Cult of the Sacred Runes

Chapter 262: Blue stamp warrior


"The matter of the Qingwo tribe, just give us a few people. It’s how much we kill, and we will never let them move the Blackrock tribe one by one!" The three young strongmen of Zhenlongge also solemnly Said, they have already set a vow of heaven, and everything is based on the three emperors.

Although Qingyao Fairy did not speak, it is obvious that the Blackstone tribe will never be left behind.

"Dongcheng brothers, why are you suffering from this?" The patriarch of the Blackstone tribe said with gratitude, the strength shown by Ye Wei and others is extremely amazing, but after all, they are too young, how could they be the Qingyin warriors? What about the opponent?

"The people of the Qingwo tribe are riding horses. Is the Qingwo tribe not close to the Blackrock tribe?" At this time, Ye Wei asked at the side.

The Qingyin warrior is only the ten-grain warrior who has obtained the seal of Qingyin. The strength of the ten-grain warrior is equivalent to that of the ten-star warrior. Although Ye Wei is not sure to defeat the Qingyin warrior, as long as the Qing Dynasty warrior is not a strong god, the leaf Wei felt that there was nothing to fear.

"Ge Laosan was injured. With his strength, it is estimated that it will take about three days to return to the Qingwo tribe." The patriarch of the Heishi tribe knows that Ye Wei is a man who wants to fight with the green wolf tribe. Although he can't help anything, he will certainly not back down. Even if the Qingwo tribe, who has been retired for 30 years, has been shot, the Heishi tribe has vowed to share with Ye Weiliu!

"Ge Laosan will go back three days. The Qingyin warrior has to come over. It is estimated that it only takes a few hours, but the three days can almost condense the third black mist again!" Ye Wei thought thoughtfully. The ground whispered.

After comprehending the second seal of the Three Seals of the World, the black droplets in Ye Weidantian became more and more powerful. In the colorful space tunnel, in order to counter the turbulence of the space, Ye Wei consumed a part of the black mist, almost recovered. coming.

In the past few days, the Ye Shi tribe has been submerging, but still does not condense the third drop of black fog, but it is similar, and for three more days, Ye Wei can almost condense a third black mist. Power.

Ye Wei does not know how strong the strength of the Qingyin warrior is, and naturally he must be prepared for everything!

Three days later, the Blackrock Horde was thousands of miles away.

The green hills are continuous, and there is a lake about a hundred miles away. The center of the lake is a small island shaped like a giant wolf. This lake is a famous blue wolf lake, and the blue wolf tribe is stationed in the shape of a giant wolf. On the small island.

The island is behind the mountain and has a stone that is covered with moss.

Ge Laosan, who had been running for three days, held a broken arm and walked along the steps and walked slowly to the stone that was covered with moss. He slammed down.

"Big Brother, please go out and be the owner of the Qingwo tribe!" Ge Laosan was in front of the stone, his voice was hoarse and sore, his eyes were **** red, and he seemed to be bleeding.


The stone violently trembled, and a spider-like crack instantly filled the entire rock.


After a loud bang, the gravel collapsed, and a figure in black appeared on the spot.

It was a middle-aged man who looked like he was only forty years old. His eyes were deep and his hands were holding a long bamboo with a chest.

"The third child!" The middle-aged man fell down in the hollow scorpion, watching the chilling, low voice, "I have explained it before the retreat, unless it is a big event of the Green Wolf tribe, don't bother me, what happened? thing?"

This middle-aged nephew is the young Indian warrior of the Qingwo tribe - Ge Wei!

Ge Wei has not asked the world for a full 30 years of retreat. In that year, he held a piece of purple bamboo and swept the entire wing city. When he finally competed for the position of the main city of Yishuicheng, he lost only to the current Yishuicheng. The city owner's old dreams are true.

The blood city of the 36th city of the city is the black-printed warrior, Ge Wei was only the Qing-Indian warrior, a Qing-Indian warrior to compete for the position of the main city of Yishuicheng, which caused quite a stir at the time.

Although Ge Wei was defeated, the whole blood world thought that Ge Wei had the strength comparable to that of the black-printed warrior. After the defeat, Ge Wei sighed and waved his eyes. After returning to the Qingwo tribe, he Retreat.

This retreat is a full 30 years, and his strength is now strong, I am afraid he is only clear!

"Big brother, this is the case..." Ge Laosan cried and screamed and told him about the experience of the Blackrock tribe.


When Ge Wei heard Ge Laosan want to marry the daughter of the Blackstone tribe chief, the wide black robe sleeves danced like steel whip, and squatted on the face of Ge Laosan.

"Strong other people's daughters, who allowed you to do this?!" Ge Wei was dressed in black and held his hands, and the hollow scorpions seemed to be glowing with the cold blue light.

"Big brother, this thing is really wrong with me." Ge Laosan licked his bruised cheeks, and he was very obsessed with his big brother. He was unwilling to say, "But those who are wanderers can’t take hundreds of our green wolves. The tribes are killing themselves!"

"Don't dare to talk back!" I didn't see how Ge Ge moved, but also a loud slap on the face of Ge Laosan. This slap directly put Ge Laosan on the ground and smashed the gravel on the ground.

"I told you before I closed the retreat? Say!" The black clothes floated, and Ge Wei suddenly exuded an imposing manner that made the heavens and the earth move.

"Indisputable, not obvious, not exposed." The pain of the broken arm, coupled with the injury of Ge's palm, made Ge Laosan's face no longer see a trace of blood, but only promised.

"You can still remember the loss!" Ge Hao snorted and slammed his sleeves.

"I told you that the world of blood is very big, very big, and does not say that the four generals who are high above, the thirty-six city owners, the high-ranking people who do not know the world do not know how much!"

"Do you know how many people have you offended in these years? If I am not there any day, can you keep the Green Wolf tribe?" Ge Wei's face was gloomy and cold.

"Big brother, I know it is wrong!" Ge Laosan did not dare to talk back and bowed his head.

When Ge Wei retired, Ge Laosan was only sixteen years old. He took advantage of his brother to be a Qingyin warrior. He did a lot of anger and resentment, but he was very clear about the temper of Big Brother Ge, and he was really angry. He would not dare to say anything more.

His second brother was originally because he had slaughtered a tribe without authorization, and he was killed by Ge Wei.

Killing your own brother, poke your own eyes, Ge Wei has nothing to do!

Seeing Ge Laosan admit his mistake, Ge Wei no longer said anything more. He held his hand and stood empty, the empty scorpion looked at the sky, and the black clothes swayed with the wind.

"My brother, my brother, even if I made a mistake, I have to deal with it. I want to see who I am, and I don’t even give me a face. I not only interrupted my brother’s arm, but also slaughtered it. A few hundred warriors of the Qingwo tribe!" Ge Wei's chilling voice echoed in the mountains.

When Ge Laosan raised his head again, Ge Wei did not know when it had disappeared.

The night falls, the sky is filled with dark red blood, and the air emits a depressing blood smell. In the air, a black man holds a purple bamboo, like a stream of light, flying at night in the night sky.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The **** soul of the **** world is sensational to the human breath. With a series of sharp, harsh, low-pitched sounds, the scorpion rushes to the black man.

The one who holds the purple bamboo is the green-printed warrior Ge Wei of the Qingwo tribe. The blood soul is smothered, and he only sees him crying coldly. An invisible gas field is centered on his body and suddenly blooms.


The **** soul of a fierce **** touched the invisible gas field, and his head was stunned, and the blood-stained scorpion suddenly faded down and planted one after another.

There are thousands of **** souls, but there is no **** soul that can be close to Ge Wei’s body.

Ge Wei's speed is very fast, it is estimated that not an hour, he can reach the Blackrock tribe!

Since the break with the Qingwo tribe, the Blackrock tribe has been highly martial, and dozens of people are patrolling day or night.

In the stone house, Ye Wei is submerging, and three drops of golden light droplets are suspended in the Dantian space.

"The warriors in the world of blood, by their own strength, can compete with us who borrowed the power of heaven. If they can borrow the power of heaven, they don't know what kind of horrible power will erupt..." Ye Wei slowly Opened his eyes and squatted for three days. Ye Wei not only condensed the third force of black fog, but also adjusted his state to the peak. Thinking of the strength of Ge Laosan, Ye Wei could not help but whisper.

"But the **** world, the cultivation system that relies on its own strength, is only a small path compared with the cultivation system of the Shengyuan continent. Although the cultivation system of the **** world is very characteristic, it is not an avenue after all!"

It must be noted that manpower is poor and the world is endless!

"By relying on its own strength, there is always a limit, but the power of heaven is not exhaustive. The core of the Shengyuan mainland cultivation system is the **** pattern. Through the **** pattern, you can communicate the power of heaven, you can borrow the power of heaven!"

"Therefore, the Shengyuan Continental not only has the strong elements of the gods, but also the strong people of the emperor, and even the sacred strongs who live with the heavens and the earth, but the world of blood is not as strong as the gods, let alone the emperor. The Holy Land is strong."

"The Qingyin Warrior, the Black Indian Warrior, and the strongest purple-printed warrior have not exceeded the level of returning to the Yuan Dynasty!"

In order to more accurately speculate on the strength of the Qingyin warrior, Ye Wei and the patriarch of the Heishi tribe talked several times in the past three days. Through several conversations, Ye Wei learned more about the world of blood.

"Ordinary ten-grain warriors and ordinary ten-stars are equal in strength. I don't know how strong the Qingyin warriors are. Compared with Lin Hu, He Liandong, Wu Wuxiu, Hu Yanbei, who is more Stronger..." Ye Wei shouldered his hands and whispered softly, stepping out of the stone house.

Although the Qingyin Warrior is also a strongman at the level of the Yuan Dynasty, after seeing the powerful strengths of Lin Hu, He Lian Dong He, Wu Wu Xiu, and Hu Yan Bei Yan, Ye Wei understands that even the same ten stars return to the realm. Level, strength will be a world apart!


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