Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 104 - Chunhua's Weird Fascinations With Power

As the trio was venturing further along a set of steps, gradually descending into the dusty, cobwebbed recesses of the old Cultivator fort, Zhao had just gotten through with providing Akira and Vash a rough explanation of how [Maidé Balls] function. Based on his—admittedly lacking—understanding of the complicated ancient technology involved in their making.

"So…there's a virtual beach, where all the [Pocket Maids] are sent while they're inside the [Maidé Balls]," Vash was saying in review: the sheer revulsion he felt, toward the concept as a whole, being won over by his natural curiosity. 

Zhao gave a nod. "The [Sunny Beach] is just one of many [Play Areas] where [Pocket Maids] can be set to inhabit, while they're not in use."

Akira turned chibi, gawking wildly.

"Does that mean they're...wearing swimsuits?!"

"Heh. It's possible for you to see for yourself, you know," Zhao said. "You can watch, and even interact with them through any of the [Maid Terminals] commonly found in Inns across Seaspan."

"Awesome!" Akira pumped his fists, beaming excitedly. "In that case...our first quest will be to find a [Maid Terminal]!"

Just as these words escaped his lips, the disembodied sound of a hand slapping against a drum could be heard. Accompanied by a message, written in white text, poking down from the top of his vision that read "Quest acquired: Find maid terminal; ogle at hot beach babes."

Vash planted his face in his palm, sighing. "Good grief."

The trio's walk continued until they reached a locked, iron-barred door. In front of which, the Cultivator soldiers and the villagers had stalled, exchanging worried looks and chatting nervously amongst themselves, glancing up at Zhao when he approached.

"What's your report?' he urgently asked one of the frowning soldiers.

"Stormfleece! They've taken over the fort."

Zhao bristled. "Curses!" he reached for the saber at his side. "I had hoped those savages would have shown enough decency to not hamper our evacuation efforts."

"Not to worry!" Akira said, eagerly drawing his [Maidé Ball]. "I can use this as an opportunity to test my skills as a trainer."

Vash was standing by, his arms crossed.

"And as for me…!" he scratched the side of his head. "Well, since I don't have my own [Pocket Maid], I guess I'll just watch…" He then turned away, grumbling to himself, "even though my magic still works perfectly fine in this world."

"Ah! But your assistance would be most welcome," Zhao quickly said. "So, by my powers as the temporary commander of this unit, I shall permit you to bear arms!"

"Zhao-san…! Is that really alright?!"

"The Fight Girl Concordat was signed between we Cultivators and the Faefolk, so it ultimately falls upon us to enforce it." He smiled. "And though my people are trained to be a stickler for rules, it shouldn't surprise you to hear that I strongly feel there are times when rules ought to be bent for the sake of the greater good."

Vash smiled back. "I couldn't agree more."

It was then, Akira held out the [Maidé Ball] in front of him.

"Sorry, girls." He clicked the button set at the center of the [Maidé Ball], causing it to inflate to its full size in his palm. "I hope I'm not interrupting something fun in there."


After ingratiating Chunhua into her role as their new kohai, Lorica had proceeded to show her and Cindy to a section of the beach, further inland, where a square cluster of straw-thatched circular bungalows was to be found: each one serving as a residential space, fit with a large bed and standard kitchen and living room furnishings, as well as a—

"What is this…?!" Chunhua gawked at the strange, wide, black square-shaped object with a soft panel for its face, situated on a small dresser at the center of the living room. Proceeding to kneel in front of it, curiously sliding her fingers along its sides that felt hard as armor yet almost as smooth as rubber.

"Eh. It's just some device that allows us to see images from the real world," Lorica answered dismissively. She was standing in the doorway, with an arm wrapped around Cindy's waist, the latter clinging tightly: looking every bit the part of a couple of starry-eyed (very) young newlyweds moving in together, for the first time. "How do you like it? This is where we'll be living as a family, from now on."

Chunhua turned to her sharply. "Family?" What in the ten courts of Hell was she talking about?

Lorica giggled. "That's right! And because you're our cute, precious little kohai"—she exchanged glances with Cindy suddenly, the both of them beaming—"the two of us have talked it over, and decided that we'll adopt you as our daughter."

"Eh?!" Chunhua cowered, such was her incredulity. "You would dare humiliate me further with such a bizarre request?"

Lorica slid up beside her, rolling her eyes and sighing, as she gently stroked Chunhua on the top of her head. "There's that ridiculous pride of yours again, little one. I am your mother, but even I have my limits."

"N-nonsense!" Chunhua protested. "My mother was a lousy drunken whore, living on the streets!"

Lorica hugged her, breathing passionately along the side of the sweat-slick, flawlessly unblemished face of her [Pocket Maid] form—expressing a form of affection that extended far beyond motherly love.

"I'm sorry about hurting you earlier, dear," she tenderly said. "But I had to, to teach you a lesson."

"I won't forgive you," Chunhua growled in reply, though her lips parting with an unconscious rush of ecstasy; her senses being completely overridden by the countless shivers running up her spine, as one of Lorica's hands trailed down her back, along the sublime slope of her back, to gently cup her small but firm butt.

Simultaneous to Lorica's advances, Cindy took to Chunhua's other shoulder kissing the side of her face; such that she was entirely cocooned by supple, warm and youthful pleasure.

Chunhua was panting. "The Forbidden, as well?" 

"I've already trained her to desire that which I desire," Lorica said. "An existence of ceaseless sensual pleasure, with as many partners as possible."

"Such...power!" Chunhua groaned, in awe.

How could a mere mortal exert such supreme control over others?

Such that now, even Chunhua could feel her resolve slipping; her heartbeat quickening at the emerging notion of giving herself over completely to her new child-sized Lord and Master; her eyes rolling near-fully into the back of her head, as a sign that the venom of lust was running its course. At which, the pair of loli-spiders in whose web she'd become unfortunately entangled—in their unbounded eagerness to suck her dry of all nutrients—promptly began dragging the ensnared prey back to their shared nest—the bed—in preparation for the final feeding…

However, fortunately—or unfortunately, depending on whose perspective we're talking about—it was at that precise moment that Akira had activated the [Maidé Ball]: causing two out of three of the loli lovebirds to become enshrouded in a mystical bright light. Then, within a span of mere seconds, be whisked away—leaving Chunhua to fall back, flat on the bed, looking bewildered over what just happened.

And in that moment...she was breathless. Feverishly hot, and above all furious over having just been deprived of a much-needed release.

She slammed her arms against the bed, giving a frustrated growl.

Curses! Her passions, foiled yet again...

Although—or so she frantically pondered—if this world did indeed exist inside of a [Maidé Ball], then it could be that her two would-be lovers had been summoned to battle—outside, in the real world!'

Thinking this, her gaze fell upon the strange black device on the small dresser she'd noticed earlier…

'Lorica-senpai had mentioned that this contraption can be used to see into the real world,' she recalled, viewing the object at all angles in search of a mana-activating rune, or other symbol of some kind; like what was used in the feng shui technology being developed back at the Cultivator capital.

Until, she found it: a set of small switches situated on an indented section of the back of the device. And after clicking them all, the screen of what was actually a [Flatscreen Television] thus flickered on.

Chunhua neatly sat onto a sofa set in front of it, eyes wide in surprise at the first image that came into view:

"Lorica-senpai, Cindy-senpai!" she exclaimed, uncontrollably blushing; the full depth of her feminine heat materializing in the form of a dreadful churning in her stomach, anxious whimpers and crossing of her legs at the sight of them. "My seniors."

The image that appeared of them, as seen through the eyes of another looking down at them, watching as Akira wedged in between the two with a beaming smile.

"Ladies, how's it been?"

Lorica giggled. "Master, is it time for us to fight already?" Her eyelids then half-closed, imparting a sensual gaze as she drew a finger along his chest. "Or, is it time to play…?"

"Work first, play later," Akira said, pinching her cheek. "There's some big meanies in our way, that we need you to kill."

"Well, it's a bit too soon to say their services will be NEEDED," Vash poked his head out from behind them saying, with a begrudging look. "I've just been given the go-ahead to use my magic, so a couple of bear guys, with probably axes and bows and junk, likely won't stand a chan—"

"Hear that, girls?" Akira cut in, pulling them close enough now so that their foreheads grazed against him. "Play time might come earlier than expected."

"Mm," Lorica stood on her tiptoes, to kiss him briefly on the lips. "I can't wait."

Throughout viewing all these proceedings, in seeing the girls wholeheartedly dispense with every ounce of their pride just from experiencing Akira's slightest touch, Chunhua was becoming more and more aroused; her twitching hand drifting closer to her crazily burning most sensitive spot.

'This is worse than any hex that has ever been cast upon me!' she thought. 'Even though I have mastered the [Supernatural Charm Resist Technique], it's completely useless against biological sources!'

Because, it had so dawned on her: that if Lorica and Cindy were her Lords and Masters…

That made [Maid Trainers] like gods.

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