Cub Keeper

Chapter 302: Fluffy little bug cub (3)

    Soon Chris returned with a group of humanoid zerg.

    The tentacles on their heads swayed excitedly, looking very much looking forward to this.

    But soon Lu Yao and Helanjia discovered that something was wrong.

    Because this group of humanoid bugs, not all bugs, have good clothes.

    They walked back and forth naked in front of them, which really made Helanjia and Lu Yao, people and beasts who have lived in a civilized society for a long time, a little uncomfortable.

    Helanjia's face darkened, she quickly stepped forward and covered Lu Yao's eyes.

    The humanoid zerg present didn't understand what they were thinking, they just looked at each other and spread their hands.

    I don't understand.

    I don't understand what the two "big eggs" are minding.

    He Lanjia covered Lu Yao's eyes before she could react.

    This group of humanoid heavy insects, they have no gender, they are not shy at all, they have become accustomed to such things!

    And the orc warriors on the warships of the First Corps laughed unceremoniously when they saw the jokes made by their marshals.

    There are even a few more exaggerated, rolling in place with laughter.

    Gu Yu turned his head and covered his mouth, laughing as quietly as possible.

    Liu Yuanhao didn't care so much anymore, he lay directly on Gu Yu's body and laughed wantonly.

    Compared with their laughter, they were actually more fortunate that this planet did not seem to be so malicious to the marshal and the dean.


    Everyone is safe.


    Helan Jia put down her hand shyly, and then turned her head to the side in a pique.

    Seeing this, Lu Yao couldn't help laughing.

    She pushed the head of Helanga's mecha, and her voice was somewhat indulgent.

    Lu Yao: "Why are you angry? They don't know, don't they?"

    Helanjia was not coaxed at all.

    Seeing this, Lu Yao coughed softly, then stood up slowly and said in a voice that only she and Helanjia could hear.

    "I only see you."

    "You look the best."

    This love story is more exciting than any language.

    Lu Yao is not a human who likes to express his emotions.

    Helanjia and Lu Yao have known each other for so long, and Lu Yao said very few love words.

    Now that Lu Yao is in the public eye, it is a great improvement to say such blatant words in order to make Helanjia happy.

    If Helanjia hadn't thought of what he was recording now, the soldiers of the First Army could see it, and the scene would not be appropriate.

    He couldn't help but pounce and kiss Lu Yao.

    Of course Lu Yao saw the straightforward love in Helanjia's eyes.

    She also saw Helanjia's red ears.

    She quietly stretched out her mecha hand, and gently pulled Helanjia's mecha across the heavy mecha.

    Then shook it gently, as if acting like a spoiled child.

    Helanjia pressed the tip of her tongue against her upper jaw.

    His heart skipped a beat.

    Damn it.

    A person who is usually cold and quiet on weekdays acts like a spoiled child, how can they be so...

    How good is it?

    Helanjia swallowed and felt a little thirsty.

    But he can better understand why he feels this way.

    When Lu Yao returned to his seat, he used a video camera to tell the orcs of the First Army who had been watching, and asked them to prepare more clothes.

    It doesn't matter if you wear it or not, the most important thing is to have it.

    The orcs of the First Legion responded.


    Lu Yao put eggshell powder into a bowl in front of them, added some flour, and then sprinkled with seasonings.

    She chopped the shallots and put them in another small bowl for later use, then took out the humming oil made by the humming beast and kneaded it into the dough.

    The whole dough became white and plump, round and round, and looked particularly cute.

    The humanoid zerg widened their eyes and watched Lu Yao's movements intently.

    I'm afraid I'll miss a step if I blink.

    The Zerg's gaze is pure.

    But in Helanjia's eyes, Lu Yao is not cooking, but rather lively.

    When Lu Yao's Qianqianyu hands knead the dough, the sun shines, making Helanjia a little unclear for a while, whether the dough is white or Lu Yao's hands are whiter and tenderer.

    His eyes were burning, as if he was going to swallow Lu Yao alive.

    Lu Yao of course felt Helanjia's gaze, she moved her body calmly, trying to avoid the eyes with a strong sense of presence.

    Helanjia snorted coldly.

    As if realizing her abruptness, she reluctantly retracted her gaze.

    Lu Yao finally felt that the sight behind her disappeared, she breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to teach the humanoid zerg in front of her to make this dough.

    After Lu Yao kneaded the dough dozens of times, she divided them into small doses.

    Then flatten them with the palm of your hand, form a cake shape, sprinkle a little chopped green onion on the surface, and put them on the slate brushed with humming animal oil.

    The conditions here are really difficult, they don't even have a pot, Lu Yao can only use this primitive method to fry egg shell cakes.

    Fortunately, the pancakes with egg shells won't stick to the slate at all.

    This saved Lu Yao a lot of things.

    Soon, the cakes on the slate came out, a soft fragrance mixed with the oily fragrance brought by Humming Animal Oil.


    The humanoid reorganization present also smelled such a fragrance, they swallowed a mouthful of saliva and were so greedy.

    But they all restrained their desire to eat, after all, they all know that these foods are reserved for the little bugs.

    In order for the little bugs to grow up healthy, they have to hold back.

    Lu Yao looked at their longing eyes, and somehow felt that they overlapped with the orcs of the empire.

    At the beginning, they also looked at themselves with these eager eyes, and wanted to make them some delicious food.

    There are so many kinds of food in the empire today, it can be considered that they get what they want.

    Lu Yao was thinking about the affairs of the empire, and the movements of her hands kept going.

    Soon she made all the egg shell pancakes, and then gave each of the little bugs there one by one.

    Lu Yao also carefully placed a piece of insulation paper under each eggshell noodle cake, for fear that they would burn themselves.


    In Helanjia's arms, they hurriedly circled and looked at Lu Yao's back.

    The pair of peas and peas seemed to be talking.

    Why not? I'm hungry.

    Lu Yao touched the top of their heads and watched them open their big mouths that did not match their bodies.

    Go on.


    No more.

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