Cultivating 100000 Years

Chapter 2017: Fanatic

It's just that this guy has split into two forms of avatars at this moment. There is almost no possibility for Xu Yang to invade his soul world. The only way is to first combine the forms of his two phantoms into one complete form. main body.

In this way, it can become a reality if he wants to invade his soul world. Facing the sword light that hit the surface of his clone one after another, they exploded continuously.

The male and female were really overwhelming. He had to admit that he underestimated the strength of the guy named Xu Yang in front of him, but he would never know that this was only about 30% of Xu Yang's power.

And while this meteor-like sword light continued to exert its power, Xu Yang did not relax. Instead, it quietly released a soul phantom, looking for opportunities to keep close to the two clones of this guy.

At the same time, Xu Yang's ontology is also exerting pressure on the opponent in the form of soul transmission.

"Don't think that you can resist my sword attack with this pre-existing method. If you still want to have a showdown with me, you'd better show your body status, otherwise you won't have a chance at all."

Xu Yang's remarks are true, but his motive for saying these remarks is actually to create a trap for the other party. What is helpless is the male and the male. How could it be compared with Xu Yang in terms of combat strategy.

He was decisively recruited. The two clones reunited decisively because they were overwhelmed. At this moment, while the clones merged into the body, there needs to be a time for the transition of the soul. Xu Yang used the illusion to accurately function. Captured the moment when the soul vacuum period came.

"It's now!"

When Xu Yang blurted out these four words in his mind, his pupils immediately shot out two extremely transparent soul lights. When this light was accurately absorbed into the soul world of the male and female, Xu Yang finally completed the promotion of the gate of her soul world.

Soon she found a trace of incomparably restless evil thoughts in her mind.

It's just that the evil thoughts that stayed in the male and female's minds this time are far stronger than the evil thoughts in the minds of the previous few people.

I think it should be the disciple of the invading soul world, worried that it will break away from the control of this evil thought on the soul world when it switches from the main body to the clone, so it exerts a more powerful control level on him.

However, such a method has long been a surprise to Xu Yang, and there is no difference between a higher intensity and a lower intensity. It's all a round of shots.

"I said how long will you have to play the pediatric trick of **** hiding in the dark? We are all here, why don't you put it all at once in the palace? It's just a little bit of delay, really It's so boring."

When Xu Yang finished speaking, that trace of evil thought soon spread another wave of mental power.

"Don't worry, we have time. Your Excellency Xu Yang's cultivation base is earth-shaking, how can our so-called reputations be able to stop it? But I just want to tell you.

This time, no matter what, the dispute between the two empires cannot be avoided, because no matter how powerful you are, you will only be fighting by yourself in the end.

And now the masters of the so-called worms laugh that you are going to fight have been planning for hundreds of thousands of years on the ancient Martial God Dao continent. So no one can stop the master plan. You just toss and toss like this, and in the end it is the end of a bamboo basket, which is not a move that a smart person should do.

Xu Yang laughed loudly.

"What I want to do has never failed. Before long, I will step on your so-called superior master."

After talking about the origin of Xu Yang's soul, he made another shot, just a round of offense, and this evil thought was completely resolved by Xu Yang's power.

When Xu Yang's soul returned to the body again, the male and female in front of him also recovered from the scarlet state in the pupils. As his vision became clear again, all the forcible commands brought to him by the evil thoughts in his mind disappeared, and he also He returned to a state of self-consciousness.

"You guy finally woke up."

The old Taoist priest and others immediately stepped forward. The self-sufficient guy transmitted part of his memory, and finally helped him to piece the missing part of the memory together, and the male and female also looked ashamed.

After saying hello to the friends around him, he hurriedly came to Xu Yang, clasped his fists in his hands, and respectfully bowed to Xu Yang. He was about to kneel on the ground with one leg and was quickly helped by Xu Yang.

"You have recovered your sobriety, and everything else is not important anymore, you don't owe me anything.

In the final analysis, if I hadn’t forcibly taken the girl Lan Ling'er away, I’m afraid that the elders of your Changyun Tianzong would not be attracted to the imperial capital to come to this muddy water. It’s what Xu Yang should do to rescue you . Now is not the time to renew the past, and rescue the remaining two elders and my friends as soon as possible is the top priority.

"Hahaha! Brothers are here, great, come and play with me!"

Suddenly a sturdy man rushed out of the road at the end of the darkness, and this guy turned out to be a dice the size of a human head.

His look immediately attracted Xu Yang's special attention.

"Funny, aren't you guys controlled by those guys?"

The guy who had just regained his consciousness turned around and asked this guy who was laughing and rushing to the crowd. The other party is still grinning, haha ​​smiling and looks very emotional.

"Do you think Lao Tzu is so trash with you? Even if he can control my soul? I have six souls, and now only one of my souls is controlled.

As long as I enter a fanatic state and don't make a single shot, I won't be completely controlled by them. But then again, who is this kid? Why be with you? "

The fanatic quickly stopped in front of Xu Yang to see that Xu Yang's eyes were full of malice. Xu Yang was also dumbfounded, but he didn't take action against this guy the first time, but the girl Lan Linger immediately injected a spiritual force into Xu Yang's soul world, and talked about the lunatic situation with Xu Yang. .

It turned out that this madman was the last of the Seven Elders to join the Valkyrie level powerhouse, and he had just entered the Valkyrie level.

All the strength of this guy is closely connected with the huge dice above it. The dice is his personal magic weapon and the only meaning for him to live. This guy will throw a point in a single round every time he fights.

Each point corresponds to a soul form with a different soul form. The combat attributes of this guy are also completely different, and the corresponding techniques are also very different.

However, this guy is quite strange in character, because when he was young, he was betrayed by his most trusted brother, so this guy is full of hostility to strangers, only to gain his trust and use his strength to conquer him. The opponent can gain his respect.

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