Cultivating a Failure

15 Master is Nothing Like I Expected.

Upon leaving Mister Sloth's shop, Yu Chang turned back.

"What is it Little Yu?" Falling Star asked.

"It's just, whatever is in that vault felt like it was calling to me. That's why I stumbled before."

"Oh? Maybe we'll check it out sometime in the near future, but for now, let's go home." As she finished speaking a lively ringtone sounded. She fished in her purse for her phone and then answered it casually. "Hello?"

"Little Star, are you still nearby?"

"What's up Mister Sloth?"

"I need you to bring your disciple back, I might have something for him."

"Well, how about next week? We've been out all evening and it's getting late now. Is it urgent?"

"No, not urgent, what's a few days more?"

"Then we'll see you next week." Falling Star ended the call, but before she could put her phone away it rang again. As she looked at the phone to see who was calling, she sighed. "Hello dad."

"When are you bringing over your disciple?"

"Tomorrow, we've been out all day today."

"Alright, see you tomorrow Little Star."

"Bye dad." This time she hung up the phone and muted it before she got another call. "Come on, let's go get dinner at the house."

Sometime later…

After showing Yu Chang around and helping him settle into one of the many empty bedrooms, Falling Star made them dinner. There they sat at the dinner table in her home as they finished the meal. "Master, that was really good, I never expected you to be such a good cook."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, I just figured you would have a chef or something."

"Why would I do that? Seems like a downgrade in quality to me, since my mother taught me how to cook, it would probably taste many times better than some random chef. Speaking of, don't make plans tomorrow, I'm taking you to meet my parents."

"You're introducing me to Cosmic Dragon? He was one of the best combat-oriented cultivators around 35 years ago, now a master in the refining world."

"Don't get too excited, he'll definitely let you down if you do."

"Fang Tian is gonna be sad, she wanted to meet up with me tomorrow after class. That girl is way too persistent. I don't have time for that kind of relationship."

"Eh, you're still young try to have some fun." Falling Star grinned at Yu Chang as she said this. "You should go to bed early tonight though, I'm sure you're exhausted from our errands today and tomorrow will be even more exhausting. Oh, don't worry about how you'll get to class in the morning, I'll take you down."

"Alright master, thank you for taking me in." Yu Chang stood and bowed. "I will head out first then master, good night."

"Good Night, sleep well." After Yu Chang left, Falling Star went to a small office and pulled out a new notebook. On the cover of the notebook, she penned "Falling Star's Guide to Cultivation." Underneath the practical title, she added: "for Yu Chang." "For you Little Yu, I will share everything I know," she mumbled to herself as she opened the notebook and started writing.

The sun rose lazily in the sky and Yu Chang opened his eyes. "I spent a whole day with master, it's still hard to believe she actually chose me."

"Little Yu, hurry and get ready, you're gonna be late if you don't come down soon," Falling Star called from somewhere in the house.

"Coming," Yu Chang yelled out in response as he threw on a fresh outfit. As he rushed down the stairs, he nearly lost his footing at the bottom when he saw Falling Star. Today she was wearing a plain sky-blue qipao that extended to her knees. "Master, couldn't you give some warning if you're gonna dress up?"

"Pfft… Dress up? This is casual for me. What's the matter Little Yu, is it too much for you?" Falling Star responded in a taunting tone. She patted his head gently to tease him a bit more. "You ready? I'll take you down on my flying sword, I won't go fast so there shouldn't be a repeat of last time. I still owe you a punishment for that as well."

"Eh? Punishment?"

"Yes, for seeing what you shouldn't!" Falling Star crossed her arms in front of her in a huff.

"But I didn't see anything!"

"Whatever, we'll deal with that later, let's go." Falling Star flew towards the entrance of the school and hovered about a meter above the ground so Yu Chang could jump down. "I'll be back for you later, study hard and have fun." The other students stared at Falling Star as she cheerfully bid Yu Chang farewell.

"Man, Senior Yu is so lucky, I wish she were my master," one student sighed.

Falling Star stuck out her tongue before flying off. As he watched her childish action, Yu Chang shook his head. "Master really is nothing like I expected," he said under his breath.

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