CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 50 The gears of fate begin to turn (two-in-one chapter)

"The rain has stopped outside the window, but the lights in the house are still dark..."

"Guarding your neglect, playing with loneliness..."

Leonkai, who had just gotten off work, had already opened the live broadcast room of his small website, randomly clicked on a good piece of music, and planned to enjoy his own leisure time.

Recently, he was considering whether to officially resign to work in the UP business. He heard from Qiaozi that his recent salary was actually quite good.

He now works in Leshan. He is exhausted from nine to five every day. He can't make much money and is exhausted.

Since you can't make any money, why not choose a part that you love most.

The figure of the young man who once obeyed the advice appeared in his mind again for some reason.

"Passers walking across the street and crossing the river, the good times only last for a moment..."

"The forests will wither, and the wind will scatter the clouds..."

Chen Li's "Zou Ma" was still playing in the headphones, and his cold and sophisticated voice was slowly swaying Leon Kai's emotions.

Dream...heh, let's just keep going.

People who work so hard cannot persevere, and in the end they have no choice but to find a job. How far can he persevere for his love?

Leonkai stretched out and opened the Aimbot map, preparing to warm up with 1,000 BOTs before entering the ladder and starting to increase points.

But as he was typing, Leonkai saw water friends frantically swiping the screen in the barrage:

[Brother Kaizi, your apprentice is promising! ! I’ve been advised to join VP! ! 】

[I heard that I was so awesome today, killing 5Power on IEM Shanghai]

[This is from ladder fish frying to professional fish frying]

[To be honest, I want to start practicing whatever advice Brother Kaizi gave Xiao Xu. 】

The water friends were particularly active today, and the barrage in the live broadcast room never stopped.

Leon Kai saw the words "Ting Kuan Ge", "Xiao Xu", "VP" and so on combined together, and his heart skipped a beat.

He thought of a possibility, a promising possibility, but felt that this possibility was too illusory.

"You are lying!" Leon Kai subconsciously did not believe this answer.

But he seemed to be expecting something, so he took the initiative to open HLTV, and soon saw the recent IEM Shanghai game.

Click on the match results between VP and 5Power.

The first one on the list is the somewhat familiar ID: Nice

The data below is even more amazing!

KAD (kills/assists/deaths): 47/5/26

KAST (free rate): 78.2%

K-D Diff (KD increase or decrease): +21

ADR (average injuries per round): 97.2

Fk Diff (first kill or first death increase or decrease): +4

rating (technical rating): 1.57

Leon Kai was dumbfounded: "Is this real or fake? Are they the same person? Is Xiao Xu so fierce?"

Fans of Xu Beifang expressed their sincere gratitude to Xiao Xu in the live broadcast room:

[It has to be Brother Kaizi who gave you good advice. We see Xiao Xu practicing his gun according to your advice every day, and then his score increases]

Leonkai scratched his head and quickly searched and entered the live broadcast room of IEM Shanghai. The match between VP and HR had entered the preparation stage. He also quickly saw Xu Beifang wearing VP uniform.

He was a little stunned, and he was completely dumbfounded: "As for that suggestion, I just came up with it based on my experience. Is it really that strong? You can play professionally by practicing every day, why didn't I know?"

When I first saw Xu Beifang doing abstract training like playing 10,000 BOTs a day, as a CSGO player who requires good character, he enthusiastically gave some suggestions based on his own gun training habits.

I didn't expect this suggestion to be of much use. After all, most entry-level players know how to practice this gun training mode.


Xu Beifang used such simple practice to score points step by step and finally became a professional?

Go ahead, this is a joke!

Leonkai was a little dumbfounded, but thinking about Xu Beifang's daily efforts, he felt that this was the way it should be.

"After a long time, I finally looked up and saw you waiting for me to be brave on the other side..."

The music in his ears was still ringing, and Xiao Xu's experience inspired him. Leonkai gritted his teeth and made the decision to resign in his heart. Unknown to the young long-necked UP owner, the gears of fate began to turn slowly at this moment.

Sitting on the stage again, Xu Beifang's mood was slightly calmer than before, and he did not appear too excited.

After all, the big stage that I once dreamed of has now become a familiar place.

After debugging his equipment, Xu Beifang entered the Aim-bot map and began to warm up quickly.

The BP session of this game has also begun.

HR had the right to take the initiative, and they immediately took away the nuclear crisis. HR and even the entire CIS did not play well on this map.

It was VP's turn to choose, and after careful consideration, Pasha banned Death Amusement Park.

When it came to HR's first choice, they directly won Lost City.

"Do you want to take the dead city?" Pasha asked several teammates for their opinions.

NEO thought for a while, shook his head and refused: "Forget it, let's not choose the dead city first, stay behind."

Although I won a dead city today, the confrontation with HR's dead city still seemed vivid in my mind. It was a painful scene.

HR then remove the town of Purgatory.

VP still left the more familiar map of Forklift in Shaer and Forklift.

Both sides have entered preparation time and the game is about to begin.

VP vs. HR

Map: Lost City in the Desert

T: bondik, ISSAA, ANGE1, FejtZ, Deadfox

CT: Byali, MICHU, NEO, pasha, Nice

"Welcome to the 2018 IEM Shanghai Station. I am the commentary machine for this game."

In Room 6657 of the Seafood Station, Play Machine made an opening statement as usual.

"This game will be a BO3 between VP and HR. The winner of the life-and-death game will advance and the loser will go home."

"Picture 1 shows the Lost City chosen by HR, and VP starts the game as a police officer."

"Okay, as soon as we came up, we saw Pasha being forcibly unpacked and killed. Bondik used a quadruple kill to help the team win the pistol round!"

[There is no pistol round, it’s too familiar! 】

[Nice rises up and fucks HR! ! 】

[Xiao Xu rushes, rushes! ! ! 】

Unable to win the pistol round, Pasha then arranged a strong starting tactic:

"Let's do 2A3B. Nice, you can go to area B to help. I feel like there is a high chance that HR will mention B at this point."

Since he didn't get a kill in the pistol round, Xu Beifang could only buy a half-armored sand eagle. "Well, I'll go over and help you. If there is any movement in your area A, please report it and I'll be right back."

This kind of strong start pasha didn't lay out too many tactics, it just allowed everyone to play freely and find opportunities.

He started a bird sniper himself, intending to find an opportunity in the middle, but a VIP smoke seal at the beginning forced him to set up his gun from behind.

"HR launched the second wave of map control in the middle and gave a smoke inside the arch. ANGE1 cleared the arch little by little. Fejet also searched the small dark room. HR's control of the middle was very smooth."

Playing Machine took a breath, and then made an analysis, "HR's map control is in an orderly manner. If VP doesn't take effective countermeasures now, then it will face a wave of speed-increasing bombs, and firearms like VP will definitely not be able to stop it. of."

"HR filled up the second VIP cigarette, and the troops started to move towards the arch. However, there was another smoke bomb on Byali's side, which was directly inserted into the arch, delaying the time."

Noticing the position of Little B's CT on the mini-map, his eyes lit up, "Nice touched Little B unknowingly. Can he grab the side of the arch and hit him first?"

"I didn't catch him sideways. ANGE1 reacted and took the initiative to look at B, but he didn't hit Nice. The sand eagle is just one!!"

[Nice used the Desert Eagle to kill ANGE1 with a headshot]

After getting the kill, Xu Beifang did not stand upright and stood upright, but stepped back to see the L position.

"Da da da!"


There was a brief exchange of fire between the two sides. Xu Beifang shot the opponent in the body, and he himself was reduced to half health.

"They should be going up the arch, please pay attention!" Xu Beifang quickly passed on the information he had collected.

Hearing this, NEO, who had just defended jungle, immediately fired another smoke bomb towards the arch, carrying out the delaying play to the end.

MICHU did not hide in the white car. After determining the approximate location of the other party, he boldly pressed out from the front of the B2 building and got the information that there was no one outside the B2 building.

Then he continued to push forward from the sewer.

"Fejtz is still talking about VIP, has he guessed that someone is coming from the sewer? MICHU is still touching forward."

"MICHU shot first, but CZ was hit by a hair dryer just after he fired. This is the pain of not having a head armor!"

At the same time, NEO who was about to attack was also caught by ISSAA with the A1 gun. He was killed instantly with a shuttle. The number of people on both sides suddenly reached 3 versus 4.

"I'm going to cover B." After MICHU pressed out to get the information, Xu Beifang was originally heading towards area A to cover.

But MICHU's forward pressure was counterattacked, and now they became passive.

If Xu Beifang doesn't switch to B, they can only rely on gambling points.

But he joined VP instead of NAVI, and his commander was Pasha instead of the gambling king Zeus.

"You just go in, and I'll help you get through the B2 floor of the supermarket." Pasha quickly rushed over with the bird sniper in hand.

Pasha's idea is very simple. Xu Beifang hides in the bunker. No matter whether the opponent attacks from the B2 floor or B small attack, he can take the lead in bleeding and can draw out residual blood to create opportunities for his teammates, but HR does not seem to be too anxious.

"After continuing to smoke an arch, MICHU stole the chicken and failed to get the kill. VP chose to take a 2B1A position for the second time." Playing Machine analyzed, "If the bandit is smart at this time, he can take the initiative to send one into B We will get the information and then decide which way to speed up."

"However, HR chose a wave of arches and ace to speed up. There is nothing wrong with this decision. It is straightforward and direct to launch a wave. But in this case, VP can only see how many jungle Byali can catch."

"CZ forced a sweep to replace one. Byali's marksmanship is still quite impressive, but the gun line has been stretched. Facing the opponent's follow-up shot, he still has no good solution."

The number of people on both sides has reached 2 vs. 3. After taking a look at the UI, the game machine guessed: "Should we still fight in this situation? It is also a good choice to save a Sand Eagle and a Bird Sniper."

In the endgame of 2 versus 3, the chances of winning are not very high. The choice of playing machine guessing is also the most rational approach.

“As soon as Byali died, VP did not choose to protect his gun, but actively returned to defense to give it a try!!”

"Nice arrived at Little B, and the bandit just happened to place a small bag B, oh!! That's OK. The moment he saw it, a sand eagle was killed instantly. The bandit only had a few tenths of a second to put down the mine bag. This Nice is so accurate!”

Ji Jiazi's voice suddenly became louder, and Nice's performance made him feel the hope of a comeback.

After knocking out one, the game between the two sides came to 2 versus 2.

Xu Beifang did not give up his gun position, but stood where B was holding the mine bag.

He knew that there was one person on the other side who had low health, and he had been shot by his sand eagle before.

The current version of the Sand Eagle has not been changed and can be killed with only two shots in the stomach.

However, in this version CZ is the king of pistols. Xu Beifang likes Sand Eagle more out of habit.

The crosshairs had been set up on both sides of the arch. An enemy appeared on the right, and Xu Beifang opened fire instantly.


Instead of hitting the opponent's head, the AK47 knocked him out with two shots that were still alive.

"Two remaining health points left!!!" Xu Beifang said this information loudly, giving Pasha confidence.

Pasha has a bird sniper in his hand. The opponent only needs one shot for the remaining two people's health!

"Although the kill was not completed, Nice also disabled the full-blooded ISSAA. This way, Pasha has a chance to operate." Playing the machine's voice lowered, "Besides, Pasha has been at the police house. Showing his face, he is very mysterious, will HR look at the police?"

"Bondik jumped onto the platform and was instantly killed by Pasha with one shot. The remaining gangster with 5 drops of health had a bullfight with Pasha!!"

"ISSAA pretended to be in a fake gun position, Pasha was shaking, and the bird sniper killed him with a blind sniper shot!!"

【Nice! ! ! ! 】

【pasha is awesome! ! 】

[This wave of pasha blind sniping is too thrilling]

Playing Machine summarized this point: "One thing to say is that this endgame pasha is very critical, but Nice did a lot of things in B. He used Sand Eagle to get the first kill at the beginning, and then defeated the Bao bandit. Although the two disabled people failed to get more kills, they were able to confirm the information of the two disabled bandits, which gave Pasha room to operate."

"This newcomer's operation is still very powerful!"

"Nice! pasha!!"

Winning the tense endgame made the atmosphere in VP quite lively.

After a strong start to complete the comeback, HR's economy collapsed directly. They failed to put down the bomb. They only had an economic reward of 1,400 for this point, and the average economy would not be higher than 2,000.

Faced with this kind of game where ECO was strong, VP did not get sick and won it steadily.

The score soon reached 3:1, and the two sides entered the first long gun round.

Xu Beifang came downstairs to A2 with his MP9 as usual, doing regular defense.

Originally, NEO was responsible for defending Zone A on this map, but his condition declined seriously and he was gradually unable to support the high-intensity gun requirements in Zone A.

So VP has actually always considered letting him go to area B to throw some props and play more steadily.

Morelz was introduced before, but the performance level was not as good as NEO.

They have been trying to put NEO in Zone B in training matches, but they have not really chosen it. It was not until Xu Beifang made a brilliant debut today that they started using this idea again.

Byali wholeheartedly agreed with this decision. After all, it was really difficult for him to handle the firepower in Area A alone.

Xu Beifang threw a fire at A1 at the beginning, then went straight downstairs to A2 and started listening to the noise.

There was no information from his side, but bad news soon came from Area B.

[DeadFox used AK47 to kill MICHU with a headshot]

NEO who was standing in front of Little B wanted to turn around and go over to help, but he had already heard Little B’s footsteps.

He forcibly killed the bandit B, but was also killed by the bandits who had already arrived at the package point.

Area B fell at the speed of light, and the trio in Area A quickly launched a return defense.

But they didn't have too many expectations for this wave of defense. Although they had thunder clamps on them, Area B fell too early! !

In 1 minute and 30 seconds, the bandits had already rushed into the bunker.

If it is a match between ANTI-ECO, then they still have a chance to try.

But this is a long-range round, and HR has too many props left on hand!

It turned out that their concerns were correct. The three of them returned to defense, but in the end they couldn't even get any information about the package point.

The other party keeps throwing props at them and doesn't give them a chance at all.

Pasha had no choice but to ask his teammates to save their guns.

The score also came to 3:2.

The sudden acceleration of HR made everyone in VP feel the pressure.

Although morelz is sitting on the bench today, the strength of HR cannot be underestimated.

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