Cult of the Sacred Runes

Chapter 238: The qualifying war officially opened


The ruler has no Slim-fit purple shirt, standing lightly on the platform closest to the position of the dragon head, with long hair shawl, moving with the wind, warm and elegant, like a scholar, he stands with his hands and eyes, sweeping through the crowd at will, The gestures of the superiors are exuded between the gestures.

Li Taiyi, who had a high crown and a sword, stood on the second stage.

The Qingyao fairy, who was veiled in a white dress, stood on the third platform. Three thousand blue silks danced with the wind, elegant and dusty, like a fairy who did not eat human fireworks, and attracted the majority of people present. look.

On the fourth stage, it is the proud rain of the proud family of one of the sixteen thousand-year-old families. On the face of temperament, only Qingyao fairy can press her, but as a fiancee who is unruly, the eyes of the proud rain Not much weaker than Qingyao fairy.

In the blue robe, Aoki, who had an ink-green raft on his head, stood on the fifth platform.

The top five of the Black Dragons have arrived. There is no doubt that the five of them have attracted the most attention. According to the practice of the previous Black Dragon rankings, the five of them will definitely play against each other.

Black Dragons ranks in the battle, the low ranking can challenge the high ranking, but the high ranking can not actively challenge the low ranking, this is the rule!

However, the top five of the Black Dragons are not subject to this rule, and the top five of the Black Dragons can play against each other arbitrarily.

More than 30,000 people in the Wanxing Hall are mainly directed at the five people. Although the rankings of the five people will hardly change, they can see the strong players at this level and the Wanxing Temple. Those geniuses say. However, it is extremely rare and has great benefits.

There are two major points in the ranking of the Black Dragons. The first is the fight between the top five in the Black Dragon. The second is to see who can take the lead and rank in the Black Dragon List.

There are also some people, because they are older, they have to leave the Hall of Stars and enter the Helian royal family.

However, this year's Black Dragon list is still the third biggest point of view, and I look forward to Ye Wei's performance. There are only a lot more people who pay attention to the other two major attractions!

As a person who broke the millennial tradition of the Wanxing Hall, Ye Wei, as a person who motivated nine arrogant dragons, has a potential that is comparable to that of a ruler. Naturally, many people want to see Ye Wei's performance. Coupled with these days, various rumors about Ye Wei in the Wanxing Hall have made people expect more Ye Wei than fighting.

There are rumors that Qing Yao Fairy intends to be a double monk with Ye Wei. There are rumors that Ye Wei has just stepped into the Yuanyuan territory to explode the strength of the five-star return to the realm!

as time flows. The strong ones who are listed in the Black Dragon List are all on their own platforms, but the 935th platform is empty.

That battle platform belongs to Ye Wei, Ye Wei has not arrived yet!

"The Black Dragon List is about to start, and Ye Wei hasn't come yet?"

"Ye Wei will not be timid? I heard that Aoki is really not familiar with Ye Wei, and arranged a lot of means to prepare a good lesson for Ye Wei!"

"Ye Wei is a newcomer, and the limelight is indeed too strong. Even if Aoki does not arrange any means, there are certainly many people who will challenge him!"

"The potential is comparable to the genius who has no repairs. Who doesn't want to beat him once? Ye Wei hasn't grown up yet. But from the perspective of potential, he will definitely become a big man in the future, beat the big guys of the future, and think excited!"

"Tai Yewei is not a fool. I know that there are many people who will challenge him. This time has not yet arrived. I think that 80% is preparing to give up this Black Dragon list."

There are more than 30,000 people in the Wanxing Hall. There are only a thousand people in the Black Dragon List. Except for some people who are planning to compete for the Black Dragon List, they are preparing for the battle. The rest are waiting in a row.

Seeing that the black dragon list is about to start, Ye Wei is late, and those who expect Ye Weibi are naturally anxious.

After all, Ye Wei's fight, but a big point, if Ye Wei gave up the Black Dragon list, then the taste of this qualifying war is much less.

"Why didn't Yevi's brother come yet?" Xue stood in the crowd watching the battle. The little hand held his head, and the big, sloppy eyes turned around and looked for Ye Wei's figure.

"Hey, don't you dare to come?" Aoki lived on the fifth platform, his cold eyes staring straight at the empty 935th platform.

In order to teach Ye Wei, Aoki real people secretly arranged many means. If Ye Wei does not come, his arrangement can be in vain.

The indifference of the Qingyue Fairy with the indifference of a thousand miles away was also intentionally or unintentionally swept from the 935th.

Although Qingyao fairy is indifferent, she has been with Ye Wei for more than 20 days. Together with Ye Wei, she helped her to perfect the streamer, and she also regarded Ye Wei as a friend.

Qingyao fairy is not as simple as Xueer. As a friend of Ye Wei, her mood at the moment is somewhat complicated. She wants to see the performance of Ye Wei and hopes that Ye Wei will give up the black dragon list.

Obviously, there are certainly many people waiting to challenge Ye Wei. If Ye Wei is participating in this Black Dragon list, he will certainly suffer.

"Qingyao, this time you lost!" Just when Qingyao fairy thought of Ye Wei, the fourth strongest of the Black Dragons on the fourth stage, Ao Yu looked at Qing Yao Fairy and snorted.

"I have been listening to this sentence for two years." Qing Yao fairy indifferently looked at the figure proud, the chest screaming out of the proud rain, indifferently back.

"You wait!" For two consecutive years, Qingyao fairy was pressed and died, and the indifferent words of Qingyao fairy poked the pain of proud rain.

"I have been waiting for two years, and you are not relying on your man in the end?" Qing Yao fairy's mouth twitched a sneer arc, faintly glanced at the angry face of the iron.

"Hey, I have a man who depends on it, and I can rely on it. I can make it for me. Do you have it?" Pride was not willing to show weakness, and stood up to the **** and exaggerated chest, and looked cold and proud.

Qingyao fairy silk eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and looked at the high-footed ruler. The cold eyes passed a touch of cold light and silenced.

I can press the arrogance of oneself, but it is too difficult to defeat the ruler. It has provoked the existence of nine arrogant dragons. Not so good to deal with.

The Helian royal family invited more than 30,000 geniuses from the Da Zhou Shen dynasty. The only ones who led the nine arrogant dragons were the rulers and the Ye Wei, but Ye Wei also provoked nine arrogant dragons. However, the current Ye Weibi has not been repaired too much, and it is too difficult to catch up with the ruler.

"Hey!" At this time, the black dragon statue suddenly raised the dragon's head, and a loud dragon humming sound broke out again. With the sound of the dragon, the gods were slowly banned on the battle platform.


Just as the gods ban was about to block the 935th platform, a starry sky suddenly swept across the sky. In the shadow of the star river, a figure is coming quickly.

That figure is the one that I am looking forward to!


"Ye Wei is coming, I thought he would give up the black dragon list qualifying!" The vast majority of the onlookers at the scene recognized Ye Wei at a glance.

"That is Ye Wei?" Standing on the platform closest to the head of the dragon. Ye Wei, who has not looked at the volley and looked at the volley, whispered to himself, the entire Wanxing Hall, only the potential of Ye Wei can be compared with him. He naturally couldn't help but look a little more.

"That is to spur the nine proud dragons. The potential is comparable to the ruleless Ye Wei?" With the sword, the second strongest player in the black dragon list, Li Taiyi, also looked at Ye Wei.

"Hey, the potential can not represent the strength, how to provoke the nine proud dragons? How about it? Give you 10,000 years, you also want to compare with my house without repair!" On the fourth stage, Ao Yu was extremely disdainful. Ye Wei glanced, cold and shouted.

"Is it still here?" Qing Yao fairy stood up and looked at Ye Wei. The indifferent scorpion flashed a strange brilliance and spent nearly a month with Ye Wei. She gradually got to know Ye Wei's character.

"Ha ha ha, finally, boy, I will let you understand that I am offended by Aoki's real people!" Aoki saw the appearance of Ye Wei, and his eyes flashed two bright colors, and the mouth twitched with a trace of coldness. radian.

"Everything works as planned!"

Liu Yong, who ranked 847th in the Black Dragon List, Zhu Jun, who is ranked 816th in the Black Dragon List, and Xiao Tang, who is ranked 755th in the Black Dragon List, all look forward to Ye Wei. The corner of the mouth evoked a cold smile.

Black Dragon's ranking battle, in addition to the top five can be free to challenge, the rest can only be ranked by the low ranking of the high challenge, Aoki real people arranged Liu Yong, Zhu Jun and Xiao plastic three one stronger than one, they To challenge Ye Wei, the ranking on the Black Dragon List must be lower than Ye Wei.

As long as you have the heart, it is easy to make the ranking lower than Ye Wei, and you will lose to those who have low rankings.

It should be noted that for every ranking in the ranking of the Black Dragon, you can realize an hour in the "Yin and Yang Tai Xuan Wu Road Map"!

Aoki real people promised enough benefits, so that Liu Yong, Zhu Jun, Xiao Xiao three are willing to lower the rankings, and they are very interested in Ye Wei.

When Aoki was looking for them, they agreed without hesitation.

"Hey!" With the sound of another clear dragon, the black dragon list is officially kicked off!

The Black Dragon List ranked the first big point of the battle, confidently embarked on more than 100 geniuses on the Black Dragon List, like a stream of light, rushing toward the bottom of the Black Dragon statue.

To set foot on the Black Dragon List, just beat the person with the lowest ranking!

"I don't know how many people in this hundred people can beat the people with the lowest rankings!" Ye Wei stood on the 935th platform and looked down.

Under normal circumstances, each black dragon list ranks the battle, waiting for those who have confidence to set foot on the Black Dragon list, the rest will be shot.

But this time, the Black Dragons rankings have just begun, there are three black dragons who are ranked lower than Ye Wei, and they have challenged the three strong players who are better than Ye Weigao.

The three people who are lower than Ye Wei are naturally arranged by Aoki.

Soon, there have been some changes in the ranking of the Black Dragon.

Take the initiative to lose, naturally very fast!

At this time, most of the people's eyes were concentrated on the more than 100 people who competed for the Black Dragon List. Almost no one noticed that Liu Yong, Zhu Jun, and Xiao Plastic had already qualified to challenge Ye Wei.

"Bastard kid, good play will soon be staged, and now regret it is too late, you just wait!" Aoki real mouth smirked and stared at Ye Wei coldly.

The challenge of Ye Wei is also a major point of view in the ranking of this Black Dragon. The real people of Aoki must be in the eyes of the public and learn from the lessons of Ye Wei. Now Liu Yong, Zhu Jun and Xiao San are already in possession. Actively challenged Ye Wei's qualifications, he naturally does not worry.

After the end of the fight for more than one hundred people competing for the Black Dragon List, everyone’s eyes were concentrated on Ye Wei’s body, and then Liu Yong, Zhu Jun and Xiao San were shot!

~~(To be continued...)

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