Cult of the Sacred Runes

Chapter 294: Holocaust is coming


Seeing the huge body of Hu Yanbei Yan, Ye Wei’s eyes were fine, and I saw that the popular smashing blade was driven straight into the middle of the demonish center.

"I don't know how to live and die!" Hu Yanbei Yan snorted and waved a huge claw, and the stalk of Ye Wei was smashed.


The popular killing blade is constantly confronted with the cheeks of Hu Yanbei.

A loud bang came, and powerful energy swayed in the void.

Ye Wei feels everything around him, and countless elements of the wind are like the ocean, and the madness of the leaves is mad.

"If it is in the outside world, I may not be your opponent, but here is the world of the tomb of the gods. All the rules are made by the master of the tomb of the gods, and I accepted the inheritance of the master of the tomb of the tomb. I know it here. The rules, so here you will die!" Ye Wei's mind flashed a hint of enlightenment, a low drink, "Hey!"


The wind is killing the blade!

A scream of screams rang through the entire sky, and one of the claws of Hu Yanbei Yan was smashed and spurred by blood.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and revealed an incredible expression.

After Hu Yanbei ignited the enchanting, the strength was strong enough to be daunting, including He Liandong River, Lin Hu and others, the heart is a little fearful, with their strength can not be able to follow the demon North Yan confrontation!

However, I did not expect that the wind blade of Ye Wei's exhibition actually smashed a claw of Hu Yanbei Yan!

What kind of supernatural power is this wind blade?

Ye Wei stared at the sorrowful sorrowful monster. There is a faint chill in the eyelids. Although it is not a supernatural power, it is one of the strongest martial arts. Although he still can't play the biggest power of the popular killing blade, but in this tomb, killing the Yan Yan North is more than enough!

Unless Hu Yanbei Yan can break through the rules set by the owner of the tomb, he can't beat Ye Wei!

Hu Yanbei Yan Yang Tian anger, the eyes of the scorpion shot the murderous mans, the next moment, his broken arm. I actually re-growed a claw.

"I want to kill you!" Hu Yanbei Yan roared fiercely and rushed toward Ye Wei.

"I can regenerate, I have to look at it. How strong is your regenerative ability!" Ye Wei snorted and his body shape did not move, and Shao once again condensed the wind blade, and the wind blade speeded toward the end North Yan went.

boom! boom! boom!

A wind blade fell intensively. Blood splashes. Hu Yanbei Yan roared and screamed, all parts of the body were constantly smashed, although his body can be continuously regenerated, but can not resist the intensive attack of Ye Wei!

"Bei Yan Big Brother!"

"Little Lord!"

Several of the princes of the Huyan royal family and the guards saw it, and immediately rushed toward Ye Wei, wanting to besiege Ye Wei.

"Just rely on you, and want to save him?" Ye Wei glanced at the few emperors and guards, and a wind blade swept them over.

Puff puff!

Blood splashes. These rushing Huyan royals have fallen.

At this time, Ye Wei is like a **** above the top. Countless laws are surrounded by him, and Ye Wei, who knows the rules of the blood world, is completely inferior to the existence of the gods in this world!

He Liandong River, Wu Wuxiu and other people are all shocked. The adventure of the **** world, I don’t know what adventures Ye Wei has encountered, and the strength has actually increased to such a level! If you don’t want to repair it, you can’t help it. If you want to kill him, you don’t have to use it!

Hu Yanbei Yan felt that the infinite law of infinitely pressed him from all directions. These laws are not the power of Ye Wei himself, but from the corners of the blood world, but I don’t know why, Ye Wei Can control these rules!

With the strength of his demon, wanting to kill Ye Wei, it should have been a breeze, but Ye Wei, the guy, the law of urging him formed a strong pressure on him, so that he could not move, and Ye Wei’s popular killing Blade, I don't know what magical power is, it's really too sharp, even his demon body can be easily smashed!

Since the devotion of the Yaozu, Hu Yanbei Yan has gained a powerful force, killing many Terran masters, and even the strong man of the Divine Realm died under his command, but until today, he really felt the threat of death. !

"Don't kill me!" Seeing that the law was suppressed by the law, Hu Yanbeiyan finally shuddered out.

"Take a demon, kill innocent!" Ye Wei looks cold and unrelenting, like the traitor of Hu Yanbei Yan, can not stay, otherwise it is to return to the mountains!

A huge and incomparable popular killing blade formed out of thin air, and rushed toward Huyan North.


A muffled sound, followed by a shallow blood mark on the neck of Hu Yanbei Yan, the demon green light in his eyes slowly dimmed.

Hu Yanbei Yan has been cut off the neck by the popular killing blade, but because the wind blade is too sharp, his head is still left in the neck, except Ye Wei, no one knows that Hu Yanbei Yan is dead!

"When you betray the Terran, you should think of it sooner or later!" Ye Wei’s calm eyes swept through dozens of princes of the Helian royal family. Whose eyes are on Ye Wei’s eyes, who will have more necks. A shallow blood mark.

At this time, no one noticed that all the princes of the Huyan royal family had died!

The popular murder blade martial arts is unfolding, let alone they are, even if it is an ordinary god, the strongest person will not hate Jiuquan.

In this **** world, Ye Wei will bring the power of the popular killing blade to the extreme!

"The things in the blood world can come to an end!" Ye Wei looked at the Helian royal family and the Lin family of the royals who had not yet returned to God. The indifferent voice echoed in the ears of the people.



At this time, starting from Hu Yanbei, the emperors of the Huyan royal family, together with their guards, rolled their heads down. On the big wound on the neck of the neck, a blood column burst out.

"Hui Yanbei is dead!"

"The people of the Huyan royal family are dead..."

The great princes, He Liandong River, the ruler, the forest, and other strong, all looked at the blood column that was rising from the sky. The look on his face was solidified, and at this moment, they even forgot to breathe.

They only saw the temperament of the sky, and no one saw how Ye Wei killed the Yanyan North. He only listened to Ye Wei’s saying that the blood world’s world had come to an end, and then the Yan Yan and the Huayan royal family The heads of the princes and the guards all rolled down.

This scene is too ridiculous. It’s too shocking!

"Ye Wei..." Helian Dongcheng and Qingyao Fairy also stunned. They knew that Ye Wei must have rushed to the ninth floor of the tomb of the tomb. He guessed that Ye Wei’s strength might be enhanced. But dreaming never imagined that Ye Wei’s strength has reached such a terrible degree.

There are so many princes and guards of the Huyan royal family. The whole number of hundred people, all of them will be killed in an instant, even if the gods are strong. It is also impossible to kill so many powerful people in such a short period of time!

The prince who is qualified to the world of blood. Which is the weak? Can follow the guards of the emperors, the strength is at least in the seven stars return to the realm!

I didn’t even see Ye Wei’s shot, so many strong people were all dead!

What they didn't know was that Ye Wei used the power of the law of the blood world. The power of these laws was set by the masters of the tombs of the gods. They were so powerful that they did not know the reason. It is no wonder that these people would be so shocked.

Ye Wei’s eyes swept over the crowd. When the ruler was not repaired, the ruler did not repair and immediately lowered his head. Do not dare to speak, even if he is proud of him, in the face of the current Ye Wei, he has to lower his head.

Although the ruler has no repair, although it is abhorrent, but after all, it is still on the line of the Terran. Ye Wei did not plan to deal with the rule of no repair.

"The Huyan royal family colludes with the Yaozu, and the Da Zhou Shen Dynasty will certainly not be calm. You have told this news to the high-level people in the family earlier! If you are not careful, the Great Zhou Dynasty may be destroyed!" Ye Wei looked at the stay. Everyone, Shen Sheng said.

Ye Wei’s words fell into the ears of the people, like a thunder and thunder, and awakened everyone in shock.

"We have to go back as soon as possible!"

"Returning to the gods to inform the elders of the family!"

Everyone can't help but think eagerly.

"Lin murder brother, this is a hundred green crystals, Lin's royal family is not a small loss, these green crystals, it counts as a little meaning of Ye Wei!" Ye Wei took out a hundred green crystals from the Qiankun bag, handed it to Lin extinction, dignified and authentic, "Huiyan royal family has colluded with the Yaozu, I think, a catastrophe that will sweep the entire week of the dynasty, I am afraid it will soon come!"

"Yewei brothers saved us, we did not think that we reported, how can we accept the gift of Ye Wei brothers!" Lin said that he was quite fond of Ye Wei in front of him. What he did not know was that Ye Wei gave Lin Huqing, part of the reason, which was related to Lin Ziyan.

Ye Wei shook his head and said: "Now the Great Zhou Dynasty is in jeopardy. As a people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, I will make a contribution and ask Lin to kill you!"

"So, thank you Ye Wei brothers!" Lin Han took over a hundred green crystals, the emperor of the Lin family died a few, the tears of the gods are countless, the loss is indeed great.

A green crystal can create a top ten star returning to the realm of strength, this hundred green crystal represents one hundred top ten stars return to the strong! Lin Wu looked down at the green crystal in his hand, and his face showed an uplifting color. This time, he came to the world of blood, still quite rewarding.

The value of this hundred green crystals can not only make up for the loss of the Lin family!

He Liandong River, the ruler did not look at the one hundred green crystals in the hands of Lin, and the eyes were all lighted. Although Qingjing is of no use to them, it can be a green crystal, but it represents a top ten star. Stronger!

"Three emperors, this hundred green crystals, gave you the Helian royal family!" Under the watchful eye of He Liandong River and the ruleless repair, Ye Wei took out a hundred green crystals and handed them to three. The emperor Helian East City.

"Twenty thousand years of family, ten green crystals in each family!" Ye Wei waved a hand, a total of one hundred and sixty green crystals, respectively, fell into the hands of sixteen thousand years of family.

The value of these green crystals is enough to make the Great Zhou Dynasty mad at the three royal families. Ye Wei took out three hundred and sixty green crystals in one breath, but he did not even blink his eyes.

Whether it is Lin's royal family, Helian royal family, or sixteen thousand-year-old family, they can't help but marvel at Ye Wei's generosity.

There are more than 300 pieces of green crystals in the area. Ye Wei is not in the eyes. There are thousands of green crystals in his hands, thousands of stronger black crystals, and even ten amethysts!

~~(To be continued...)

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