Cult of the Sacred Runes

Chapter 319: Exhalation


"Elders, Ye Wei, you have all seen it. Can you rest assured now?" Lin Fan looked at the elders of God Yuan, who had a satisfied face on their faces, and said with a smile.

“Reassured, rest assured!” The elders were quite happy and nodded.

Ye Wei is much better than they imagined. Whether it is talent, character or strength, it is impeccable. Lin Ziyan and Ye Wei are both double monks, and they are naturally very satisfied.

"If there is nothing, you must first retreat. I will talk to Ye Wei again!" Lin Fan is the owner of the family. Naturally, he must have the majesty of the owner. He can let Ye Wei see the injury, but can not let him be present. The elders of the gods saw it.

The elders of the Divine Realm got up one by one and quit the hall after paying respect to Lin Fan. Soon, only Ye Wei and Lin Fan were left in the entire hall.

"My injury is a long-standing problem for more than a decade. Don't worry about it!" Lin Fan slowly took off his shirt and looked at Ye Wei, who was concerned about it. He said with a smile.

"Sword injury!" Ye Wei looked at the shocking sword mark on Lin Fan's chest, and the pupil suddenly shrank.

Through the sword marks, you can even see the bones of Lin Fan, and there is a gray and dead air around the sword marks. The dead air is eating a little bit of Lin Bobo's life!

With such a serious injury, Lin Bobo could not support it for ten years!

Ye Wei looked at the sword marks, he could not imagine how Lin Bobo spent the past ten years!

"Is there no cure?" Ye Wei was full of worries and asked in a subconscious way.

"The test method has been tried!" Lin Fan sighed and shook his head. If it is not the perishal air around the sword mark, this injury will certainly be easy to heal. But that dead air could not be expelled.

Ye Wei's brow is locked, and Lin Fan is the owner of the Lin's royal family. Nothing is lacking. If he can heal, he will be healed. How can it be dragged to the present?

"The martial arts master of the tomb of the gods admitted that everything is a source of chaos. The two sources of life and death constitute the source of chaos. Wind and fire constitute the source of death, and the earth and water make up the origin of life!" Wei looked at Lin Bobo's sword wound and fell into meditation.

"The power of destruction in my body is one of the origins of death. It is similar to the deadness on the sword marks on Lin Bobo. The elements of wind and fire can be merged into the power of destruction. The power of destruction can also be converted into elements of wind and fire. I don't know the deadness on Lin Bobo's wound. Can you convert it into a wind element and a fire element? If it is ok, there should be hope to remove the deadness of Lin Bobo's sword wound!" Ye Wei’s thoughts flashed through his mind. The eyes suddenly slammed.

"Lin Bobo, I want to try to remove the dead air around the sword wound!" Ye Wei looked up and looked at Lin Fanzheng.

Ye Wei is not sure, but he wants to give it a try. If the death of the sword wounds permeates the life of Lin Bobo, Lin Bobo can't stand for ten years!

The purple scorpion entered the wind and rain sect and can only go down the mountain after ten years. If the purple ciced came back, Lin Bobo was gone. Purple will definitely be heartbroken.

Ye Wei didn't want to make Zi Yan sad, so he wanted to try to convert the dead air around Lin Bobo's sword wound into the elements of wind and fire. Once it can be transformed, there is hope that it will be removed!

"Yes!" Lin Fan looked at Ye Wei, who looked serious. From Ye Wei's eyes, he could see Ye Wei's worries. After a little indulging, he slowly nodded.

There is no way for the emperor to be a strong defender. What can Ye Wei do for a child?

Lin Fan is the owner of the Lin royal family. If he is willing to pay the price, he can naturally connect with the emperor. Lin Fan let the emperor respect the situation and his own injury, but the peril that surrounds the sword wound, the emperor Strong people are at a loss!

Although he does not believe that Ye Weizhen has the means to remove the pervasive air around the sword wound, but Ye Wei can have this heart, he is already very pleased, Ye Wei this child wants to try, then let him try.

Ye Wei took a deep breath and looked solemn, slowly extending his palm, while at the same time quietly gushing out, covering the perilousness of Lin Bobo's sword wounds, using the martial arts, trying to turn this dead air into For the wind, fire elements!

After trying for a while, Ye Wei got tired of the forehead and pulled out the fine sweat, but there was no movement around the sword.

"No!" Ye Wei brows his head tightly, his face is dignified, and Lin Fanjian's wounded death is much more complicated than Ye Wei's power of destruction. There seems to be a very sharp sword in the faint stagnation.

When Ye Wei tried to use martial arts to convert it into elements of wind and fire, the sword will suddenly appear, and the sword will directly condense the dead air, and Ye Wei can't transform it!

"To transform the dead air, we must first resolve the sword gas contained in the dead air!" Although Ye Wei did not remove the pervasive air around the sword wound, but saw the way to remove the dead air.

"How to resolve the sword gas contained in the dead air?" Ye Wei indulged for a moment, trying to let his mindfulness touch the sword air contained in the dead.


When Ye Wei’s mind was in contact with the swordsmanship contained in the dead air, Lin Fan suddenly snorted and his face turned pale and his face was cold and sweaty. The amazing pain made Lin Fan’s body shudder.

"Lin Bobo, are you okay?" Ye Wei hurriedly took back his mind, and dared not touch the sword of the dead.

"It's okay." Lin Fan's distorted face squeezed a stubborn smile and waved his hand weakly.

"Lin Bobo!" Ye Wei looked stunned. Although Lin Bobo said nothing, his face muscles were distorted. He thought about it, "Lin Bobo, can you stay in the Lin family?"

Ye Wei’s eyes are filled with a firm light, and his heart secretly swears that he must find a way to remove the perishing air around Lin Bobo’s sword wound.

"Of course!" Lin Fan bit his teeth, resisting the pain of the heart, wearing a long gown, looking at Ye Wei smiled and said.

"Right, Lin Bobo, is the sword wound on your body related to this black broken sword?" Ye Wei took out the broken jade that Lin Fan sent the sword, and asked quietly.

To remove the perishing air around Lin Bobo's sword wound. First, we must find a way to resolve the sharp swords contained in the dead!

"Yeah!" Lin Fan nodded and mentioned that the black sword was broken and his eyes were a little flashy. He said, "This sword wound has been with me for more than ten years. There is nothing big, don't worry about it."

Regarding the black broken sword and broken jade, Lin Fan obviously does not want to say more!

"It seems that we must resolve the sword gas contained in the dead air, and the breakthrough is in this broken sword and jade!" Ye Wei pinched the black broken sword in his hand, and Lin Bobo did not want to say more. I definitely have my own considerations and I can't ask myself.

Ye Wei lived in the Lin family and studied the black broken sword. Enlighten the gods!


When Ye Wei killed Hu Yanqiu and sent the news of the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty to the high-ranking ears of the Huyan royal family, the entire Huyan Imperial City was covered with a cloud of clouds, up and down the people. Everyone is at risk. Almost to the extent of the wind, the cranes and the grass are all soldiers.

"Is it clear?" In the grand hall, the owner screamed and sat on the throne of the ink. He was tall and tall, even if he was sitting taller than the average person, giving him an extremely powerful oppression. sense.

At this moment, the exhaling palms hold the ink jade guards on both sides of the throne, and the thick bones are whitish, and the face is more gloomy and terrible. The sound is cold and the killing is amazing.

Hu Yanqiu’s death. Not only ruined the future of the Huyan royal family, but also caused the Huyan royal family to fall into the dilemma!

Both the Helian royal family and the Lin royal family knew that the Huyan royal family had colluded with the Yaozu. Now the Helian royal family has won the rule of the Da Zhou Shen Dynasty. Even if the Huyan royal family is on the verge of the cliff, the contact with the Yaozu is broken, and the next days will not Better.

Now the people of the Huyan royal family are falling apart and suspicion, and they can no longer be the same as before.

The three mysterious demon kings of the Yaozu will not easily let the people of the Huyan royal family waste the three mysterious kings for nearly three months. The result is that the Helian royal family won the rule of the great Zhou Dynasty!

"All this is because of the little beast named Ye Wei!" The exhalation of the eyes is filled with the cold killing, biting his teeth, his hatred of Ye Wei, and the water of the five lakes and the sea can not be poured out!

“Returning to the homeowner, Ye Wei is a tribe of Ye Family in Qingyue City. He studied at Nanxing College and also worked in the Helian Royal Family Hall. Recently, he entered the name of the Helian Royal Family’s Three Princes’ Helian East City Guard. Blood world!"

"Subsidiary suspicion, Hu Yanbei Yan and the death of the emperor's prince also have a relationship with that Ye Wei, otherwise the strength of the North Yan Shaoye, the young elites of the Lin royal family, the Helian royal family can not help them!" An elder in the hall of the gods looked at the throne of the throne, and Shen Sheng reported that "Ye Wei's cultivation is only a six-star return to the realm, but the combat power is no less than the five-star gods! ”

The six-star return to the Yuan Dynasty is cultivated, but it has the combat power comparable to the five-star gods. This is beyond the scope of common sense. The people of the Huyan royal family cannot understand it at all.

Like Hu Yanqiu Ze, he also has the strength comparable to the four-star or even five-star gods, but that is because Hu Yanqiu Ze has merged with eight hundred and one hundred **** lines, and has been stepped into the small Yuantian world. Will bless!

Ye Wei? Why can Ye Wei, who is only a six-star returning to the Yuan Dynasty, have such a terrible fighting power?

"What is the strength of Ye Weiwei before he entered the **** world?" The crying silence was open and asked, and the cold voice echoed in the hall.

"Ye Wei did not enter the **** world before he was famous for the Helian Imperial City. In the battle of the Black Dragon List of the Wanxing Hall, Ye Wei hardly took the rule and did not repair his palm. He became famous!" The **** in the hall The elders of the Yuan Dynasty looked forward to exhaling and respectfully said.

"There is no repair?" The exhalation of the thick black straight eyebrows slightly picks up, the ruleless repair, Hu Yanbei Yan, He Liandong River, Lin Huo four people are recognized as the strongest in the youth of the Da Zhou Shen Dynasty, exhaling I also heard the name of the ruleless.

"It seems that Ye Wei's amazing fighting power is definitely related to the **** world. The kid is sure to hide the amazing secrets!" The excitement of the middle eye shot a ray of light and shook it. Hold the hand of the jade.

"Homeowner, what should we do now?" A few confidants look forward to the end of the call, killing Ye Wei is obviously impossible.

Nowadays, even the elders of the God of the Houyan royal family, because of the oath of the Tiandao, can not be closed!

Ye Wei is now an elder of the Helian royal family, and seems to have a close relationship with the Lin family. Now Ye Wei is in the Lin family, even if the Huyan royal family is out, the Helian royal family and the Lin royal family are guarding They can't help Ye Wei.

And now the most important thing is not to kill Ye Wei, but how to explain to the three mysterious demon king!

~~(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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