Cult of the Sacred Runes

Chapter 373: Tian Xuanzi

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"Eighteen years ago, Tian Xuanzi’s predecessors noticed the **** and **** changes. For the sake of millions of people, Tian Xuanzi’s predecessors laid a bureau!”

“Tian Xuanzi’s predecessors selected 366 pregnant women from hundreds of gods to let the fetus absorb the power of bloodstaining!”

"How hard is the power of the bloodstaining? Just a trace of power is not something that the gods can afford, let alone those fetuses."

"In the end, 366 women were all degraded, and only the Qingchun that the fetus in the abdomen survived... Not yet born, her fate has already been fixed!"

"Refining and bloodstaining is her fate!"

"This is very unfair to her, but this is life. In these years we took turns taking care of her, watching her grow up slowly, everything is up to her temper, petting her to get used to her..." Having said that, even if it is as strong as a monk king, the voice is not so much choked, and the three old people picking up the stars silently sigh.

"Let the Qingqing girl refine her blood and blood, how many grasps?" Ye Wei stunned. I didn't expect that the fate of the savage girl was so rough, and I couldn't help but feel a bit stunned. I asked after a moment of silence.

"Several grasp?" The face of the monk's king showed a very bitter smile, shaking his head in silence.

"Is there a success in Chengdu?" Ye Wei looked at the four strong men in silence, his brows were locked, and some asked incredulously.

"The body is annihilated, leaving a hint of thought... This is the best ending!" The old man staring at his lips pressed his lips and his voice was low and dumb.

"The body is annihilated, leaving only a thought, this is the best ending? Is there any other way?" Ye Wei clenched his fist and looked at the singer Wang Siren, his eyes rushing with the light of the wings. .

In the eyes of Ye Wei, the four people shook their heads with pain!

"...When is the departure?" Ye Wei smiled bitterly. Some forcelessly let go of the fist and whispered.

"The sooner the better!" The four men of the monk said in unison.

"That... let's go now!" Ye Wei no longer said anything, turned and walked toward the seventh floor of the Star Building.

"Hopefully can be successful!" The four kings looked at the back of Ye Wei's departure. Whispered softly, following Ye Wei's body, he walked toward the seventh floor of the Star Building.

"Let me go! Let me go!" The seventh floor of the Star Building. Empty, Qingqing is still struggling in the golden sword cage.

The monk king waved with his hand, and the golden sword light suddenly retreated like a tide.

"Come, let's fight!" Qingqing seems to be not afraid of the day, just released, and then cold face smashed the scorpion king, star picking the old man, blood knife, Joe Sanye, the body of the blue sword Move, and let it go to Ye Weichong.

"I can't beat you. I admit defeat!" Once again, seeing this pretty and arrogant Qingqing girl, Ye Wei's mood is very complicated. He did not wait for Qingqing to take the shot and directly admit defeat.

"You, are you a man? You haven't played yet, how can you admit defeat?!" Qing Qing stared at Ye Wei with a big eyes and coldly, very dissatisfied.

"This... you have the final say, you think it is, you don't think it is not." Ye Wei's face with a faint smile, no matter what Qingqing said. Ye Wei is not shooting.

"Woodman!" Qing Qing saw Ye Wei's face always with a smile, a look of oil and salt does not enter, biting silver teeth. He stumbled.

"Well, don't mess around, Ye Weixiao brother is your partner, he is responsible for sending you to the 'blood sea'!" The monk Wang kindly touched the head of Qingqing, and the corner of his eyes suddenly became moist, slowly said. .

"I don't want to partner with the widower, I can go to the **** sea myself!" Qingqing Shantou reluctantly opened the hand of the monk king, and dismissed Ye Wei, and said coldly.

"She doesn't know the truth?" Ye Wei frowned slightly. Looking at the four old people picking up the stars, I asked the voice.

"Know part. We can't bear to tell her all the facts..." The old man stared at Ye Wei, and his emotions were somewhat low-pitched.

Ye Wei secretly sighed. Nodded quietly.

"Don't be willful, Ye Weixiao brothers are the geniuses who have reached the small heavens. They are sheltered by the will of heaven. Without him, you can't stop the bloodless waves of indefinite!" , persuaded.

"Let's go!" The old star staring at the Qingqing girl reluctantly, after sinking a little, regained his grief and took the lead to get out of the Star House.

Ye Wei silently followed Qing Qing, like a stone statue, no matter how Qingqing sneered, how to turn his eyes, Ye Wei has been indifferent.

A group of six people quickly went out to pick up the star building, and under the leadership of the old man of the star, they went to the barren land in the northernmost part of the city.

"Get it!" The old man staring at the star saw the scorpion king, blood knife, and Joe Sanye, and his hands began to seal.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The four strong men shot at the same time, the vast force made the void space tremble, but the strange thing was that there was no wind.


A huge palm suddenly appeared in the void, the palm prints were clearly visible, and the palms were dark, and there seemed to be flashing countless stars in the faint, which was the "star-picking hand" of the old man.

"The big free cracked gold sword!" The monk Wang Baifa danced, and his body suddenly burst into a shocking sword, the sword light sky, tearing the sky!

"Ao cold and bloody!" The blood knife snorted coldly, and the blood-colored knives of the practiced swords emerged out of thin air. Everything that was passed by the knives went to silence, and even the empty space was solidified.

"Heavenly feet!" Qiao Sanye's slightly fat body swayed slightly, and the soles of the feet slammed hard, suddenly protruding a huge foot in the void.

"Star picking, big free cracking gold sword, proud cold bloody, heavenly foot, actually ... turned out to be heavenly magic!" Ye Wei looked at the four-door magical power that was being merged in midair, the pupil suddenly tightened, his face It reveals a deep and shocking color.

It should be noted that the strong godprint array, the power can not compare with the heavens, but it is too difficult to master the heavens. Under the emperor, almost no one can master the heavens.

Like Du Gu Yuan, who is an elite disciple of the Fengsong Zongmen, he has not been able to master a heavenly power, and it is entirely relying on the bones and flames to have the strength of being superior to the emperor.

And the four people in front of me, all of them have mastered the heavenly powers, and they seem to have realized the realm of Xiaocheng, which is too bad!

"Hey. The guy who didn't know, what happened to Tiantian Shentong? The four-stage magical powers that they used to perform, I will!" Qing Qing saw Ye Wei with a shocked face. Proudly lifted his chin and said proudly.

"You will?" Ye Wei is unbelievable. Mastering the heavenly powers, you must understand the artistic conception contained in the heavenly powers. Even if you are a true emperor, you can only master one or two other people's heavenly powers, Qingqing. Can you master the artistic conception of the four-door magical power?


Just as Ye Wei was immersed in the shock, in the midair, the supernatural masters, the monks, the blood knives, and the three masters of Joe Sanye merged together. As the four men sipped, the void split, and a blue-lighted door appeared in the void.

"Go in, Tian Xuanzi's predecessors will tell you what to do!" The monk Wang Siren looked at Ye Wei and Qing Qing, and said in a low voice.

"Hey!" Qingqing coldly smashed Ye Wei's eyes, and the soles of his feet turned into a sword light, rushing to the portal of the void.

"Four seniors, leave!" Ye Wei arched the old man and the singer Wang, and the figure shook. It was like a breeze, quietly keeping up with Qingqing.

The figure of Ye Wei and Qing Qing disappeared behind the void portal, and the space squirmed. The crack quickly disappeared without a trace.

At the end of the space, the **** sea is boundless, and the smoldering air is like a rushing wave, which hits the front layer of the translucent film.

There are countless gods swimming on the film, and the gods are combined in a very mysterious way to form a huge godprint array. Next to the translucent film, an old man who needs to be white is sitting in the void, and his body is full of billions of lights. wire. Each filament is connected to a **** pattern, which continuously sends power to the huge godprint.

The old man is dying. It seems that a bone shelf with a human skin seems to have no flesh and blood. The fire of life is swaying and seems to be extinguished at any time.

The oil is running out!

When Ye Wei saw the first look of the skinny old man, he finally understood the meaning of the words "oil and light"!

"Tian Xuanzi's predecessor!" Ye Wei's face showed an unprecedented dignity, and his mood was heavy and abnormal. He never imagined that the Tianxuanzi predecessor who was the emperor's esteemed peak had already reached this position. Things were more than he imagined. It’s even more serious!

Qingren’s self-willed Qingqing looked at such a predecessor of Tian Xuanzi and was silently silent.

"Come on!" The thin old man sitting in the void slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were turbid, and he seemed to be a weak old man.

"Tianxuanzi predecessors, you..." Ye Wei's face is dignified, and the eyes of Tian Xuanzi are full of worries. Tianxuanzi's predecessors are the emperor's esteemed peaks. Looking at the entire Shengyuan continent is the top-level existence, even if it is The **** riots, he can also leave with ease, but he has supported the millions of people in the millions of miles!

This righteousness is admirable!

"Nothing!" Tian Xuanzi looked at Ye Wei and Qing Qing, and waved his skinny palm. Only a piece of flesh-stained wrinkled face showed a faint smile.

"The bloodstain is the ninety-seventh thing in the holy yuan list. It was originally my own cultivation to suppress it, but I did not guess that the beast actually gave birth to the wisdom..." Tian Xuanzi looked at the half After the transparent film, the endless **** sea, the corner of the mouth is laughing at the self-deprecating smile.

"The life and death of millions of millions of people in the square is on the shoulders of your two juniors!" Tian Xuanzi slowly withdrew his gaze and looked at Ye Wei and Qing Qing. The faint words revealed the heavyness of the mountain.

"The younger generation understands!" Ye Wei and Qing Qing both nodded heavily.

"To refine the blood and blood, you must find the body that is bleeding and bloody. Its body is at the end of the endless blood! Later I use the remaining power to tear the blood and condense a straight end to the end of the blood." The pontoon, you walk along the pontoon, you can reach the end of the **** sea and see the **** body!"

"Little guy, you are a small and full-fledged person in the Yuanyuan. There is a heavenly will to bless, and there is no fear of **** ‘indefinite wave of souls,’ but be careful to rush to the blood of the pontoon!”

"Your mission is to **** the little girl to the end of the endless blood, as long as you see the body of the **** body, the little girl knows what to do."

"The pontoon is long and tens of thousands of miles, the spirit of the blood has been born, and remember not to be careless!" Tian Xuanzi's weak and low voice directly sounded in Ye Wei's mind.

"The younger generation will do their best!" Ye Wei looked at the predecessor of Tian Xuanzi, who silently guarded the millions of people, and nodded heavily.

~~(To be continued)


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