Cultivating 100000 Years

Chapter 2014: Recognize the ancestors

With this extremely fierce sword flying out, the Tai Chi totem at the feet of the old man began to be infiltrated by the blood-red color.

All these changes illustrate a problem. The old guy, like the previous ones, was completely controlled by the eyesight of the disciples hiding in the dark.

"This sword is the judgment that bears your destiny ending. No matter how powerful you are, there is no way to break this sword.

Unless you choose to listen to my arrangements, you will avoid today's dead end. "

Xu Yang sneered, without any movement. He stood calmly on the spot, waiting for the blood-red sword light to rush in front of him at the same moment, Xu Yang directly stuck out **** with his right hand, which were extremely accurate. Stopped this blood-red sword.

"What! This guy is so confident. I can feel that his strength is very strong, but after all, he won't reach such a level. Is it possible that my previous judgment of his strength was wrong?"

Only then did the old guy discover that the so-called Mahayana pinnacle state was basically an illusion created by Xu Yang deliberately.

The smile on Xu Yang's face became stronger, and he stared at the old man in front of him with such an expression.

"How? I'm just waiting for this opportunity to personally smash the hexagram that you are proud of, so that you can understand the truth that everything in this world cannot be predicted by a mortal fetus of your own flesh, even if it can be seen. Those who reach the secrets of the heavens will never have the right to judge the fate of anyone else.

What you are doing now is basically going against the sky. It is to go through a catastrophic sanction to be able to help you with many of your previous sins. "

After Xu Yang finished speaking, there was a slight shock between his hands, and the **** sword light that had been sandwiched between his fingers instantly shattered.

With the fragmented ending of this sword mang, all the content of the trial that came from this old guy completely disappeared, and Xu Yang also used this method to smash the old man's job.

In the future, he probably won't have any qualifications to go out and kidnap him.

The old man was completely subverted by Xu Yang's practice, and his whole person was completely furious. The dust in his hand shook a huge Tai Chi totem frantically, and began to press down against Xu Yang's body.

"Let you see my real means!"

The old man is really killing Xu Yang now. The power of this Tai Chi totem is enough to allow all warriors below the elementary level of the Martial God to completely smash their flesh.

However, the old guy never expected that Xu Yang's next approach surprised everyone at the scene.

He actually imitated the same technique almost flawlessly!

It is also a more brilliant Tai Chi totem, perfectly copied from behind Xu Yang.

The power of the two Tai Chi totems collided together in the void, and the result was that the old man's Tai Chi totem that first played this trick instantly shattered.

Regardless of the strength or the rigor of Dao Fa, the old man was defeated.

And even now, he hasn't figured out in which aspect he lost to Xu Yang at all.

"Impossible! What kind of method did you use to replicate the power of my practice? My line of Tai Chi knows that inheritance is a secret practice that my ancestors have passed on for countless years. Why can you also be proficient in this line of practice? ?"

Xu Yang laughed: "It's true that I don't lie to you. If I am not mistaken, I should be the master of your first ancestor.

The Tao of Tai Chi and the inheritance of the exercises were created by Xu Yang.

And I myself came to this era from the continental era hundreds of thousands of years ago.

This is the first time that Xu Yang has revealed one of his most important secrets in the area of ​​the ancient martial gods a few hundred thousand years later.

Everyone around him was stunned.

"How is this possible? There is absolutely no one in the world who can cut through hundreds of thousands of years of time and space and travel to this age." Xu Yang shook his head with a smile, and faced the old guy who had been subverted in front of him. Opening: "What you haven't seen doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

It can only be said that your strength is not strong enough, and you have not reached the level that can be touched, so naturally you will not be able to obtain a higher level of vision.

This thing ends here, and I didn't want you to recognize my ancestors and return to my ancestors. Anyway, you only need to remember one thing, in front of me, you will never have arrogant capital. "

When Xu Yang finished speaking, he waved his hand gently, and all the martial arts aura on the old guy in front of him instantly shattered, and he now had no ability to resist.

When Xu Yang's body appeared in front of the old Taoist priest again, he couldn't even catch the dust in his hands. As soon as his legs were soft, he thumped and knelt in front of Xu Yang.

"Could it be possible that you really come from our ancestor who inherited Tai Chi hundreds of thousands of years ago?"

Xu Yang didn't expect this old Taoist priest to be so pious. Seeing his appearance, he needed to listen to his tone, so he almost evolved a complete Tai Chi totem in front of everyone.

Seeing how powerful the light shining from the Tai Chi Totem behind Xu Yang is far beyond comparison with his younger generation.

Lao Dao was completely convinced by Xu Yang's operation.

"The old ancestors are here, and you will be worshipped by the descendants."

Seeing the oldest and oldest Taoist priest among the seven elders of the elders, he knelt in front of Xu Yang and screamed his ancestors!

The three views of Nangong Xuanguang and the woman in red completely collapsed.

But soon, everyone gradually got used to this situation.

In any case, Xu Yang still looks like a young man, and his thoughts and abilities have no attributes in all aspects, and he characterizes it as an old monster from hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Especially for the woman in red with pure face control, even if Xu Yang is several hundred thousand years old, in his eyes, Xu Yang is still a prosperous young lady.

"Brother Ayang, no matter how old you are this year, my sister will always support you and always be your number one fan!" As soon as the woman in red said her voice, everyone around her wiped the sweat off her forehead.

This time, even Xu Yang couldn't hold it anymore, and he reluctantly took a breath to keep himself as calm as possible. Then Xu Yang turned his attention to the old Taoist in front of him.

"One thing I didn't figure out. Are you controlled by the spiritual power of the dark vision disciple?"

Hearing Xu Yang's question, Lao Dao immediately stood up and said with a flattering smile.

"Speaking of this question, we must also thank our ancestors and ministers for creating this great Tai Chi Tao.

Our ancestors had incomplete Tai Chi Taoist techniques, so there are several generations of ancestor talents from the wonderful academy who transformed part of this Tai Chi Tao into spiritual cultivation fruits.

That's why we awakened our instinct to predict the fate of mortals.

Over a long period of time, the strength of the spiritual power possessed by the monks in our vein is much stronger than that of ordinary Valkyrie-level powerhouses.

When I was caught by that guy before, I secretly sealed the power of a Tai Chi totem in the soul world.

Controlling me are two guys wearing golden robes, and they two work together to plant a kind of evil thought in my soul world. I pretended to be controlled by them, and I was arranged here by them, waiting for your arrival. Now that I have seen my ancestors and these friends of my sect, there is naturally no need to pretend to be. "

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