Cultivating a Failure

4 Why Are Your Assumptions so Accurate?

About an hour later…

Yu Chang stared out the window of Falling Star's 2019 Porsche 911 that had been brought by the hospital upon request. The city zipped by so fast that Yu Chang didn't have time to even take in the sights from this new perspective.

"What are you thinking about Little Yu?" Falling Star casually glanced over at Yu Chang who was sitting quietly in the passenger seat.

"I just never expected you to be an old-school type that still enjoys doing stuff like riding in cars and all that." Yu Chang turned and looked towards Falling Star.

"Falling Star:

Age: 27

Height: 182.8 cm

Cultivation Style: Eclectic

*Best known for accomplishments as a Body Practitioner.

Holds the record for the youngest breakthroughs for levels one through eight.

*Suspected to reach level nine within the year.

Tries to avoid public appearances as much as possible.

Everything points to you being a new age cultivator, as well as a cultivation maniac that doesn't have time for anything else. I guess it's true that one can only judge a person after they get to know them."

The corners of Falling Star's upturned mouth twitched. "How many people have you told your suspicion to?" she asked.

"Eh? What suspicion?"

"The estimation on my level up."

"Nobody, I've been following your progress in hopes to get inspiration for my own training."

Falling Star sighed. "Your prediction capability is rather frightening. I've estimated that I'll need another 363 days to break through to the ninth level, just shy of a year. Once we get settled into a good routine, I want you to show me how you calculated my progress."

"It wasn't a big deal really; I'm sure if people were paying attention, they would notice you've been leveling up approximately once every thirty-three months. It's not unheard of for hitting levels two and three that fast, what clenched those records for you is the fact that you hit level one when you were three when most people reach it at age five. The unusual part is that you maintained that pace throughout. Honestly, it's like you go into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber or something…"

Falling Star's mouth twitched again. "I can accept patterns leading you to predict my level up, but how did you know I use a time realm?"

"Wait, you really do? I was just referencing an old anime that I loved to watch growing up."

"…" Falling Star was speechless. "Anyways, where are we headed?"

"Ah. I live in A City Apartments, building D room 1533."

"Those are one-bedroom apartments; you don't live with your family?"

"I have no family. My parents died when I was three. The family friend who raised me died last year." Yu Chang spoke of these events as if he were stating the sky were blue or the grass green. There was no hint of emotion over so many losses in his life.

"In that case, wouldn't it be better if you just moved in with me? After all, I've heard it is not uncommon for disciples to move in with their master. I can always move my house closer to your school so you won't be inconvenienced regarding the distance."

"You want me to move into the legendary Twin Peaks Floating Towers?" Yu Chang asked in disbelief.

"Why not? It's not like there isn't plenty of space, plus you'll be training with me there anyway. It seems only natural to have you move in. The only reason I didn't suggest it before is that I assumed you were living with family. Also, don't call my house legendary, it's just a house."

"Maybe to you, but to the rest of the world it is the greatest achievement of the Twin Peaks sect, gifted to one of the most promising cultivators of the new generation, likely hoping to recruit you."

"They surely tried… Regardless, why are your assumptions always so accurate?"

Yu Chang stared at Falling Star with a bewildered expression. Is she really not aware of how popular she is or how obvious her routines are?

"Oh never mind, we're here. Do you think you'll be able to fully pack tonight? If so I can have you move in as early as tomorrow after registration." As she spoke, Falling Star slowly guided the car into an empty parking lot.

Outside an all too familiar building could be seen through Yu Chang's window. This building had seen much better days, but that was long before he had moved in. As far as he could remember, building D had always been a cracking weathered brick building that just barely passed the minimum standards of living in today's standards. "I shouldn't have any trouble packing up; it's just I have nothing to put stuff in to pack."

"Oh, in that case, I'll lone you this storage pendant. To store something in it, you just need to wear it around your neck and place one hand on the jewel while placing the other on the object you want to store." Falling Star removed a pendant from around her neck and handed it to Yu Chang. "I'll help you unload it tomorrow so don't worry about how to remove stuff from it for now. After you've moved in, we'll come back and settle your lease. Oh! Before I forget, Doctor Bái wanted me to inform you to be extra careful for the next few days. Your body underwent some drastic changes. You'll need to readjust slowly for now. Once we start training your adjustments will become a lot faster. Be sure to stay out of physical altercations unless your life depends on it, though I doubt anything will happen in the short amount of time before I see you again. Right, now off you go. I still have things I need to get done tonight in preparation for tomorrow. I will see you tomorrow afternoon, take care Little Yu!"

"Thank you for everything Master Star! I will see you tomorrow, and I'll try to be careful." With that Yu Chang exited the car and headed to the building.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing how far you can go Little Yu." Falling Star smiled as she drove away.

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