Cult of the Sacred Runes

Chapter 225: Qing family


If Ye Wei is influenced by the demons, it is likely to be controlled by this crazy killing and become an unconscious killing machine.

In this terrible fear, Ye Wei frowned, and there were all kinds of illusions in his mind, but his heart was extremely firm. Today, he is not the first child who was a fledgling child.

"Strengthen my heart, all this is just illusory, give it to me!" Ye Wei looked indifferent, indifferent to cold drinking, knowing that the proud mountain in the sea suddenly burst into the golden light of billions of roads containing the vitality .

Numerous illusions dissipated, and the image of the entity that was transformed into the upper demon was the ice under the yang, which melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, the demons died, the endless darkness retreated, and everything went to calm!

"Blocking the devil's invasion, for me, it really is no difficulty!" At this time, Ye Wei, who was sitting in the quiet room, slowly opened his eyes, and the horrible demons in others seemed to be easily The ground collapsed.

The devil is rooted in the fear of the human heart. Ye Wei has already experienced a supernatural demon, and with psychological preparation, coupled with the help of the sea **** mountain, can easily defeat the demons.

"Resolve the demons, wait for the opportunity to come, and realize the concept of returning to the Yuan, you can directly break through to the Yuanyuan!" Ye Wei sat down on his knees and consolidate his mind.

"A month later, the Black Dragons ranking battle may encounter a lot of troubles. The most urgent task is to upgrade the strength. Since it is unlikely to break through to the Yuanyuan territory for the time being, then you will cultivate the magical spirits!"

A month is not long. With pressure, Ye Wei did not dare to waste time and solved the demons. It began to motivate the power of the stars, and cultivated the magical power of the stars.


In the Black Dragon Valley, the palace of Qingyao Fairy, the quiet small lake, a few old men wearing gray linen, crane hair and children are talking with Qingyao fairy.

Qingyao Fairy is the most outstanding genius of the younger generation of the 16th generation family. Not only is the cultivation of talents a must. She is also a master of gods!

These old Ma is the elders of the Qing family, and they are also masters of the gods. One of them is even a ten-star **** master who is only one step away from the master of the gods. The Qing family is a famous family of gods and inheritance. They go to the Wanxing Hall. First, they want to see Ye Wei, the new genius. The second is to see the Qingyao fairy.

"Yevin's little guy actually blocked the palace. It seems that there is no intention to join any force." One of the old clothes sighed. When he went to the Yewei Palace, Ye Wei had blocked the palace, and even Ye Wei’s face was not seen, let alone a gift to recruit Ye Wei.

"The strength is not good, the temper is not small. Let so many top-level people eat closed doors, in the black dragon list ranking war one month later, it is estimated that there will be many people looking for trouble." Another Mai The old man said something unhappy, among the people. He is relatively thick, and he wanted to recruit Ye Wei. The result was not seen in the face, and my heart was naturally a bit uncomfortable.

"This is what you think is wrong. The decision made by the little guy is still very sensible. Now if he joins a certain force, he will definitely be suppressed by other forces. And he will remain neutral and will not join any forces for the time being. No. No matter which forces will not take the initiative to offend a talented genius. Even if you want to make a blind man, it will be very secretive! The purpose of suppressing him is not to completely suppress him, but how to conquer him! "The old man in the lead smiled lightly.

Qingyao fairy nodded, and the elders of Qingming were right.

"Two of the many geniuses that have appeared in the recent week of the Great Zhou Dynasty are worth noting. One of them is this Ye Wei, and the other is the boy who has been rumored by the Master of the Masters of the Gods to find the red-defining god, although he has not known the boy. Real identity, but at least it can be sure that the boy is in the territory of my great week!" Qingmo elders silenced for a moment, "If you can find the boy, that is best. If not, you can only retreat, second. I have recruited this leaf."

When I heard that the elders of Qingming said that the person who found the red-skinned gods, the scorpion of Qingyao fairy had a rare scent and an unspeakable worship. I heard that the person who found out the red-definition pattern is a teenager. This thing has already spread in the circle of the Masters of the Masters of the Gods. The Qingyao fairy is a master of the gods. She naturally heard about it, but only Her status is not yet qualified to know the name of the person who found the red-definition.

The sacred masters who know the details are tacitly ignorant of this matter. I heard that they only pay attention to that person silently.

As a master of the gods, Qingyao Fairy naturally understands that she is trying to find out how difficult it is to find a red-skinned god, and she is obsessed with the study of the gods. She is full of admiration and worship for those who find the red-definition. Ye Wei is naturally impossible to compare with that person.

The elders of Qingming have been indulging for a moment, and their expressions are somewhat dignified: "It is not a big deal to break the millennium tradition of the Wanxing Hall, but the potential is comparable to that of the ruler. It is not easy. Qingyao, you should be clear, and spur the nine. What does the Taoist Dragons mean? If there is a way, it is best to let us meet him."

"The tree is big and windy. In the past few years, there have been too many people who have offended the Qing family. The ancestors are coming to the limit and leaving us with less time!"

"Before the death of the ancestors, our Qing family must have a strong person in the realm of the gods. Ye Weina’s kid has spurred nine arrogant dragons. He has the potential to become a god, even if there is only a hope, we are all Can not give up."

"Qingyao understands!" Qing Yao looked nodded.

The Qing family is the most powerful in the 16-year-old family of the Da Zhou Shen Dynasty. Even the three royal families have to give the Qing family some face. On the surface, the Qing family is now very beautiful, but the core figures of the Qing family are very clear, and the situation of the Qing family is very dangerous.

The family that has passed down the millennium has more or less a few strong elements of the gods. The reason why the Qing family can suppress other millennial families is because the Qing family has a ten-star **** who is in power!

The ten-star gods are the most peak in the entire Zhou Dynasty, but now the Qing family's ancestors are nearing the limit.

The Qing dynasty's **** is only strong in this position. Once he has fallen, the situation that the entire Qing family will face can be imagined. Therefore, the current Qing family can't wait to cultivate the gods, but only Among the ancestors, there are few talented people.

Is it so easy to cultivate a strong God? Ye Wei showed the potential to become a strong enemy of the gods. Even if there is only a hint of hope, the Qing family should try their best to win Ye Wei.

In order to fight for Ye Wei, the Qing family has prepared extremely rich gifts. These gifts are enough for any returning power to refuse!

"Xueer's girl has a good relationship with Ye Weina. I will ask Cher to stay in front of Yewei Palace. As long as he lifts the blockade, Xue will bring him over!" Qingyao nodded. The jade hands are light, and the jade bracelets on the wrists collide with each other, giving a crisp and pleasant sound.

"Yeah!" Qingming Elder nodded. Since Qingyao had some contact with Ye Wei, it would be much easier.

In fact, even Qingyao did not know that the Qing family was tumultuous, and even if they were married to other big families, they could not change the current status of the Qing family. The highest talent in the Qing family is the third place in the Black Dragon. If you marry Qingyao to other families, then the Qing family will have no hope. The best way is to find a talented genius into the Qing clan, which may guarantee the foundation of the Qing clan. Ye Wei is undoubtedly a very suitable candidate, but the Qing clan will not make such a sloppy decision. They are ready to recruit Ye Wei and cultivate it. If Ye Wei can become a strong person in the realm of the gods, it is the best. However, it is. If not, they can find another person.

However, the elders of Qingming will not tell Qingyao about the wishes of the family. At a certain time, Qingyao must make sacrifices. He looked at Qingyao and said: "Since the kid is retreating, we will wait. Wait." Elder Qing Qing transferred the topic and began to discuss the gods.

"The ancestors said that our Qing family's ‘streaming finger’ supernatural powers still have perfect space. His old people want us to help these younger generations to improve.”

"We have no gods masters in the Qing family. We have given us a few things to perfect the magical powers. We have been studying for a few months, but we still have no clue. Qingyao, your accomplishment in the knowledge of the gods We are not bad at all, and the soul perception is stronger than ours." Elder Qing Ming said, "Try to induct the flaw of this streamer, we need a breakthrough, just know where the problem is, then It will be easier."

Qingyao is the most outstanding descendant of the Qing family. Whether it is cultivation or the knowledge of the gods, it is not weak compared to several elders!

The entire Qing family had high hopes for Qingyao. However, Qingyao only provoked eight arrogant dragons. It was a little far from the expectations of everyone. After all, Qingyao was the only hope of the whole family.

The Qing family sent Qingyao to the Wanxing Hall, which is to let Qingyao go to the secret world through the Helian royal family. Everything is possible in the secret world!

If there is an amazing encounter in the secret, Qingyao hopes to break through to the Yuanyuan as soon as possible.

"Yeah!" Qing Yao nodded, the jade fingers changed, and the lines of the gods flowed out from the fingertips. During the breathing, the lines of the gods that formed the "streaming light" supernatural powers were suspended in the void.

Qingyao fairy and a few old Masai are staring straight at the floating lines in the air, trying to sense which gods are flawed.

~~(To be continued...)

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