CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 353 Don’t let NIKO know you can carry

When the audience was thinking about what the "?" of "Vacation Club" meant, Xu Beifang, the protagonist of the incident, had already boarded the return flight and returned to his loyal Paris.

After returning to Paris, the intensive competition and training were not too much. The other members of the Little Bee returned to their homes and enjoyed the leisure moments that belong to the winners.

Xu Beifang averaged 1.8 rating in Cologne, and his influence is immeasurable. In short, after Xu Beifang returned to Paris, he could still see discussions about that game in the community. For Xu Beifang, more and more people affirm his personal ability. After all, CSGO has never been able to perform at this level since its birth.

Not even Forsaken, the owner of word.exe, the curry-flavored gun man who gained power by sacrificing curry people, and the last conscience of Mumbai, can't produce this kind of data.

Xu Beifang has become a humanoid cheat in the eyes of netizens.

At this time, no one has belittled his personal ability. Some fans are even in a state of emotion and their praise for Xu Beifang is outrageous. Some people have already crowned Xu Beifang as "Top 1 in 2019", and some even outrageously praise him. Netizens put the name "goat" on Xu Beifang.

Both of these statements are unreasonable. Even Xu Beifang can't tell whether it is the product of fans' excitement or whether Chuanzi is deliberately setting the pace.

But he didn't care.

After all, e-sports is about strength, and fans’ exaggerated remarks may make some passers-by unhappy.

If he can maintain this performance in the future, there will be nothing wrong with him.

But if you lose the game or perform poorly.

Even without these comments from fans, he would still be liquidated on the Internet for other reasons.

The exaggerated performance has brought Xu Beifang huge traffic and popularity. This traffic has improved Xu Beifang's status in the circle. If he is transferred later, it can also increase some overall value. But there must be side effects, but he doesn't care about the side effects. After all, it seems to be like this all the way.

You can even push yourself to maintain good performance.

After returning to Paris, he rested for two days, and then was dragged by Doudou to watch a local football match. Xu Beifang didn't understand anything, but just felt the atmosphere. Fortunately, Doudou was beside him as a commentator. Still a good process.

The more interesting thing is that when he finished playing and started training again, no one in Faceit wanted to play with Xu Beifei.

The reason is actually very simple - Xu Beifang's performance in Cologne was so terrible that the score slaves in the Faceit high-score game immediately retreated and stopped playing as soon as they were matched against Xu Beifang.

It really confused Xu Beifang.

Fans in his live broadcast room are of course happy to see this situation.

Another game was lost in seconds. Xu Beifang covered his forehead and said speechlessly: "Can I still play Faceit? If I can't play anymore, I will have to go to Guanpi."

He doesn't broadcast live on weekdays, but he can play thousands of BOTs in the gun training map by himself.

But after the live broadcast, you still have to pay a little attention to the fans' perceptions.

Although he is not as good at adjusting the program effects as Tiedan, he can't make the audience feel bored, right.

So playing the ladder is the best option.

[How does it feel when Nice defeated Liquid 3-0 in the Cologne final? 】

"I'm still very happy, but it's more of a pity. I originally thought the intensity of the finals would be higher."

[Can the anchor deadlift really pull 200KG? 】

"If you wear a belt, you should be able to pull it up further, but I just want to exercise and I don't go to the gym to compete, so there is no need." Xu Beifang said with a smile.

Because of the existence of [Muscle Repair Potion], Xu Beifang's progress in fitness is very exaggerated. The profession itself is relatively withdrawn. Although he gets along well with the professional brothers in the circle, he still doesn't have many friends to play with on weekdays, so he mostly I spend my free time in the gym. Coupled with the fact that Pasha, the old B, is here to help guide me, the speed of improvement is exaggerated.

Fitness is more popular in Europe than in Asia, and there are many fitness enthusiasts in the live broadcast room. Listening to Xu Beifang's words, I felt instantly shocked.

[What words, what kind of words are these! 】

[The game can’t beat Nice, and reality can’t beat Nice either. This is so uncomfortable]

[Can anyone please explain, is it strong to deadlift 200KG? 】

[200KG, put the load and apEX together, he can pull it up alone]

[I’m very curious, what would it look like if we put stewie2K and Nice in the octagonal cage]

[With one punch, the anchor will have to beg stewie2K not to die]

Xu Beifang chatted with the audience for a while, and then was pulled into the team by NIKO, who had just come online, and formed a queue together.

"NIKO, your score is higher than mine." As soon as he entered TS Voice, Xu Beifang directly checked his household registration book and found that NIKO's recent Faceit ranking was quite good.

"No way, Cologne failed to get good results, so I can only play more Faceit to keep my hand feeling good." NIKO said helplessly, "This can be regarded as preparation for the Berlin Major in advance."

As one of the most famous young geniuses in CSGO, NIKO can only be regarded as average among several phenomenal players in terms of hard work.

In terms of hard work, he is not as good as the roll king Xu Beifang, nor is he as diligent as S1mple.

But compared to the stream-of-consciousness device and the Zaiwu who only train with Faceit, he works harder.

The more than 400,000 kills on the counter cannot lie.

But recently, he was stimulated by Xu Beifang, so he played harder.

After matching for a while, we finally got the upper hand, and this time the opponent didn't fall instantly.

In the ladder, in addition to those who are afraid of losing points and quitting the game, there are also some top-scoring players who want to compete with strong players like Xu Beifang and NIKO.

Xu Beifang rubbed his hands and prepared to officially start the first ladder of the day.

"NIKO, is this what you're talking about preparing for the Berlin Major in advance?"

20 minutes later, Xu Beifang looked at the scoreboard and doubted his life.

I saw that NIKO's scores were so high recently, so he was already planning to play without thinking.

But at the end of the first half, Xu Beifang's data was 20/2/11.

NIKO's data is 9/1/15.

This guy got the first kill, and even took out an AWP and fired wildly.

"Can NIKO have some effect?" Xu Beifang said with a pained expression, "It's not that difficult for me to defeat Cologne."

NIKO looked at the 'xyp9x' on the other side with some helplessness, "What can I do to get beaten by the other side?"

"Then don't use your sniper and fire cannons there."

"Do I want to let off steam? It's so good to move on the opposite side today."

Xu Beifang couldn't wrap his mind around what NIKO said. He even felt that what NIKO said was quite reasonable.

"I threw an M4 for you. Let's cooperate with this one and take the initiative to hit the middle." Xu Beifei opened his mouth and tried to control NIKO.

This really worked. As a defender, he jumped directly from the VIP, and then used grenades and flash bombs to hit the middle.

NIKO was behind to help with the shots.

His replenishment efficiency was really fast, and he easily helped complete the mission.

After a wave of attack, the two of them survived with residual health. They killed four of the opponent's enemies, which can be said to be an exaggeration.

A smile appeared on Xu Beifang's face.

Then in the next minute, he saw NIKO take out another big sniper.

Feeling the silence in the voice channel, NIKO explained: "I made a mistake, but don't underestimate me, I am also a top sniper!"

After 10 seconds, the kill message floated over in the upper right corner.

Although NIKO successfully got the kill, he was also compensated by the opponent.

"Can the resort club create a mode that bans weapons? I want to ban the AWP for NIKO."

NIKO was also a little embarrassed, but for some reason, since he became familiar with Xu Beifang, every time the two of them met, he wanted to put aside his brain and enjoy the pure game.

"It's okay, Nice, I'll play C."

Then in the next move, Xu Beifang chopped off 40 heads but failed to lead NIKO.

He could clearly feel that NIKO was actually in good condition, and there was no problem at all with aiming several rifles.

But this guy didn't play with rifles. When he saw the sniper rifle, he picked it up as if he smelled it.

And it doesn't matter if he resists big snipers. This guy's style of play is very unrestrained, which leads to him dying suddenly and becoming an economic black hole for the team.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were already amused by the interaction between Xu Beifang and NIKO, and the program was fully effective.

[NIKO is actually a good person. He saw that Nice lost too little in Cologne, and he was afraid that Nice had no experience of failure. Let him feel it.]

[NIKO is really doing it. I feel that it is more difficult to win with NIKO than with apEX]

[Even if Nice has strong personal abilities, it’s hard for him to fight back all the time]

[Is the other side cheating? Why is there always a sniper rifle available? 】

"Why are you doing this to me!!" Xu Beifang said painfully.

NIKO said: "Isn't the ladder just for relaxing? I came here today mainly to train your mentality."

"Think about it, you won't be able to bear it if my performance is two times worse. If I am beaten twice by the opponent in the game, what's the point?"

"So, I'm actually helping you improve."

Xu Beifang was silent for two seconds, and then chose to kick NIKO out of the voice channel.

The boat of friendship needs to be broken for a while.

After Xu Beifang resumed his single row, he quickly started killing again.

He even had an exaggerated winning streak.

Then he checked NIKO's record again.

"Sure enough, this guy is playing me!!" Xu Beifang gritted his teeth, "This guy has been playing for a day, and he has won two games with me. In other games, he is a C. When we get to Berlin, let's see how I can really act like him. !”

Seeing Xu Beifang's ferocious expression, the audience in the live broadcast room all laughed.

[The relationship between NIKO and Nice is really good]

[Two top riflemen must cherish each other]

[The main reason is that Nice has a high level and can C in the ladder. If you can't C, NIKO will really play seriously]

[Don’t let NIKO know you can carry]

"It's not a matter of team formation at all!" Xu Beifang said, originally planning to continue playing.

Then I received a message from ropz: "Higher score?"

Xu Beifang typed reply: "1"

The recent heavy training has made ropz a little breathless. After all, the Major is coming and everyone is working hard to improve themselves.

After the training was finally over, ropz decided to score points to make himself happy.

He was worried that if one person matched up, it would be difficult to win on the ladder, so he pulled Xu Beifang, who was in excellent form recently, over to take over.

Then as soon as he entered the voice chat, he heard Xu Beifang complaining to him that NIKO was cheating on him.

ropz felt a little funny about the way Xu Beifang got along with NIKO, but he did not express any opinions and was just a listener.

After losing two games, they finally matched successfully this time.

But when the lineup came out, ropz raised his eyebrows: "Nice, it's time for your revenge. This time NIKO is on the opposite side."

Xu Beifang only felt that it was unexpected and reasonable.

Because the Major is approaching, except for a small number of teams who are on vacation, other professional players have come out to play on the ladder to maintain their condition.

Especially this time in Cologne, everyone was stimulated by Xu Beifang's state and trained like crazy.

Xu Beifang took a look at the lineup.

On their side, besides him and ropz, there are three IDs: IM, nafany, and Loba.

IM and nafny are both active professionals, and Loba is a big CSGO anchor in Europe. This guy is the muscular man who often appears in highlights to see the reactions of professional professionals.

The IDs on the opposite side are NIKO, rain, YNK, NEO, pasha

They are all old acquaintances.

Finally, the two captains nafany and rain came to BP, and the map was confirmed to be on the Death Building.

Looking at the group of acquaintances opposite, Xu Beifang thought again of the "?" the resort club had replied to him before.

He decisively turned around and asked: "Brothers, do you want to see some of the bug-level props and techniques in the building? If you want to see them, I will give NIKO more strength this time."

【! ! ! 】

【Want to see! ! 】

[Quick, quick, give NIKO some strength, I want to see it so much! 】

[After watching Nice’s interaction with the resort agency on Twitter, I was curious about what bug Nice found]

【Now it’s interesting】

[It is strongly recommended that Nice use bug techniques to increase the strength of NIKO! 】

Looking at the content on the secondary screen, Xu Beifang also heard the system prompts in his ears.

【drop! 】

[Received suggestions, use bug techniques to increase strength of NIKO, difficulty level 5 stars, after completion, you can get a C-level treasure chest]

Xu Beifang raised his eyebrows. The mission rewards were not particularly exaggerated, but the main reason was that he wanted to increase NIKO's strength. This was the key point!

He had wanted to do this before, and there were many bug props or spots that could be used as ultimate moves.

But if it is actually used, it will definitely attract criticism from the general manager just like Olaf's three fighters.

These controversies are too troublesome. Xu Beifang has previously considered releasing the bugs he knows about for everyone and let the resort club fix them.

He still loves this game very much. With one less vicious bug, everyone will be happier playing the game.

Mainly because I met a lot of passers-by before, but now all the people facing me are familiar good buddies, so there is no need to worry about making a move.

Many Double Chef fans have come to NIKO's live broadcast room to report the news.

"Nice said you want to use bug techniques to increase my strength?" NIKO read the barrage in the live broadcast room. He was already serious in his heart, but he was definitely not convinced. "Then come! I will prove it with my strength. His little tricks won’t do anything!”

The ladder officially started, and the NIKO team's sword fighting game was not very ideal.

If they don't work hard at fighting, they can only become brothers.

However, in the pistol round, NEO seemed to have found his God of War's trumpet, and won the victory for NIKO and the others with a five-kill.

NIKO team got the first three scores smoothly.

"So where are Nice's skills?" NIKO shrugged, "He's probably just bragging. How can he have so many great moves?"

NEO smiled and did not make any comments on NIKO's speech. He just made a decision indifferently: "In the first spear round, let's just change the speed. Try both AB and AB to see which side can get through."

NEO's strategy is actually crazy, but in the ladder, it doesn't matter.

"Nice~~ Do you have any good ideas, or can big brother come and help us? It's time for us to score points!" IM (Yimei) shouted in the voice.

The points lost in the first few rounds were mainly the chain reaction of losing the pistol round.

Now that you enter the Long Gun Bureau, you have to start showing off your talents.

"Yimei, get up your M4 and hit Staircase B directly. I'll give you a fire later and burn it to the B1 floor. If they come here to grab their position, they'll definitely have to step on the fire." Xu Beifang said.

IM said: "In other words, if the opponent plans to come over to grab the position immediately, then there will be no firearms advantage?"

"This is King Nice! It's really exaggerated!!"

IM smiled and agreed.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Beifang said to ropz: "You can also grab the middle lane. I can also burn the middle lane with my fire."

"Huh? One fire burns two places?" ropz felt like he was listening to a book from heaven, but he knew that Xu Beifang was not the kind of person to brag, and he nodded to express that he would go there.

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang went directly to the bottom of the platform: "Push to the corner of the platform, and then when you see this ring, aim at the lower right corner of the fourth ring, and just left-click to throw it."

"This fire can burn the middle lane and the B1 floor at the same time. It is a big move I found. If it can be used in the game, the bandit will be very autistic."

Nafany was amazed: "How did you come up with such a thing? It's too perverted."

As the conductor of a professional team, Nafany is very aware of the role this prop can play in the game.

As long as this fire is given at the beginning, the default of the middle lane and the default of B area are basically in place.

The opponent can directly step on the fire to force out, but they must face the price of stepping on the fire.

Just exaggerate!

In Xu Beifang's live broadcast room, when he heard him explaining the function of the fire, some viewers with fast hands immediately cut to NIKO's live broadcast room.

This point of NIKO happened to be a prop to prepare to cooperate with his teammates. He came to area B immediately to shoot.

Although they are all professional guys playing, the ladder is more of a place for them to relax, and they will not be so particular about playing.

NIKO cut his own claw knife and jumped towards Staircase B.

But as soon as he entered the B1 floor, he suddenly saw a flame coming out in front of him.

NIKO: "?"

The flames that suddenly appeared made him confused about the situation, but the commander had given the order, and his good professionalism allowed him to step forward and strictly carried out the command.

Fortunately, the range of the flames was not large, so he stepped directly over it without losing too much blood.

Quickly take a preview on the B1 wall, and then NIKO directly pulls out.

The first time he pulled out, he saw a CT standing next to the board.

But before NIKO could fire, a bullet hit him in the head.

[IM used M4A4 to kill NIKO with a headshot]

"Ah!!" NIKO started roaring in pain directly in the voice, "Where did the fire come from on this B1 floor!"

The sudden fire reduced his HP so much that he had no room for error. He was killed by IM with a headshot from the first shot of the gun.

If this wave of health was healthy, he would definitely be able to shoot IM's head off with a gun. His crosshairs were fine-tuned to his head!

Pasha smiled: "Now you know why I haven't spoken to NEO. This should be a new thing created by the North. It's so perverted."

NIKO nodded: "It is indeed an exaggeration. This fire can burn into the B1 layer. It has a great effect."

"The range of not overdoing it is a little smaller. If you encounter a team that forces a rush, it won't actually have much effect."

NIKO, who had transformed into the commander of Quanshui, was no longer BB. He glanced sideways at the barrage and realized something was unusual.

"What is it? Nice, this fire can burn two areas at the same time?"

Listening to NIKO's exclamation, the voices in their team instantly burst into praise.


"He was also responsible for the fire in the middle just now??"

"Huh?!" came the second compliment from pasha and NEO.

Due to the nature of incendiary bombs being able to spread, there have been fires that can burn two locations.

The most classic one is Purgatory Town, where a stable fire can be thrown from the side passage.

If the aiming point is good, a fire can burn the whole stable from top to bottom.

NIKO first heard the barrage saying that Xu Beifang was a bug fire, and thought that the bug was just that Xu Beifang threw the fire into the B1 floor somehow.

But I didn't expect this fire to burn down the middle lane and B1 floor.

You must know that the position on the B1 floor and the middle road are not even at the same vertical angle.

Nice, can you be more outrageous?

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