Cult of the Sacred Runes

Chapter 385: Ice domain


"Don't be self-sufficient!" The monk Wang shook his head, just in the moment when the solitary sword was about to crush the golden bones, the fingertips flashed the golden swordsmanship and broken the void, directly falling on the wrist of the solitary sword.


The solitary sword held the palm of the gold bone directly down, the incision was flat, and the blood rushed out like a fountain.

"Detonate the slogan, and go with them!" The sound of the solitary sword broke out in the eyes of the other eleven elders.

Together with the one-of-a-kind swords, there are a total of twelve ten-star gods. If they together detonate the mark, it is enough to flatten the square and create a space, and the half-step emperor may not be able to stop it. !

"It’s ridiculous, in front of my old star picking, do you want to detonate this life?" The old man sneered, although he didn’t care, but Ye Wei, Yue Ling, Gong Qingxue and Qi Xuanmen could not stop the space hollow. Devouring, how can he let the solitary swords do?

The star of the old man is sticking out, and the huge palm of the hand suddenly hides the sky and seems to be able to pick up the stars!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The old man with five fingers suddenly stunned, and the one-of-a-kind sword and the red-blooded gods were preparing to blew the ten-star gods of the imaginary mark directly to the emptiness.

How is the old man staring? The solitary sword and other people want to blew the mark in front of him, too whimsical.

"Adding trouble to your predecessors!" Ye Wei looked at the old man who picked up the star and split the sword and so on. He apologized and arched his hand, but his face looked very light. Not so shocked.

With Ye Wei’s current strength, if he uses the power of martial arts, it is not much weaker than the old stars and the monks. The old stars can crush them with one palm, and Ye Wei can kill these strong ones!

Ye Wei felt that it was nothing, but this scene fell in the eyes of Gong Qingxue, but she was shocked to the extreme, the small mouth was slightly open, and the whole person was stunned.

The red blood gods are so dead in the twelve ten-star gods. Even the self-destructive natal prints can't be done, and the old stars seem to be much stronger than the solitary Yuanhong!

"Ha ha ha. Ye Weixiao brothers, you are too polite, just a few ants in the district!" Stars old man laughed. Very polite.

"Right, this piece of gold is really a good thing, you take it!" Stars in the old man's sleeves, a solitary sword that only broke the gold bones in his hand. Directly flew to the front of Ye Wei.

"Golden bones!" Ye Wei looked at the bones in front of him with a burning golden glow. This thing, indeed, is of great value, and the value is at least a hundred thousand yuan in the top of the stone. In order to kill himself, the solitary Yuanhong is really willing to give up the blood!

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Ye Wei was also polite, and received the gold bones directly. He had to go to the wind and rain, more than 30 million miles away. No one knows what dangers they will encounter, and they really need some cards. And with the strength of the old people picking up the stars, the gold bones are not too useful.

The gold bones are held by themselves, and they are charcoal in the snow. They are just the icing on the cake for the old people who pick up the stars. Of course, the gold bones worth hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of yuan stone are naturally treasures. The old people picking up their stars have no eyes. Directly giving this piece of gold and bones to himself, although Ye Wei did not say much, but silently recorded the human condition of the old man.

Others can help others, others can not care, but they must remember in their hearts, if there is a chance, the grace of dripping, when the spring is reported!

Moreover, the old people who picked the stars gave Ye Wei the grace of dripping, and the things they gave to Ye Wei were all valuable treasures.

"Ye Weixiao brothers, we will be sent here!" The old star of the star waved, and the four Chinese yuan stones fell on the four grooves of the transmission array.

The transmission array can accommodate up to five people at a time, and it takes four Chinese yuan stones to inspire one time.

"Ye Wei brothers... Please!" Dao Xuan real people looked at Ye Wei, his eyes were hot and his voice was a little trembling.

"The younger generation will go all out!" Ye Wei can understand the true feelings of Dao Xuanzhen. If it was before, Ye Wei couldn’t help much. At most, he could only bring Dao Xuan Pagoda to the Icefield Mountain, and then everything can only rely on Qi Xuan. The strongmen of the door, but now Ye Wei has great confidence, unless the ice field has a strong emperor to guard, otherwise no one can stop Ye Wei.

"Everyone, please!" Ye Wei gaze through the seven Xuanmen that hundreds of ten-star gods in the realm of the peak, take out the Taobao pagoda from the Qiankun bag, and throw it up.


The space inside the Dao Xuan Pagoda has become larger at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it has become a giant tower with a height of more than ten feet. It stands tall and the portal opens.

"Go!" Dao Xuan really waved his hand and said solemnly.

"Yes!" Hundreds of ten stars in the seven Xuanmen Gates are in the face of the gods. They are respectful to the Taoist real people, and then they sneak into each other and step into the Taobao Pagoda.

"Let's go!" Ye Weiyi waved, the Dao Xuan Pagoda quickly became smaller, turned into a streamer, fell into the palm of the palm, and then Ye Wei waved his hand at Yueling Shantou and Gong Qingxue, slowly embarked on the road. Transfer array.

"You predecessors, let go!" The transmission array bloomed, countless lines of the gods flow, the space has a wave of water-like texture, the next moment, Ye Wei, Yue Ling, Gong Qingxue three disappeared into the transmission array.

The star-watching old man and others watched Ye Wei leave, and then the star-picking old man and the monk king-four were smashed away. Only the Tao Xuanzhen people looked at the direction in which Ye Wei disappeared, sitting in front of the transmission array, like a stone sculpture. Waiting quietly!

On the prairie, the five demon emperors are flying toward the direction of the Black Yaocheng, but Ye Wei suddenly stopped by the moment when he passed the transmission array and rushed to the forefront.

"What happened to the demon king?" The wolf snake demon and so on saw the Japanese demon emperor suddenly stopped, and asked inexplicably.

"The volatility of the Terran kid suddenly disappeared!" The face of the demon queen was a bit ugly, and he frowned and said.

"disappear suddenly?"

It is said that the other four demon emperors have also frowned, and the Japanese demon can touch the area of ​​50,000 miles. The human race suddenly disappears, meaning the Terran kid. I have passed 50,000 miles in an instant!

For a moment of 50,000 miles, the emperor can not do it, and a human race boy who is only a return to the Yuan Dynasty can never do it. There is only one possibility... there is a space transmission array in the Black Yao City!

"There seems to be a space transmission array directly leading to the ice gods in the Black Yao City!" The wolf snake demon brows his eyes and his face is gloomy and terrible.

"Damn!" Tian Xiong devil slammed a few times on his chest full of black hair, their five demon emperors were responsible for investigating the cause of the demon demon, Ye Wei is the only clue, Ye Wei went to the ice domain They naturally have to go with it!

Ye Wei can directly reach the ice gods through the space transmission array in the Black Yaocheng, but their five demons are not. The distance of three million miles is not close, and the ice field gods are not ordinary gods, and there are several emperors in the ice field. They do not dare to easily provoke the ice domain gods.

The five demon kings to the ice domain gods, there will be great risks!

And even if you are in the ice field, you can not find Ye Wei. After all, it takes a lot of time for the five demons to go to the ice field. Will Ye Wei stay in the ice field?

Take a lot of risk. It is not always possible to find Ye Wei, and the five demon kings are naturally furious!

"Catch! I caught the human race boy, I want to tear him away!" The empty sorcerer's silver-gray scorpion was covered with cold and cold light, and gnashed his teeth.

"Go!" The five demon emperors were full of anger and rushed toward the ice gods.

Each of the five demon emperors has the strength of a half-step emperor, and the distance of three million miles, if they are all on their way, it does not take too long.

Ice domain gods. The natural environment is very bad, snow and ice. Perennial low temperatures, it is difficult for ordinary people to survive, but it is because of the extreme cold of the environment that it has created the power of the ice gods.

The hundreds of millions of inhabitants of the iceland gods have almost no ordinary people, at least those who are strong in the military. The condensed elements, the returning to the Yuan and even the gods are more like stars!

Ordinary people can't survive, and the generation of the survival of the fittest is getting stronger and stronger!

There are four icebergs in the ice field, which are directly connected to the sky. The icebergs are high in the sky, like the four pillars of the sky, and the endless cold envelopes hundreds of thousands of miles.

The icebergs are covered with the entire iceland gods, and the four heavenly icebergs complement each other. The faintness seems to form a huge natural imprint, which makes the world of the iceland gods two or three times stronger than the outside world.

"This is the ice field?" In a valley, there was a hustle and bustle in the space. Immediately, the figures of Ye Wei, Gong Qingxue, and Yue Ling appeared in the valley.

"A terrible cold!" The cold wind hit, Ye Wei slightly frowned, this degree of cold is naturally nothing for Ye Wei, but it is a deadly threat to ordinary people.

Those who are strong in the military are afraid to go out and move around at will, otherwise, if they encounter a cold current, those who are strong in the military will be frozen and killed!

"The world is very strong, and the living environment is extremely bad. It is no wonder that the ice gods are so powerful. Even the emperor's strong people are born four. I am really incomparable to the great Zhou Dynasty." Ye Weiyuan looked at the endless snow and ice. The earth took a deep breath and felt the strength of the heavens and the earth, which was several times richer than the outside world, and could not help but feel.

"Miyazuki Snow Maiden!" Ye Wei looked at the pale green palace Qingxue, and took out the map given by the Tao Xuanzhen, pointing to the map road. "Along the ice field, the Tongtian River, downstream And, when you walk, you can leave the ice field, this direction is also the direction to the wind and rain. I still have some things to deal with, and there are some dangers. If you don't have a map, you are waiting at the end of the Tongtian River. I, wait for me to handle the good things, then go to the storms together!"

"What? What can I do?" Gong Qingxue did not intend to go alone. She looked at Ye Wei and asked, her voice was crisp, like an empty valley.

In the third talent test of the Red Blood God, if Ye Wei did not break the barrier of Duo Yuanhong's mind, he could not condense seven golden flowers, and he could not condense seven golden flowers. Wind and rain, this human condition, Gong Qingxue has always been remembered!

Plus this time, if it is not because of Ye Wei, under the siege of the 12 elders of the Red Blood God, he must be escaping, this is another human feeling!

Gong Qingxue is not used to it, and he does not want to owe people, but he owes Ye Wei two people. If Ye Wei is useful to get his own place, even if she goes to the fire, she is not leaving!

"You..." Ye Wei smiled and shook his head and said, "You can take the Yueling **** to the end of the Tongtian River and wait for me!"

Under the siege of the 12 elders of the Red Blood God, Gong Qingxue can hold on for half an hour. Gong Qingxue’s strength is very good, and he has a strong card, but he is facing ice this time. The prince of the domain dynasty, the half-step emperor and the strong, with the strength of Gong Qingxue, it does not make sense to stay here.

"Big brother, I want to be with you!" Yue Ling Shantou heard Ye Wei want to follow the palace Qingxue, suddenly unhappy, pouting a small mouth, leaning on a small face, some stubbornly said.

"Shantou, obedient, followed my sister Qing Qingxue at the end of Tongtian River, waiting for me, for ten days, 30 days for slow, I will definitely go there to meet you!" Ye Wei deliberately squinted and said.

Ye Wei, the prince of the ice gods, Ye Wei did not put it in his eyes, but after all, the ice field gods were powerful militias in which several emperors were sitting in the town. Ye Wei worried about what happened and he could not take care of himself. they.

With Ye Wei's current strength, even if he encounters an accident, he can easily get out of the way with the power of martial arts. However, if they are with Yue Ling, they will be a little tricky if they are in danger.

Like the last sunset in the Red Blood God, if not with the Yue Ling Shantou, how can the strong man of the Red Blood Dynasty catch up with Ye Wei? Ye Wei mastered the fast-wind mysterious, the speed is not weaker than the emperor's strong!

Unless you have a large array of gods in advance, you can leave Ye Wei, very few!

"Big brother, how long?" Yue Ling whispered his mouth and reluctantly pulled Ye Wei's arm. It took ten days to go, and it took a month to slow down. She didn't want to leave Ye Wei for a moment.

"I try to be as fast as possible!" Ye Wei stunned the small head of Yan Yueling's head.

I have just arrived in the ice field, I am unfamiliar with my life, and I don’t know where the ice field of the Xuanzheng’s younger sister is suppressed, and they have to save their lives. They must secretly investigate the layout of Haojie’s emperor in the ice field. Means, it takes time!

Yue Ling’s head saw Ye Wei’s attitude and he had to agree to it.

"We are waiting for you at the end of Tongtian River, you should be careful!" Gong Qingxue was silent for a moment, looking at Ye Wei, slowly said.

"Seven Xuanmen Hundreds of Ten Stars and the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty are all in my hands. I must not care about it. I know how to know myself and myself. I will first investigate what kind of means Haojie Huangzi has arranged in the Icefield Mountain, and then do it!" Ye Weimu sent the palace Qingxue and Yueling to leave, and the heart secretly said.


Ye Wei discerned the direction, and the figure swayed toward a city on the edge of the ice god.

~~(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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