CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 374 Even if you lose 499 drops of blood!

Thursday, September 5, 2019.

Tens of thousands of people have gathered at Mercedes-Benz Stadium, looking forward to the official start of the Major championship group.

The confrontation between the Challenger Group and the Legend Group in the first half month has whetted the appetite of offline audiences. Now it has officially entered the final stage. Everyone can enjoy the charm of CSGO in offline venues. The entire venue is full of excitement. Emotions.

"Arrived at the Major, the highest peak of CSGO!" Xu Nanfang was happily filming a video while holding up his mobile phone. When the camera turned to the left, he smiled happily, "Oh, isn't this Danking?"

Danking said hello to the camera, then pulled on his white team uniform: "Brothers, let's not show off today. Come and support our Oulu brothers."

I saw that he was wearing a Xu Beifang Little Bee uniform.

Xu Nanfang smiled, then turned the camera to the stage: "Let's take a look at the venue in the distance, family members."

After shooting a short video, Xu Nanfang decisively sent it to his small fan group in the Internet cafe. However, it may be that there were too many people using mobile phones in the venue, so the short video sent kept going in circles.

"South, there are so many people here!" Xu's mother felt a little incredible, "Are these people all here to watch the North play games?"

Although they know what profession their youngest son is playing abroad and many people like him, as they are older, they know a little bit about many things.

But when I actually went offline and came to the venue of the Berlin Major, it was really shocking.

When they looked at it, they saw only a surging crowd. People in the venue were just communicating in a normal way, but the noise generated was a bit deafening.

Xu Nanfang's face was full of pride: "Yes, most of these people came to watch the North play games. He really found a job that he likes very much!!"

Not to mention that Xu’s father and Xu’s mother were shocked, they were also shocked.

Although Xu Beifang has been very busy with work recently, he made a guide for them a long time ago. They are located in the center of the venue and can comfortably see the big screen.

Now the stadium has accommodated 16,000 CSGO players, but the event organizers still underestimated the enthusiasm of the players. Those players who did not buy tickets still took to the streets to feel the atmosphere of this Major.

He remembered clearly that there was a three-meter-high big screen erected at the entrance of the venue, and many people were watching in that area.

Xu Nanfang looked around. The atmosphere in this venue was comparable to that of a hot sand city. Xu Beifang arranged good seats for them. They were surrounded by brothers wearing white team uniforms - they were all fans of the Little Bees.

Then the opposite stand is a deep Danish red. In the left stand, there are more fans wearing blue and white team uniforms and American flag-colored liquid team uniforms.

NAVI's fans are relatively scattered and can be found in various regions. Obviously, no one deliberately organized them before the game.

As for the other teams, there are fans, but they are too scattered and you can only see a few scattered ones.

From his perspective, he could also see many fans holding their own support light signs to cheer for their players.

There were only a few minutes left before the opening ceremony, just when he lamented that the atmosphere of the Major was really fascinating.

The fans of Little Bee at the scene, led by a fan, took the initiative to sing the song of Little Bee.

“La La La La La La Vitality!!”

The song is not complicated, mainly the heavy bass fluctuates a few times when the team name is mentioned, but in the atmosphere of the scene, it seems very cheerful.

Even fans of other teams could only smile when they felt this atmosphere at the scene.

After singing a song, everyone in the stands laughed heartily and had a great time.

Just when Xu Nanfang was still unfinished, the lights on the scene turned on, and within a few seconds, except for the light strips around the stage that were still glowing, the rest of the things had disappeared into darkness.

The Major opening ceremony officially begins!

"Thump thump! thump thump! thump thump!"

A sound like a heartbeat sounded, and then the figures of old FNATIC and old NIP appeared on the four circular screens.

Old VP, LDLC, new FNATIC...

The memories hidden deep in the minds of CSGO players are gradually awakened little by little.

This is the scene of the previous Major champions winning the trophy. Many of them recalled their original mood.

This is a memory and a tribute.

Then a question rang out in the background: "Who will be next?"

The music gradually began to become more exciting, and various familiar gunshots slowly sounded, coupled with the synchronization of lights in the venue, making them feel as if they were immersed in the scene. They controlled the mouse and keyboard again, and everyone became nervous.

Next, as if corresponding to the previous sentence, the names of the teams participating in the championship group began to be read out next to them.

After each team's name is read, there is also a promotional video of the team and highlights of this Major.


When he thought of Little Bee, Xu Nanfang could clearly feel that their stand was in a carnival. Xu's mother on the side also pointed at the screen and said excitedly: "Look, it's the north, the north has appeared!"

Xu Nanfang could even clearly hear the shouts of the English commentator on the highlight screen: "Nice is very detailed. He seized a great opportunity. Sergej in front was directly knocked out by him. Aleksib counterattacked with incendiary bombs, but Nice directly He stepped on the fire and hit his face, directly piercing Zone B!!"

At the end, with the explosion of C4, the introduction of the entire championship group players officially ended.

The lights come on and a voice in the background shouts: "Let's welcome Gob b!"

Many local fans at the scene applauded, which was a bit regretful to say.

This time the Major was held in Berlin, Germany, but as the number one team in Germany, Big failed to even enter the challenger group. They felt it was a pity.

After all, it’s quite uncomfortable to hold a Major at home without any team to support it.

Fortunately, the tournament team also asked a legendary player to come and deliver the trophy, which was a rare consolation.

With a smile on his face, gob b walked into the venue carrying the trophy half as tall as a man, and came to the center of the stage amidst cheers.

The captains of the eight teams in the championship group have already taken their stand.

Seeing the trophy finally placed on the trophy stand, the eight conductors had different expressions and no one knew what they were thinking.

"Hello to all the viewers on site and in front of the screen, this is the Berlin Major!"

The host in formal attire trotted to the center of the stage.

After a brief communication and interaction with the conductors, they each left the venue, and the host also began to enhance the atmosphere.

"After several rounds of fierce competition, the eight strongest teams in the Major have been born. Today due to the opening ceremony, we will only hold one confrontation..."

"But in this game, the winner stays and the loser is eliminated. Who can advance to the next round!!"

"Is it NAVI or Vitality!!"

Amid the cheers from the audience, the host raised his voice and shouted: "Then let them see the real results in the competition. First, let us invite NAVI!!!"

"Get ready, get ready, we will be here soon." apEX reminded.

Xu Beifang rubbed his hands in anticipation: "Let me go, is this Major so exciting? I feel like the organizer of this event is so professional!"

He couldn't help but admire that from the outside to the inside, the organizer of this event not only did not have any particularly abstract problems.

Sometimes there are differences only when there is comparison. Xu Beifang heard Pasha and others complain about it. It seemed that it was the Krakow Major hosted by PGL before. The basic competition environment could not be maintained at that time. The computer went crazy and went wrong. When the exhibition match was played in the end, The chassis was smashed.

There was nothing wrong with this Major. There were a lot of things from the organizers that made them feel bright.

Although they were in the player tunnel, they had just seen the opening ceremony in the venue through the small screen in front of the player tunnel.

The atmosphere at the scene, coupled with the rendering of the opening ceremony, made Xu Beifang feel a little excited.

"We have a treat next, Vitality!!!"

Originally, he wanted to chat for a few words, but after listening to the host's voice, Xu Beifang quickly followed the large group and walked out.

Their entire team just walked out of the player tunnel, with deafening shouts above their heads. They had already stepped onto the stage of the Major quarterfinals!

"I'll go, is it so exciting?" Shox really didn't expect that the competition team would have such a good time.

The moment they walked out of the player tunnel, they saw eight young ladies wearing hot pants on both sides of the tunnel. These hot pants girls all held the team flag of the Little Bee in their hands. They were following the progress of the Little Bee. Go to the designated area.

Xu Beifang looked up and found a professional guitarist directly above the contestants' tunnel, playing music passionately.

He couldn't help but admire: "This is professional!!"

Amid the cheers of the audience, Little Bee successfully walked onto the stage, opposite NAVI, an old acquaintance and their opponent today.

When the host saw that the contestants were already in place, he shouted in a long voice:

"Both sides are ready, but there may be only one team that can go on. Let us wait and see who will have the last laugh!!"

Violent cheers rang out in the Mercedes-Benz Arena, and the noise continued for a long time.

There are far more people paying attention to this game than just the more than 10,000 people in the stadium.

"I'll go, how come I just get a takeaway and BP is over?"

Xiao Ming quickly put down the barbecue in his hand, opened the drink, put on his gloves and started eating.

Ma Dong, who was on the other end of the WeChat video, looked at the pile of takeaways on Xiao Ming's table and couldn't help but complain: "You are really nothing. You asked me to come to watch the game on video this late at night, and you ended up ordering so many barbecues?"

"No, I've already ordered it for you. It'll be there in 10 minutes." Xiao Ming just said it lightly.

Ma Dong's voice immediately became serious: "Father, I admit that I spoke a little loudly just now."

Xiao Ming smiled: "Okay, what's going on with this BP?"

He took a look and saw that the three maps of the final game were in the Lost City, the Town, and Nuke. He didn't know what the BP situation was like yet.

Ma Dong explained: "NAVI won't build the building rights when they got the ban rights. The Little Bee Building is so powerful, so they definitely can't let it go."

"Then the North removed the train as usual. The first BP was quite formulaic, then NAVI locked the city, and the little bee locked the town. In the end, both sides removed one card each, leaving nuke."

Xiao Ming took a breath: "In terms of BP, I feel like both teams can compete. The next step is to see how the players perform."

Ma Dong nodded: "It depends on the condition of your adoptive father."

They looked at the live broadcast.

After the Little Bee in the camera's BP, everyone stood up and hugged each other, and were having the final pre-match conversation.

XTQZZZ scanned the expressions of his teammates and found no one who was too excited or too nervous. He nodded with satisfaction: "Guys, there are many people who came to support us today. You should have seen the people in the east stand just now." That white field, they all came to cheer for us, and I don’t want to disappoint them, and I don’t want to disappoint those Little Bee fans who didn’t come to the scene.”

When entering the stadium, the audience in the east stand was like a white wave, which was extremely shocking at first glance.

"All of us want to win, and no one will think about giving up. I think all of you are ready to play that final with Team A, but before that, please let us go through NAVI first and be ready to go." Be prepared to defeat Team A, otherwise you won’t even be able to defeat NAVI, so what’s the point of beating Team A?”

"We have defeated NAVI many times. NAVI's new lineup is indeed very good, but I think we are stronger than them. We have fought all the way up from the legendary group without losing even one game. I don't think NAVI is a threat. To our strength!"

"So, let's enjoy the offline experience today, use the last two BO3 games, and be prepared to deal with Team A!"

"Finally, 3, 2, 1!"

"Vitality, come on, come on!" With a chorus of shouts, Xu Beifang returned to his seat and adjusted his sitting posture.

Out of the corner of his eye, JackZ saw Xu Beifang's face glowing with yellow light, and his heart gradually calmed down.

Amidst the cheers in the stadium, both teams entered the game server.

Vitality vs. NAVI

Figure 1: Lost City in the Desert

T: S1mple, Zeus, electronic, Flamie, Boombl4

CT: ZywOo, apEX, Nice, shox, JackZ

The game officially begins!

In a certain fish 6657 live broadcast room, the player playing the machine saw the pistol round officially starting, and he also cheered up.

In a top-level competition like the Major, he finally has a pistol round.

"Okay, welcome to the 201r quarter-finals, the game between Little Bee and NAVI. I am the commentary machine for this game."

After a brief introduction, the game machine analyzed the situation of both sides non-stop: "Both sides have only one set of props for the pistol round. NAVI's formation is more spread out, but S1mple has already arrived in Building A2, so it should be The second time, give a link cigarette or a jungle cigarette, and cooperate with a wave of traps."

With rich experience, Wanmai immediately saw through NAVI’s ideas.

Just focusing on CT, he couldn't help but take a breath: "But Little Bee is as bold as ever. The North jumped into the middle at the beginning and pushed forward directly!"

"Two of them are touching the sewers of the bandits, and one of them is placing orders in the middle, so the timing of this wave is critical."

He was a little worried when playing with the machine. If Xu Beifang didn't dare to push forward, he would be caught in the mouth of the gangster and the sewer in the next second.

However, Xu Beifang was not so gentle. He jumped to the middle and collected a little information.

He didn't hear any footsteps, so he took the initiative to look ahead and started pushing towards the bandit's mouth.

During the preview process, Xu Beifang's details were very good. Usually, it was a combination of two small swings and a big pull, which was very formulaic.

The logic is to collect information and then target and kill.

During another peek, a bullet flew past him.

Xu Beifang also collected the information and immediately pulled to the right.

Brother Electronic already had a premonition that something bad was going to happen after his shot was empty.

At this point, he cooperated with his teammates in the sewer to advance forward simultaneously. The next time, he was right in the middle of the bandit's mouth. There was no bunker here at all, which was an extremely poor gun position.

He immediately jumped back, trying to pull it away, and at the same time called his teammates for help.

But the moment he turned around and jumped up, a bullet hit his head and took him away.

"I got pushed in the middle!!" Brother Electronic yelled in his voice.

This wave of being caught in front of me, the position was really uncomfortable.

Hearing Brother Electronics announce the time, the fire man and Zeus in the sewer immediately pushed forward.

But there was a CT in the VIP who took the initiative to play the sound of footsteps and pulled them back.

When they stabilized themselves before pulling him out, they found that Xu Beifang had already pressed into the bandit's mouth.

Their encirclement was pierced by Xu Beifang.

Zeus reacted quickly: "Fat ball, just give Jungle a cigarette. Our sewer and area A have accelerated at the same time. The opposite center has taken the initiative to push forward, and the formation has spread out."

He thought very clearly that there was a person here in VIP, and they used smoke bombs to block his sight. This guy would most likely go to the police house.

In this case, cooperate with your teammates on Building A2 to clear the bag points first, and then they only need to engage in a firefight at the police house.

Whether it succeeds or not depends on the subsequent use of marksmanship.

"Brother Beizi got the first kill in the middle, but he was forced to the back. As soon as Jungle smoke was given, Zeus directly suppressed the VIP with firepower and persuaded the VIP to retreat."

The operation of NAVI in the next scene made the player's eyes light up, "The fat ball gave a flash bomb in the middle, forcing Xu Beifang to retreat, and Zeus and Huo Man took advantage of the opportunity to rush onto the platform! "

"S1mple on the A2 floor was still previewing, but he pulled it out and shot it directly to the policeman's JackZ!"

"Because the Little Bees are a formation that favors zone B, this round of defense is a bit late!"

"The mine bag was immediately put down at point A, and the bandit army directly occupied the police house. The three policemen staged a show. This wave is just waiting for the little bees to come and fight against the police!"

"The only smoke grenades and lightning tongs are at the police house. There is no flash this time, so we can only hit them dry."

"But S1mple took the initiative to peek out, knocked out the shox with one shot, repeeked out and took away the load again!!" Playing Machine couldn't help shouting, "He is still looking for someone, and the fire man took the initiative to pull him out. The gun was shot down by Doudou, but S1mple already had four kills!!"

[Holy shit, is this pistol round so exciting? 】

【This is TOP1! The little bee in the pistol round was melted directly! 】

【S1mple! ! ! 】

[Big Daddy finally found his status offline! ! 】

The scene was filled with exclamations, and the audience in the live broadcast room were also watching.

In Little Bee's voice, JackZ said with some self-blame: "Oh my god, he pulled one out of me this time at the police house."

Originally, their pistol round formation was biased towards Area B. Once he died, Area A would have no fulcrum.

apEX did not blame him: "It's not your fault, S1mple is just a little perverted."

In this kind of one-man defense, JackZ was investigating at the police house and was pulled out of the A2 building for a second. What can be done about this?

It's more that their police officers' guns were completely shot by S1mple.

Now leaving a 1V3 endgame to Xu Beifang, the operation is very difficult.

"It's up to you, you can fight or hold your gun," apEX said.

Xu Beifang nodded: "I'll give it a try."

JackZ also reminded: "There is a lightning clamp where I died."

Xu Beifang moved very quickly. When his teammates were exchanging fire, he had already reached A1.

The information that has been confirmed now is that two people are at the police house, and the information about one person is unknown.

Xu Beifang could only start from the front and move forward.

"S1mple got a little excited. After using the P250 on the front, he immediately switched to the Glock and started looking for someone. He really wants this Ace!"

Xu Beifang heard the policeman's footsteps and chose to wait there with his gun ready.


Xu Beifang took a breath. This S1mple was so perverted. He stepped out with a Glock and shot him head-on.

Fortunately, there was a little distance, and Glock's damage was attenuated, otherwise he would have died directly from the first shot from the front.

The entire camera shook. Xu Beifang quickly moved to the right, and then fired a bullet at the position on the left of S1mple.


[Nice used usp to kill S1mple with a headshot]

"S1mple came over on his own initiative and shot Beifang directly in the head, but Beifang pulled back and gave S1mple a counter-second!"

"It's just that the north has lost a drop of blood now, and the armor is still full. It seems that we can directly save the gun." Playing Machine put forward the most reasonable suggestion.

Xu Beifang took a look at his blood volume and continued walking quietly towards the police house.

Although he only had 1 drop of blood, he still had room to operate, but there were only very few opportunities.

But the impact of the pistol round was huge, and he didn't want to let this opportunity pass him by.

C4 was ticking on the package point, time was passing by, and the audience at the scene became nervous.

Judging from the current conditions, Fat Ball and Zeus both have healthy health, but Xu Beifang has only one drop of blood, and the initiative is not in his hands yet.

No matter how you look at it, Xu Beifang can't win.

But the audience in the east stand looked at the screen with expectant eyes, and other conditions were indeed incomparable.

But Nice’s ID has created too many miracles for them!

They have some small expectations in their hearts.

Xu Beifang quietly touched the policeman slowly, thinking about where the other party would most likely stand at this time.

When he arrived at the police station, he glanced at the police station from a half-length position to make sure there was no one standing around the corner.

The opposite side is now either standing at the police station.

Or, it’s just around the corner!

"There are two people left in NAVI, but Brother Beizi took the initiative to come over. Now one is standing on the trash can and the other is standing at the corner of the police house. It's a hook-and-fight formation. As long as there is a direct exchange of fire, the police will I immediately pulled the horse out to replenish the gun, Xiao Xu can’t play anymore." Playing Machine said in pain.

"Xiao Xu came closer, pulled him over and killed Fat Ball instantly with one shot. Zeus didn't rush out to replenish his shot, but kept his hand steady and wanted to wait until the next moment to touch it again. This is unthinkable at all."

After Xu Beifang knocked off the fat ball, he took the initiative to search the left side of the phone booth.

No one was seen on the left side of the phone booth.

At this time, Zaiwu suddenly shouted: "The ID is wrong, the police officer had an assist from Zeus before!"

Hearing this, Xu Beifei, who was walking towards the phone booth, stopped instantly, and then pointed his crosshair at the police officer.

"Beifang killed one first, but he didn't know there was a second person in the police department. He went directly to pick up the thunder clamp, but Zeus also found it!"

He thought that NAVI would win this wave without any risk, but suddenly he saw Xu Beibei suddenly stopped and turned around and raised his gun: "What!! Zeus, he messed up! Beifang didn't know what he thought of, and directly shot the policeman's Zeus I was beaten to death!"

The live broadcast room was filled with excited shouts from the audience, and I felt like I had goosebumps while playing the machine: "Although he only had 1 drop of blood, he still won the 1V3 endgame, plus the opening shot. Kill, he helped the team win this pistol round with a quadruple kill!"

"What on earth did he think of in the last wave? Zeus was silent the whole time and was killed by him!!"

"The scene was already filled with cheers. No one expected that the Major offline had just started, and Moripo and Beiko started to play like crazy. Who would have thought that S1mple did 499 points of damage and took 5 shots in the whole round? Got a headshot, but couldn’t win the pistol round!”

"This is all a fight between gods!"

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