were all killed, and Team A couldn’t make up for this shot.”

Bee battle room.

"I almost didn't beat the last one, but the opponent made up for it so quickly." After loading the screen, he shook his right hand in relief.

"I'm still here." Xu Beifang answered. Even if Zaiwu failed to defeat the last one and was left with a 2V1 endgame, they would not be under too much pressure.

shox put his right hand on his forehead: "It's hard to imagine what Team A will think when they hear your words."

Zaiwu has already killed all the opponents, and he is still saying that the opponent is very strong, which makes people really don't know what to complain about.

In this wave, thanks to Zaiwu's operation, he directly caught all the pressure, otherwise he might have been overturned.

The scoring rhythm was very smooth. Xu Beifang also maintained a good mentality and began to think about the way to play in the subsequent rounds.

And he also understood in his heart that even though Team A had the right to choose sides, they also actively chose the attacking side. There must be something that has not yet been played out.

Next, they have to find a way to deal with Team A's dirty tricks.

Although Xu Beifang is not a woman, her sixth sense is still quite accurate.

After an economic round, starting from the ninth round, Team A began to enter their slow map control rhythm.

As soon as Team A came up, they carried out five battles directly at the bandit's house.

The negligent movement of the load was stolen by Tom's sniper at the beginning.

After getting the first kill at the beginning, Team A was not in a hurry. They knew the character of Little Bee and defaulted to doing everything possible.

Xu Beifang succeeded in getting a kill from the front of the toilet, but the boy in area B cooperated with shox's front push, and was also beaten into a wave of numbers exchange.

With the subsequent explosive bombs in Area B, Team A successfully dropped mine bags in Area B.

Xu Beifang cooperated with JackZ to defend. Team A's powerful prop management seemed quite exaggerated at this time.

After the explosion ended, they still used props to delay the attack for more than 20 seconds.

Time was too tight, forcing him and JackZ to use a very risky play style to deal with this endgame. In the end, naturally, they lost this point.

In the tenth round, Zaiwu was cautious this time and did not walk down from the B2 floor.

But this time, Team A went directly to Area B to speed up and began to use variable speeds to fight.

gla1ve completely understood Little Bee's thoughts, and two flash bombs just exploded in the center of the bun point, making the three Little Bees unable to open their eyes.

Area B dropped points too early, and team A had a lot of props. After careful consideration, Xu Beifang and JacKZ did not plan to return to defense.

Xu Beifang did not intend to participate in the return defense, but gla1ve had no intention of letting them go.

"Atang, how much is left in CT's economy?" gla1ve asked. In Team A, device is the member responsible for calculating the economy.

"If you pay them this one, the next point will be an average of 2,400."

Hearing this, gla1ve issued an order: "C4 has 20 seconds left to push quickly and hand over their two long guns. Don't let Nice have long guns to use in the ECO round."

He is not like a devil who is indifferent to worldly affairs. He has watched a lot of Little Bee's games with Atang, and he was deeply impressed by Xu Beifang's heroic spear.

There cannot be this unstable factor.

So after waiting for 20 seconds and having enough fault tolerance, he sent a large force to start handing over the guns.

Then, after a while, Team A’s voice exchanges began to become more frequent.

"Fortunately, this JackZ is an M4, he was almost killed."

"Nice is in the big toilet A!"

"Half blood!!"

"He only has one drop left!"

After xyp9x knocked out Xu Beifang's last shot, Team A's voice shouted in unison: "NICE!!!"

There was a wry smile on Tom's handsome face: "Handling the gun is like fighting a BOSS, he will kill it all in seconds."

The demon man also held his forehead and said helplessly: "I pulled hard from the front. I clearly felt that I shot him three times first, and he shot him with two backhand shots and smashed him to pieces."

For a rifleman, the psychological impact of shooting first and being counterattacked by his opponent is huge.

Like NIKO's style of play, if he predicts it and pulls it out in seconds, it really has no temper at all.

But when fighting Xu Beifang, you can clearly see Xu Beifang's muzzle turning when you pull it out, and then you die.

Even if his preview is not on you in the first place, his positioning can be faster than your firing.

Here he also suffers the disadvantage of traditional riflemen. He basically pulls out with the intention of causing damage, and directly kills Xu Beifang with one shot.

But for the guy opposite, his first thought is always to pull up.

This is really a lock.

"The only good thing is that our decision-making was correct." gla1ve also smiled with relief. "Otherwise, if he had kept the M4, there might have been problems in the next round."

Xu Beifang's fighting power is too terrifying. If this wave of kills occurs during the next attack, he may really be overturned.

Team A successfully regained a few points with two consecutive attacks, and they were in a good mood.

On the other side, JackZ said: "It's already great, this wave almost hit them all with spears."

Xu Beifang was almost in trouble this time in toilet A.

"But the economy is gone." Xu Beifang pinched the joints of his fingers. Team A's overly rational play gave him a headache.

Shox looked at the team's economy, which was in their early 2,000s, and asked: "What should we say about this point, do we want to be strong?"

apEX is still considering it. In a command game like gla1ve, a little mistake may drag the team into an abyss. He has to be cautious in many confrontations.

JackZ suggested: "How about I send a handful of Famas to the North, so that the North can have a chance to change a few."

He actually has a pretty good hand, but he suffered a few losses from the firearms in several encounters, and his record today was relatively poor.

"Then let's play 41. In the north, you have a good economy. Pick up a half-A and play by yourself in area A. The others will follow me and bet on B, trying to make substitutions."

"If there are no conditions for returning to defense at point B, just save your gun from the north."

The score is now 6:4, and Little Bee is still in the lead overall. apEX does not want to play a gun-fighting game with its opponent.

He planned to use gambling points to trade guns with the opponent and beat the opponent's economy.

Even if no one can be replaced in this round, there will still be a long gun round to play in the next round.

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang picked up the famas sent by JackZ and added a half armor.

This point was originally a substitution strategy, so after thinking about it, Xu Beifang went directly to the toilet in the middle road, and started to cut out the claw knife against the wall, constantly inspecting it.

It wasn't until the props in the middle continued to explode that Xu Beifang stopped what he was doing.


Another flash bomb exploded, and Xu Beifang peeked out.

There happened to be a bandit pulling out from the direction of the balloon.

But Xu Beifang's position was an advantageous gun position, and he also had a good preview.

"Nice chose to take the initiative to fight with the opponent in the toilet! How can I say this -"

Playing with the machine to lengthen the sound, the main perspective of the director was given to the demon man. He stepped out of the balloon with a flash bomb. The first thing he saw was Little A, and then only two "bang bangs" were heard, and he fell to the ground. The balloon is in this position.

"Northern's timing was very good. He was waiting for the opportunity for Team A to step on the balloon at the second time. His preview was also very good, and he successfully got the first kill of the round... But then again, this little bee only had one point. Although the hero of the north, Famas, has obtained the first kill, it is still quite difficult to make a comeback."

Although the playing machine praised the little bee, he thought that the little bee was also difficult to operate in this round.

After all, Xu Beifang only had one Famas in hand. Although the four buddies in Area B were gambling, the best firearm in hand was just an unarmored Sand Eagle in Zaiwu's hand, and its combat effectiveness was quite poor.

Although Little Bee got the first kill, Team A did not mess up their position, but moved forward in an orderly manner, using props to compress Little Bee's map control position, and played quite calmly.

"The information on the periphery of point A has been taken, but the little bees have no intention of returning to defense. There is only one north guarding point A. Their strategy is to make as many substitutions as possible."

"Although there are spears in the north, only spears are not enough. If Team A spreads out the props, he will basically be pushed and eaten by the props. Now we can only expect him to make as many substitutions as possible."

Little Bee's information was too little. Even Xu Beifang only knew that Team A had briefly cleaned the toilets and Hall A.

However, Area B does not dare to take the initiative to push forward. At this time, only patience can bring better results.

The time above his head was dwindling little by little, and Xu Beifang no longer felt relaxed, and his attention was already focused.

"Team A played very calmly. They did not rush to explode bombs, but cooperated with a wave of retro silent contacts from University A. The North did not get much information at the package point and only defended passively. Then this wave will suffer. .”

Wanji looked at the live broadcast footage and frowned.

Team A's formation has been laid out, Adu and gla1ve are in position at the front point of A, and xyp9x is also in the toilet, ready to advance to the A package point simultaneously.

Upon seeing this, device took out a flash bomb and sent Team A directly to the pack point.


The flash bomb exploded, and Adu and gla1ve pulled forward together.

People flashed out.

Xu Beifang has been hanging up at the package point. At this point, he did not take the initiative to detect information. He just wanted to wait for the other party to give information before he could counterattack.

Suddenly he heard the sound of a flash bomb coming from University A, followed by the sound of footsteps, and he felt something was wrong.

From a God's perspective, the two bandits from Team A have already appeared. Fans of Team A can even see them knocking Xu Beifang out in the next second.

Xu Beifang has turned his head and took the initiative to peek to the right.

The appearance of footsteps allowed Xu Beifang to predict the opponent's location and information.

There are no props in hand. The most important thing at this time is to delay the opponent's advancement.

He must ensure that he has as much cover as possible so that he will not stand on the road to face the enemy - this is what he learned from the previous "Dungeon - One Man at the Gate".

Gla1ve, who was walking in front, saw the shadowy figure of Baodian Xu Beifang and immediately raised his gun to shoot.

But Xu Beifang didn't pull it all out. Instead, he shrank back.

"Da da da!"

In the process of retracting, gla1ve heard the sound of bullets hitting his helmet.

[Nice used Famas to kill gla1ve]

Dupreeh reflexively chased forward and fired.

He thought Xu Beifang would pull back to the second shooting position to set up the gun, so the overall position he pulled to the left was relatively large.

"Bang bang!"

[Nice used Famas to kill dupreeh with a headshot]

Under everyone's gaze, Xu Beifang used CSGO's famous scraping gun to instantly kill two bandits. In the process, he was not even shot by the bandits.

In the eyes of everyone, a grenade flew from the audience to Baodian, and exploded next to Xu Beifang with a bang, finally causing him damage.

Xu Beifang waited for two seconds in a row. He wanted to move forward and change guns immediately, but the grenade blew up both of the opponent's AKs.

He could only continue to operate with the Famas in his hand.

The grenade blew away almost half of his blood, and also caused tinnitus in his ears.

He did not relax because of the two kills, but became cautious.

Looking at the famas in his hand, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and remembered an idea he had while chatting with his elder brother during the previous vacation.

Xu Nanfang has been playing CSGO since the 1.6 period. Because his younger brother Famas is very good at playing CSGO, during their chat they talked about zneel, the master of Famas in 1.6.

This is a man who can use a Famas as a sniper rifle.

He is also the man who can play Famas three times the best.

In the CSGO era, Famas's damage attenuation was too severe, and the three-shot burst was not as accurate as 1.6, so few people used the three-shot mechanism.

But Xu Beifang has studied that three consecutive shots from a long distance are indeed not possible.

But at medium and short range, three bursts still have advantages. It fires three bullets instantly, which is faster than strafing.

In today's situation, three consecutive shots can also play a certain role.

Xu Beifang pressed the right button of the mouse-switched to explosive fire mode!

After xyp9x threw the grenade, he just wanted to cover up the sound of footsteps to make up for Xu Beifang.

The device is in the general direction A, and it can't keep up with the replenishment gun.

But he can't wait any longer. If he waits any longer, Little Bee's return defense will arrive, and it will be really difficult to operate at that time.

xy9px played a reverse thinking here, deliberately pulling horizontally from the direction where his teammates were killed, hoping to seize an unconventional opportunity.

The moment he pulled it out, he saw that Xu Beifang was not approaching him.

He immediately opened fire, and he clearly saw the AK47 bullets hitting the opponent. He was full of health, and the opponent was still a Famas. After xyp9x opened fire, he felt relieved, feeling that Nice was finally dealt with by this wave.

But the next second.

"Da da da!"

In an instant, xyp9x was knocked away.

[Nice used Famas to kill xyp9x with a headshot]

"Huh??" Team A fans in the stands looked at the scene in disbelief. They didn't understand why xyp9x, who fired first in this wave, was counter-seconded, or was he killed by a scraping gun like Famas.

"This -" NIKO in front of the stands was also dumbfounded. He did understand how Xu Beifang played, but he still couldn't understand.

The three bursts of Famas' bullets dealt instant bullet damage, all hitting Jiuye's head. Xu Beifang won this wave of gun battles with 18 drops of blood.

But normal people, who uses Famas to play three-shot bursts.

Do you really think this is 1.6?

The belated device from A University finally used a sniper rifle to kill Xu Beifang, but looking at the kill information in the upper right corner, I was a little at a loss for words to play with the machine.

"This... Northern Tafamas is really a bit outrageous."

"Is this version of Three Burst still playable?"

[This Famas, I returned to 1.6 in a trance]

[Extreme positioning, too scary]

[Did the North take advantage of the gunpowder today? Kill them all like this]

[I was speechless when I saw it. Team A couldn’t even replace a Famas]

[Why is his Famas different from mine? 】

[The ancient Greek god in charge of Famas]

[You should know that if Famas, a member of Little Bee, wants to buy any skin, he has to ask someone from the north in advance]

There was a lot of discussion on the secondary screen barrage, and I was a little confused when playing with the machine.

What he had just seen was that it was painless for Famas to hit someone. Even from a slightly farther distance, Famas would need 5 shots to kill someone.

But sometimes you only have one chance to fire. After Famas fires three bursts, it will enter a jam state. If you fail to hit the opponent's shot, you will have to wait for death.

So Xu Beifang's choices are really bold.

But watching a wave of attacks from Team A being blocked by a scraping gun, it still felt a little wrong to play with a machine.

Although I know that today will definitely be a top-notch confrontation between team CSGO and individual CSGO.

But the two guys representing personal CSGO, their personal abilities are too exaggerated!

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