Chapter 247: Gate Opened

Li Yuanqing left first when he heard the loud noise outside. He flew above the library and looked into the distance. The library was built very high, and it was located in a top-notch place in the entire city. From here, one could see the city wall outside.

A huge flame erupted from the southern city wall, causing it to rumble and even create a small gap.

This city wall had been reinforced a few times. There was no need to say anything about its current sturdiness. However, even though the city wall had been reinforced so many times, there was still a gap under the attack of the huge artillery.

Fortunately, the accuracy of the cannons did not seem to be particularly good. After smashing one place, they scattered elsewhere, causing the city wall to be constantly bombarded. However, there were also many engineers below who kept repairing the gap. Therefore, the two sides formed a very delicate balance.

Li Yuanqing’s eyesight was extremely good. Although this place was more than ten miles away from the southern city wall, he could see it clearly when he looked up.

The cannons just now only shot down a few times. Although it seemed to have come very suddenly, it was not especially dense and was not particularly threatening. However, when they saw the sky that followed, they felt a chill in their hearts.

From the beginning, the stars in the sky in the south had turned into huge fireballs that filled the sky. They smashed towards the south city wall of Rong City like meteors. This huge attack was so terrifying that it made one’s legs go weak. When the guards standing on the city wall saw this scene, they vaguely wanted to retreat. However, their City Lord had already put on armor and stood at the front of the city wall.

Ye Qiluo looked coldly at the distant sky. She did not expect these rebels to be able to obtain such a powerful Dharma artifact. These heavy cannons allowed them to threaten Rong City even though they were so far away.

“Activate the city protection array!”

At Ye Qiluo’s order, a layer of pale yellow light screen slowly rose. Just as the subsequent fireballs were about to hit the south city wall, the entire barrier became solid.

The solid barrier was smashed by hundreds of fireballs. The rumbling sound kept echoing in the city. The huge barrier gathered all its power at the south city wall, causing the barrier there to be very thick. Even in the face of so many powerful fireballs, it still did not collapse.

Li Yuanqing looked solemnly at the southern sky. It was not because these attacks were powerful, but because these rebels seemed to be a little different from what he had imagined.

From the information they had received, these rebels were very lacking in supplies. All their resources were gathered on the few people at the top. If they were to cultivate, they would definitely use very few consumable items like this. It was even impossible for them to have a blacksmith with the lack of resources.

However, there were so many cannons that fell like rain. Thousands of them in one wave. Such a huge consumption was definitely not something that such a barren rebel army could do. Where did they get these resources?

Li Yuanqing vaguely felt that Rong City seemed to be in trouble again. Based on the current situation, it would not be easy to tide over this crisis.

Ye Qiluo blocked another wave of attacks from the enemy and suddenly roared at the sky. The soldiers behind her were greatly encouraged and followed suit.

For a moment, the entire city tower was filled with the cries of the soldiers. The morale of the army inside had increased greatly. Although the humans of Rong City had defeated the huge enemy of the demons last time, it actually did not have much to do with them.

To be honest, their victory was very coincidental and strange. If not for the human mighty figure who descended from the sky and saved them, it would probably have been a different scene now.

Therefore, they had never taken the initiative to succeed. Although it was only a small success this time, it was still very encouraging to them. The citizens at the back were also encouraged by the soldiers on the city wall.

The entire Rong City was filled with cheers. They were so excited.

However, Li Yuanqing could not laugh. This situation was even more complicated than he had thought. He had thought that the people of Rong City could easily deal with the rebel army. However, judging from the current situation, it was probably a little troublesome.

Just as Li Yuanqing was thinking, the Hall Master ran out with his recommended books. He looked around and saw Li Yuanqing standing on the roof.

“Young Master, why are you going up there? The library is a sacred place. You’re not allowed to stand on the roof.”

The Hall Master’s depressed expression could be seen at a glance when he saw Li Yuanqing standing on the roof. This fellow had run up there when he was not looking. It was really too much. If not for the fact that he was a friend of the City Lord, the Hall Master would have gone up and personally invited him down.

Li Yuanqing flew down and the Hall Master handed him the books in his arms.

“Young Master, these books are all copies. If you need them, you can take them back and read them slowly. You just have to send them back within three days.”

The sky in the south gradually calmed down. After a round of attacks, the rebels seemed to have no intention of continuing the attack. They temporarily slowed down their attack.

Li Yuanqing waited for a while, but there was still no movement. He thought that the rebel army might have retreated for the time being. Perhaps they only had this one wave of attack ability and had used it all just now.

“No need. I see that this place is so big. Can you provide me with a place to stay? I’ll stay in the library for the next two days. I hope I won’t disturb you too much.”

The Hall Master frowned and looked at Li Yuanqing. “Young Master, this library is not a place you can stay casually. This place doesn’t provide accommodation. I think you should find another place.”

As Li Yuanqing spoke, he suddenly felt a very majestic force approaching him urgently. He looked up and saw dense fireballs in the sky again. The fireballs covered the entire sky and covered all the dark clouds.

This was the second round of attacks by the rebels. Without any warning, this round of attacks was so orderly and dense.

However, there was a difference of several times compared to before. The entire sky was filled with fireballs that looked like there were thousands of them. So many fireballs were completely smashed towards the south city wall.

The Hall Master was originally looking at Li Yuanqing angrily, but for some reason, Li Yuanqing suddenly looked in the direction of the southern city wall and he followed suit. However, it did not matter if he did not look. One look and he was frightened out of his wits. Why was the scene of fireballs filling the sky so terrifying?

On the front line of the south city wall, Ye Qiluo had just heaved a sigh of relief. After stabilizing herself for a while, there was still no second round of attacks. She thought that those rebels only had this much energy. They were already lacking resources to begin with, so they would probably be powerless after the first round of attacks.

It was precisely because of this thought that Ye Qiluo temporarily relaxed after the first round of attacks. However, before she could go down, she suddenly felt an incomparably huge amount of energy gathering behind her and venting out towards her.

“City protection array!” Ye Qiluo hurriedly ordered.

However, this attack was so fast and tricky. It looked slow from the sky, but the closer it was, the faster it became. It was like shuttles that tore through the sky and burrowed into the city wall of the south city.

Before the shield outside the city wall could form, it was completely broken by the shuttles. Every time a place was about to form, it would be pierced through. Since these shields could not be maintained, it could not block all the huge attacks outside and landed on the city wall.

These shuttles looked very narrow at a closer look, like a fish. Moreover, they were wide at the front and narrow at the back, and their shapes were very subtle. It was an extremely terrifying thing to underestimate such a cute shuttle.

A soldier saw with his own eyes that a shuttle had darted past him. He was very glad. However, in the next moment, a pillar of flames surged into the sky from behind him and swept him into it. Before he could even say the last sentence, he turned into ashes and no longer existed in this world.

Such a scene was happening everywhere on the south city wall at any time. The south city wall instantly turned into a sea of fire that was poured down by the countless shells.

Almost instantly, countless soldiers were wrapped in the sea of fire and injured. The slightly stronger generals and generals had more time to react and escape. They stood on the peak of the mountain and looked down at the purgatory-like scene with solemn expressions.

“Activate the Great City Protection Formation with all your might!” Ye Qiluo was still commanding.

Their city protection array had just experienced a wave of cannonballs and was prepared to welcome the next attack, but they did not expect the second round of attacks to come so quickly and so powerful. They were defeated before their city protection array could even be completely formed.

It was even more difficult to defend against an attack now.

Although Ye Qiluo was constantly commanding, judging from the current situation, their losses at the south city wall could be said to be extremely heavy.

If the enemy attacked from this side, they would have no defense at all.

After this round of artillery shells came down, the entire southern city wall was completely turned into ruins. It had no defense at all. Most of the soldiers stationed on it died in the sea of fire. Not many people could escape. There were constantly people wailing and scattering the flames on their bodies.

The flames on their bodies were so persistent that they stuck to their bodies like maggots to their bones and could not be put out.

These people were lucky and unlucky. They were not burned to ashes immediately after the explosion, but they had to endure the torture of the endless flames until their souls were burned to ashes.

Ye Qiluo looked at the purgatory below. She couldn’t help but cry. Why was this happening?

“Why did this happen?” Ye Qiluo asked herself repeatedly in her heart. She did not know what she had done wrong, nor did she know how she had become like this.

However, the enemy did not give Ye Qiluo much time to react. The southern city wall had been blasted into ruins. The door was wide open, and they were only waiting for the other party to attack.

After the explosion ended, huge figures appeared on the horizon one by one. These figures approached Rong City at an extremely fast speed. Before the explosion began, they had already called back all the sentries outside. At some point, the rebel army’s alliance had already reached nearly fifty miles away.

Rong City did not react at all. Although the cannons were still venting their anger a hundred miles away, the soldiers in front of them had already pounced over.

However, it was different from the traditional impression. Not only were these rebels not dressed in thin clothes, but they were all very strong and tall. The soldiers accelerated and ran on the ground like giants. Their bodies were burning with raging flames and red sweat.

They were like Ferghana horses, constantly spraying blood-red sweat from their bodies. These demon-like warriors ran on the horizon in thousands. Their speed turned into a red river that pounced towards Rong City like a huge tide.

Before Ye Qiluo could be sad, she looked at the scene before her and her heart was filled with despair.

What was going on? Didn’t those rebels have nothing? They only had some scrap metal and didn’t even have any Dharma artifacts in their hands. But why did they look so powerful now, like war gods? Compared to the warriors in Rong City, these people were simply invincible.

Ye Qiluo’s mind was blank. She no longer knew what she should do. She could only look at such a magnificent scene and find it difficult to move.

Rong City was about to be drowned by the red tide.

A graceful figure flew out from behind Ye Qiluo and landed in front of the southern city wall.

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