Cub Keeper

Chapter 372: Join the Big Family (Part 1)

    Lu Yao:…

    I don't know whether Lily Lan is explaining or scolding her little friend.

    The orcs and cubs around Lu Yao also choked.

    At this time, the civet cat walked in from the door, and everyone made room for him.

    He walked to Lu Yao's side, rubbed his head against Lu Yao's palm, and then sat down: "Ow!"

    Like hello.

    Long Lan's Interstellar Language has already been learned, and he can explain the situation.

    Pogo Lan glanced at the husky cub, and the big fluffy white tail hung down behind her.

    He seemed to think of something sad, and even his beautiful blue eyes were filled with fog.

    Polygonum: "As you can see, Xiao Ha is a very lively cub."

    Lu Yao nodded.

    It is not easy to maintain such a lively personality in the laboratory.

    In addition, his body reflected by the test equipment was full of sores, and it should be said that it is more difficult to walk.

    But he still ran so far through his sense of smell.

    Lu Yao felt a little weird.

    Long Lan stretched out her cat paws and covered her eyes, her voice was full of sadness: "Xiao Ha was beaten stupidly!"

    His furry body trembled a little, and he was about to faint with sadness: "Although Xiao Ha was so lively before, he is not so stupid."

    "He saw the humans in that place, sprayed us with medicine, and rushed to bite them."

    "Then they beat him..."

    Long Lan cried out of breath: "Xiao Ha was pushed onto the experimental table by them, hit the corner of the table, and then became stupid."

    "But even so, Xiao Ha has always tried his best to protect us. The more he grins at those people, the more they beat Xiao Ha."

    "We've told Xiao Ha many times, but he doesn't understand, woohoo..."

    Lu Yao looked complicated.

    She looked at Polygonum, who was crying bitterly, and the caracal cub beside her who wanted to cry. She felt that what she did at the time was not enough to relieve her anger.

    I should be more brutal.

    They should all be crushed.

    Turn them into cosmic dust.

    Lu Yao was thinking so, but suddenly there was a loud noise beside her.


    It was the sound of the explosion of the broken cooking equipment in the back kitchen.

    At this time, Lu Yao and the little cub saw that the amiable orc brothers just now had extremely gloomy expressions.

    They restrained their smiles, and the breath on their bodies became extremely oppressive.

    Looks like she's already furious.

    At this time, everyone's thoughts are surprisingly consistent.

    It was really too cheap for them at first, so let them die like this.

    They should feel the pain of how they treat their little cubs before they die.

    At this time, Helanjia interrupted their increasingly dark thoughts.

    Helanjia: "Okay, come and pack these little biscuits and send them to these little brats."

    His voice sounded steady, but only from Lu Yao's angle could he see Helanjia's hands, clenched into fists.

    There was a faint red blood flowing from his fist.

    Lu Yao understood.

    In the case of extreme anger in the group, the commander should keep calm and wake them up.

    At this moment, Helanjia is forcing herself to stay sane.

    He couldn't let the orcs terrify the little cubs because of their extreme anger.

    Their negative emotions should be directed towards the enemy, not towards the cubs.

    Soon this group of orcs regained their sanity. They restrained the gloomy temperament that was about to condense into reality, and smiled again, looking at the little cubs in front of them. Softer than before.

    The little cubs led by Bessie think they are even more terrifying!

    Betsy shrank behind Ai Jiabao, even hiding her big tail.

    Mama, these brothers are so scary, their expressions look like they want to eat children.


    Ai Jiabao pulled his good friend and said earnestly: "They won't hurt the little brat, don't be afraid."

    Betsy listened to Algabo's words and tentatively stuck her head out.

    She saw the big brother named Big Bear touch the cub who was a little stupid.

    His movements were gentle and trembling.

    Betsy doesn't understand why Big Bear is shaking, is he scared too?

    Ying Hui seemed to understand Bessie's doubts and took the initiative to explain: "He is afraid."

    Betsy: "Why? He's so powerful."

    Even if he is so far away, he can feel the power of the bear clan orc, why should he be afraid of such a small cub?

    Ying Hui: "Because the cub is too fragile."

    "The little cub is like a flower that has not yet bloomed. It has been hurt. The big bear has no time to save him, so his body is covered with scars."

    "That trembling was not just fear, it was unspeakable discomfort."

    Ying Hui looked at Bessie, there was no smile in his eyes, there were some complicated emotions that Bessie couldn't understand now.

    Ying Hui: "Don't be afraid of them, they won't hurt us."

    Instead, they will do everything to protect us.

    Betsy flicked her big tail.

    Although she does not understand this complex emotion, it does not prevent her from trying to understand.

    In the world of cubs, pure kindness is more precious than anything else.

    Betsy stepped forward and ran to the bear's side and packed cookies with him.

    She also tried to accept this group of "big men" who didn't seem to be easy to mess with.

    With the help of the little cub, all the cookies were packed soon.

    The little cub of Yuanguang Nursery Home returned to the infirmary with the caracal cub and the smuggled husky cub.

    This time all the adult orcs and humans did not go up with them.

    In this case, it should be handed over to the little cubs, let them socialize new friends by themselves, and let new friends accept this place.

    And the orcs have to stay in the back kitchen to clean up the "battlefield" where they just made cookies, and then prepare today's dinner.

    Lu Yao has already thought about making a table of sweet dishes.

    After all, the days before them were too bitter, and eating more sweetness can release the bitter taste in their mouths.

    The orcs of the First Legion certainly had no objection.

    After all, they are soft-hearted and short-handed, so they have no right to point fingers at the dishes.

    They are not marshals, so they can eat and drink here as family members.

    Helanjia seems to feel the resentment of the orcs under her hands.

    He glanced.

    Helanjia suddenly understood their thoughts.



     (Small Theater:

    Big Black Dragon: Did you see these meats and sweets? It's all mine! All mine! (?′?`?)

    Yaoyao cub: You better restrain yourself, be careful they put sacks on you. (???))

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