Cult of the Sacred Runes

Chapter 314: Ice Emperor


"Ye Wei and Hu Yanqiu, who won in the end?" In addition to countless golden black clouds, the people of the three royal families are all looking at the mighty power of the vast heavens, their perception can not be penetrated. The power of heaven, Ye Wei and Hu Yanqiu Ze are in the power of the day.

They only saw a giant stick swept through the sky and shattered the life and death circle.

Staring at the power of the heavens, the people of the three royal families felt the heart of the eyes of the blind, one by one nervous.

As time went by, the surrounding atmosphere became more and more heavy, and those ordinary ten-stars who were returning to the realm even felt that breathing became difficult.

How is the battle going? Who wins?

Within the force of the heavens of the hundred miles, Ye Wei closes his eyes tightly, and there is no trace of life fluctuations. Unless it is a strong sacred person, anyone will think that Ye Wei is dead!

At this time, under the support of the power of the surrounding heaven, in the space of Ye Weidantian, the demon lord finally condensed the soul of the leaf smash into pieces again.

The re-agglomerated soul has a hint of blue luster, which is no different from the soul of the gods.

The soul of the returning power is green, the **** of the strong is the blue, and the emperor is the blue.

Ye Wei’s soul is broken and stands behind. Under the nourishment of the power of heaven, he directly enters the level of the gods!

The origin of the soul is the source of the power of the mind, the origin of the soul has reached the level of the gods, and the degree of the power of the mind has naturally reached the level of the gods!

There are countless enchanting geniuses in the entire sacred continent. Returning to the Yuan dynasty is the most important stage in the whole spiritual path. The foundation of this stage will directly determine the future achievements. Therefore, the enchanting genius of this level is also the most.

Like the ten stars return to the realm. There are ordinary ten-stars who are returning to the Yuanjing, and there are top ten stars who are returning to the Yuanjing. There are no repairs, and the ten-stars of the Great Emperor Heliandonghe are the top ten. There are also ten stars with a half-step **** power, and even a special **** pattern with eight hundred and one hundred. The repair is to achieve the strong and perfection of the return to the Yuan Dynasty!

If it is not because of the existence of Ye Wei, Hu Yanqiu Ze is the strongest returning power in the millennial history of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but looking at the entire Shengyuan continent, there is also a stronger returning power than Hu Yanqiu. Quite a lot.

Hu Yanqiu Ze combines eight hundred and one hundred special gods, but some people have 10,000, 30,000, 50,000, or even 100,000. Those people are naturally stronger than Hu Yanqiu.

Like the ten-stars who have tens of thousands of special gods, they have reached the level of the gods. Those geniuses that combine 30,000 lines of gods and 50,000 lines of gods are even stronger than the gods!

The more the gods are merged, the higher the level of vitality!

However, looking at the entire Shengyuan continent, at the level of Yuanyuan, in addition to Ye Wei, it is no longer possible to find a second genius with the origin of the soul of the gods!

What are the benefits of the soul source reaching the level of the gods?

With the soul of the gods at the level of the soul, Ye Wei's enlightenment of the gods and the fusion of the gods will be much faster than others!


Ye Wei's soul of the glaucoma has left the demon world, and voluntarily swept away from the broken sea. The blue light filled, and the broken sea of ​​knowledge began to recover quickly.

The origin of the soul is fundamental. The soul is restored, and the sea will naturally recover!

When Ye Wei’s knowledge of the sea was completely restored, Ye Wei’s body, which had no life fluctuations, suddenly trembled. The breath of life began to increase slowly.

"I, I am not dead?"

Ye Wei opened his eyes in a secluded manner, his eyes were a little hollow, and it seemed very awkward.

"Isn't my knowledge of the sea and the soul collapsed?" Ye Wei was unbelievable and didn't understand what was going on.

"The power of heaven..." Ye Wei looked at the power of the heavens that had disappeared inexplicably around him. He shook his head slightly and no longer thought about it. Although he did not understand what was going on, he did not die.

"The power of these heavens can not be wasted. The bones and organs of my body are almost broken. If it is not the practice of water, it will not die. This injury is enough for my life, just to restore these forces. Injury!" Ye Wei's mouth appeared a smile.

The power of heaven is the purest power in the world. More than a few times more healing remedies and treasures!

"Hui Yanqiu, everyone has their own choices, since you have chosen to betray the Terran, you have to pay for your choice!" Ye Wei looked at the blood fog still suspended in midair, silent for a moment, a long sleeve wave A force suddenly rushed out, and the blood fog directly annihilated, completely disappearing between the heavens and the earth.

Ye Weipan sat in the void, running the stars and smashing the exercises, quickly swallowing the power of the heavens around him, and began to recover from the injury. These forces of heaven are enough to make the extension of Huyan Qiuze from the level of returning to the Yuan Dynasty. Although the ten-star gods have consumed most of them, the remaining power is still extremely vast.

Soon, under the nourishment of the power of heaven, Ye Wei’s injuries were all restored, but there was still a lot of heavenly power left around, and the cultivation was also improved a lot.

Although Ye Wei still stays in the Yuan Dynasty, he is not sure which level he is in the Yuan Dynasty.

"The stars are separated, let's swallow it!" Ye Wei naturally will not waste the power of these heavens. The eyebrows are staring at the stars, and the appearance of the stars and the identical stars are suddenly appearing.

With the power of heaven, the strength of the stars is enhanced by the speed visible to the naked eye!

Ordinary ten stars return to the realm, the top ten stars return to the realm... When the stars are devastated by the power of the heavenly roads around them, the strength is equivalent to the ten-star returning power with half-step godpower!

"The power of heaven has dissipated!"

The three royal families who stared intently at the white light column saw the white light column dissipate, and all of them suddenly widened their eyes.

"Ye Wei!" Several elders of the Huiyan royal family looked at Ye Wei, who was lightly out of the eye, and the pupil suddenly shrank, and a bad hunch was swept through his mind.

Ye Wei and Hu Yanqiu Ze are both in the long river of the heavens and the power of the broad road. If the power of the road disappears today, Ye Wei walks out, but he does not see the figure of Hu Yanqiu, which makes the elders of the Huiyan royal family do not worry?

The Huyan royal family dared to join hands with the Yaozu, and it was Hu Yanqiu. If Hu Yanqiu died in Ye Wei’s hands, the Huyan royal family could not only get the rule of the Da Zhou Shen Dynasty, but also the Helian royal family and Lin’s royal family. There are even triple suppression of the three mysterious kings!

"Is Ye Wei brothers, I saw that the purple giant stick, I know that Ye Wei brothers won!" Looking at Ye Wei, who came out slowly, the heart hanging in Helian East City finally let go.

"Ye Wei won?" Lin and Helian, two elders of the Yuan Dynasty, looked for the figure of Hu Yanqiu, and they knew that the power of the heavens had come, and that Huyan Qiuze had definitely broken through to the realm of God.

With the strength of Hu Yanqiu’s return to the Yuan Dynasty, when he has not broken through to the realm of the gods, his strength is comparable to that of the five-star god. Once he breaks into the realm of the gods, he will definitely step into the ten-star god. In the Yuanjing, I don’t see the corpse of Hu Yanqiu, and the elders of the two royal kings can’t feel at ease.

"Hui Yan Qiu Ze?"

The people of the Huyan royal family are also trying to find Hu Yanqiu in a piece of gold and black clouds.

"Don't waste money, Hu Yanqiu Ze is dead!" Ye Wei's foot is empty, and the chilly eyes swept over the Huyan royal family, cold channel.

The Huyan royal family betrayed the human race and colluded with the Yaozu. Ye Wei did not have a good impression on the people of the Huyan royal family. They did not kill them on the spot, but they gave them their face!

After Ye Wei’s soul origin reaches the level of the gods, nature can mobilize more power of destruction. Without damaging the sea, Ye Wei can at least mobilize one-tenth of the body’s power of destruction.

When Ye Wei mobilizes the power of destruction in the body, he can break through the barrier of the heavenly power that is hard to break open by the ten-star gods. The power should be stronger than the ordinary ten-star gods.

One-tenth of the power of destruction is equivalent to one-tenth of the strength of the ordinary ten-star gods. Such power, killing the eight-star gods, and even the nine-star gods are not much of a problem.

Ye Wei did not kill the surviving royal family on the spot. The first is because the people of the Huyan royal family are also members of the human race. Ye Wei wants to give them a chance to rehabilitate themselves. The second is because the Huyan royal family also has several ten-star gods. The strongest in the level of the Yuan Dynasty, in the face of the ten-star gods in the level of the strong, Ye Wei is still somewhat taboo.

"What do you say?!" When I heard Ye Wei's words, the elders of the gods of the Huyan royal family changed their faces, and they were pale and like paper, and they could no longer see a trace of blood.

"I said, Hu Yanqiu Ze, he is already dead!" Ye Wei coldly glanced at the elders of the gods of the royal family, and said it again and again.

The last hopes of the elders of the Huyan royal family were also shattered, and they were all gray.

They are defeated and they are completely defeated!

At this time, the Lin’s royal family and the Helen royal family’s elders were very determined, and the power of the Da Zhou Shen Dynasty did not fall. Whether it was the Helian royal family or the Lin’s royal family who got the throne, it did not matter.

"The people of the Huyan royal family listened! Some of your clan betrayed the human race, colluding with the Yaozu, and attempting to use the strength of the Helian royal family and the Lin royal family in the battle of life and death, and to seize the imperial power of the Great Zhou Dynasty, this is inhumane! As a descendant of the Ice Emperor, I will send a notice to you. The people of the Huyan royal family present, as long as you set a vow of heaven, never collude with the Yaozu, you can leave directly, and those who are unwilling to make a vow will be The deadly enemy of my human race, as long as I have one day, even if I am broken, I will kill you!" Ye Weiwei's gaze swept over the crowd, and took out the ice emperor's token, the jade.

Ice Emperor?

The people of the three royal families were slightly stunned, and then they rioted. For many years, I did not expect that the ice emperor's inheritors would reappear in the world. This is definitely a sensational event of the Great Zhou Dynasty!

The demon army is approaching, the Da Zhou Shen is in jeopardy, and the Ice Emperor's inheritor appeared at this time. It is just right, and the hearts of the people have raised a glimmer of hope.

~~(To be continued)

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