CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 38 Danking: Let’s go play brother CS in the north!

There has been no broadcast for a week in a row, and Xu Beifang's fans have noticed something unusual.

After all, since his first live broadcast, except for the few days when the computer was transferred, Xu Beifang has always started broadcasting from before 9 a.m. to around 11 p.m. unless he has schoolwork or other things. Sit in front of the computer and play ladder or practice shooting.

It was understandable that something happened at the last moment, but there was no notice, which made them a little worried.

Could it be that you have been hit hard recently and have chosen to give up?

From a C+ boy to a top passer-by, they watched Xu Beifang go through this journey.

There have been many setbacks along the way, the biggest of which is age.

They have seen many teams ask about Xiao Xu's age in the live broadcast room. In the end, they often lament that he is older, or have nothing to say.

They comfort themselves in their hearts that "there will be a better team in the future", but they will inevitably feel disappointed.

As a fan, if this is the case, how about Xiao Xu himself? I'm afraid it's harder to accept.

To give up something, all it takes is a thought. But sticking to one thing requires a lot of effort.

Can Xiao Xu really persevere?

"I finally chose to compromise... Alas, this is the naked reality. For players without talent, the price is too high and it is too difficult to realize their dreams."

"I watched Beifang go from C+ to being the king of passers-by. I also worked hard every day to improve my marksmanship and got an A. But Beifang gave up on my own initiative. How can I keep going?"

"Isn't it true? I think Xiao Xu is already a little talented. He works hard day and night, but he can't even touch the threshold of his career. It's too hard to accept."

Fans are extremely sad and do not want a talented young man to die halfway.

Many people also ridiculed Xu Beifang’s posts:

"Sure enough, I couldn't persist. I had already guessed that this person was just showing off. Now that he has not made any money, he went directly to the factory to drive screws, haha."

"Just an ordinary person who wants to be a professional and has the heart of a slave."

Fans of Xu Beifang quickly retorted below:

"Xiao Xu failed to become a professional. Could it be that which of you is the professional brother?"

"Every dog ​​barked fiercely. That day, I was all killed in a one-on-one duel with Xiao Xu. It would be great if you were half as strong as your mouth."

A dispute quickly broke out in Xu Beifang's comment area, with both sides insisting on their own opinions and furiously expressing their opinions, but in the end, the black fans were more powerful and won. Since Xiaoxu went off the air, he has not responded to any messages, which makes fans feel less confident.

"Xiao Xu is not going to fight?" After get off work, Leon Kai was playing and relaxing for a while when he saw viewers scrolling through the barrage on his mobile phone with this message.

He frowned, unable to believe this fact: "It's a lie! Will a live broadcast robot like Xiao Xu still fight?"

[It has not been broadcast for a week, and there is no news yet. Big Brother Long Neck, do you have Xiao Xu’s contact information? 】

"No way!" Leonkai opened the small broken station. I found Xu Beifang's account and found that it was not broadcast.

It really won’t be broadcast anymore...

Leonkai felt a little disappointed. This talented young man whom he was very optimistic about finally left their sight in such an unexpected way. But he felt it was normal. After all, the CSGO career was too difficult.

"It's a pity that Xiao Xu is one of the most hard-working professionals I've ever seen. Now that he has chosen to give up, it's actually understandable." Leonkai answered the water friend's question, "I don't have him here. For contact information, I’ll ask Tiedan on 5E. They have a good relationship and should know something.”

Leon Kai hadn't started the game yet, so he briefly searched on the 5E friend page and found that Danking was in the game, and the score was 15:11.

After waiting for a while, Danking's status changed to: online.

Leonkai directly pulled him into the room.

"Leon Kai, why did you suddenly find me in duo queue today?" Danking was in a good mood after just winning a game, and he joked as soon as he came in.

Leonkai also kept his story short: "My water friend just told me that Xiao Xu has withdrawn from the Internet. Do you have his contact information and ask about the situation."

"What is it? Xu Beifang has withdrawn from the Internet?" Danking jumped down from the gaming chair, "Brother Kai, are you playing with me?"

Leonkai said calmly: "I'm not joking."

"I call."

Xu Beifang is packing his belongings. He has already bought his tickets to go to the Magic City tomorrow. The VP team will arrive in the Magic City the day after tomorrow. As a newcomer and host, he had better not let the rest of the team wait for him.

Moreover, he is actually looking forward to meeting these legendary players like VP, looking forward to officially starting offline training with them, and looking forward to starting his first official game with them!

One of Xu Beifang's core goals since his rebirth was finally about to be achieved. When he thought about this, he felt a little excited and even felt unreal.


The cell phone rang from the direction of the bedside table.

Whose phone number?

Xu Beifang was a little confused. After all, he was not very sociable on weekdays, and the few friends in his life didn't really need to communicate in a more urgent way like the phone.

As soon as I picked up the phone, I saw the word "iron egg" in big letters.

"What happened to Danking? You called me suddenly?"

"Have you logged out?" Danking's voice came from the mobile phone.

"What the hell?"

"Then why haven't you started live streaming recently?"

Xu Beifang thought about it for a while before organizing his words: "...work reasons."

It's not easy for him to explain. Now that he directly told Danking that he joined VP, he wouldn't believe it. After all, he was still competing for points on Faceit the week before.

The silence on the other side made Danking feel even more uncomfortable. After all, his brother could not persist.

He thought about it for a while, and was about to say something, then turned off the microphone on the computer, cut off Leon Kai who was eavesdropping, walked to the toilet, and said: "It really can't be done, and my youth training can't do it either." Come on, let’s form a team to play Brothers CS. It’s not comfortable to stay in this youth training anyway.”

Danking actually has a big problem with his character. In his first week at the youth training, he had an argument with his teammates and smashed his peripherals. Although there was coordination from the youth training coach, there was always friction with his teammates because Danking always thought his teammates were a bit too good.

"No, no, no! I quite like my job for the time being." Xu Beifang quickly replied. Hearing Danking's words, he was actually quite moved. After all, Danking was already a member of the youth training team and was willing to take the initiative to come out and talk to him. It’s not easy to play brother CS.

If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely take you to get a sticker... Xu Beifang secretly swore in his heart.

Even if you can't get it, just draw an egg under my ID.

After being rejected by Xu Beifang, Danking calmed down and found that such a future was too difficult. He knew that Xu Beifang wanted to prevent himself from being affected.

"What about your live streaming? Quit? Didn't you agree that I would shine in CSGO and you would now live stream to save the country? Your fans have found me here, and I have to give them feedback." Danking asked.

"There are some things at work recently. I'll just wait until I finish this period of time. It's not about quitting the Internet."

It's definitely not a good job to be so busy at work... Danking complained in his heart.

No, we must not let Bei Fang sink like this. We have to find a way to stimulate his enthusiasm for CSGO.

Danking's mind flashed with all kinds of honey traps, seven captures of Meng Huo and other messy things.

Finally, he shook his head and opened his mouth to send an invitation to the other end of the phone: "Beifang, IEM Shanghai is about to start. I have some tickets here. Come to Shanghai to watch the game, and I'll treat you to hot pot!"

Young people's feelings are sincere, and Xu Beifang felt Danking's sincerity.

"Okay, but you don't need to prepare a ticket. I'm an invitee, so I don't need a ticket."

"Okay, we've made an appointment to meet offline, don't let me go."

"Definitely not."

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